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StallmanLS_BLOCK_SIZE*=>@|TIME_STYLEinvalid time style format %stime styleValid arguments are: - [posix-]%s %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N %z%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%Y-%m-%d LS_COLORStarget.found[//DIRED////SUBDIRED//unrecognized prefix: %syesforcenevernononeautoif-ttyatimeaccessusectimestatusextensionverboselongcommashorizontalacrossverticalsingle-columnescapedirectorydiredfull-timegroup-directories-firsthuman-readableinodekibibytesnumeric-uid-gidno-grouphide-control-charsreversewidthalmost-allignore-backupsclassifyfile-typesidereference-command-linehideignoredereferenceliteralquote-namerecursiveshow-control-charstabsizetime-styleblock-sizelcontextscontextauthorhelp%b %e %Y%b %e %H:%Mm01;3401;3601;3501;3301;3237;4130;4337;4434;4230;4230;41lcrcecfidilnpibdcdmiexdosusgowtwcamhclslashlong-iso(((((sizeof (uintmax_t) * 8 - (! ((__typeof__ (uintmax_t)) 0 < (__typeof__ (uintmax_t)) -1))) * 146 + 484) / 485) + (! ((__typeof__ (uintmax_t)) 0 < (__typeof__ (uintmax_t)) -1))) + 1) <= buflencannot determine device and inode of %s%s: not listing already-listed directoryTry '%s --help' for more information. Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]... List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default). Sort entries alphabetically if none of -cftuvSUX nor --sort is specified. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -a, --all do not ignore entries starting with . -A, --almost-all do not list implied . and .. --author with -l, print the author of each file -b, --escape print C-style escapes for nongraphic characters --block-size=SIZE scale sizes by SIZE before printing them; e.g., '--block-size=M' prints sizes in units of 1,048,576 bytes; see SIZE format below -B, --ignore-backups do not list implied entries ending with ~ -c with -lt: sort by, and show, ctime (time of last modification of file status information); with -l: show ctime and sort by name; otherwise: sort by ctime, newest first -C list entries by columns --color[=WHEN] colorize the output; WHEN can be 'never', 'auto', or 'always' (the default); more info below -d, --directory list directories themselves, not their contents -D, --dired generate output designed for Emacs' dired mode -f do not sort, enable -aU, disable -ls --color -F, --classify append indicator (one of */=>@|) to entries --file-type likewise, except do not append '*' --format=WORD across -x, commas -m, horizontal -x, long -l, single-column -1, verbose -l, vertical -C --full-time like -l --time-style=full-iso -g like -l, but do not list owner --group-directories-first group directories before files; can be augmented with a --sort option, but any use of --sort=none (-U) disables grouping -G, --no-group in a long listing, don't print group names -h, --human-readable with -l, print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G) --si likewise, but use powers of 1000 not 1024 -H, --dereference-command-line follow symbolic links listed on the command line --dereference-command-line-symlink-to-dir follow each command line symbolic link that points to a directory --hide=PATTERN do not list implied entries matching shell PATTERN (overridden by -a or -A) --indicator-style=WORD append indicator with style WORD to entry names: none (default), slash (-p), file-type (--file-type), classify (-F) -i, --inode print the index number of each file -I, --ignore=PATTERN do not list implied entries matching shell PATTERN -k, --kibibytes default to 1024-byte blocks for disk usage -l use a long listing format -L, --dereference when showing file information for a symbolic link, show information for the file the link references rather than for the link itself -m fill width with a comma separated list of entries -n, --numeric-uid-gid like -l, but list numeric user and group IDs -N, --literal print raw entry names (don't treat e.g. control characters specially) -o like -l, but do not list group information -p, --indicator-style=slash append / indicator to directories -q, --hide-control-chars print ? instead of nongraphic characters --show-control-chars show nongraphic characters as-is (the default, unless program is 'ls' and output is a terminal) -Q, --quote-name enclose entry names in double quotes --quoting-style=WORD use quoting style WORD for entry names: literal, locale, shell, shell-always, c, escape -r, --reverse reverse order while sorting -R, --recursive list subdirectories recursively -s, --size print the allocated size of each file, in blocks -S sort by file size --sort=WORD sort by WORD instead of name: none (-U), size (-S), time (-t), version (-v), extension (-X) --time=WORD with -l, show time as WORD instead of default modification time: atime or access or use (-u) ctime or status (-c); also use specified time as sort key if --sort=time --time-style=STYLE with -l, show times using style STYLE: full-iso, long-iso, iso, locale, or +FORMAT; FORMAT is interpreted like in 'date'; if FORMAT is FORMAT1FORMAT2, then FORMAT1 applies to non-recent files and FORMAT2 to recent files; if STYLE is prefixed with 'posix-', STYLE takes effect only outside the POSIX locale -t sort by modification time, newest first -T, --tabsize=COLS assume tab stops at each COLS instead of 8 -u with -lt: sort by, and show, access time; with -l: show access time and sort by name; otherwise: sort by access time -U do not sort; list entries in directory order -v natural sort of (version) numbers within text -w, --width=COLS assume screen width instead of current value -x list entries by lines instead of by columns -X sort alphabetically by entry extension -1 list one file per line SELinux options: --lcontext Display security context. Enable -l. Lines will probably be too wide for most displays. -Z, --context Display security context so it fits on most displays. Displays only mode, user, group, security context and file name. --scontext Display only security context and file name. --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit SIZE is an integer and optional unit (example: 10M is 10*1024*1024). Units are K, M, G, T, P, E, Z, Y (powers of 1024) or KB, MB, ... (powers of 1000). Using color to distinguish file types is disabled both by default and with --color=never. With --color=auto, ls emits color codes only when standard output is connected to a terminal. The LS_COLORS environment variable can change the settings. Use the dircolors command to set it. Exit status: 0 if OK, 1 if minor problems (e.g., cannot access subdirectory), 2 if serious trouble (e.g., cannot access command-line argument). %s translation bugs to For complete documentation, run: info coreutils '%s invocation' ignoring invalid value of environment variable QUOTING_STYLE: %signoring invalid width in environment variable COLUMNS: %signoring invalid tab size in environment variable TABSIZE: %sabcdfghiklmnopqrstuvw:xABCDFGHI:LNQRST:UXZ1 - +FORMAT (e.g., +%H:%M) for a 'date'-style format error initializing month stringsdev_ino_size <= __extension__ ({ struct obstack const *__o = (&dev_ino_obstack); (unsigned) (__o->next_free - __o->object_base); })//DIRED-OPTIONS// --quoting-style=%s hash_get_n_entries (active_dir_set) == 0unparsable value for LS_COLORS environment variabledereference-command-line-symlink-to-dir8.22invalid argument %s for %sambiguous argument %s for %sValid arguments are: - %s, %swrite error%s: %sPOSIX# entries: %lu # buckets: %lu max bucket length: %lu # buckets used: %lu (%.2f%%) ?L??