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(__builtin_constant_p (name) && ((size_t)(const void *)((name) + 1) - (size_t)(const void *)(name) == 1) ? __builtin_strcmp (modname, name) : (__extension__ ({ const unsigned char *__s2 = (const unsigned char *) (const char *) (name); int __result = (((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (modname))[0] - __s2[0]); if (__s1_len > 0 && __result == 0) { __result = (((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (modname))[1] - __s2[1]); if (__s1_len > 1 && __result == 0) { __result = (((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (modname))[2] - __s2[2]); if (__s1_len > 2 && __result == 0) __result = (((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (modname))[3] - __s2[3]); } } __result; }))) : (__builtin_constant_p (name) && ((size_t)(const void *)((name) + 1) - (size_t)(const void *)(name) == 1) && (__s2_len = strlen (name), __s2_len < 4) ? (__builtin_constant_p (modname) && ((size_t)(const void *)((modname) + 1) - (size_t)(const void *)(modname) == 1) ? __builtin_strcmp (modname, name) : (__extension__ ({ const unsigned char *__s1 = (const unsigned char *) (const char *) (modname); register int __result = __s1[0] - ((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (name))[0]; if (__s2_len > 0 && __result == 0) { __result = (__s1[1] - ((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (name))[1]); if (__s2_len > 1 && __result == 0) { __result = (__s1[2] - ((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (name))[2]); if (__s2_len > 2 && __result == 0) __result = (__s1[3] - ((const unsigned char *) (const char *) (name))[3]); } } __result; }))) : __builtin_strcmp (modname, name)))); }) == 0-p PID should be a positive process id.-n MAXFRAMES should be 0 or higher.-e EXEC needs a core given by --core.-1 needs a thread id given by -p.One of -p PID or --core COREFILE should be given.dwfl_linux_proc_report pid %lld: %sdwfl_linux_proc_report pid %llddwfl_linux_proc_attach pid %lld: %sdwfl_linux_proc_attach pid %lldtid %lld: shown max number of frames (%d, use -n 0 for unlimited)%s tid %lld at 0x%lx in %s: %sPrint a stack for each thread in a process or core file. Program exits with return code 0 if all frames were shown without any errors. If some frames were shown, but there were some non-fatal errors, possibly causing an incomplete backtrace, the program exits with return code 1. If no frames could be shown, or a fatal error occured the program exits with return code 2. If the program was invoked with bad or missing arguments it will exit with return code 64.PID %lld - %s module memory map (optional) EXECUTABLE that produced COREFILESearch path for separate debuginfo filesAdditionally show frame activationAdditionally try to lookup DWARF debuginfo name for frame addressAdditionally show inlined function frames using DWARF debuginfo if available (implies -d)Additionally show module file informationAdditionally show source file informationShow all additional information (activation, debugname, inlines, module and source)Do not resolve address to function symbol nameShow raw function symbol names, do not try to demangle namesShow module build-id, load address and pc offsetShow the backtrace of only one threadShow at most MAXFRAMES per thread (default 256, use 0 for unlimited)Show module memory map with build-id, elf and debug files detected`@@R`(E@2@0.176elfutils%s (%s) %s (C) %s The elfutils developers <%s>. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ;|`8h0 XzRx 3*zRx $PFJ w?;*3$"DDp~ F $dHwAL0~ AD LBEB E(A0A8G^ 8A0A(B BBBA LBEE B(A0D8IO 8A0A(B BBBK <,0aADG  AAB [ CAA Ll`9BBB B(A0A8G2 8A0A(B BBBC ,PbBAD @ ADD $Ar E ~ J F,AII" AAA D]AMDdeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB0@@R  @ 2@M`M`o@ @@  P```@@x o@oox@M`@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@eu-stack.debug+B;7zXZִF!t/]?Eh=ڊ̓NB Œ;l{$վ׵1)0.2&y5=soeؔ=+7sO{XiA^],aVHb3B]<l s Qk׼hXk]?ek3Z-Isɬ bT.,2rLw<:㷿Ѽ&>rX3yn7K'Y([2s,wz^ LČS2bLóǻI0Ht (UCLZ΀|@m^YR4|ʇ"Fb 8xI&}7Wa!2/}_b=sq RgcЉoI'I;4;'?ljd$fB :ܰUwkEoM14&=`iTt` rIp=:l@:ٝU1jX޲"D]`$*3hNid\gqGM\ۚY(|UuۣHBнy4G0gH :86"/U#5"[\hβp"7{3*̥9=odɗ{!Gg(mC7X2j" n zgahőgv8RTS:O1*c8"p}J~ì+~ mGktT`xEL5ԟn`%SY`|nMwv˥Zj^E2PB{*OuneްQ# >,~Nؚ/%웾DQ2I5$~AF@< sR_ǃd8lKZ5%JNܞij|BmD-;pEJ[K Q/t9lC6I: @F @ Nox@x[o@j@xtB`@``~@y@P0@02@2 3@3P PJ@PJ|J@JM`MM`MM`MM`MO`OP`P88R`8R `R`DR DRXR@V