PK!|⳦log.pyonu[ ofc@sddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZmZmZm Z m Z ddddgZ eZ eZ eZdddYZdS( iN(t WHAT_ENTERt WHAT_EXITt WHAT_LINENOtWHAT_DEFINE_FILEtWHAT_DEFINE_FUNCt WHAT_ADD_INFOt LogReadertENTERtEXITtLINEcBsweZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dd Z d Z d Z d Z RS( cCsi|_i|_tj||_|jj|_|jj|_d|jkrd|jd|_ n d|_ g|_ |j j |_ |j j|_dS(Nscurrent-directory(t_filemapt_funcmapt_hotshott logreadert_readertnextt _nextitemtinfot_infotcwdtNonet_stacktappendt_appendtpopt_pop(tselftlogfn((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyt__init__s    cCs|jjdS(N(Rtclose(R((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyR/scCs |jjS(s8Return the file descriptor of the log reader's log file.(Rtfileno(R((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyR2scCsdS(sThis method is called for each additional ADD_INFO record. This can be overridden by applications that want to receive these events. The default implementation does not need to be called by alternate implementations. The initial set of ADD_INFO records do not pass through this mechanism; this is only needed to receive notification when new values are added. Subclasses can inspect self._info after calling LogReader.__init__(). N((Rtkeytvalue((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pytaddinfo6s cCs0y|j|SWntk r+tdnXdS(Nsunknown fileno(R tKeyErrort ValueError(RR((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyt get_filenameDs cCs |jjS(N(R tvalues(R((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyt get_filenamesJscCs[tjjtjj|}x-|jjD]\}}||kr.|Sq.WtddS(Nsunknown filename(tostpathtnormcasetnormpathR titemsR#(RtfilenameRtname((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyt get_filenoMs  cCs6y|j||fSWntk r1tdnXdS(Nsunknown function location(R R"R#(RRtlineno((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyt get_funcnameTs ic Csx|j\}}}}|tkrh|j||\}}|||f}|j||||fS|tkry||j|fSWqtk rtqXn|tkr|j d\}} }||||f|fS|t krt j j t j j|}||j|(R R"RR'R(R)tjoinRtopentIOErrortparsertsuitetreadRtsymboltfuncdeftlambdefttotupleRR2t TypeErrorR textendtlist( RRR,tabsnametfptstRDREtstackttreetsym((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyR;s8   $       , $(t__name__t __module__RRRR!R$R&R.R0RR:R1R;(((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyRs        '  ((R tos.pathR'R@RCRRRRRRt__all__RRR R(((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyts    . PK!Kf.n n __init__.pynu["""High-perfomance logging profiler, mostly written in C.""" import _hotshot from _hotshot import ProfilerError from warnings import warnpy3k as _warnpy3k _warnpy3k("The 'hotshot' module is not supported in 3.x, " "use the 'profile' module instead.", stacklevel=2) class Profile: def __init__(self, logfn, lineevents=0, linetimings=1): self.lineevents = lineevents and 1 or 0 self.linetimings = (linetimings and lineevents) and 1 or 0 self._prof = p = _hotshot.profiler( logfn, self.lineevents, self.linetimings) # Attempt to avoid confusing results caused by the presence of # Python wrappers around these functions, but only if we can # be sure the methods have not been overridden or extended. if self.__class__ is Profile: self.close = p.close self.start = p.start self.stop = p.stop self.addinfo = p.addinfo def close(self): """Close the logfile and terminate the profiler.""" self._prof.close() def fileno(self): """Return the file descriptor of the profiler's log file.""" return self._prof.fileno() def start(self): """Start the profiler.""" self._prof.start() def stop(self): """Stop the profiler.""" self._prof.stop() def addinfo(self, key, value): """Add an arbitrary labelled value to the profile log.""" self._prof.addinfo(key, value) # These methods offer the same interface as the profile.Profile class, # but delegate most of the work to the C implementation underneath. def run(self, cmd): """Profile an exec-compatible string in the script environment. The globals from the __main__ module are used as both the globals and locals for the script. """ import __main__ dict = __main__.__dict__ return self.runctx(cmd, dict, dict) def runctx(self, cmd, globals, locals): """Evaluate an exec-compatible string in a specific environment. The string is compiled before profiling begins. """ code = compile(cmd, "", "exec") self._prof.runcode(code, globals, locals) return self def runcall(self, func, *args, **kw): """Profile a single call of a callable. Additional positional and keyword arguments may be passed along; the result of the call is returned, and exceptions are allowed to propogate cleanly, while ensuring that profiling is disabled on the way out. """ return self._prof.runcall(func, args, kw) PK!