loggers/base.php000064400000004520147207307600007640 0ustar00create_item( $item, $type, $args ); } $this->save_log( $item ); } public function info( $message, $args = [] ) { $this->log( $message, self::LEVEL_INFO, $args ); } public function notice( $message, $args = [] ) { $this->log( $message, self::LEVEL_NOTICE, $args ); } public function warning( $message, $args = [] ) { $this->log( $message, self::LEVEL_WARNING, $args ); } public function error( $message, $args = [] ) { $this->log( $message, self::LEVEL_ERROR, $args ); } /** * @param string $message * @param string $type * @param array $args * * @return Log_Item_Interface */ private function create_item( $message, $type, $args = [] ) { $args['message'] = $message; $args['type'] = $type; $item = new Log_Item( $args ); return $item; } public function get_formatted_log_entries( $max_entries, $table = true ) { $entries = $this->get_log(); if ( empty( $entries ) ) { return [ 'All' => [ 'total_count' => 0, 'count' => 0, 'entries' => '', ], ]; } $sorted_entries = []; $open_tag = $table ? '' : ''; $close_tab = $table ? '' : PHP_EOL; $format = $table ? 'html' : 'raw'; foreach ( $entries as $entry ) { /** @var Log_Item $entry */ $sorted_entries[ $entry->get_name() ][] = $open_tag . $entry->format( $format ) . $close_tab; } $formatted_entries = []; foreach ( $sorted_entries as $key => $sorted_entry ) { $formatted_entries[ $key ]['total_count'] = count( $sorted_entry ); $formatted_entries[ $key ]['count'] = count( $sorted_entry ); $sorted_entry = array_slice( $sorted_entry, -$max_entries ); $formatted_entries[ $key ]['count'] = count( $sorted_entry ); $formatted_entries[ $key ]['entries'] = implode( $sorted_entry ); } return $formatted_entries; } } loggers/db.php000064400000002006147207307600007310 0ustar00maybe_truncate_log(); $id = $item->get_fingerprint(); if ( empty( $log[ $id ] ) ) { $log[ $id ] = $item; } $log[ $id ]->increase_times( $item ); update_option( self::LOG_NAME, $log, 'no' ); } public function clear() { delete_option( self::LOG_NAME ); } private function maybe_truncate_log() { /** @var Log_Item[] $log */ $log = $this->get_log(); if ( Log_Item::MAX_LOG_ENTRIES < count( $log ) ) { $log = array_slice( $log, -Log_Item::MAX_LOG_ENTRIES ); } return $log; } public function get_log() { // Clear cache. wp_cache_delete( self::LOG_NAME, 'options' ); $log = get_option( self::LOG_NAME, [] ); // In case the DB log is corrupted. if ( ! is_array( $log ) ) { $log = []; } return $log; } } loggers/logger-interface.php000064400000002364147207307600012147 0ustar00 in format * * @return array [ 'key' => [ 'total_count' => int, 'count' => int, 'entries' => Log_Item[] ] ] */ public function get_formatted_log_entries( $max_entries, $table = true ); } log-reporter.php000064400000006005147207307600007705 0ustar00 '', ]; } public function print_html_label( $log_label ) { $title = $this->get_title(); if ( empty( $_GET[ self::CLEAR_LOG_ACTION ] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore -- nonce validation is not require here. $nonce = wp_create_nonce( self::CLEAR_LOG_ACTION ); $url = add_query_arg( [ self::CLEAR_LOG_ACTION => 1, '_wpnonce' => $nonce, ] ); $title .= '' . esc_html__( 'Clear Log', 'elementor' ) . ''; $title .= ''; } parent::print_html_label( $title ); } public function get_log_entries() { /** @var \Elementor\Core\Logger\Manager $manager */ $manager = Manager::instance(); /** @var \Elementor\Core\Logger\Loggers\Db $logger */ $logger = $manager->get_logger( 'db' ); if ( ! empty( $_GET[ self::CLEAR_LOG_ACTION ] ) ) { $nonce = Utils::get_super_global_value( $_GET, '_wpnonce' ); if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, self::CLEAR_LOG_ACTION ) ) { wp_die( 'Invalid Nonce', 'Invalid Nonce', [ 'back_link' => true, ] ); } $logger->clear(); } $log_string = 'No entries to display'; $log_entries = $logger->get_formatted_log_entries( self::MAX_ENTRIES, false ); if ( ! empty( $log_entries ) ) { $entries_string = ''; foreach ( $log_entries as $key => $log_entry ) { if ( $log_entry['count'] ) { $entries_string .= '