=fff?̌??__Y@%.0Lf%.1LfBLOCKSIZEPOSIXLY_CORRECTeEgGkKmMpPtTyYzZ0KMGTPEZY A>@A NULL argv[0] was passed through an exec system call. /.libs/lt-’"e‘`shellshell-alwaysc-maybeclocalep@Ќ܉̉tވވވՈވވވވވވވވވވlވވވՈ%m/%d/%y%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIII֨IIIIw"IỊ̢jD IIIIIIԞDIԞI6WzIIMdID%s (%s) %s %s %s (C)Written by %s. Written by %s and %s. Written by %s, %s, and %s. Report bugs to: %s home page: <%s> License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and others. General help using GNU software: H0Ь`Copyright %s %d Free Software Foundation, Inc.memory exhaustedlib/xstrtol.c0 <= strtol_base && strtol_base <= 36ٷvCѶW<vCѶ,xstrtoulinvalid %s%s argument '%s'%s%s argument '%s' too large--invalid suffix in %s%s argument '%s'zӻV#r7ӻV# xstrtoumax/usr/lib64ASCIICHARSETALIASDIR%50s %50s;T p0@(@hP( @ X  0 ``  8 ` x P p ( 0@ X p 0 p P0 H ` @(XX  @   ` 8P`P h`@`'@..0//P00p1 182PP2h220334 4`p566077 8X8=>x>?`@(pAA0B@B0PBHCxpCC`DD `F8pFPFpG0HK LHpLpM M0M`M`N@NX@PPP`PpPP  Q80RxRRPSS 0TppTT@VV8WhY0\@\\ ^X0ikk lP @m @n n 0o s8!s!u!u" x"0x"x"y"y#`z0#p{p#0#$ @$@X$`p$$$$%pX%p%%0%@%P%`&8& x&0&@&&&' ('Ўh'''' '0'@'P(@(p((()Э)`))* *8*P*0x*`*а* *@*`+(+H+`+`++(,H,h,0,P,м,@-@X---p-(.@.zRx |*zRx $ز@FJ w?;*3$"D \t<BPL D(F0w (A LBBH W4fBED I(D0G(A ABB4P2Ah G ATpA,tAAD  AAC ` X$P(ADG ODDXP ,HD@ L\8kBBF E(A0A8D@G 8A0A(B BBBA ,XBDD  ABF ,AF BIEU A L XBBA A(D0 (A ABBA P(A ABB,\BGA _ AGO $h?AM S FI $?AM S FI 4YBGA q ABB KAL,6D\htXZZb@ZPGA{ A ,$4ACJ AAJ <TBPB D(C0} (A BBBA  HbpZ<BAA  ABJ N ABO L8BBB B(H0A8Nn 8A0A(B BBBA lAc\0VHY O ,pAAG AAA L@BBB E(A0D8G@? 8D0A(B BBBE <$BBA A(J$ (A ABBD dPMRIcLBBB E(D0D8Ju 8A0A(B BBBD L`BBB B(A0A8J% 8A0A(B BBBD $j<86T`6ljj8j6,KADJ AAB iBBB B(A0A8DpW 8A0A(B BBBA : 8A0A(B BBBA r 8A0A(B BBBA b 8A0A(B BBBA  8A0A(B BBBA % 8F0A(B BBBE  xF 6 I I, H6D pI,\ ACD@ AAK , HAC FF G L BBE B(A0D8G 8A0A(B BBBA  h$ < hT l X  H6 pI I 6 I @F4, xiBIH { ABG AIB4d iBDI ~ ABH AIB< BAD  ABG G ABF < X BAD  ABG G ABF  4 @!L !4d @"gBDA I ABE AGB4 x"gBIA D ABE AGB< "BAA  ABJ N ABO $0#BBA C(D04<BBB B(D0C8D|t'BPL E(A0A8IPc 8A0A(B BBBE R 8D0A(B BBBA O8C0A(B BBB ( d (-BEB B(D0D8D` 8A0A(B BBBG T 8D0A(B BBBA ,t(sBJD v JBN \0)BGB E(I0K8D@ 8A0A(B BBBA D8F0A(B BBBL)mBEE E(G0G8M@N 8A0A(B BBBA <T*NBBB A(A0{(A EBB**,*AAD } AAA ,*RACG | DAA <$*tBBD A(D0E (A ABBH d+i|X++AZ E Jh+ --DN A L-BEE B(D0D8DP 8A0A(B BBBJ <-DTP.lBBB A(D0GP~ 0A(A BBBH $x1bAL0N AA $1RD] G X H I12x24p2"A[ A dT2BEE D(D0Y (A BBEI ` (A BDED k (A BBBF 3d3FBEE B(D0A8D@ 8F0A(B BBBF q8C0A(B BBB<x4Tp4lh4`4I4X<4BBB A(D0 (A BBBV 45SBDD t ADE DAE,5BDq A F A 4L6dADG K AAA GAA@6dL6nBEB B(A0A8D@K 8D0A(B BBBA 646 d6BQE E(D0D8D@  8A0A(B BBBH T 8C0A(B BBBH ,08BAD AB,8BAD t DBE 4@9BAA Gp  AABA <;tBBA D(D@X (A ABBE \H=$t@=QAG { AD 4x=BFA G0K  AABA L0? 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Cf')%Oխ^uB{@ Yl/@@9\;OjDY0iy޾#p3E 2nkNyev `=iGh3xz2k;EՑ%"p ޭdw fyĉj:%ڥbt?iTt B0HR)IUY˝3'@|_؄b`,hwmB$0S~@'_^g p#=G(G0רow'֖69: ~r}kgBbe"H-?ל\dB~a.%~Ih G dV@ްywSf5&)_eը 8RZA@ln~kfD}w+!2c9%VFMcXUhDk|CNߧIR/G"J"A*Zg\2`]e68>0ӡ}Xb{KUlG ܩBp "@ő5[Ÿ߀:KSzWuU tawVܮE]Mjn&[Ub) ADHo66cif* Mn,?+jpSeSttUxPyA֨EgiQ1#+I)d+lc;]^?8A k(.4KKJ+6cy_onH"^RIT1I£MyB~nH(hk= k`/o/x]I89ͤ/~MP"fPN(I4e-eprv b5"k~7LGH:h)DL)=/];ҵ؆Ad* j) 1=.Iߺk(-Qu s1$=$Z~aɕ((Uɇ7g)Ǵe!Z '7Lw44^<ͷ?~fc{%xt+aVA1{yR_3$ pKJ]ʜ]3?|}89 @ F@rNoZ@Z[o`@`j@tB@ ~!@!y!@!@(@(J<*A<* `*A`*< 0gA0gTnAn'(a(0a08a8@a@h aaHaa@ a   usr/share/info/dir000064400000237540147576502740010147 0ustar00$Id: dir,v 1.2 1996/09/24 18:43:01 karl Exp $ This is the file .../info/dir, which contains the topmost node of the Info hierarchy. The first time you invoke Info you start off looking at that node, which is (dir)Top.  File: dir Node: Top This is the top of the INFO tree This (the Directory node) gives a menu of major topics. Typing "q" exits, "?" lists all Info commands, "d" returns here, "h" gives a primer for first-timers, "mEmacs" visits the Emacs topic, etc. In Emacs, you can click mouse button 2 on a menu item or cross reference to select it. * Menu: Archiving * Cpio: (cpio). Copy-in-copy-out archiver to tape or disk. * Shar utilities: (sharutils). Shell archiver, uuencode/uudecode. * Tar: (tar). Making tape (or disk) archives. Basics * Common options: (coreutils)Common options. * Coreutils: (coreutils). Core GNU (file, text, shell) utilities. * Date input formats: (coreutils)Date input formats. * File permissions: (coreutils)File permissions. Access modes. * Finding files: (find). Operating on files matching certain criteria. * ed: (ed). The GNU Line Editor. C++ libraries * autosprintf: (autosprintf). Support for printf format strings in C++. Compression * Gzip: (gzip). General (de)compression of files (lzw). Development * libext2fs: (libext2fs). The EXT2FS library. Editors * nano: (nano). Small and friendly text editor. Emacs * IDN Library: (libidn)Emacs API. Emacs API for IDN functions. General Commands * screen: (screen). Terminal multiplexer. GNU C library functions and macros * ALTWERASE: (libc)Local Modes. * ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN: (libc)Argp Parser Functions. * ARG_MAX: (libc)General Limits. * BC_BASE_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits. * BC_DIM_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits. * BC_SCALE_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits. * BC_STRING_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits. * BRKINT: (libc)Input Modes. * BUFSIZ: (libc)Controlling Buffering. * CCTS_OFLOW: (libc)Control Modes. * CHILD_MAX: (libc)General Limits. * CIGNORE: (libc)Control Modes. * CLK_TCK: (libc)Processor Time. * CLOCAL: (libc)Control Modes. * CLOCKS_PER_SEC: (libc)CPU Time. * COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits. * CPU_CLR: (libc)CPU Affinity. * CPU_ISSET: (libc)CPU Affinity. * CPU_SET: (libc)CPU Affinity. * CPU_SETSIZE: (libc)CPU Affinity. * CPU_ZERO: (libc)CPU Affinity. * CREAD: (libc)Control Modes. * CRTS_IFLOW: (libc)Control Modes. * CS5: (libc)Control Modes. * CS6: (libc)Control Modes. * CS7: (libc)Control Modes. * CS8: (libc)Control Modes. * CSIZE: (libc)Control Modes. * CSTOPB: (libc)Control Modes. * DES_FAILED: (libc)DES Encryption. * DTTOIF: (libc)Directory Entries. * E2BIG: (libc)Error Codes. * EACCES: (libc)Error Codes. * EADDRINUSE: (libc)Error Codes. * EADDRNOTAVAIL: (libc)Error Codes. * EADV: (libc)Error Codes. * EAFNOSUPPORT: (libc)Error Codes. * EAGAIN: (libc)Error Codes. * EALREADY: (libc)Error Codes. * EAUTH: (libc)Error Codes. * EBACKGROUND: (libc)Error Codes. * EBADE: (libc)Error Codes. * EBADF: (libc)Error Codes. * EBADFD: (libc)Error Codes. * EBADMSG: (libc)Error Codes. * EBADR: (libc)Error Codes. * EBADRPC: (libc)Error Codes. * EBADRQC: (libc)Error Codes. * EBADSLT: (libc)Error Codes. * EBFONT: (libc)Error Codes. * EBUSY: (libc)Error Codes. * ECANCELED: (libc)Error Codes. * ECHILD: (libc)Error Codes. * ECHO: (libc)Local Modes. * ECHOCTL: (libc)Local Modes. * ECHOE: (libc)Local Modes. * ECHOK: (libc)Local Modes. * ECHOKE: (libc)Local Modes. * ECHONL: (libc)Local Modes. * ECHOPRT: (libc)Local Modes. * ECHRNG: (libc)Error Codes. * ECOMM: (libc)Error Codes. * ECONNABORTED: (libc)Error Codes. * ECONNREFUSED: (libc)Error Codes. * ECONNRESET: (libc)Error Codes. * ED: (libc)Error Codes. * EDEADLK: (libc)Error Codes. * EDEADLOCK: (libc)Error Codes. * EDESTADDRREQ: (libc)Error Codes. * EDIED: (libc)Error Codes. * EDOM: (libc)Error Codes. * EDOTDOT: (libc)Error Codes. * EDQUOT: (libc)Error Codes. * EEXIST: (libc)Error Codes. * EFAULT: (libc)Error Codes. * EFBIG: (libc)Error Codes. * EFTYPE: (libc)Error