"""passlib.crypto._blowfish - pure-python eks-blowfish implementation for bcrypt This is a pure-python implementation of the EKS-Blowfish algorithm described by Provos and Mazieres in `A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme `_. This package contains two submodules: * ``_blowfish/base.py`` contains a class implementing the eks-blowfish algorithm using easy-to-examine code. * ``_blowfish/unrolled.py`` contains a subclass which replaces some methods of the original class with sped-up versions, mainly using unrolled loops and local variables. this is the class which is actually used by Passlib to perform BCrypt in pure python. This module is auto-generated by a script, ``_blowfish/_gen_files.py``. Status ------ This implementation is usable, but is an order of magnitude too slow to be usable with real security. For "ok" security, BCrypt hashes should have at least 2**11 rounds (as of 2011). Assuming a desired response time <= 100ms, this means a BCrypt implementation should get at least 20 rounds/ms in order to be both usable *and* secure. On a 2 ghz cpu, this implementation gets roughly 0.09 rounds/ms under CPython (220x too slow), and 1.9 rounds/ms under PyPy (10x too slow). History ------- While subsequently modified considerly for Passlib, this code was originally based on `jBcrypt 0.2 `_, which was released under the BSD license:: Copyright (c) 2006 Damien Miller Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. """ #============================================================================= # imports #============================================================================= # core from itertools import chain import struct # pkg from passlib.utils import getrandbytes, rng from passlib.utils.binary import bcrypt64 from passlib.utils.compat import BytesIO, unicode, u, native_string_types from passlib.crypto._blowfish.unrolled import BlowfishEngine # local __all__ = [ 'BlowfishEngine', 'raw_bcrypt', ] #============================================================================= # bcrypt constants #============================================================================= # bcrypt constant data "OrpheanBeholderScryDoubt" as 6 integers BCRYPT_CDATA = [ 0x4f727068, 0x65616e42, 0x65686f6c, 0x64657253, 0x63727944, 0x6f756274 ] # struct used to encode ciphertext as digest (last output byte discarded) digest_struct = struct.Struct(">6I") #============================================================================= # base bcrypt helper # # interface designed only for use by passlib.handlers.bcrypt:BCrypt # probably not suitable for other purposes #============================================================================= BNULL = b'\x00' def raw_bcrypt(password, ident, salt, log_rounds): """perform central password hashing step in bcrypt scheme. :param password: the password to hash :param ident: identifier w/ minor version (e.g. 2, 2a) :param salt: the binary salt to use (encoded in bcrypt-base64) :param log_rounds: the log2 of the number of rounds (as int) :returns: bcrypt-base64 encoded checksum """ #=================================================================== # parse inputs #=================================================================== # parse ident assert isinstance(ident, native_string_types) add_null_padding = True if ident == u('2a') or ident == u('2y') or ident == u('2b'): pass elif ident == u('2'): add_null_padding = False elif ident == u('2x'): raise ValueError("crypt_blowfish's buggy '2x' hashes are not " "currently supported") else: raise ValueError("unknown ident: %r" % (ident,)) # decode & validate salt assert isinstance(salt, bytes) salt = bcrypt64.decode_bytes(salt) if len(salt) < 16: raise ValueError("Missing salt bytes") elif len(salt) > 16: salt = salt[:16] # prepare password assert isinstance(password, bytes) if add_null_padding: password += BNULL # validate rounds if log_rounds < 4 or log_rounds > 31: raise ValueError("Bad number of rounds") #=================================================================== # # run EKS-Blowfish algorithm # # This uses the "enhanced key schedule" step described by # Provos and Mazieres in "A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme" # http://www.openbsd.org/papers/bcrypt-paper.ps # #=================================================================== engine = BlowfishEngine() # convert password & salt into list of 18 32-bit integers (72 bytes total). pass_words = engine.key_to_words(password) salt_words = engine.key_to_words(salt) # truncate salt_words to original 16 byte salt, or loop won't wrap # correctly when passed to .eks_salted_expand() salt_words16 = salt_words[:4] # do EKS key schedule setup engine.eks_salted_expand(pass_words, salt_words16) # apply password & salt keys to key schedule a bunch more times. rounds = 1<