' . sprintf( '%s: showing %s of %s', $key, $log_entry['count'], $log_entry['total_count'] ) . '

'; $entries_string .= '
' . $log_entry['entries'] . '
'; } } if ( ! empty( $entries_string ) ) { $log_string = $entries_string; } } return [ 'value' => $log_string, ]; } public function get_raw_log_entries() { $log_string = 'No entries to display'; /** @var \Elementor\Core\Logger\Manager $manager */ $manager = Manager::instance(); $logger = $manager->get_logger(); $log_entries = $logger->get_formatted_log_entries( self::MAX_ENTRIES, false ); if ( ! empty( $log_entries ) ) { $entries_string = PHP_EOL; foreach ( $log_entries as $key => $log_entry ) { if ( $log_entry['count'] ) { $entries_string .= sprintf( '%s: showing %s of %s', $key, $log_entry['count'], $log_entry['total_count'] ) . $log_entry['entries'] . PHP_EOL; } } if ( ! empty( $entries_string ) ) { $log_string = $entries_string; } } return [ 'value' => $log_string, ]; } } manager.php000064400000015661147207307600006706 0ustar00get_log_type_from_php_error( $last_error['type'] ); $last_error['trace'] = true; $item = new PHP( $last_error ); $this->get_logger()->log( $item ); if ( $should_exit ) { exit; } } public function rest_error_handler( $error_number, $error_message, $error_file, $error_line ) { // Temporary solution until all PHP notices will be fixed in the core and pro. if ( Utils::is_wp_cli() ) { return null; } $error = new \WP_Error( $error_number, $error_message, [ 'type' => $error_number, 'message' => $error_message, 'file' => $error_file, 'line' => $error_line, ] ); if ( ! Utils::is_elementor_path( $error_file ) ) { // Do execute PHP internal error handler. return false; } $is_an_error = in_array( // It can be notice or warning $error_number, [ E_ERROR, E_CORE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_USER_ERROR ], true ); $error_data = $error->get_error_data(); // TODO: This part should be modular, temporary hard-coded. // Notify $e.data. if ( $is_an_error && ! headers_sent() ) { header( 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' ); http_response_code( 500 ); if ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG ) { echo wp_json_encode( $error_data ); } else { echo wp_json_encode( [ 'message' => 'Server error, see Elementor => System Info', ] ); } } $this->shutdown( $error_data, $is_an_error ); } public function register_error_handler() { set_error_handler( [ $this, 'rest_error_handler' ], E_ALL ); } public function add_system_info_report() { System_Info::add_report( 'log', [ 'file_name' => __DIR__ . '/log-reporter.php', 'class_name' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\Log_Reporter', ] ); } /** * Javascript log. * * Log Elementor errors and save them in the database. * * Fired by `wp_ajax_elementor_js_log` action. * */ public function js_log() { /** @var Module $ajax */ $ajax = Plugin::$instance->common->get_component( 'ajax' ); // PHPCS ignore is added throughout this method because nonce verification happens in the $ajax->verify_request_nonce() method. if ( ! $ajax->verify_request_nonce() || empty( $_POST['data'] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing wp_send_json_error(); } if ( ! current_user_can( Editor::EDITING_CAPABILITY ) ) { wp_send_json_error( 'Permission denied' ); } // PHPCS - See comment above. $data = Utils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'data' ) ?? []; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing array_walk_recursive( $data, function( &$value ) { $value = sanitize_text_field( $value ); } ); // PHPCS - See comment above. foreach ( $data as $error ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing $error['type'] = Logger_Interface::LEVEL_ERROR; if ( ! empty( $error['customFields'] ) ) { $error['meta'] = $error['customFields']; } $item = new JS( $error ); $this->get_logger()->log( $item ); } wp_send_json_success(); } public function register_logger( $name, $class ) { $this->loggers[ $name ] = $class; } public function set_default_logger( $name ) { if ( ! empty( $this->loggers[ $name ] ) ) { $this->default_logger = $name; } } public function register_default_loggers() { $this->register_logger( 'db', 'Elementor\Core\Logger\Loggers\Db' ); $this->set_default_logger( 'db' ); } /** * @param string $name * * @return Logger_Interface */ public function get_logger( $name = '' ) { $this->register_loggers(); if ( empty( $name ) || ! isset( $this->loggers[ $name ] ) ) { $name = $this->default_logger; } if ( ! $this->get_component( $name ) ) { $this->add_component( $name, new $this->loggers[ $name ]() ); } return $this->get_component( $name ); } /** * @param string $message * @param array $args * * @return void */ public function log( $message, $args = [] ) { $this->get_logger()->log( $message, $args ); } /** * @param string $message * @param array $args * * @return void */ public function info( $message, $args = [] ) { $this->get_logger()->info( $message, $args ); } /** * @param string $message * @param array $args * * @return void */ public function notice( $message, $args = [] ) { $this->get_logger()->notice( $message, $args ); } /** * @param string $message * @param array $args * * @return void */ public function warning( $message, $args = [] ) { $this->get_logger()->warning( $message, $args ); } /** * @param string $message * @param array $args * * @return void */ public function error( $message, $args = [] ) { $this->get_logger()->error( $message, $args ); } private function get_log_type_from_php_error( $type ) { $error_map = [ E_CORE_ERROR => Logger_Interface::LEVEL_ERROR, E_ERROR => Logger_Interface::LEVEL_ERROR, E_USER_ERROR => Logger_Interface::LEVEL_ERROR, E_COMPILE_ERROR => Logger_Interface::LEVEL_ERROR, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => Logger_Interface::LEVEL_ERROR, E_PARSE => Logger_Interface::LEVEL_ERROR, E_STRICT => Logger_Interface::LEVEL_ERROR, E_WARNING => Logger_Interface::LEVEL_WARNING, E_USER_WARNING => Logger_Interface::LEVEL_WARNING, E_CORE_WARNING => Logger_Interface::LEVEL_WARNING, E_COMPILE_WARNING => Logger_Interface::LEVEL_WARNING, E_NOTICE => Logger_Interface::LEVEL_NOTICE, E_USER_NOTICE => Logger_Interface::LEVEL_NOTICE, E_DEPRECATED => Logger_Interface::LEVEL_NOTICE, E_USER_DEPRECATED => Logger_Interface::LEVEL_NOTICE, ]; return isset( $error_map[ $type ] ) ? $error_map[ $type ] : Logger_Interface::LEVEL_ERROR; } private function register_loggers() { if ( ! did_action( 'elementor/loggers/register' ) ) { do_action( 'elementor/loggers/register', $this ); } } public function __construct() { register_shutdown_function( [ $this, 'shutdown' ] ); add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'add_system_info_report' ], 80 ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_elementor_js_log', [ $this, 'js_log' ] ); add_action( 'elementor/loggers/register', [ $this, 'register_default_loggers' ] ); } } items/log-item-interface.php000064400000002307147207307600012061 0ustar00file = empty( $args['file'] ) ? '' : $args['file']; $this->line = empty( $args['line'] ) ? '' : $args['line']; } #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function jsonSerialize() { $json_arr = parent::jsonSerialize(); $json_arr['file'] = $this->file; $json_arr['line'] = $this->line; return $json_arr; } public function deserialize( $properties ) { parent::deserialize( $properties ); $this->file = ! empty( $properties['file'] ) && is_string( $properties['file'] ) ? $properties['file'] : ''; $this->line = ! empty( $properties['line'] ) && is_string( $properties['line'] ) ? $properties['line'] : ''; } public function get_name() { return 'File'; } } items/base.php000064400000012275147207307600007325 0ustar00date = current_time( 