{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/phpBook http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/guestbooks/phpBook 621647 http://www.smartisoft.com 2.1.0 5 5 admin.php 4.1.7 phpBook is a PHP/MySQL guestbook program. Features: Nice interface; Fast and stable code; Language templates (english, german, italian, potuguese, french, dutch, swedish, chinese, japanese, danish, etc); Location templates (world, europe, belgium, etc); IP logging and banning; Browser logging; Pagebreak's; Smilie's database and help (over 90 included), etc.

phpBook is released under the GNU/GPL license.
-) Very nice Design ;-)
-) Fast, stable Code
-) Language Templates (english, german, italian, portuguese, french, dutch, danish, swedish, japanese, chinese, arabian, yug, greek, slovenian, czech, islandic, ...)
-) Location Templates (world, europe, belgium, sweden, danish, dutch, ...)
-) Floodprotect
-) IP-Logging & banning
-) Browser-Logging
-) Smilie's Database (over 90 included)
-) Smilie's Help
-) URL-Code
-) URL-Code Help
-) Message-Security-Conversation (no HTML)
-) Dirty Word Filter
-) Long Word Filter
-) Webmaster E-Mail Notify
-) Web-Admin-Panel (delete entries, config, ...)
-) Moderator-Function (add, edit, delete comment)
-) Systeminfo
-) DB-Install Script
is not compatible with PHP version 5.3+