nfc@sdZddlZddlZddlZyddlZWnek rSdZnXdgZdZdZ dZ ej dkrej Z n ejZ dZd Zd Zddd YZd d e e d Zd d e e e dZddZedkrejendS(s Tool for measuring execution time of small code snippets. This module avoids a number of common traps for measuring execution times. See also Tim Peters' introduction to the Algorithms chapter in the Python Cookbook, published by O'Reilly. Library usage: see the Timer class. Command line usage: python [-n N] [-r N] [-s S] [-t] [-c] [-h] [--] [statement] Options: -n/--number N: how many times to execute 'statement' (default: see below) -r/--repeat N: how many times to repeat the timer (default 3) -s/--setup S: statement to be executed once initially (default 'pass') -t/--time: use time.time() (default on Unix) -c/--clock: use time.clock() (default on Windows) -v/--verbose: print raw timing results; repeat for more digits precision -h/--help: print this usage message and exit --: separate options from statement, use when statement starts with - statement: statement to be timed (default 'pass') A multi-line statement may be given by specifying each line as a separate argument; indented lines are possible by enclosing an argument in quotes and using leading spaces. Multiple -s options are treated similarly. If -n is not given, a suitable number of loops is calculated by trying successive powers of 10 until the total time is at least 0.2 seconds. The difference in default timer function is because on Windows, clock() has microsecond granularity but time()'s granularity is 1/60th of a second; on Unix, clock() has 1/100th of a second granularity and time() is much more precise. On either platform, the default timer functions measure wall clock time, not the CPU time. This means that other processes running on the same computer may interfere with the timing. The best thing to do when accurate timing is necessary is to repeat the timing a few times and use the best time. The -r option is good for this; the default of 3 repetitions is probably enough in most cases. On Unix, you can use clock() to measure CPU time. Note: there is a certain baseline overhead associated with executing a pass statement. The code here doesn't try to hide it, but you should be aware of it. The baseline overhead can be measured by invoking the program without arguments. The baseline overhead differs between Python versions! Also, to fairly compare older Python versions to Python 2.3, you may want to use python -O for the older versions to avoid timing SET_LINENO instructions. iNtTimers i@Bitwin32s def inner(_it, _timer): %(setup)s _t0 = _timer() for _i in _it: %(stmt)s _t1 = _timer() return _t1 - _t0 cCs|jddd|S(s*Helper to reindent a multi-line statement.s t (treplace(tsrctindent((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/timeit.pytreindentZscs|fd}|S(s?Create a timer function. Used if the "statement" is a callable.cs9|}x|D] }|qW|}||S(N((t_itt_timert_funct_t0t_it_t1(tsetup(s/usr/lib64/python2.7/timeit.pytinner`s     ((R tfuncR((R s/usr/lib64/python2.7/timeit.pyt_template_func^scBsGeZdZddedZddZedZe edZ RS(sIClass for timing execution speed of small code snippets. The constructor takes a statement to be timed, an additional statement used for setup, and a timer function. Both statements default to 'pass'; the timer function is platform-dependent (see module doc string). To measure the execution time of the first statement, use the timeit() method. The repeat() method is a convenience to call timeit() multiple times and return a list of results. The statements may contain newlines, as long as they don't contain multi-line string literals. tpasscsc||_ie|ere|d}e|erfe|d}ei|d6|d6}n@e|drei|d6dd6}|dedne |||_ n ed d S(s#Constructor. See class doc string.iitstmtR t__call__s_setup()t_setups&setup is neither a string nor callabletexecRcseUdS(N(tglobals((Rtns(s/usr/lib64/python2.7/timeit.pyR ss%stmt is neither a string nor callableN(ttimert isinstancet basestringRttemplatethasattrt ValueErrorRtcompiletdummy_src_nameRRtNoneR(tselfRR RRtcode((RRs/usr/lib64/python2.7/timeit.pyt__init__ys0      cCslddl}ddl}|jdk rXt|jd|jjdtf|jt %.*g secsg?s raw times:Rs%.*gs %d loops,g.Aisbest of %d: %.*g usec per loopsbest of %d: %.*g msec per loopsbest of %d: %.*g sec per loop(s-ns--number(s-ss--setup(s-rs--repeat(s-ts--time(s-cs--clock(s-vs --verbose(s-hs--help(R tsystargvtgetoptterrorR>tjoinR@tintR7RARBR=tostpathtinserttcurdirRR6R5R*R,tmin(targsRGtoptsterrRRR1R R,RCt precisiontotaRKR:R9txR8tbesttusectmsectsec((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/timeit.pytmains                          2    t__main__((R=R-RERAR+t ImportErrorR t__all__RR?R@tplatformRBR>RRRRR5R,R[R;texit(((s/usr/lib64/python2.7/timeit.pyt5s2          z    \