'mysql' ); $this->message = ! empty( $args['message'] ) ? esc_html( $args['message'] ) : ''; $this->type = ! empty( $args['type'] ) ? $args['type'] : 'info'; $this->meta = ! empty( $args['meta'] ) ? $args['meta'] : []; $this->args = $args; $this->set_trace(); } public function __get( $name ) { if ( property_exists( $this, $name ) ) { return $this->{$name}; } return ''; } public function __toString() { $vars = get_object_vars( $this ); return strtr( static::FORMAT, $vars ); } #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function jsonSerialize() { return [ 'class' => get_class( $this ), 'item' => [ 'date' => $this->date, 'message' => $this->message, 'type' => $this->type, 'meta' => $this->meta, 'times' => $this->times, 'times_dates' => $this->times_dates, 'args' => $this->args, ], ]; } public function deserialize( $properties ) { $this->date = ! empty( $properties['date'] ) && is_string( $properties['date'] ) ? $properties['date'] : ''; $this->message = ! empty( $properties['message'] ) && is_string( $properties['message'] ) ? $properties['message'] : ''; $this->type = ! empty( $properties['type'] ) && is_string( $properties['type'] ) ? $properties['type'] : ''; $this->meta = ! empty( $properties['meta'] ) && is_array( $properties['meta'] ) ? $properties['meta'] : []; $this->times = ! empty( $properties['times'] ) && is_string( $properties['times'] ) ? $properties['times'] : ''; $this->times_dates = ! empty( $properties['times_dates'] ) && is_array( $properties['times_dates'] ) ? $properties['times_dates'] : []; $this->args = ! empty( $properties['args'] ) && is_array( $properties['args'] ) ? $properties['args'] : []; } /** * @return Log_Item_Interface | null */ public static function from_json( $str ) { $obj = json_decode( $str, true ); if ( ! array_key_exists( 'class', $obj ) ) { return null; } $class = $obj['class']; if ( class_exists( $class ) ) { /** @var Base $item */ $item = new $class( $obj['item']['message'] ); $item->deserialize( $obj['item'] ); return $item; } return null; } public function to_formatted_string( $output_format = 'html' ) { $vars = get_object_vars( $this ); $format = static::FORMAT; if ( 'html' === $output_format ) { $format = str_replace( 'message', 'message', static::FORMAT ); } if ( empty( $vars['meta'] ) ) { $format = str_replace( '[meta]', '', $format ); } else { $vars['meta'] = stripslashes( var_export( $vars['meta'], true ) ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine } return strtr( $format, $vars ); } public function get_fingerprint() { $unique_key = $this->type . $this->message . var_export( $this->meta, true ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine //info messages are not be aggregated: if ( 'info' === $this->type ) { $unique_key .= $this->date; } return md5( $unique_key ); } public function increase_times( $item, $truncate = true ) { $this->times++; $this->times_dates[] = $item->date; if ( $truncate && ( self::MAX_LOG_ENTRIES < count( $this->times_dates ) ) ) { $this->times_dates = array_slice( $this->times_dates, -self::MAX_LOG_ENTRIES ); } } public function format( $format = 'html' ) { $trace = $this->format_trace(); if ( empty( $trace ) ) { return $this->to_formatted_string( $format ); } $copy = clone $this; $copy->meta['trace'] = $trace; return $copy->to_formatted_string( $format ); } public function get_name() { return 'Log'; } private function format_trace() { $trace = empty( $this->meta['trace'] ) ? '' : $this->meta['trace']; if ( is_string( $trace ) ) { return $trace; } $trace_str = ''; foreach ( $trace as $key => $trace_line ) { $format = static::TRACE_FORMAT; $trace_line['key'] = $key; if ( empty( $trace_line['file'] ) ) { $format = str_replace( 'file(line): ', '', $format ); } $trace_str .= PHP_EOL . strtr( $format, $trace_line ); $trace_str .