"""passlib.crypto._blowfish._gen_files - meta script that generates unrolled.py""" #============================================================================= # imports #============================================================================= # core import os import textwrap # pkg from passlib.utils.compat import irange # local #============================================================================= # helpers #============================================================================= def varlist(name, count): return ", ".join(name + str(x) for x in irange(count)) def indent_block(block, padding): """ident block of text""" lines = block.split("\n") return "\n".join( padding + line if line else "" for line in lines ) BFSTR = """\ ((((S0[l >> 24] + S1[(l >> 16) & 0xff]) ^ S2[(l >> 8) & 0xff]) + S3[l & 0xff]) & 0xffffffff) """.strip() def render_encipher(write, indent=0): for i in irange(0, 15, 2): write(indent, """\ # Feistel substitution on left word (round %(i)d) r ^= %(left)s ^ p%(i1)d # Feistel substitution on right word (round %(i1)d) l ^= %(right)s ^ p%(i2)d """, i=i, i1=i+1, i2=i+2, left=BFSTR, right=BFSTR.replace("l","r"), ) def write_encipher_function(write, indent=0): write(indent, """\ def encipher(self, l, r): \"""blowfish encipher a single 64-bit block encoded as two 32-bit ints\""" (p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p17) = self.P S0, S1, S2, S3 = self.S l ^= p0 """) render_encipher(write, indent+1) write(indent+1, """\ return r ^ p17, l """) def write_expand_function(write, indent=0): write(indent, """\ def expand(self, key_words): \"""unrolled version of blowfish key expansion\""" ##assert len(key_words) >= 18, "size of key_words must be >= 18" P, S = self.P, self.S S0, S1, S2, S3 = S #============================================================= # integrate key #============================================================= """) for i in irange(18): write(indent+1, """\ p%(i)d = P[%(i)d] ^ key_words[%(i)d] """, i=i) write(indent+1, """\ #============================================================= # update P #============================================================= #------------------------------------------------ # update P[0] and P[1] #------------------------------------------------ l, r = p0, 0 """) render_encipher(write, indent+1) write(indent+1, """\ p0, p1 = l, r = r ^ p17, l """) for i in irange(2, 18, 2): write(indent+1, """\ #------------------------------------------------ # update P[%(i)d] and P[%(i1)d] #------------------------------------------------ l ^= p0 """, i=i, i1=i+1) render_encipher(write, indent+1) write(indent+1, """\ p%(i)d, p%(i1)d = l, r = r ^ p17, l """, i=i, i1=i+1) write(indent+1, """\ #------------------------------------------------ # save changes to original P array #------------------------------------------------ P[:] = (p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p17) #============================================================= # update S #============================================================= for box in S: j = 0 while j < 256: l ^= p0 """) render_encipher(write, indent+3) write(indent+3, """\ box[j], box[j+1] = l, r = r ^ p17, l j += 2 """) #============================================================================= # main #============================================================================= def main(): target = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "unrolled.py") fh = file(target, "w") def write(indent, msg, **kwds): literal = kwds.pop("literal", False) if kwds: msg %= kwds if not literal: msg = textwrap.dedent(msg.rstrip(" ")) if indent: msg = indent_block(msg, " " * (indent*4)) fh.write(msg) write(0, """\ \"""passlib.crypto._blowfish.unrolled - unrolled loop implementation of bcrypt, autogenerated by _gen_files.py currently this override the encipher() and expand() methods with optimized versions, and leaves the other base.py methods alone. \""" #================================================================= # imports #================================================================= # pkg from passlib.crypto._blowfish.base import BlowfishEngine as _BlowfishEngine # local __all__ = [ "BlowfishEngine", ] #================================================================= # #================================================================= class BlowfishEngine(_BlowfishEngine): """) write_encipher_function(write, indent=1) write_expand_function(write, indent=1) write(0, """\ #================================================================= # eoc #================================================================= #================================================================= # eof #================================================================= """) if __name__ == "__main__": main() #============================================================================= # eof #=============================================================================