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Got answer:?%u;; flags: qr aa tc rd ra ad cd; MBZ: 0x4dns_message_sectiontotextdns_message_firstnamedns_message_nextnamedns_rdata_tofmttext%.*sinvalid %s '%s': %s reverse_octetsappendmdig: can't find IPv4 networkingcan't find IPv6 networking46himvport numberparse_uint(srcport)invalid address %sdns_rdataclass_fromtextparse_uint(port) option: -%s server already set to @%s=aaonlyaaflagadditionaladflagallanswerauthoritybesteffortbufsizebuffer sizeparse_uint(buffer size)cdflagclcontinuecookieCOOKIE data too largecryptodnssecdscpDSCPparse_uint(DSCP)ednsparse_uint(edns)ednsflagsparse_xint(ednsflags)ednsopttoo many ednsoptsbad edns code point: %sout of memoryisc_hex_decodestringexpiremultilinensidquestionrecurseretryudpretriesparse_uint(udpretries)rrcommentsshortsplitparse_uint(split)subnetinvalid prefix '%s' invalid address '%s'.0tcpparse_uint(timeout)ttlttlidttlunitsudptimeoutparse_uint(udptimeout)unknownformatvczflagInvalid option: +%s couldn't open batch file '%s' ;; Invalid option %s nodns_name_fromtextdns_message_gettempnamedns_message_gettemprdatasetdns_message_buildoptdns_message_setoptdns_request_createvia4(isc_app_start()) == 0only one of -4 and -6 alloweda server '@xxx' is required_testNOERRORFORMERRSERVFAILNXDOMAINNOTIMPREFUSEDYXDOMAINYXRRSETNXRRSETNOTAUTHNOTZONERESERVED11RESERVED12RESERVED13RESERVED14RESERVED15BADVERSIQUERYSTATUSRESERVED3NOTIFYUPDATERESERVED6RESERVED7RESERVED8RESERVED9RESERVED10;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: %s, status: %s, id: %u ; QUERY: %u, ANSWER: %u, AUTHORITY: %u, ADDITIONAL: %u ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not availabledns_message_pseudosectiontotextisc_buffer_reserve(&_tmp, _length) == ISC_R_SUCCESSisc_buffer_availablelength(buf) >= _lengthUsage: mdig @server {global-opt} host {local-opt} [ host {local-opt} [...]] Use "mdig -h" (or "mdig -h | more") for complete list of options memory allocation failure in %s:%dWhere: anywhere opt is one of: -f filename (batch mode) -h (print help and exit) -v (print version and exit) global opt is one of: -4 (use IPv4 query transport only) -6 (use IPv6 query transport only) -b address[#port] (bind to source address/port) -p port (specify port number) -m (enable memory usage debugging) +[no]dscp[=###] (Set the DSCP value to ### [0..63]) +[no]vc (TCP mode) +[no]tcp (TCP mode, alternate syntax) +[no]besteffort (Try to parse even illegal messages) +[no]cl (Control display of class in records) +[no]comments (Control display of comment lines) +[no]rrcomments (Control display of per-record comments) +[no]crypto (Control display of cryptographic fields in records) +[no]question (Control display of question) +[no]answer (Control display of answer) +[no]authority (Control display of authority) +[no]additional (Control display of additional) +[no]short (Disable everything except short form of answer) +[no]ttlid (Control display of ttls in records) +[no]ttlunits (Display TTLs in human-readable units) +[no]unknownformat (Print RDATA in RFC 3597 "unknown" format) +[no]all (Set or clear all display flags) +[no]multiline (Print records in an expanded format) +[no]split=## (Split hex/base64 fields into chunks) local opt is one of: -c class (specify query class) -t type (specify query type) -i (use IP6.INT for IPv6 reverse lookups) -x dot-notation (shortcut for reverse lookups) +timeout=### (Set query timeout) [UDP=5,TCP=10] +udptimeout=### (Set timeout before UDP retry) +tries=### (Set number of UDP attempts) [3] +retry=### (Set number of UDP retries) [2] +bufsize=### (Set EDNS0 Max UDP packet size) +subnet=addr (Set edns-client-subnet option) +[no]edns[=###] (Set EDNS version) [0] +ednsflags=### (Set EDNS flag bits) +ednsopt=###[:value] (Send specified EDNS option) +noednsopt (Clear list of +ednsopt options) +[no]recurse (Recursive mode) +[no]aaonly (Set AA flag in query (+[no]aaflag)) +[no]adflag (Set AD flag in query) +[no]cdflag (Set CD flag in query) +[no]zflag (Set Z flag in query) +[no]dnssec (Request DNSSEC records) +[no]expire (Request time to expire) +[no]cookie[=###] (Send a COOKIE option) +[no]nsid (Request Name Server ID) mDiG 9.11.4-P2-RedHat-9.11.4-26.P2.el7_9.16.tuxcare.els4 Ignored late global option: -%s ednsopt no code point specified;; Warning, split must be a multiple of 4; adjusting to %u invalid prefix length in '%s': %s Ignored late global option: +%s isc_buffer_reserve(&_tmp, (unsigned)addrl) == ISC_R_SUCCESSisc_buffer_availablelength(&b) >= (unsigned int) (unsigned)addrlcould not find either IPv4 or IPv6(isc_mem_create(0, 0, &mctx)) == 0(isc_log_create(mctx, &lctx, &lcfg)) == 0(isc_entropy_create(mctx, &ectx)) == 0(isc_hash_create(mctx, ectx, 255)) == 0(isc_entropy_getdata(ectx, cookie_secret, sizeof(cookie_secret), ((void *)0), 0)) == 0(dst_lib_init(mctx, ectx, 0x00000001U)) == 0couldn't get address for '%s': %scan't choose between IPv4 and IPv6(isc_taskmgr_create(mctx, 1, 0, &taskmgr)) == 0(isc_task_create(taskmgr, 0, &task)) == 0(isc_timermgr_create(mctx, &timermgr)) == 0(isc_socketmgr_create(mctx, &socketmgr)) == 0(dns_dispatchmgr_create(mctx, ectx, &dispatchmgr)) == 0(dns_dispatch_getudp(dispatchmgr, socketmgr, taskmgr, have_src ? &srcaddr : &bind_any, 4096, 100, 100, 17, 19, attrs, attrmask, &dispatchvx)) == 0(dns_requestmgr_create(mctx, timermgr, socketmgr, taskmgr, dispatchmgr, have_ipv4 ? dispatchvx : ((void *)0), have_ipv6 ? dispatchvx : ((void *)0), &requestmgr)) == 0(dns_view_create(mctx, 0, "_test", &view)) == 0(isc_app_onrun(mctx, task, sendqueries, query)) == 0ڹԺԺԺԺԺԺԺԺԺԺԺԺԺԺQԺԺԺv2GGGGGGGGG1us,>GGGaw;XȱHhxȳ8X((zRx *zRx $`FJ w?;*3$"LD; 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