/Ť stats.pyonu[ ofc@sdZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZdZdddYZdej fdYZ d dd YZ d dd YZ d Z dS(s Statistics analyzer for HotShot.iN(tENTERtEXITcCst|jS(N(t StatsLoadertload(tfilename((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/stats.pyR sRcBs#eZdZdZdZRS(cCs.||_i|_g|_|jj|_dS(N(t_logfnt_codet_stacktpopt pop_frame(tselftlogfn((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/stats.pyt__init__s   c Cst}t|_tjj|j}d}x|D]}|\}\}}}} | dkrk|| 7}n|tkr|j|||} |j | |dd}q4|t kr4|j } |j | |dd}q4q4Wt j|S(Nigư>(tProfilet _brokentimertget_timethotshottlogt LogReaderRRt new_framettrace_dispatch_callRR ttrace_dispatch_returntpstatstStats( R tpRttaccumteventtwhatRtlinenotfuncnamettdeltatframe((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/stats.pyRs"          cGsy|j|}Wn*tk r=t|}||j|s    ;PK!Ack stats.pycnu[ ofc@sdZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZdZdddYZdej fdYZ d dd YZ d dd YZ d Z dS(s Statistics analyzer for HotShot.iN(tENTERtEXITcCst|jS(N(t StatsLoadertload(tfilename((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/stats.pyR sRcBs#eZdZdZdZRS(cCs.||_i|_g|_|jj|_dS(N(t_logfnt_codet_stacktpopt pop_frame(tselftlogfn((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/stats.pyt__init__s   c Cst}t|_tjj|j}d}x|D]}|\}\}}}} | dkrk|| 7}n|tkr|j|||} |j | |dd}q4|t kr4|j } |j | |dd}q4q4W|j sttj|S(Nigư>(tProfilet _brokentimertget_timethotshottlogt LogReaderRRt new_framettrace_dispatch_callRR ttrace_dispatch_returnRtAssertionErrortpstatstStats( R tpRttaccumteventtwhatRtlinenotfuncnamettdeltatframe((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/stats.pyRs$          cGsy|j|}Wn*tk r=t|}||j|s    ;PK!__log.pynu[import _hotshot import os.path import parser import symbol from _hotshot import \ WHAT_ENTER, \ WHAT_EXIT, \ WHAT_LINENO, \ WHAT_DEFINE_FILE, \ WHAT_DEFINE_FUNC, \ WHAT_ADD_INFO __all__ = ["LogReader", "ENTER", "EXIT", "LINE"] ENTER = WHAT_ENTER EXIT = WHAT_EXIT LINE = WHAT_LINENO class LogReader: def __init__(self, logfn): # fileno -> filename self._filemap = {} # (fileno, lineno) -> filename, funcname self._funcmap = {} self._reader = _hotshot.logreader(logfn) self._nextitem = self._info = if 'current-directory' in self._info: self.cwd = self._info['current-directory'] else: self.cwd = None # This mirrors the call stack of the profiled code as the log # is read back in. It contains tuples of the form: # # (file name, line number of function def, function name) # self._stack = [] self._append = self._stack.append self._pop = self._stack.pop def close(self): self._reader.close() def fileno(self): """Return the file descriptor of the log reader's log file.""" return self._reader.fileno() def addinfo(self, key, value): """This method is called for each additional ADD_INFO record. This can be overridden by applications that want to receive these events. The default implementation does not need to be called by alternate implementations. The initial set of ADD_INFO records do not pass through this mechanism; this is only needed to receive notification when new values are added. Subclasses can inspect self._info after calling LogReader.__init__(). """ pass def get_filename(self, fileno): try: return self._filemap[fileno] except KeyError: raise ValueError, "unknown fileno" def get_filenames(self): return self._filemap.values() def get_fileno(self, filename): filename = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(filename)) for fileno, name in self._filemap.items(): if name == filename: return fileno raise ValueError, "unknown filename" def get_funcname(self, fileno, lineno): try: return self._funcmap[(fileno, lineno)] except KeyError: raise ValueError, "unknown function location" # Iteration support: # This adds an optional (& ignored) parameter to next() so that the # same bound method can be used as the __getitem__() method -- this # avoids using an additional method call which kills the performance. def next(self, index=0): while 1: # This call may raise StopIteration: what, tdelta, fileno, lineno = self._nextitem() # handle the most common cases first if what == WHAT_ENTER: filename, funcname = self._decode_location(fileno, lineno) t = (filename, lineno, funcname) self._append(t) return what, t, tdelta if what == WHAT_EXIT: try: return what, self._pop(), tdelta except IndexError: raise StopIteration if what == WHAT_LINENO: filename, firstlineno, funcname = self._stack[-1] return what, (filename, lineno, funcname), tdelta if what == WHAT_DEFINE_FILE: filename = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(tdelta)) self._filemap[fileno] = filename elif what == WHAT_DEFINE_FUNC: filename = self._filemap[fileno] self._funcmap[(fileno, lineno)] = (filename, tdelta) elif what == WHAT_ADD_INFO: # value already loaded into; call the # overridable addinfo() handler so higher-level code # can pick up the new value if tdelta == 'current-directory': self.cwd = lineno self.addinfo(tdelta, lineno) else: raise ValueError, "unknown event type" def __iter__(self): return self # # helpers # def _decode_location(self, fileno, lineno): try: return self._funcmap[(fileno, lineno)] except KeyError: # # This should only be needed when the log file does not # contain all the DEFINE_FUNC records needed to allow the # function name to be retrieved from the log file. # if self._loadfile(fileno): filename = funcname = None try: filename, funcname = self._funcmap[(fileno, lineno)] except KeyError: filename = self._filemap.get(fileno) funcname = None self._funcmap[(fileno, lineno)] = (filename, funcname) return filename, funcname def _loadfile(self, fileno): try: filename = self._filemap[fileno] except KeyError: print "Could not identify fileId", fileno return 1 if filename is None: return 1 absname = os.path.normcase(os.path.join(self.cwd, filename)) try: fp = open(absname) except IOError: return st = parser.suite( fp.close() # Scan the tree looking for def and lambda nodes, filling in # self._funcmap with all the available information. funcdef = symbol.funcdef lambdef = symbol.lambdef stack = [st.totuple(1)] while stack: tree = stack.pop() try: sym = tree[0] except (IndexError, TypeError): continue if sym == funcdef: self._funcmap[(fileno, tree[2][2])] = filename, tree[2][1] elif sym == lambdef: self._funcmap[(fileno, tree[1][2])] = filename, "" stack.extend(list(tree[1:])) PK!\ __init__.pycnu[ ofc@sYdZddlZddlmZddlmZeddddd d YZdS( s6High-perfomance logging profiler, mostly written in C.iN(t ProfilerError(twarnpy3ksOThe 'hotshot' module is not supported in 3.x, use the 'profile' module instead.t stacklevelitProfilecBs_eZdddZdZdZdZdZdZdZd Z d Z RS( iic Cs|r dpd|_|r'|r'dp*d|_tj||j|j|_}|jtkr|j|_|j|_|j |_ |j |_ ndS(Nii( t lineeventst linetimingst_hotshottprofilert_proft __class__Rtclosetstarttstoptaddinfo(tselftlogfnRRtp((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyt__init__ s   cCs|jjdS(s-Close the logfile and terminate the profiler.N(RR (R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyR scCs |jjS(s6Return the file descriptor of the profiler's log file.(Rtfileno(R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyRscCs|jjdS(sStart the profiler.N(RR (R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyR "scCs|jjdS(sStop the profiler.N(RR (R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyR &scCs|jj||dS(s3Add an arbitrary labelled value to the profile log.N(RR (Rtkeytvalue((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyR *scCs(ddl}|j}|j|||S(sProfile an exec-compatible string in the script environment. The globals from the __main__ module are used as both the globals and locals for the script. iN(t__main__t__dict__trunctx(RtcmdRtdict((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pytrun1s  cCs,t|dd}|jj||||S(sEvaluate an exec-compatible string in a specific environment. The string is compiled before profiling begins. stexec(tcompileRtruncode(RRtglobalstlocalstcode((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyR<scOs|jj|||S(sProfile a single call of a callable. Additional positional and keyword arguments may be passed along; the result of the call is returned, and exceptions are allowed to propogate cleanly, while ensuring that profiling is disabled on the way out. (Rtruncall(Rtfunctargstkw((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyR!Fs( t__name__t __module__RR RR R R RRR!