Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/loco-translate/src/mvc/AdminRouter.php
<?php /** * Handles execution and rendering of HTML admin pages. */ class Loco_mvc_AdminRouter extends Loco_hooks_Hookable { /** * Current admin page controller * @var Loco_mvc_AdminController */ private $ctrl; /** * admin_menu action callback */ public function on_admin_menu() { // lowest capability required to see menu items is "loco_admin" // currently also the highest (and only) capability $cap = 'loco_admin'; $user = wp_get_current_user(); $super = is_super_admin( $user->ID ); // Ensure Loco permissions are set up for the first time, or nobody will have access at all if( ! get_role('translator') || ( $super && ! is_multisite() && ! $user->has_cap($cap) ) ){ Loco_data_Permissions::init(); $user->get_role_caps(); // <- rebuild } // rendering hook for all menu items $render = [ $this, 'renderPage' ]; // main loco pages, hooking only if has permission if( $user->has_cap($cap) ){ $label = __('Loco Translate','loco-translate'); // translators: Page title for plugin home screen $title = __('Loco, Translation Management','loco-translate'); add_menu_page( $title, $label, $cap, 'loco', $render, 'dashicons-translation' ); // alternative label for first menu item which gets repeated from top level add_submenu_page( 'loco', $title, __('Home','loco-translate'), $cap, 'loco', $render ); $label = __('Themes','loco-translate'); // translators: Page title for theme translations $title = __('Theme translations ‹ Loco','loco-translate'); add_submenu_page( 'loco', $title, $label, $cap, 'loco-theme', $render ); $label = __('Plugins', 'loco-translate'); // translators: Page title for plugin translations $title = __('Plugin translations ‹ Loco','loco-translate'); add_submenu_page( 'loco', $title, $label, $cap, 'loco-plugin', $render ); $label = __('WordPress', 'loco-translate'); // translators: Page title for core WordPress translations $title = __('Core translations ‹ Loco', 'loco-translate'); add_submenu_page( 'loco', $title, $label, $cap, 'loco-core', $render ); $label = __('Languages', 'loco-translate'); // translators: Page title for installed languages page $title = __('Languages ‹ Loco', 'loco-translate'); add_submenu_page( 'loco', $title, $label, $cap, 'loco-lang', $render ); // settings page only for users with manage_options permission in addition to Loco access: if( $user->has_cap('manage_options') ){ $title = __('Plugin settings','loco-translate'); add_submenu_page( 'loco', $title, __('Settings','loco-translate'), 'manage_options', 'loco-config', $render ); } // but all users need access to user preferences which require standard Loco access permission else { $title = __('User options','loco-translate'); add_submenu_page( 'loco', $title, __('Settings','loco-translate'), $cap, 'loco-config-user', $render ); } // string translation simulator if( loco_debugging() ){ $label = __('Debug', 'loco-translate'); add_submenu_page( 'loco', $label, $label, $cap, 'loco-debug', $render ); } } } /** * Early hook as soon as we know what screen will be rendered * @return void */ public function on_current_screen( WP_Screen $screen ){ $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : null; $this->initPage( $screen, $action ); } /** * Instantiate admin page controller from current screen. * This is called early (before renderPage) so controller can listen on other hooks. * * @param string $action * @return Loco_mvc_AdminController|null */ public function initPage( WP_Screen $screen, $action = '' ){ $class = null; $args = []; // suppress error display when establishing Loco page $page = self::screenToPage($screen); if( is_string($page) ){ $class = self::pageToClass( $page, $action, $args ); } if( is_null($class) ){ $this->ctrl = null; return null; } // class should exist, so throw fatal if it doesn't $this->ctrl = new $class; if( ! $this->ctrl instanceof Loco_mvc_AdminController ){ throw new Exception( $class.' must inherit Loco_mvc_AdminController'); } // transfer flash messages from session to admin notice buffer try { $session = Loco_data_Session::get(); while( $message = $session->flash('success') ){ Loco_error_AdminNotices::success( $message ); } } catch( Exception $e ){ Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( $e->getMessage() ); } // Initialise controller with query string + route arguments // note that $_GET is not being stripped of slashes added by WordPress. try { $this->ctrl->_init($_GET+$args); do_action('loco_admin_init', $this->ctrl ); } // catch errors during controller setup catch( Loco_error_Exception $e ){ $this->ctrl = new Loco_admin_ErrorController; // can't afford an error during an error try { $this->ctrl->_init( [ 'error' => $e ] ); } catch( Exception $_e ){ Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( $_e->getMessage() ); Loco_error_AdminNotices::add($e); } } // WP