Codes. * EGRATUITOUS: (libc)Error Codes. * EGREGIOUS: (libc)Error Codes. * EHOSTDOWN: (libc)Error Codes. * EHOSTUNREACH: (libc)Error Codes. * EHWPOISON: (libc)Error Codes. * EIDRM: (libc)Error Codes. * EIEIO: (libc)Error Codes. * EILSEQ: (libc)Error Codes. * EINPROGRESS: (libc)Error Codes. * EINTR: (libc)Error Codes. * EINVAL: (libc)Error Codes. * EIO: (libc)Error Codes. * EISCONN: (libc)Error Codes. * EISDIR: (libc)Error Codes. * EISNAM: (libc)Error Codes. * EKEYEXPIRED: (libc)Error Codes. * EKEYREJECTED: (libc)Error Codes. * EKEYREVOKED: (libc)Error Codes. * EL2HLT: (libc)Error Codes. * EL2NSYNC: (libc)Error Codes. * EL3HLT: (libc)Error Codes. * EL3RST: (libc)Error Codes. * ELIBACC: (libc)Error Codes. * ELIBBAD: (libc)Error Codes. * ELIBEXEC: (libc)Error Codes. * ELIBMAX: (libc)Error Codes. * ELIBSCN: (libc)Error Codes. * ELNRNG: (libc)Error Codes. * ELOOP: (libc)Error Codes. * EMEDIUMTYPE: (libc)Error Codes. * EMFILE: (libc)Error Codes. * EMLINK: (libc)Error Codes. * EMSGSIZE: (libc)Error Codes. * EMULTIHOP: (libc)Error Codes. * ENAMETOOLONG: (libc)Error Codes. * ENAVAIL: (libc)Error Codes. * ENEEDAUTH: (libc)Error Codes. * ENETDOWN: (libc)Error Codes. * ENETRESET: (libc)Error Codes. * ENETUNREACH: (libc)Error Codes. * ENFILE: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOANO: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOBUFS: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOCSI: (libc)Error Codes. * ENODATA: (libc)Error Codes. * ENODEV: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOENT: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOEXEC: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOKEY: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOLCK: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOLINK: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOMEDIUM: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOMEM: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOMSG: (libc)Error Codes. * ENONET: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOPKG: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOPROTOOPT: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOSPC: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOSR: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOSTR: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOSYS: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOTBLK: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOTCONN: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOTDIR: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOTEMPTY: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOTNAM: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOTRECOVERABLE: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOTSOCK: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOTSUP: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOTTY: (libc)Error Codes. * ENOTUNIQ: (libc)Error Codes. * ENXIO: (libc)Error Codes. * EOF: (libc)EOF and Errors. * EOPNOTSUPP: (libc)Error Codes. * EOVERFLOW: (libc)Error Codes. * EOWNERDEAD: (libc)Error Codes. * EPERM: (libc)Error Codes. * EPFNOSUPPORT: (libc)Error Codes. * EPIPE: (libc)Error Codes. * EPROCLIM: (libc)Error Codes. * EPROCUNAVAIL: (libc)Error Codes. * EPROGMISMATCH: (libc)Error Codes. * EPROGUNAVAIL: (libc)Error Codes. * EPROTO: (libc)Error Codes. * EPROTONOSUPPORT: (libc)Error Codes. * EPROTOTYPE: (libc)Error Codes. * EQUIV_CLASS_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits. * ERANGE: (libc)Error Codes. * EREMCHG: (libc)Error Codes. * EREMOTE: (libc)Error Codes. * EREMOTEIO: (libc)Error Codes. * ERESTART: (libc)Error Codes. * ERFKILL: (libc)Error Codes. * EROFS: (libc)Error Codes. * ERPCMISMATCH: (libc)Error Codes. * ESHUTDOWN: (libc)Error Codes. * ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: (libc)Error Codes. * ESPIPE: (libc)Error Codes. * ESRCH: (libc)Error Codes. * ESRMNT: (libc)Error Codes. * ESTALE: (libc)Error Codes. * ESTRPIPE: (libc)Error Codes. * ETIME: (libc)Error Codes. * ETIMEDOUT: (libc)Error Codes. * ETOOMANYREFS: (libc)Error Codes. * ETXTBSY: (libc)Error Codes. * EUCLEAN: (libc)Error Codes. * EUNATCH: (libc)Error Codes. * EUSERS: (libc)Error Codes. * EWOULDBLOCK: (libc)Error Codes. * EXDEV: (libc)Error Codes. * EXFULL: (libc)Error Codes. * EXIT_FAILURE: (libc)Exit Status. * EXIT_SUCCESS: (libc)Exit Status. * EXPR_NEST_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits. * FD_CLOEXEC: (libc)Descriptor Flags. * FD_CLR: (libc)Waiting for I/O. * FD_ISSET: (libc)Waiting for I/O. * FD_SET: (libc)Waiting for I/O. * FD_SETSIZE: (libc)Waiting for I/O. * FD_ZERO: (libc)Waiting for I/O. * FILENAME_MAX: (libc)Limits for Files. * FLUSHO: (libc)Local Modes. * FOPEN_MAX: (libc)Opening Streams. * FP_ILOGB0: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * FP_ILOGBNAN: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * F_DUPFD: (libc)Duplicating Descriptors. * F_GETFD: (libc)Descriptor Flags. * F_GETFL: (libc)Getting File Status Flags. * F_GETLK: (libc)File Locks. * F_GETOWN: (libc)Interrupt Input. * F_OK: (libc)Testing File Access. * F_SETFD: (libc)Descriptor Flags. * F_SETFL: (libc)Getting File Status Flags. * F_SETLK: (libc)File Locks. * F_SETLKW: (libc)File Locks. * F_SETOWN: (libc)Interrupt Input. * HUGE_VAL: (libc)Math Error Reporting. * HUGE_VALF: (libc)Math Error Reporting. * HUGE_VALL: (libc)Math Error Reporting. * HUPCL: (libc)Control Modes. * I: (libc)Complex Numbers. * ICANON: (libc)Local Modes. * ICRNL: (libc)Input Modes. * IEXTEN: (libc)Local Modes. * IFNAMSIZ: (libc)Interface Naming. * IFTODT: (libc)Directory Entries. * IGNBRK: (libc)Input Modes. * IGNCR: (libc)Input Modes. * IGNPAR: (libc)Input Modes. * IMAXBEL: (libc)Input Modes. * INADDR_ANY: (libc)Host Address Data Type. * INADDR_BROADCAST: (libc)Host Address Data Type. * INADDR_LOOPBACK: (libc)Host Address Data Type. * INADDR_NONE: (libc)Host Address Data Type. * INFINITY: (libc)Infinity and NaN. * INLCR: (libc)Input Modes. * INPCK: (libc)Input Modes. * IPPORT_RESERVED: (libc)Ports. * IPPORT_USERRESERVED: (libc)Ports. * ISIG: (libc)Local Modes. * ISTRIP: (libc)Input Modes. * IXANY: (libc)Input Modes. * IXOFF: (libc)Input Modes. * IXON: (libc)Input Modes. * LINE_MAX: (libc)Utility Limits. * LINK_MAX: (libc)Limits for Files. * L_ctermid: (libc)Identifying the Terminal. * L_cuserid: (libc)Who Logged In. * L_tmpnam: (libc)Temporary Files. * MAXNAMLEN: (libc)Limits for Files. * MAXSYMLINKS: (libc)Symbolic Links. * MAX_CANON: (libc)Limits for Files. * MAX_INPUT: (libc)Limits for Files. * MB_CUR_MAX: (libc)Selecting the Conversion. * MB_LEN_MAX: (libc)Selecting the Conversion. * MDMBUF: (libc)Control Modes. * MSG_DONTROUTE: (libc)Socket Data Options. * MSG_OOB: (libc)Socket Data Options. * MSG_PEEK: (libc)Socket Data Options. * NAME_MAX: (libc)Limits for Files. * NAN: (libc)Infinity and NaN. * NCCS: (libc)Mode Data Types. * NGROUPS_MAX: (libc)General Limits. * NOFLSH: (libc)Local Modes. * NOKERNINFO: (libc)Local Modes. * NSIG: (libc)Standard Signals. * NULL: (libc)Null Pointer Constant. * ONLCR: (libc)Output Modes. * ONOEOT: (libc)Output Modes. * OPEN_MAX: (libc)General Limits. * OPOST: (libc)Output Modes. * OXTABS: (libc)Output Modes. * O_ACCMODE: (libc)Access Modes. * O_APPEND: (libc)Operating Modes. * O_ASYNC: (libc)Operating Modes. * O_CREAT: (libc)Open-time Flags. * O_EXCL: (libc)Open-time Flags. * O_EXEC: (libc)Access Modes. * O_EXLOCK: (libc)Open-time Flags. * O_FSYNC: (libc)Operating Modes. * O_IGNORE_CTTY: (libc)Open-time Flags. * O_NDELAY: (libc)Operating Modes. * O_NOATIME: (libc)Operating Modes. * O_NOCTTY: (libc)Open-time Flags. * O_NOLINK: (libc)Open-time Flags. * O_NONBLOCK: (libc)Open-time Flags. * O_NONBLOCK: (libc)Operating Modes. * O_NOTRANS: (libc)Open-time Flags. * O_RDONLY: (libc)Access Modes. * O_RDWR: (libc)Access Modes. * O_READ: (libc)Access Modes. * O_SHLOCK: (libc)Open-time Flags. * O_SYNC: (libc)Operating Modes. * O_TRUNC: (libc)Open-time Flags. * O_WRITE: (libc)Access Modes. * O_WRONLY: (libc)Access Modes. * PARENB: (libc)Control Modes. * PARMRK: (libc)Input Modes. * PARODD: (libc)Control Modes. * PATH_MAX: (libc)Limits for Files. * PA_FLAG_MASK: (libc)Parsing a Template String. * PENDIN: (libc)Local Modes. * PF_FILE: (libc)Local Namespace Details. * PF_INET: (libc)Internet Namespace. * PF_INET6: (libc)Internet Namespace. * PF_LOCAL: (libc)Local Namespace Details. * PF_UNIX: (libc)Local Namespace Details. * PIPE_BUF: (libc)Limits for Files. * P_tmpdir: (libc)Temporary Files. * RAND_MAX: (libc)ISO Random. * RE_DUP_MAX: (libc)General Limits. * RLIM_INFINITY: (libc)Limits on Resources. * R_OK: (libc)Testing File Access. * SA_NOCLDSTOP: (libc)Flags for Sigaction. * SA_ONSTACK: (libc)Flags for Sigaction. * SA_RESTART: (libc)Flags for Sigaction. * SEEK_CUR: (libc)File Positioning. * SEEK_END: (libc)File Positioning. * SEEK_SET: (libc)File Positioning. * SIGABRT: (libc)Program Error Signals. * SIGALRM: (libc)Alarm Signals. * SIGBUS: (libc)Program Error Signals. * SIGCHLD: (libc)Job Control Signals. * SIGCLD: (libc)Job Control Signals. * SIGCONT: (libc)Job Control Signals. * SIGEMT: (libc)Program Error Signals. * SIGFPE: (libc)Program Error Signals. * SIGHUP: (libc)Termination Signals. * SIGILL: (libc)Program Error Signals. * SIGINFO: (libc)Miscellaneous Signals. * SIGINT: (libc)Termination Signals. * SIGIO: (libc)Asynchronous I/O Signals. * SIGIOT: (libc)Program Error Signals. * SIGKILL: (libc)Termination Signals. * SIGLOST: (libc)Operation Error Signals. * SIGPIPE: (libc)Operation Error Signals. * SIGPOLL: (libc)Asynchronous I/O Signals. * SIGPROF: (libc)Alarm Signals. * SIGQUIT: (libc)Termination Signals. * SIGSEGV: (libc)Program Error Signals. * SIGSTOP: (libc)Job Control Signals. * SIGSYS: (libc)Program Error Signals. * SIGTERM: (libc)Termination Signals. * SIGTRAP: (libc)Program Error Signals. * SIGTSTP: (libc)Job Control Signals. * SIGTTIN: (libc)Job Control Signals. * SIGTTOU: (libc)Job Control Signals. * SIGURG: (libc)Asynchronous I/O Signals. * SIGUSR1: (libc)Miscellaneous Signals. * SIGUSR2: (libc)Miscellaneous Signals. * SIGVTALRM: (libc)Alarm Signals. * SIGWINCH: (libc)Miscellaneous Signals. * SIGXCPU: (libc)Operation Error Signals. * SIGXFSZ: (libc)Operation Error Signals. * SIG_ERR: (libc)Basic Signal Handling. * SOCK_DGRAM: (libc)Communication Styles. * SOCK_RAW: (libc)Communication Styles. * SOCK_RDM: (libc)Communication Styles. * SOCK_SEQPACKET: (libc)Communication Styles. * SOCK_STREAM: (libc)Communication Styles. * SOL_SOCKET: (libc)Socket-Level Options. * SSIZE_MAX: (libc)General Limits. * STREAM_MAX: (libc)General Limits. * SUN_LEN: (libc)Local Namespace Details. * SV_INTERRUPT: (libc)BSD Handler. * SV_ONSTACK: (libc)BSD Handler. * SV_RESETHAND: (libc)BSD Handler. * S_IFMT: (libc)Testing File Type. * S_ISBLK: (libc)Testing File Type. * S_ISCHR: (libc)Testing File Type. * S_ISDIR: (libc)Testing File Type. * S_ISFIFO: (libc)Testing File Type. * S_ISLNK: (libc)Testing File Type. * S_ISREG: (libc)Testing File Type. * S_ISSOCK: (libc)Testing File Type. * S_TYPEISMQ: (libc)Testing File Type. * S_TYPEISSEM: (libc)Testing File Type. * S_TYPEISSHM: (libc)Testing File Type. * TMP_MAX: (libc)Temporary Files. * TOSTOP: (libc)Local Modes. * TZNAME_MAX: (libc)General Limits. * VDISCARD: (libc)Other Special. * VDSUSP: (libc)Signal Characters. * VEOF: (libc)Editing Characters. * VEOL: (libc)Editing Characters. * VEOL2: (libc)Editing Characters. * VERASE: (libc)Editing Characters. * VINTR: (libc)Signal Characters. * VKILL: (libc)Editing Characters. * VLNEXT: (libc)Other Special. * VMIN: (libc)Noncanonical Input. * VQUIT: (libc)Signal Characters. * VREPRINT: (libc)Editing Characters. * VSTART: (libc)Start/Stop Characters. * VSTATUS: (libc)Other Special. * VSTOP: (libc)Start/Stop Characters. * VSUSP: (libc)Signal Characters. * VTIME: (libc)Noncanonical Input. * VWERASE: (libc)Editing Characters. * WCHAR_MAX: (libc)Extended Char Intro. * WCHAR_MIN: (libc)Extended Char Intro. * WCOREDUMP: (libc)Process Completion Status. * WEOF: (libc)EOF and Errors. * WEOF: (libc)Extended Char Intro. * WEXITSTATUS: (libc)Process Completion Status. * WIFEXITED: (libc)Process Completion Status. * WIFSIGNALED: (libc)Process Completion Status. * WIFSTOPPED: (libc)Process Completion Status. * WSTOPSIG: (libc)Process Completion Status. * WTERMSIG: (libc)Process Completion Status. * W_OK: (libc)Testing File Access. * X_OK: (libc)Testing File Access. * _Complex_I: (libc)Complex Numbers. * _Exit: (libc)Termination Internals. * _IOFBF: (libc)Controlling Buffering. * _IOLBF: (libc)Controlling Buffering. * _IONBF: (libc)Controlling Buffering. * _Imaginary_I: (libc)Complex Numbers. * _PATH_UTMP: (libc)Manipulating the Database. * _PATH_WTMP: (libc)Manipulating the Database. * _POSIX2_C_DEV: (libc)System Options. * _POSIX2_C_VERSION: (libc)Version Supported. * _POSIX2_FORT_DEV: (libc)System Options. * _POSIX2_FORT_RUN: (libc)System Options. * _POSIX2_LOCALEDEF: (libc)System Options. * _POSIX2_SW_DEV: (libc)System Options. * _POSIX_CHOWN_RESTRICTED: (libc)Options for Files. * _POSIX_JOB_CONTROL: (libc)System Options. * _POSIX_NO_TRUNC: (libc)Options for Files. * _POSIX_SAVED_IDS: (libc)System Options. * _POSIX_VDISABLE: (libc)Options for Files. * _POSIX_VERSION: (libc)Version Supported. * __fbufsize: (libc)Controlling Buffering. * __flbf: (libc)Controlling Buffering. * __fpending: (libc)Controlling Buffering. * __fpurge: (libc)Flushing Buffers. * __freadable: (libc)Opening Streams. * __freading: (libc)Opening Streams. * __fsetlocking: (libc)Streams and Threads. * __fwritable: (libc)Opening Streams. * __fwriting: (libc)Opening Streams. * __gconv_end_fct: (libc)glibc iconv Implementation. * __gconv_fct: (libc)glibc iconv Implementation. * __gconv_init_fct: (libc)glibc iconv Implementation. * __ppc_get_timebase: (libc)PowerPC. * __ppc_get_timebase_freq: (libc)PowerPC. * __ppc_mdoio: (libc)PowerPC. * __ppc_mdoom: (libc)PowerPC. * __ppc_set_ppr_low: (libc)PowerPC. * __ppc_set_ppr_med: (libc)PowerPC. * __ppc_set_ppr_med_low: (libc)PowerPC. * __ppc_yield: (libc)PowerPC. * __va_copy: (libc)Argument Macros. * _exit: (libc)Termination Internals. * _flushlbf: (libc)Flushing Buffers. * _tolower: (libc)Case Conversion. * _toupper: (libc)Case Conversion. * a64l: (libc)Encode Binary Data. * abort: (libc)Aborting a Program. * abs: (libc)Absolute Value. * accept: (libc)Accepting Connections. * access: (libc)Testing File Access. * acos: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * acosf: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * acosh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * acoshf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * acoshl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * acosl: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * addmntent: (libc)mtab. * addseverity: (libc)Adding Severity Classes. * adjtime: (libc)High-Resolution Calendar. * adjtimex: (libc)High-Resolution Calendar. * aio_cancel: (libc)Cancel AIO Operations. * aio_cancel64: (libc)Cancel AIO Operations. * aio_error: (libc)Status of