(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyR s      ((t__doc__RRtwarningsRt _warnpy3kR(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyts   PK!g? stones.pyonu[ ofc@sddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZdZedkrejdrreejdqddl Z ee j j ndS(iNcCstj|}|jtjj\}}|jdtjjtjj|fGHd|GHtj j |}|j |j ddy|j dWn+tk r}|jtjkrqnXdS(Ns#Pystone(%s) time for %d passes = %gs-This machine benchmarks at %g pystones/secondttimetcallsi(thotshottProfiletruncallttesttpystonetpystonestcloset __version__tLOOPStstatstloadt strip_dirst sort_statst print_statstIOErrorterrnotEPIPE(tlogfiletpt benchtimetstonesR te((s&/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/stones.pytmains   t__main__i( RRt hotshot.statstsyst test.pystoneRRt__name__targvttempfiletNamedTemporaryFiletname(((s&/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/stones.pyts         PK!6e  stats.pynu["""Statistics analyzer for HotShot.""" import profile import pstats import hotshot.log from hotshot.log import ENTER, EXIT def load(filename): return StatsLoader(filename).load() class StatsLoader: def __init__(self, logfn): self._logfn = logfn self._code = {} self._stack = [] self.pop_frame = self._stack.pop def load(self): # The timer selected by the profiler should never be used, so make # sure it doesn't work: p = Profile() p.get_time = _brokentimer log = hotshot.log.LogReader(self._logfn) taccum = 0 for event in log: what, (filename, lineno, funcname), tdelta = event if tdelta > 0: taccum += tdelta # We multiply taccum to convert from the microseconds we # have to the seconds that the profile/pstats module work # with; this allows the numbers to have some basis in # reality (ignoring calibration issues for now). if what == ENTER: frame = self.new_frame(filename, lineno, funcname) p.trace_dispatch_call(frame, taccum * .000001) taccum = 0 elif what == EXIT: frame = self.pop_frame() p.trace_dispatch_return(frame, taccum * .000001) taccum = 0 # no further work for line events assert not self._stack return pstats.Stats(p) def new_frame(self, *args): # args must be filename, firstlineno, funcname # our code objects are cached since we don't need to create # new ones every time try: code = self._code[args] except KeyError: code = FakeCode(*args) self._code[args] = code # frame objects are create fresh, since the back pointer will # vary considerably if self._stack: back = self._stack[-1] else: back = None frame = FakeFrame(code, back) self._stack.append(frame) return frame class Profile(profile.Profile): def simulate_cmd_complete(self): pass class FakeCode: def __init__(self, filename, firstlineno, funcname): self.co_filename = filename self.co_firstlineno = firstlineno self.co_name = self.__name__ = funcname class FakeFrame: def __init__(self, code, back): self.f_back = back self.f_code = code def _brokentimer(): raise RuntimeError, "this timer should not be called" PK!|⳦log.pycnu[ ofc@sddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZmZmZm Z m Z ddddgZ eZ eZ eZdddYZdS( iN(t WHAT_ENTERt WHAT_EXITt WHAT_LINENOtWHAT_DEFINE_FILEtWHAT_DEFINE_FUNCt WHAT_ADD_INFOt LogReadertENTERtEXITtLINEcBsweZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dd Z d Z d Z d Z RS( cCsi|_i|_tj||_|jj|_|jj|_d|jkrd|jd|_ n d|_ g|_ |j j |_ |j j|_dS(Nscurrent-directory(t_filemapt_funcmapt_hotshott logreadert_readertnextt _nextitemtinfot_infotcwdtNonet_stacktappendt_appendtpopt_pop(tselftlogfn((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyt__init__s    cCs|jjdS(N(Rtclose(R((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyR/scCs |jjS(s8Return the file descriptor of the log reader's log file.(Rtfileno(R((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyR2scCsdS(sThis method is called for each additional ADD_INFO record. This can be overridden by applications that want to receive these events. The default implementation does not need to be called by alternate implementations. The initial set of ADD_INFO records do not pass through this mechanism; this is only needed to receive notification when new values are added. Subclasses can inspect self._info after calling LogReader.__init__(). N((Rtkeytvalue((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pytaddinfo6s cCs0y|j|SWntk r+tdnXdS(Nsunknown fileno(R tKeyErrort ValueError(RR((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyt get_filenameDs cCs |jjS(N(R tvalues(R((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyt get_filenamesJscCs[tjjtjj|}x-|jjD]\}}||kr.