'[[domhost]]', // mysql credentials 'db_host' => '[[softdbhost]]', 'db_port' => 3306, 'db_user' => '[[softdbuser]]', 'db_password' => '[[softdbpass]]', 'db_name' => '[[softdb]]', 'db_prefix' => '', // your site's full url 'app_url' => '[[softurl]]/', // language to use 'lang_code' => 'en', // error reporting 'ini_error_reporting' => E_ALL, 'ini_display_errors' => 'On', // environment setting 1 (use 'local' for localhost/testing OR 'online' for live, production environment) 'location' => 'local', // environment setting 2 (use 'dev' together with 'local' in the previous setting OR 'prod' with 'online') 'environment' => 'dev', //'apache_mod_rewrite', 'iis_url_rewrite' -microsoft URL Rewrite module, 'iis_isapi_rewrite' 'rewrite_mode' => 'apache_mod_rewrite' ); // live $__instances['live'] = array( 'prefix' => '[[domhost]]', 'db_host' => '[[softdbhost]]', 'db_port' => 3306, 'db_user' => '[[softdbuser]]', 'db_password' => '[[softdbpass]]', 'db_name' => '[[softdb]]', 'db_prefix' => '', 'app_url' => '[[softurl]]/', // language to use 'lang_code' => 'en', 'ini_error_reporting' => E_ALL, 'ini_display_errors' => 'Off', 'location' => 'online', 'environment' => 'prod', 'rewrite_mode' => 'apache_mod_rewrite' ); // http requests if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $_compare_to = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } // setup current instance foreach ($__instances as $__instance) { if (strstr($_compare_to, $__instance['prefix'])) { define('DB_HOST', $__instance['db_host']); define('DB_PORT', $__instance['db_port']); define('DB_USER', $__instance['db_user']); define('DB_PASS', $__instance['db_password']); define('DB_NAME', $__instance['db_name']); define('DB_PREFIX', $__instance['db_prefix']); // values kind of redundant, they indicate wether this is a live/production or dev/testing environment define('LOCATION', $__instance['location']); define('ENVIRONMENT', $__instance['environment']); $app_url = $__instance['app_url']; $indexOfLastSlash = strrpos($app_url, "/"); $expectedIndexOfLastSlash = strlen($app_url) - 1; // manually add an ending slash to the app_url if the user didn't specify it if ($indexOfLastSlash && $indexOfLastSlash != $expectedIndexOfLastSlash ) $app_url .= '/'; // base url of the app define('APP_URL', $app_url); define('REWRITE_MODE', $__instance['rewrite_mode']); // error reporting ini_set('error_reporting', $__instance['ini_error_reporting']); ini_set('display_errors', $__instance['ini_display_errors']); define('LANG_CODE', $__instance['lang_code']); break; } } if(!defined('DB_HOST')) { die('None of the configured JobberBase instances matched your request!
If you are an admin of this JobberBase installation, you may want to review the \'prefix\' values of the configured JobberBase instances in config.envs.php.'); } ?>