oB]c @s dZddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZm Z ddl m Z ddl m Z ddlmZd gZe ZejeZi d d 6d d 6dd6edd6ed6edededgd6e d6dd6iidd6iiddgd6idd6d6ed6dd6dd 6ed!6d"6iddgd6iidd6idd6d6idd6gd#6d6ed6dd6dd 6d$6id%d6d&6d'6ed(6gd)6dd 6d*6d'6ZeeZd*Zd+Zd,Zd-Zd.Zd/ZdS(0s<Snap: Install, configure and manage snapd and snap packages.iN(tdedent(tlog(tget_schema_doctvalidate_cloudconfig_schema(t PER_INSTANCE(tprepend_base_command(tutiltubuntutcc_snaptidtSnaptnames5Install, configure and manage snapd and snap packagesttitles, This module provides a simple configuration namespace in cloud-init to both setup snapd and install snaps. .. note:: Both ``assertions`` and ``commands`` values can be either a dictionary or a list. If these configs are provided as a dictionary, the keys are only used to order the execution of the assertions or commands and the dictionary is merged with any vendor-data snap configuration provided. If a list is provided by the user instead of a dict, any vendor-data snap configuration is ignored. The ``assertions`` configuration option is a dictionary or list of properly-signed snap assertions which will run before any snap ``commands``. They will be added to snapd's assertion database by invoking ``snap ack ``. Snap ``commands`` is a dictionary or list of individual snap commands to run on the target system. These commands can be used to create snap users, install snaps and provide snap configuration. .. note:: If 'side-loading' private/unpublished snaps on an instance, it is best to create a snap seed directory and seed.yaml manifest in **/var/lib/snapd/seed/** which snapd automatically installs on startup. **Development only**: The ``squashfuse_in_container`` boolean can be set true to install squashfuse package when in a container to enable snap installs. Default is false. t descriptiontdistrosst snap: assertions: 00: | signed_assertion_blob_here 02: | signed_assertion_blob_here commands: 00: snap create-user --sudoer --known @mydomain.com 01: snap install canonical-livepatch 02: canonical-livepatch enable s # LXC-based containers require squashfuse before snaps can be installed snap: commands: 00: apt-get install squashfuse -y 11: snap install emoj s # Convenience: the snap command can be omitted when specifying commands # as a list and 'snap' will automatically be prepended. # The following commands are equivalent: snap: commands: 00: ['install', 'vlc'] 01: ['snap', 'install', 'vlc'] 02: snap install vlc 03: 'snap install vlc' texamplest frequencytobjectttypetarraytstringtitemstadditionalItemsitminItemst minPropertiest uniqueItemst assertionstoneOftcommandstbooleantsquashfuse_in_containert propertiestadditionalPropertiestrequiredtsnaps(/var/lib/cloud/instance/snapd.assertionscCs|s dStjdt|tr5|j}n*t|ts_tdjd|ntdg}dj |}x.|D]&}tjd|j ddd !qWt j t |jd t j|t gd tdS( sImport list of assertions. Import assertions by concatenating each assertion into a string separated by a ' '. Write this string to a instance file and then invoke `snap ack /path/to/file` and check for errors. If snap exits 0, then all assertions are imported. Ns'Importing user-provided snap assertionss8assertion parameter was not a list or dict: {assertions}Rtacks sSnap acking: %siisutf-8tcapture(tLOGtdebugt isinstancetdicttvaluestlistt TypeErrortformattSNAP_CMDtjointsplitRt write_filetASSERTIONS_FILEtencodetsubptTrue(Rtsnap_cmdtcombinedtasrt((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_snap.pytadd_assertionss    $c Cs=|s dStjdt|trTgt|jD]\}}|^q9}n*t|ts~tdjd|nt d|}g}xl|D]d}t|t }y#t j |d|dt jjWqt jk r}|jt |qXqW|r9djd |}t jt|t|ndS( sMRun the provided commands provided in snap:commands configuration. Commands are run individually. Any errors are collected and reported after attempting all commands. @param commands: A list or dict containing commands to run. Keys of a dict will be used to order the commands provided as dict values. Ns#Running user-provided snap commandss5commands parameter was not a list or dict: {commands}RR"tshellt status_cbs.Failures running snap commands: {cmd_failures}t cmd_failures(R%R&R'R(tsortedRR*R+R,RtstrRR3tsyststderrtwritetProcessExecutionErrortappendtlogexct RuntimeError( Rt_tvtfixed_snap_commandsR;tcommandR9tetmsg((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_snap.pyt run_commandss,  .  #  cCstjsdSy|jjWn$tk rGtjtdnXy|jjdgWn$tk rtjtdnXdS(s,Install squashfuse if we are in a container.NsPackage update failedt squashfusesFailed to install squashfuse(Rt is_containertdistrotupdate_package_sourcest ExceptionRCR%tinstall_packages(tcloud((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_snap.pytmaybe_install_squashfuses   cCs|jdi}|s,tjd|dSt|ttj|jdtrat|nt |jdgt |jdgdS(NR"s8Skipping module named %s, no 'snap' key in configurationRRR( tgetR%R&RtschemaRtis_truetFalseRSR8RK(R tcfgRRRtargstcfgin((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_snap.pythandles   (t__doc__R>ttextwrapRt cloudinitRtloggingtcloudinit.config.schemaRRtcloudinit.settingsRtcloudinit.subpRRRRt getLoggert__name__R%RWR4RUR-R1R8RKRSR[(((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_snap.pytsl            %