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shdrstrndx:%scannot get ELF header: %scannot copy ELF header: %scannot get section data: %scannot copy section data: %scannot get section header: %scheck == namecannot open '%s'cannot update relocation: %sdata->d_size == shdr->sh_sizeonent == 2 + nbucket + nchainnent >= onentcannot get symbol version: %scannot get section count: %s.comment.gnu.prelink_undo.dynstr.plt.bss.sbss.gnu_debuglinkcannot add new section: %s*symbols[i].map != 0*symbols[i].map == 0*symbols[i].duplicate != 0shdr->sh_info == 1 + icannot read section data: %scannot update ELF header: %scannot get program header: %scannot write output file: %s-/usr/share/localeelfutilsInput selection options:info.dwfl == ((void *)0)info.args != ((void *)0)result == 38%s/%smemory exhaustedno matching modules found%#lx+%#lx %02x@%#lx %s %s %s matched more than one modulematch-file-namesignore-missingOutput options:outputPlace output into FILEoutput-directoryDIRECTORYmodule-namesallrelocatelist-only-n cannot be used with explicit files or -o or -dexactly two file arguments are required-m, -a, -R, and -i options not allowed with explicit files-o or -d is required when using implicit filescannot get new zero section: %scannot update new zero section: %scannot get number of program headers: %scannot create program headers: %scannot copy program header: %scannot copy section header: %scannot get symbol table entry: %sinvalid string offset in symbol [%zu]cannot read section [%zu] name: %scannot update section header: %sbad sh_link for group section: %scouldn't get shdr for group section: %sbad data for group symbol section: %scouldn't get symbol for group section: %sbad symbol name for group section: %sREL section cannot have zero sh_entsizeRELA section cannot have zero sh_entsizeHASH section cannot have zero sh_entsizeSymbol table cannot have zero sh_entsizeGNU_versym section cannot have zero sh_entsizeunexpected section type in [%zu] with sh_link to symtabSymbol table section cannot have zero sh_entsizecannot update symbol table: %scannot get section header string table section index: %smore sections in stripped file than debug file -- arguments reversed?cannot read section header string table: %scannot find matching section for [%zu] '%s'cannot read '.gnu.prelink_undo' section: %soverflow with shnum = %zu in '%s' sectioninvalid contents in '%s' sectioncannot add section name to string table: %scannot update section header string table data: %sNot enough memory to create string tableSYMTAB section cannot have zero sh_entsizesymbol [%zu] has invalid section indexgroup has invalid section index [%zd]unstripped SYMTAB section cannot have zero sh_entsizesymbols[nsym].name == ((void *)0)symbols[i].name != ((void *)0)symbols[i].name == ((void *)0)Not enough memory to create symbol tablecannot update program header: %sDWARF data not adjusted for prelinking bias; consider prelink -uDWARF data in '%s' not adjusted for prelinking bias; consider prelink -ucannot create ELF descriptor: %sELF header identification (e_ident) differentELF header type (e_type) differentELF header machine type (e_machine) differentstripped program header (e_phnum) smaller than unstrippedcannot find stripped file for module '%s': %scannot open stripped file '%s' for module '%s': %scannot find debug file for module '%s': %scannot open debug file '%s' for module '%s': %smodule '%s' file '%s' is not strippedcannot cache section addresses