v_c@sdZyddlZWnek r5ddlZnXdefdYZddddZd Zdd Z dd Z ej d d kre Z ne Z dZ dZdS(s utility functions to handle differences in pysqlite versions These are from Wichert Akkerman 's python-dhm http://www.wiggy.net/code/python-dhm iNt TokenizeErrorcBseZdZRS(sTokenizer error class(t__name__t __module__t__doc__(((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/sqlutils.pyRss s"s\cCs|gddf\}}}}y,x%|rH|d|krCd}n|dkrl|d|krl|d}n|d|kr|dkr||d7}q;|j|d}x|d|kr|d}qWnk|d|kr|dkr|d}n||d7}|d}n'|dkr-|d}n||d7}|d}q$WWntk rftdnX|rytdn|dkr|j|n|S(sString tokenizer This function tokenizes a string while taking quotation and escaping into account. >>> import dhm.strtools >>> dhm.strtools.Tokenize("this is a test") ['this', 'is', 'a', 'test'] >>> dhm.strtools.Tokenize("this "is a" test") ['this', 'is a', 'test'] >>> dhm.strtools.Tokenize("this \"is\" a test") ['this', '"is"', 'a', 'test'] >>> dhm.strtools.Tokenize("this "is a test") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? File "/usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/dhm/strtools.py", line 80, in Tokenize raise TokenizeError, "Unexpected end of string in quoted text" dhm.strtools.TokenizeError: Unexecpted end of string in quoted text @param str: string to tokenize @type str: string @param whitespace: whitespace characters separating tokens @type whitespace: string @param quotes: legal quoting characters @type quotes: string @param escapes: characters which can escape quoting characters @type escapes: string @return: list of tokens @rtype: sequence of strings iisUnexpected end of strings'Unexpected end of string in quoted textN(tNonetappendt IndexErrorR(tstrt whitespacetquotestescapestbufferttokenstcurtokentquote((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/sqlutils.pytTokenizes<              c Cst|dd}g}d}x|D]}|jdr`|j|d d||d7}q%|jds~|jdr|d d|}||d7}|j||d7}q%|j|q%Wi}d}x&|D]}||d |<|d7}qWd j||fS( sConvert from qmark to pyformat parameter style. The python DB-API 2.0 specifies four different possible parameter styles that can be used by drivers. This function converts from the qmark style to pyformat style. @param query: SQL query to transform @type query: string @param params: arguments to query @type params: sequence of strings @return: converted query and parameters @rtype: tuple with the new command and a dictionary of arguments R t'it?is %%(param%d)ss?,s?)isparam%dt (RtendswithRtjoin( tquerytparamsR toutputtcountttokentntokentdicttparam((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/sqlutils.pytQmarkToPyformatgs&     cCsJ|dkr|j|S|j}t||\}}|j||S(s Execute a python < 2.5 (external sqlite module) style query. @param cursor: A sqlite cursor @param query: The query to execute @param params: An optional list of parameters to the query N(RtexecutetstripR(tcursorRRtqtp((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/sqlutils.pytexecuteSQLPyFormats    cCs)|dkr|j|S|j||S(s Execute a python 2.5 (sqlite3) style query. @param cursor: A sqlite cursor @param query: The query to execute @param params: An optional list of parameters to the query N(RR(R RR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/sqlutils.pytexecuteSQLQmarks  iicCsgd}d|ksd|kr]d}|jdd}|jdd}|jdd}n||fS( s< Apply SQLite escaping, if needed. Returns pattern and esc. tt_t%s ESCAPE "!"t!s!!s!%s!_(treplace(tpatterntesc((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/sqlutils.pytsql_escscCstg}xg|D]_}d|kr#gSt|\}}|jdd}|jdd}|j||fq W|S(sZ Converts patterns to SQL LIKE format, if required (or gives up if not possible). t[t*R'RR&(R,R)R(tpatternstretR*R+((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/sqlutils.pyt sql_esc_globs  (Rtsqlite3tsqlitet ImportErrort ExceptionRRRRR#R$t version_infot executeSQLR,R1(((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/sqlutils.pyts H &