AIO Operations. * aio_error64: (libc)Status of AIO Operations. * aio_fsync: (libc)Synchronizing AIO Operations. * aio_fsync64: (libc)Synchronizing AIO Operations. * aio_init: (libc)Configuration of AIO. * aio_read: (libc)Asynchronous Reads/Writes. * aio_read64: (libc)Asynchronous Reads/Writes. * aio_return: (libc)Status of AIO Operations. * aio_return64: (libc)Status of AIO Operations. * aio_suspend: (libc)Synchronizing AIO Operations. * aio_suspend64: (libc)Synchronizing AIO Operations. * aio_write: (libc)Asynchronous Reads/Writes. * aio_write64: (libc)Asynchronous Reads/Writes. * alarm: (libc)Setting an Alarm. * aligned_alloc: (libc)Aligned Memory Blocks. * alloca: (libc)Variable Size Automatic. * alphasort: (libc)Scanning Directory Content. * alphasort64: (libc)Scanning Directory Content. * argp_error: (libc)Argp Helper Functions. * argp_failure: (libc)Argp Helper Functions. * argp_help: (libc)Argp Help. * argp_parse: (libc)Argp. * argp_state_help: (libc)Argp Helper Functions. * argp_usage: (libc)Argp Helper Functions. * argz_add: (libc)Argz Functions. * argz_add_sep: (libc)Argz Functions. * argz_append: (libc)Argz Functions. * argz_count: (libc)Argz Functions. * argz_create: (libc)Argz Functions. * argz_create_sep: (libc)Argz Functions. * argz_delete: (libc)Argz Functions. * argz_extract: (libc)Argz Functions. * argz_insert: (libc)Argz Functions. * argz_next: (libc)Argz Functions. * argz_replace: (libc)Argz Functions. * argz_stringify: (libc)Argz Functions. * asctime: (libc)Formatting Calendar Time. * asctime_r: (libc)Formatting Calendar Time. * asin: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * asinf: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * asinh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * asinhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * asinhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * asinl: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * asprintf: (libc)Dynamic Output. * assert: (libc)Consistency Checking. * assert_perror: (libc)Consistency Checking. * atan: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * atan2: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * atan2f: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * atan2l: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * atanf: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * atanh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * atanhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * atanhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * atanl: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * atexit: (libc)Cleanups on Exit. * atof: (libc)Parsing of Floats. * atoi: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * atol: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * atoll: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * backtrace: (libc)Backtraces. * backtrace_symbols: (libc)Backtraces. * backtrace_symbols_fd: (libc)Backtraces. * basename: (libc)Finding Tokens in a String. * basename: (libc)Finding Tokens in a String. * bcmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison. * bcopy: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * bind: (libc)Setting Address. * bind_textdomain_codeset: (libc)Charset conversion in gettext. * bindtextdomain: (libc)Locating gettext catalog. * brk: (libc)Resizing the Data Segment. * bsearch: (libc)Array Search Function. * btowc: (libc)Converting a Character. * bzero: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * cabs: (libc)Absolute Value. * cabsf: (libc)Absolute Value. * cabsl: (libc)Absolute Value. * cacos: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * cacosf: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * cacosh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * cacoshf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * cacoshl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * cacosl: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * calloc: (libc)Allocating Cleared Space. * canonicalize_file_name: (libc)Symbolic Links. * carg: (libc)Operations on Complex. * cargf: (libc)Operations on Complex. * cargl: (libc)Operations on Complex. * casin: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * casinf: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * casinh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * casinhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * casinhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * casinl: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * catan: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * catanf: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * catanh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * catanhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * catanhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * catanl: (libc)Inverse Trig Functions. * catclose: (libc)The catgets Functions. * catgets: (libc)The catgets Functions. * catopen: (libc)The catgets Functions. * cbc_crypt: (libc)DES Encryption. * cbrt: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * cbrtf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * cbrtl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * ccos: (libc)Trig Functions. * ccosf: (libc)Trig Functions. * ccosh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * ccoshf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * ccoshl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * ccosl: (libc)Trig Functions. * ceil: (libc)Rounding Functions. * ceilf: (libc)Rounding Functions. * ceill: (libc)Rounding Functions. * cexp: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * cexpf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * cexpl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * cfgetispeed: (libc)Line Speed. * cfgetospeed: (libc)Line Speed. * cfmakeraw: (libc)Noncanonical Input. * cfree: (libc)Freeing after Malloc. * cfsetispeed: (libc)Line Speed. * cfsetospeed: (libc)Line Speed. * cfsetspeed: (libc)Line Speed. * chdir: (libc)Working Directory. * chmod: (libc)Setting Permissions. * chown: (libc)File Owner. * cimag: (libc)Operations on Complex. * cimagf: (libc)Operations on Complex. * cimagl: (libc)Operations on Complex. * clearenv: (libc)Environment Access. * clearerr: (libc)Error Recovery. * clearerr_unlocked: (libc)Error Recovery. * clock: (libc)CPU Time. * clog: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * clog10: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * clog10f: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * clog10l: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * clogf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * clogl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * close: (libc)Opening and Closing Files. * closedir: (libc)Reading/Closing Directory. * closelog: (libc)closelog. * confstr: (libc)String Parameters. * conj: (libc)Operations on Complex. * conjf: (libc)Operations on Complex. * conjl: (libc)Operations on Complex. * connect: (libc)Connecting. * copysign: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling. * copysignf: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling. * copysignl: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling. * cos: (libc)Trig Functions. * cosf: (libc)Trig Functions. * cosh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * coshf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * coshl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * cosl: (libc)Trig