for module '%s': %sSTRIPPED-FILE DEBUG-FILE [MODULE...]Combine stripped files with separate symbols and debug information. The first form puts the result in DEBUG-FILE if -o was not given. MODULE arguments give file name patterns matching modules to process. With -f these match the file name of the main (stripped) file (slashes are never special), otherwise they match the simple module names. With no arguments, process all modules found. Multiple modules are written to files under OUTPUT-DIRECTORY, creating subdirectories as needed. With -m these files have simple module names, otherwise they have the name of the main file complete with directory underneath OUTPUT-DIRECTORY. With -n no files are written, but one line to standard output for each module: START+SIZE BUILDID FILE DEBUGFILE MODULENAME START and SIZE are hexadecimal giving the address bounds of the module. BUILDID is hexadecimal for the build ID bits, or - if no ID is known; the hexadecimal may be followed by @0xADDR giving the address where the ID resides if that is known. FILE is the file name found for the module, or - if none was found, or . if an ELF image is available but not from any named file. DEBUGFILE is the separate debuginfo file name, or - if no debuginfo was found, or . if FILE contains the debug != ((void *)0) || info.output_dir != ((void *)0) || info.listMatch MODULE against file names, not module namesSilently skip unfindable filesCreate multiple output files under DIRECTORYUse module rather than file namesCreate output for modules that have no separate debug informationApply relocations to section contents in ET_REL filesOnly list module and file names, build IDsForce combining files even if some ELF headers don't seem to match @@o3@!@8@dI@@S@m0@`@aX@d@R@m@nؗ@@F@P@@0.176%s (%s) %s (C) %s The elfutils developers <%s>. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ;$#Hp`HR@H(X0X((0ȜX8 H8XPp(ȡ8h8XXXHx0(h0PxzRx  *zRx $FJ w?;*3$"$DDy C I G 4l`'BAA Jp  AABF 4XBDF G0E  AABD $БAH C^ A DBHE A(A0Gg 0A(A BBBA LLuBEE B(A0D8G 8A0A(B BBBA <0BED A(D`l (A ABBA ,QAAG X AAA  9AAG ,=AJ A ,L ADGpD AAA L|AD g AC p GI D FF y EB D FA IG Hg A ULp9BGE B(A0D8D`L 8D0A(B BBBF l`V<4BBD D(D (A ABBA LlBEG E(D0A8J 8A0A(B BBBE LȢBEE E(A0G8G 8A0A(B BBBA ,dxAC DKT A LOBBB H(A0A8J 8A0A(B BBBH zPLRx @ 4$+@AC P A L<BEE H(D0D8Go 8A0A(B BBBD L`*BGB H(A0A8Gn 8A0A(B BBBD L@hBBE H(D0D8J& 8A0A(B BBBE L, BBB B(I0C8I 8A0A(B BBBA |7DN A 07DN A P7DN A p]AMDeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBDFE#R-E.4E;=R=OEZEEJG=OHELONAN5OOER7RS4SEUWOW5+@*@ (Z @ t@Э`ح`o@x @@  `@8@` o@oo8@`V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@ @ @& @6 @F @V @f @v @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @!@!@&!@6!@F!@V!@f!@v!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@"@"@&"@6"@F"@V"@f"@v"@"@"@"@"@"@"@"@"@eu-unstrip.debug57zXZִF!t/]?Eh=ڊ̓N={PD摾Wi15]B"r 2'2ӴxӢf̪m[ܦ0h% Esrj(Q~qGǢ-F &6ǝ_Vr+o)xA:G9ID=1Ze̸͉-8RT\60{'/"ua;TUl_e~;O!2cq:_nQ.YZ;8 y8a:;R)7'[I@XǴI]@96@ϥ7{2J꿔"tx ~4b{!t7 |-A܅6d—!ߢ?~6םK\ s ʜpdso LݲxaP4ê2P7N@q-qي+|Z-n1Bnb<}[#d.HRD-f b<d#v GuM› c[j~i.m,IƤͷ!pIc12{T&8ޡ:K4fIxfp"q.(Z: s7s}\~Ό63g8`-lJ\7@W-D`Qcy^jz K|$OVV220>x[2[ (޷40E/eA__ U(~)vka +` Ԥߥ DtȪ̿9١0Q77C; _"8D>/7U&q5+k$0?{#اW*W o|xP-:uD\oCH`X|H :,xp̙=U\bU\XJLbCL5} `%|ԉ-O1= ļc{ +'gCR-)C,cխŏ~Ӧ`( E"fJㆼ$.'B[*,Nºz" [,-Kc|/fpX~hFmq9 3o0~!~"L4 |͝#FS%TRtT|Ǐ,؜FYrn!uu;yY==G1[)APPs8F>]}2ں4ZW(܋p͌gBYR ' 8@8T@T !t@t$4o@P> @ Fx @x No8@8[o@0j8@8`tB@~ @ y@@@#@#r^t@t @x @$ @ @Э`Эح`ح``````( DP