{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/phpFreeChat http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/forums/phpFreeChat 2350272 http://www.phpfreechat.net/ 1.7 6 5 04-06-2013 4.1.7 phpFreeChat is a free, simple to install, fast, customizable and multi languages chat that uses a simple filesystem for message and nickname storage.

It uses AJAX to smoothly refresh (no flicker) and display the chat zone and the nickname zone. It supports multi-rooms (/join), private messages, moderation (/kick, /ban), customized themes based on CSS and plugins systems that allows you to write your own storage routines (ex: Mysql, IRC backends), and you own chat commands !

phpFreeChat is released under the GNU LGPL license.
Some of phpFreeChat major features include:
  • Simple
  • Fast
  • Customizable
  • Opensource
  • It doesn't require MySQL or any SQL database
  • Can write your own customized CSS stylesheets
  • Plugin system allows you to write your own storage routines