= empty( $trace_line['args'] ) ? '' : var_export( $trace_line['args'], true ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine } return $trace_str . PHP_EOL; } private function set_trace() { if ( ! empty( $this->args['trace'] ) && true === $this->args['trace'] ) { $limit = empty( $this->args['trace_limit'] ) ? static::TRACE_LIMIT : $this->args['trace_limit']; $stack = debug_backtrace( DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine while ( ! empty( $stack ) && ! empty( $stack[0]['file'] ) && ( false !== strpos( $stack[0]['file'], 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logger' ) ) ) { array_shift( $stack ); } $this->meta['trace'] = array_slice( $stack, 0, $limit ); return; } if ( is_array( $this->args ) ) { unset( $this->args['trace'] ); } } } items/js.php000064400000001536147207307600007025 0ustar00column = $args['column']; $this->file = $args['url']; $this->date = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $args['timestamp'] ); } #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function jsonSerialize() { $json_arr = parent::jsonSerialize(); $json_arr['column'] = $this->column; return $json_arr; } public function deserialize( $properties ) { parent::deserialize( $properties ); $this->column = ! empty( $properties['column'] ) && is_string( $properties['column'] ) ? $properties['column'] : ''; } public function get_name() { return 'JS'; } } items/php.php000064400000000412147207307600007170 0ustar00x!@@8k@8 @@@@@@88@8@@@,T,T ^^`^`` (^(^`(^`TT@T@DDPtd I I@ I@ttQtdRtd^^`^`/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2GNU GNU|)XX8XbDC !CDH)PvfUabA92ff6Y`5E>`1No$i)'o?EG@q 4-_)WX {  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[message] Options: <%d>%.15s %.200s%s: %scannot allocate string[%d]write errorsyslogsyslog-conn/usr/share/localeutil-linuxfile %sunknown facility name: %s.unknown priority name: %s.failed to parse message size%s from %s util-linux 2.23.2f:ip:st:u:dTn:P:S:Vhgetaddrinfo %s:%s: %sopenlog %s: pathname too longcannot allocate %zu bytesfailed to connect %s port %ssocket %sidstderrfileprioritytagsocketudptcpserverportversionhelpauthauthprivcrondaemonftpkernlprmailmarknewssecurityuseruucplocal0local1local2local3local4local5local6local7alertcritdebugemerginfononenoticepanicwarnwarning -T, --tcp use TCP only -d, --udp use UDP only -i, --id log the process ID too -f, --file log the contents of this file -h, --help display this help text and exit -S, --size maximum size for a single message (default 1024) -n, --server write to this remote syslog server -P, --port use this port for UDP or TCP connection -p, --priority mark given message with this priority -s, --stderr output message to standard error as well -t, --tag mark every line with this tag -u, --socket write to this Unix socket -V, --version output version information and exit @=@=@@@=@@=@=@=@=@=@=@=@=@=@=@=@=@=@@=@@=@@4@=@=@=@=@@=@@=@=@@@@A@iA@sB@fB@pB@tLA@SB@uB@d B@T$B@n+B@P0B@V8B@h%s: '%s'KMGTPEYZkmgtpeyzBKMGTPE%d%s%jd%s%d%s'".A;t-XP`Hh`PhPP8`P `8h 08p PH08 `8 ` p ` zRx *zRx $0FJ w?;*3$"D` AKI <dPpADG x FAE G AAA SAA7Dg E G A DPxBBE A(A0D 0A(A BBBJ ,,)BAA  ABD L\BHH H(D0I8NX 8A0A(B BBBA 8cD{IED C(H0D (D ABBF H< BED A(G@ (A ABBD DLXBBE A(D0D@ 0A(A BBBA 4aADD B ADH DCA@D,x>AIG S AAA ,,6ADG P AAA 4\BAD G0  AABA ,@AADG [ AAA ,`=ADG W AAA p  h 4$`BAD G0  AABA 4\BAD G0  AABA 4BAD G0  AABA ,(zAFG0t AAD x0AnDHBIF A(  ABBB e  ABBF <dBBA A(D (A ABBF tPBBB B(A0A8GP 8D0A(B BBBD D 8F0A(B BBBE D8F0A(B BBB$vRv H VLD@BEB A(A0 (A BBBA A (A BBGA LBEB A(A0l (A BBBA A (A BBGA <GBBA A(G@ (A ABBK 4$BJI t ADB JCD4\BAA D@  AABA  BBE E(A0D8DPr 8D0A(B BBBJ H 8G0A(B BBBH D 8K0A(B BBBH D8A0A(B BBB,$4ADG T GAH $TAJ AI L|xyBBB B(D0D8D` 8A0A(B 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case $cur in -*) OPTS="--udp --id --file --help --server --port --priority --stderr --tag --socket --version" COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${OPTS[*]}" -- $cur) ) return 0 ;; esac return 0 } complete -F _logger_module logger