Functions. * cpow: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * cpowf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * cpowl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * cproj: (libc)Operations on Complex. * cprojf: (libc)Operations on Complex. * cprojl: (libc)Operations on Complex. * creal: (libc)Operations on Complex. * crealf: (libc)Operations on Complex. * creall: (libc)Operations on Complex. * creat: (libc)Opening and Closing Files. * creat64: (libc)Opening and Closing Files. * crypt: (libc)crypt. * crypt_r: (libc)crypt. * csin: (libc)Trig Functions. * csinf: (libc)Trig Functions. * csinh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * csinhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * csinhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * csinl: (libc)Trig Functions. * csqrt: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * csqrtf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * csqrtl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * ctan: (libc)Trig Functions. * ctanf: (libc)Trig Functions. * ctanh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * ctanhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * ctanhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * ctanl: (libc)Trig Functions. * ctermid: (libc)Identifying the Terminal. * ctime: (libc)Formatting Calendar Time. * ctime_r: (libc)Formatting Calendar Time. * cuserid: (libc)Who Logged In. * dcgettext: (libc)Translation with gettext. * dcngettext: (libc)Advanced gettext functions. * des_setparity: (libc)DES Encryption. * dgettext: (libc)Translation with gettext. * difftime: (libc)Elapsed Time. * dirfd: (libc)Opening a Directory. * dirname: (libc)Finding Tokens in a String. * div: (libc)Integer Division. * dngettext: (libc)Advanced gettext functions. * drand48: (libc)SVID Random. * drand48_r: (libc)SVID Random. * drem: (libc)Remainder Functions. * dremf: (libc)Remainder Functions. * dreml: (libc)Remainder Functions. * dup: (libc)Duplicating Descriptors. * dup2: (libc)Duplicating Descriptors. * ecb_crypt: (libc)DES Encryption. * ecvt: (libc)System V Number Conversion. * ecvt_r: (libc)System V Number Conversion. * encrypt: (libc)DES Encryption. * encrypt_r: (libc)DES Encryption. * endfsent: (libc)fstab. * endgrent: (libc)Scanning All Groups. * endhostent: (libc)Host Names. * endmntent: (libc)mtab. * endnetent: (libc)Networks Database. * endnetgrent: (libc)Lookup Netgroup. * endprotoent: (libc)Protocols Database. * endpwent: (libc)Scanning All Users. * endservent: (libc)Services Database. * endutent: (libc)Manipulating the Database. * endutxent: (libc)XPG Functions. * envz_add: (libc)Envz Functions. * envz_entry: (libc)Envz Functions. * envz_get: (libc)Envz Functions. * envz_merge: (libc)Envz Functions. * envz_strip: (libc)Envz Functions. * erand48: (libc)SVID Random. * erand48_r: (libc)SVID Random. * erf: (libc)Special Functions. * erfc: (libc)Special Functions. * erfcf: (libc)Special Functions. * erfcl: (libc)Special Functions. * erff: (libc)Special Functions. * erfl: (libc)Special Functions. * err: (libc)Error Messages. * errno: (libc)Checking for Errors. * error: (libc)Error Messages. * error_at_line: (libc)Error Messages. * errx: (libc)Error Messages. * execl: (libc)Executing a File. * execle: (libc)Executing a File. * execlp: (libc)Executing a File. * execv: (libc)Executing a File. * execve: (libc)Executing a File. * execvp: (libc)Executing a File. * exit: (libc)Normal Termination. * exp: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * exp10: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * exp10f: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * exp10l: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * exp2: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * exp2f: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * exp2l: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * expf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * expl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * expm1: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * expm1f: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * expm1l: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * fabs: (libc)Absolute Value. * fabsf: (libc)Absolute Value. * fabsl: (libc)Absolute Value. * fchdir: (libc)Working Directory. * fchmod: (libc)Setting Permissions. * fchown: (libc)File Owner. * fclose: (libc)Closing Streams. * fcloseall: (libc)Closing Streams. * fcntl: (libc)Control Operations. * fcvt: (libc)System V Number Conversion. * fcvt_r: (libc)System V Number Conversion. * fdatasync: (libc)Synchronizing I/O. * fdim: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic. * fdimf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic. * fdiml: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic. * fdopen: (libc)Descriptors and Streams. * fdopendir: (libc)Opening a Directory. * feclearexcept: (libc)Status bit operations. * fedisableexcept: (libc)Control Functions. * feenableexcept: (libc)Control Functions. * fegetenv: (libc)Control Functions. * fegetexcept: (libc)Control Functions. * fegetexceptflag: (libc)Status bit operations. * fegetround: (libc)Rounding. * feholdexcept: (libc)Control Functions. * feof: (libc)EOF and Errors. * feof_unlocked: (libc)EOF and Errors. * feraiseexcept: (libc)Status bit operations. * ferror: (libc)EOF and Errors. * ferror_unlocked: (libc)EOF and Errors. * fesetenv: (libc)Control Functions. * fesetexceptflag: (libc)Status bit operations. * fesetround: (libc)Rounding. * fetestexcept: (libc)Status bit operations. * feupdateenv: (libc)Control Functions. * fflush: (libc)Flushing Buffers. * fflush_unlocked: (libc)Flushing Buffers. * fgetc: (libc)Character Input. * fgetc_unlocked: (libc)Character Input. * fgetgrent: (libc)Scanning All Groups. * fgetgrent_r: (libc)Scanning All Groups. * fgetpos: (libc)Portable Positioning. * fgetpos64: (libc)Portable Positioning. * fgetpwent: (libc)Scanning All Users. * fgetpwent_r: (libc)Scanning All Users. * fgets: (libc)Line Input. * fgets_unlocked: (libc)Line Input. * fgetwc: (libc)Character Input. * fgetwc_unlocked: (libc)Character Input. * fgetws: (libc)Line Input. * fgetws_unlocked: (libc)Line Input. * fileno: (libc)Descriptors and Streams. * fileno_unlocked: (libc)Descriptors and Streams. * finite: (libc)Floating Point Classes. * finitef: (libc)Floating Point Classes. * finitel: (libc)Floating Point Classes. * flockfile: (libc)Streams and Threads. * floor: (libc)Rounding Functions. * floorf: (libc)Rounding Functions. * floorl: (libc)Rounding Functions. * fma: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic. * fmaf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic. * fmal: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic. * fmax: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic. * fmaxf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic. * fmaxl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic. * fmemopen: (libc)String Streams. * fmin: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic. * fminf: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic. * fminl: (libc)Misc FP Arithmetic. * fmod: (libc)Remainder Functions. * fmodf: (libc)Remainder Functions. * fmodl: (libc)Remainder Functions. * fmtmsg: (libc)Printing Formatted Messages. * fnmatch: (libc)Wildcard Matching. * fopen: (libc)Opening Streams. * fopen64: (libc)Opening Streams. * fopencookie: (libc)Streams and Cookies. * fork: (libc)Creating a Process. * forkpty: (libc)Pseudo-Terminal Pairs. * fpathconf: (libc)Pathconf. * fpclassify: (libc)Floating Point Classes. * fprintf: (libc)Formatted Output Functions. * fputc: (libc)Simple Output. * fputc_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output. * fputs: (libc)Simple Output. * fputs_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output. * fputwc: (libc)Simple Output. * fputwc_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output. * fputws: (libc)Simple Output. * fputws_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output. * fread: (libc)Block Input/Output. * fread_unlocked: (libc)Block Input/Output. * free: (libc)Freeing after Malloc. * freopen: (libc)Opening Streams. * freopen64: (libc)Opening Streams. * frexp: (libc)Normalization Functions. * frexpf: (libc)Normalization Functions. * frexpl: (libc)Normalization Functions. * fscanf: (libc)Formatted Input Functions. * fseek: (libc)File Positioning. * fseeko: (libc)File Positioning. * fseeko64: (libc)File Positioning. * fsetpos: (libc)Portable Positioning. * fsetpos64: (libc)Portable Positioning. * fstat: (libc)Reading Attributes. * fstat64: (libc)Reading Attributes. * fsync: (libc)Synchronizing I/O. * ftell: (libc)File Positioning. * ftello: (libc)File Positioning. * ftello64: (libc)File Positioning. * ftruncate: (libc)File Size. * ftruncate64: (libc)File Size. * ftrylockfile: (libc)Streams and Threads. * ftw: (libc)Working with Directory Trees. * ftw64: (libc)Working with Directory Trees. * funlockfile: (libc)Streams and Threads. * futimes: (libc)File Times. * fwide: (libc)Streams and I18N. * fwprintf: (libc)Formatted Output Functions. * fwrite: (libc)Block Input/Output. * fwrite_unlocked: (libc)Block Input/Output. * fwscanf: (libc)Formatted Input Functions. * gamma: (libc)Special Functions. * gammaf: (libc)Special Functions. * gammal: (libc)Special Functions. * gcvt: (libc)System V Number Conversion. * get_avphys_pages: (libc)Query Memory Parameters. * get_current_dir_name: (libc)Working Directory. * get_nprocs: (libc)Processor Resources. * get_nprocs_conf: (libc)Processor Resources. * get_phys_pages: (libc)Query Memory Parameters. * getauxval: (libc)Auxiliary Vector. * getc: (libc)Character Input. * getc_unlocked: (libc)Character Input. * getchar: (libc)Character Input. * getchar_unlocked: (libc)Character Input. * getcontext: (libc)System V contexts. * getcwd: (libc)Working Directory. * getdate: (libc)General Time String Parsing. * getdate_r: (libc)General Time String Parsing. * getdelim: (libc)Line Input. * getdomainnname: (libc)Host Identification. * getegid: (libc)Reading Persona. * getenv: (libc)Environment Access. * geteuid: (libc)Reading Persona. * getfsent: (libc)fstab. * getfsfile: (libc)fstab. * getfsspec: (libc)fstab. * getgid: (libc)Reading Persona. * getgrent: (libc)Scanning All Groups. * getgrent_r: (libc)Scanning All Groups. * getgrgid: (libc)Lookup Group. * getgrgid_r: (libc)Lookup Group. * getgrnam: (libc)Lookup Group. * getgrnam_r: (libc)Lookup Group. * getgrouplist: (libc)Setting Groups. * getgroups: (libc)Reading Persona. * gethostbyaddr: (libc)Host Names. * gethostbyaddr_r: (libc)Host Names. * gethostbyname: (libc)Host Names. * gethostbyname2: (libc)Host Names. * gethostbyname2_r: (libc)Host Names. * gethostbyname_r: (libc)Host Names. * gethostent: (libc)Host Names. * gethostid: (libc)Host Identification. * gethostname: (libc)Host Identification. * getitimer: (libc)Setting an Alarm. * getline: (libc)Line Input. * getloadavg: (libc)Processor Resources. * getlogin: (libc)Who Logged In. * getmntent: (libc)mtab. * getmntent_r: (libc)mtab. * getnetbyaddr: (libc)Networks Database. * getnetbyname: (libc)Networks Database. * getnetent: (libc)Networks Database. * getnetgrent: (libc)Lookup Netgroup. * getnetgrent_r: (libc)Lookup Netgroup. * getopt: (libc)Using Getopt. * getopt_long: (libc)Getopt Long Options. * getopt_long_only: (libc)Getopt Long Options. * getpagesize: (libc)Query Memory Parameters. * getpass: (libc)getpass. * getpeername: (libc)Who is Connected. * getpgid: (libc)Process Group Functions. * getpgrp: (libc)Process Group Functions. * getpid: (libc)Process Identification. * getppid: (libc)Process Identification. * getpriority: (libc)Traditional Scheduling Functions. * getprotobyname: (libc)Protocols Database. * getprotobynumber: (libc)Protocols Database. * getprotoent: (libc)Protocols Database. * getpt: (libc)Allocation. * getpwent: (libc)Scanning All Users. * getpwent_r: (libc)Scanning All Users. * getpwnam: (libc)Lookup User. * getpwnam_r: (libc)Lookup User. * getpwuid: (libc)Lookup User. * getpwuid_r: (libc)Lookup User. * getrlimit: (libc)Limits on Resources. * getrlimit64: (libc)Limits on Resources. * getrusage: (libc)Resource Usage. * gets: (libc)Line Input. * getservbyname: (libc)Services Database. * getservbyport: (libc)Services Database. * getservent: (libc)Services Database. * getsid: (libc)Process Group Functions. * getsockname: (libc)Reading Address. * getsockopt: (libc)Socket Option Functions. * getsubopt: (libc)Suboptions. * gettext: (libc)Translation with gettext. * gettimeofday: (libc)High-Resolution Calendar. * getuid: (libc)Reading Persona. * getumask: (libc)Setting Permissions. * getutent: (libc)Manipulating the Database. * getutent_r: (libc)Manipulating the Database. * getutid: (libc)Manipulating the Database. * getutid_r: (libc)Manipulating the Database. * getutline: (libc)Manipulating the Database. * getutline_r: (libc)Manipulating the Database. * getutmp: (libc)XPG Functions. * getutmpx: (libc)XPG Functions. * getutxent: (libc)XPG Functions. * getutxid: (libc)XPG Functions. * getutxline: (libc)XPG Functions. * getw: (libc)Character Input. * getwc: (libc)Character Input. * getwc_unlocked: (libc)Character Input. * getwchar: (libc)Character Input. * getwchar_unlocked: (libc)Character Input. * getwd: (libc)Working Directory. * glob: (libc)Calling Glob. * glob64: (libc)Calling Glob. * globfree: (libc)More Flags for Globbing. * globfree64: (libc)More Flags for Globbing. * gmtime: (libc)Broken-down Time. * gmtime_r: (libc)Broken-down Time. * grantpt: (libc)Allocation. * gsignal: (libc)Signaling Yourself. * gtty: (libc)BSD Terminal Modes. * hasmntopt: (libc)mtab. * hcreate: (libc)Hash Search Function. * hcreate_r: (libc)Hash Search Function. * hdestroy: (libc)Hash Search Function. * hdestroy_r: (libc)Hash Search Function. * hsearch: (libc)Hash Search Function. * hsearch_r: (libc)Hash Search Function. * htonl: (libc)Byte Order. * htons: (libc)Byte Order. * hypot: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * hypotf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * hypotl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * iconv: (libc)Generic Conversion Interface. * iconv_close: (libc)Generic Conversion Interface. * iconv_open: (libc)Generic Conversion Interface. * if_freenameindex: (libc)Interface Naming. * if_indextoname: (libc)Interface Naming. * if_nameindex: (libc)Interface Naming. * if_nametoindex: (libc)Interface Naming. * ilogb: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * ilogbf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * ilogbl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * imaxabs: (libc)Absolute Value. * imaxdiv: (libc)Integer Division. * in6addr_any: (libc)Host Address Data Type. * in6addr_loopback: (libc)Host Address Data Type. * index: (libc)Search Functions. * inet_addr: (libc)Host Address Functions. * inet_aton: (libc)Host Address Functions. * inet_lnaof: (libc)Host Address Functions. * inet_makeaddr: (libc)Host Address Functions. * inet_netof: (libc)Host Address