Xc@sddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZddlmZddlZddl m Z ddl m Z de fdYZ dS(iN(tArgtMutuallyExclusiveArgList(t ArgumentError(tb64encoded_file_contents(t S3Requestt PostObjectcBsUeZdZd.Zeddddd.ddeddddd.dd eed dd dd d ejddeddd ddd e ddj edddde ddeddddde ddddedddde j de j edde j dd/dd'ed(dd)de j dd*gZd+Zd,Zd-ZRS(0sUpload an object to the server using an upload policy Note that uploading a large file to a region other than the one the bucket is may result in "Broken pipe" errors or other connection problems that this program cannot detect.tsourcetmetavartFILEtroute_tothelpsfile to upload (required)tdests BUCKET/KEYs6bucket and key name to upload the object to (required)s--policytPolicytPOLICYttypes&upload policy to use for authorizations --policy-filesNfile containing the upload policy to use for authorizations--policy-signaturet Signaturetrequireds*signature for the upload policy (required)s-Is--access-key-idtAWSAccessKeyIdtKEY_IDsMID of the access key that signed the upload policy (required)s--security-tokensx-amz-security-tokentdefaults--acltchoicestprivates public-readspublic-read-writesauthenticated-readsbucket-owner-readsbucket-owner-full-controls aws-exec-readsec2-bundle-readsthe ACL the object should have once uploaded. Take care to ensure this satisfies any restrictions the upload policy may contain.s --mime-types Content-Types%MIME type for the file being uploadedtPOSTcCstj||jddkr3tj|jd   (R4R1RtrequestbuilderRRtrequestbuilder.exceptionsRR teuca2ools.commands.argtypesRteuca2ools.commands.s3RR(((sD/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/euca2ools/commands/s3/postobject.pyts