emoji replacement doesn't inherit .wp-exclude-emoji so we'd have to add it to hundreds of elements. remove_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'print_emoji_detection_script' ); return $this->ctrl; } /** * Convert WordPress internal WPScreen $id into route prefix for an admin page controller * @return string|null */ private static function screenToPage( WP_Screen $screen ){ // Hooked menu slug is either "toplevel_page_loco" or "{title}_page_loco-{page}" // Sanitized {title} prefix is not reliable as it may be localized. instead just checking for "_page_loco" $id = $screen->id; $start = strpos($id,'_page_loco'); // not one of our pages if token not found if( is_int($start) ){ $page = substr( $id, $start+11 ) or $page = ''; return $page; } return null; } /** * Get unvalidated controller class for given route parameters * Abstracted from initPage so we can validate routes in self::generate * @param string $page * @param string $action * @return string|null */ private static function pageToClass( $page, $action, array &$args ){ $routes = [ '' => 'Root', 'debug' => 'Debug', // site-wide plugin configurations 'config' => 'config_Settings', 'config-apis' => 'config_Apis', 'config-user' => 'config_Prefs', 'config-debug' => 'config_Debug', 'config-version' => 'config_Version', // bundle type listings 'theme' => 'list_Themes', 'plugin' => 'list_Plugins', 'core' => 'list_Core', 'lang' => 'list_Locales', // bundle level views '{type}-view' => 'bundle_View', '{type}-conf' => 'bundle_Conf', '{type}-setup' => 'bundle_Setup', 'lang-view' => 'bundle_Locale', // file initialization '{type}-msginit' => 'init_InitPo', '{type}-xgettext' => 'init_InitPot', '{type}-upload' => 'init_Upload', // file resource views '{type}-file-view' => 'file_View', '{type}-file-edit' => 'file_Edit', '{type}-file-info' => 'file_Info', '{type}-file-head' => 'file_Head', '{type}-file-diff' => 'file_Diff', '{type}-file-move' => 'file_Move', '{type}-file-delete' => 'file_Delete', // test routes that don't actually exist 'test-no-class' => 'test_NonExistentClass', ]; if( ! $page ){ $page = $action; } else if( $action ){ $page .= '-'. $action; } $args['_route'] = $page; // tokenize path arguments if( $page && preg_match('/^(plugin|theme|core)-/', $page, $r ) ){ $args['type'] = $r[1]; $page = substr_replace( $page, '{type}', 0, strlen($r[1]) ); } if( isset($routes[$page]) ){ return 'Loco_admin_'.$routes[$page].'Controller'; } // debug routing failures: // throw new Exception( sprintf('Failed to get page class from $page=%s',$page) ); return null; } /** * Main entry point for admin menu callback, establishes page and hands off to controller * @return void */ public function renderPage(){ try { // show deferred failure from initPage if( ! $this->ctrl ){ throw new Loco_error_Exception( __('Page not found','loco-translate') ); } // display loco admin page echo $this->ctrl->render(); } catch( Exception $e ){ $ctrl = new Loco_admin_ErrorController; try { $ctrl->_init( [] ); } catch( Exception $_e ){ // avoid errors during error rendering Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( $_e->getMessage() ); } echo $ctrl->renderError($e); } // ensure session always shutdown cleanly after render Loco_data_Session::close(); do_action('loco_admin_shutdown'); } /** * Generate a routable link to Loco admin page * @param string $route * @return string */ public static function generate( $route, array $args = [] ){ $url = null; $page = null; $action = null; // empty action targets plugin root if( ! $route || 'loco' === $route ){ $page = 'loco'; } // support direct usage of page hooks else if( 'loco-' === substr($route,0,5) && menu_page_url($route,false) ){ $page = $route; } // else split action into admin page (e.g. "loco-themes") and sub-action (e.g. "view-theme") else { $page = 'loco'; $path = explode( '-', $route ); if( $sub = array_shift($path) ){ $page .= '-'.$sub; if( $path ){ $action = implode('-',$path); } } } // sanitize extended route in debug mode only. useful in tests if( loco_debugging() ){ $tmp = []; $class = self::pageToClass( (string) substr($page,5), $action, $tmp ); if( ! $class ){ throw new UnexpectedValueException( sprintf('Invalid admin route: %s', json_encode($route) ) ); } else { class_exists($class,true); // <- autoloader will throw if not class found } } // if url found, it should contain the page if( $url ){ unset( $args['page'] ); } // else start with base URL else { $url = admin_url('admin.php'); $args['page'] = $page; } // add action if found if( $action ){ $args['action'] = $action; } // else ensure not set in args, as it's reserved else { unset( $args['action'] ); } // append all arguments to base URL if( $query = http_build_query($args) ){ $sep = false === strpos($url, '?') ? '?' : '&'; $url .= $sep.$query; } return $url; } }
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