3 \n @sZdZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZmZm Z m Z m Z Gdddej Z dS) a[Fixer for 'raise E, V, T' raise -> raise raise E -> raise E raise E, V -> raise E(V) raise E, V, T -> raise E(V).with_traceback(T) raise E, None, T -> raise E.with_traceback(T) raise (((E, E'), E''), E'''), V -> raise E(V) raise "foo", V, T -> warns about string exceptions CAVEATS: 1) "raise E, V" will be incorrectly translated if V is an exception instance. The correct Python 3 idiom is raise E from V but since we can't detect instance-hood by syntax alone and since any client code would have to be changed as well, we don't automate this. )pytree)token) fixer_base)NameCallAttrArgListis_tuplec@seZdZdZdZddZdS)FixRaiseTzB raise_stmt< 'raise' exc=any [',' val=any [',' tb=any]] > c Csl|j}|dj}|jtjkr2d}|j||dSt|rbx t|rZ|jdjdj}qDsz&FixRaise.transform..tbNonewith_traceback)prefix)symsrtyperSTRINGZcannot_convertr ZchildrenrrZNodeZ raise_stmtrNAMEvaluerrrZ simple_stmt) selfZnoderesultsrr msgnewrargsreZwith_tbrrr transform&s@        zFixRaise.transformN)__name__ __module__ __qualname__Z BM_compatibleZPATTERNr(rrrrr sr N)__doc__rrZpgen2rrZ fixer_utilrrrrr ZBaseFixr rrrrs