|Sq.WtddS(Nsunknown filename(tostpathtnormcasetnormpathR titemsR#(RtfilenameRtname((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyt get_filenoMs  cCs6y|j||fSWntk r1tdnXdS(Nsunknown function location(R R"R#(RRtlineno((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyt get_funcnameTs ic Csx|j\}}}}|tkrh|j||\}}|||f}|j||||fS|tkry||j|fSWqtk rtqXn|tkr|j d\}} }||||f|fS|t krt j j t j j|}||j|(R R"RR'R(R)tjoinRtopentIOErrortparsertsuitetreadRtsymboltfuncdeftlambdefttotupleRR2t TypeErrorR textendtlist( RRR,tabsnametfptstRDREtstackttreetsym((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyR;s8   $       , $(t__name__t __module__RRRR!R$R&R.R0RR:R1R;(((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyRs        '  ((R tos.pathR'R@RCRRRRRRt__all__RRR R(((s#/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/log.pyts    . PK!8h9 stones.pynu[import errno import hotshot import hotshot.stats import sys import test.pystone def main(logfile): p = hotshot.Profile(logfile) benchtime, stones = p.runcall(test.pystone.pystones) p.close() print "Pystone(%s) time for %d passes = %g" % \ (test.pystone.__version__, test.pystone.LOOPS, benchtime) print "This machine benchmarks at %g pystones/second" % stones stats = hotshot.stats.load(logfile) stats.strip_dirs() stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls') try: stats.print_stats(20) except IOError, e: if e.errno != errno.EPIPE: raise if __name__ == '__main__': if sys.argv[1:]: main(sys.argv[1]) else: import tempfile main(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name) PK!\ __init__.pyonu[ ofc@sYdZddlZddlmZddlmZeddddd d YZdS( s6High-perfomance logging profiler, mostly written in C.iN(t ProfilerError(twarnpy3ksOThe 'hotshot' module is not supported in 3.x, use the 'profile' module instead.t stacklevelitProfilecBs_eZdddZdZdZdZdZdZdZd Z d Z RS( iic Cs|r dpd|_|r'|r'dp*d|_tj||j|j|_}|jtkr|j|_|j|_|j |_ |j |_ ndS(Nii( t lineeventst linetimingst_hotshottprofilert_proft __class__Rtclosetstarttstoptaddinfo(tselftlogfnRRtp((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyt__init__ s   cCs|jjdS(s-Close the logfile and terminate the profiler.N(RR (R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyR scCs |jjS(s6Return the file descriptor of the profiler's log file.(Rtfileno(R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyRscCs|jjdS(sStart the profiler.N(RR (R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyR "scCs|jjdS(sStop the profiler.N(RR (R((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyR &scCs|jj||dS(s3Add an arbitrary labelled value to the profile log.N(RR (Rtkeytvalue((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyR *scCs(ddl}|j}|j|||S(sProfile an exec-compatible string in the script environment. The globals from the __main__ module are used as both the globals and locals for the script. iN(t__main__t__dict__trunctx(RtcmdRtdict((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pytrun1s  cCs,t|dd}|jj||||S(sEvaluate an exec-compatible string in a specific environment. The string is compiled before profiling begins. stexec(tcompileRtruncode(RRtglobalstlocalstcode((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyR<scOs|jj|||S(sProfile a single call of a callable. Additional positional and keyword arguments may be passed along; the result of the call is returned, and exceptions are allowed to propogate cleanly, while ensuring that profiling is disabled on the way out. (Rtruncall(Rtfunctargstkw((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyR!Fs( t__name__t __module__RR RR R R RRR!(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyR s      ((t__doc__RRtwarningsRt _warnpy3kR(((s(/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/__init__.pyts   PK!g? stones.pycnu[ ofc@sddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZdZedkrejdrreejdqddl Z ee j j ndS(iNcCstj|}|jtjj\}}|jdtjjtjj|fGHd|GHtj j |}|j |j ddy|j dWn+tk r}|jtjkrqnXdS(Ns#Pystone(%s) time for %d passes = %gs-This machine benchmarks at %g pystones/secondttimetcallsi(thotshottProfiletruncallttesttpystonetpystonestcloset __version__tLOOPStstatstloadt strip_dirst sort_statst print_statstIOErrorterrnotEPIPE(tlogfiletpt benchtimetstonesR te((s&/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/stones.pytmains   t__main__i( RRt hotshot.statstsyst test.pystoneRRt__name__targvttempfiletNamedTemporaryFiletname(((s&/usr/lib64/python2.7/hotshot/stones.pyts         PK!|⳦log.pyonu[PK!Kf.n n __init__.pynu[PK!/Ť  stats.pyonu[PK!Ack c-stats.pycnu[PK!__j:log.pynu[PK!\ R__init__.pycnu[PK!g? `stones.pyonu[PK!6e  estats.pynu[PK!|⳦olog.pycnu[PK!8h9 stones.pynu[PK!\ __init__.pyonu[PK!g? Жstones.pycnu[PK n