Functions. * inet_network: (libc)Host Address Functions. * inet_ntoa: (libc)Host Address Functions. * inet_ntop: (libc)Host Address Functions. * inet_pton: (libc)Host Address Functions. * initgroups: (libc)Setting Groups. * initstate: (libc)BSD Random. * initstate_r: (libc)BSD Random. * innetgr: (libc)Netgroup Membership. * ioctl: (libc)IOCTLs. * isalnum: (libc)Classification of Characters. * isalpha: (libc)Classification of Characters. * isascii: (libc)Classification of Characters. * isatty: (libc)Is It a Terminal. * isblank: (libc)Classification of Characters. * iscntrl: (libc)Classification of Characters. * isdigit: (libc)Classification of Characters. * isfinite: (libc)Floating Point Classes. * isgraph: (libc)Classification of Characters. * isgreater: (libc)FP Comparison Functions. * isgreaterequal: (libc)FP Comparison Functions. * isinf: (libc)Floating Point Classes. * isinff: (libc)Floating Point Classes. * isinfl: (libc)Floating Point Classes. * isless: (libc)FP Comparison Functions. * islessequal: (libc)FP Comparison Functions. * islessgreater: (libc)FP Comparison Functions. * islower: (libc)Classification of Characters. * isnan: (libc)Floating Point Classes. * isnan: (libc)Floating Point Classes. * isnanf: (libc)Floating Point Classes. * isnanl: (libc)Floating Point Classes. * isnormal: (libc)Floating Point Classes. * isprint: (libc)Classification of Characters. * ispunct: (libc)Classification of Characters. * issignaling: (libc)Floating Point Classes. * isspace: (libc)Classification of Characters. * isunordered: (libc)FP Comparison Functions. * isupper: (libc)Classification of Characters. * iswalnum: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters. * iswalpha: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters. * iswblank: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters. * iswcntrl: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters. * iswctype: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters. * iswdigit: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters. * iswgraph: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters. * iswlower: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters. * iswprint: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters. * iswpunct: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters. * iswspace: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters. * iswupper: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters. * iswxdigit: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters. * isxdigit: (libc)Classification of Characters. * j0: (libc)Special Functions. * j0f: (libc)Special Functions. * j0l: (libc)Special Functions. * j1: (libc)Special Functions. * j1f: (libc)Special Functions. * j1l: (libc)Special Functions. * jn: (libc)Special Functions. * jnf: (libc)Special Functions. * jnl: (libc)Special Functions. * jrand48: (libc)SVID Random. * jrand48_r: (libc)SVID Random. * kill: (libc)Signaling Another Process. * killpg: (libc)Signaling Another Process. * l64a: (libc)Encode Binary Data. * labs: (libc)Absolute Value. * lcong48: (libc)SVID Random. * lcong48_r: (libc)SVID Random. * ldexp: (libc)Normalization Functions. * ldexpf: (libc)Normalization Functions. * ldexpl: (libc)Normalization Functions. * ldiv: (libc)Integer Division. * lfind: (libc)Array Search Function. * lgamma: (libc)Special Functions. * lgamma_r: (libc)Special Functions. * lgammaf: (libc)Special Functions. * lgammaf_r: (libc)Special Functions. * lgammal: (libc)Special Functions. * lgammal_r: (libc)Special Functions. * link: (libc)Hard Links. * lio_listio: (libc)Asynchronous Reads/Writes. * lio_listio64: (libc)Asynchronous Reads/Writes. * listen: (libc)Listening. * llabs: (libc)Absolute Value. * lldiv: (libc)Integer Division. * llrint: (libc)Rounding Functions. * llrintf: (libc)Rounding Functions. * llrintl: (libc)Rounding Functions. * llround: (libc)Rounding Functions. * llroundf: (libc)Rounding Functions. * llroundl: (libc)Rounding Functions. * localeconv: (libc)The Lame Way to Locale Data. * localtime: (libc)Broken-down Time. * localtime_r: (libc)Broken-down Time. * log: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * log10: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * log10f: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * log10l: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * log1p: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * log1pf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * log1pl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * log2: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * log2f: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * log2l: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * logb: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * logbf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * logbl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * logf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * login: (libc)Logging In and Out. * login_tty: (libc)Logging In and Out. * logl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * logout: (libc)Logging In and Out. * logwtmp: (libc)Logging In and Out. * longjmp: (libc)Non-Local Details. * lrand48: (libc)SVID Random. * lrand48_r: (libc)SVID Random. * lrint: (libc)Rounding Functions. * lrintf: (libc)Rounding Functions. * lrintl: (libc)Rounding Functions. * lround: (libc)Rounding Functions. * lroundf: (libc)Rounding Functions. * lroundl: (libc)Rounding Functions. * lsearch: (libc)Array Search Function. * lseek: (libc)File Position Primitive. * lseek64: (libc)File Position Primitive. * lstat: (libc)Reading Attributes. * lstat64: (libc)Reading Attributes. * lutimes: (libc)File Times. * madvise: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O. * makecontext: (libc)System V contexts. * mallinfo: (libc)Statistics of Malloc. * malloc: (libc)Basic Allocation. * mallopt: (libc)Malloc Tunable Parameters. * mblen: (libc)Non-reentrant Character Conversion. * mbrlen: (libc)Converting a Character. * mbrtowc: (libc)Converting a Character. * mbsinit: (libc)Keeping the state. * mbsnrtowcs: (libc)Converting Strings. * mbsrtowcs: (libc)Converting Strings. * mbstowcs: (libc)Non-reentrant String Conversion. * mbtowc: (libc)Non-reentrant Character Conversion. * mcheck: (libc)Heap Consistency Checking. * memalign: (libc)Aligned Memory Blocks. * memccpy: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * memchr: (libc)Search Functions. * memcmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison. * memcpy: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * memfrob: (libc)Trivial Encryption. * memmem: (libc)Search Functions. * memmove: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * mempcpy: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * memrchr: (libc)Search Functions. * memset: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * mkdir: (libc)Creating Directories. * mkdtemp: (libc)Temporary Files. * mkfifo: (libc)FIFO Special Files. * mknod: (libc)Making Special Files. * mkstemp: (libc)Temporary Files. * mktemp: (libc)Temporary Files. * mktime: (libc)Broken-down Time. * mlock: (libc)Page Lock Functions. * mlockall: (libc)Page Lock Functions. * mmap: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O. * mmap64: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O. * modf: (libc)Rounding Functions. * modff: (libc)Rounding Functions. * modfl: (libc)Rounding Functions. * mount: (libc)Mount-Unmount-Remount. * mprobe: (libc)Heap Consistency Checking. * mrand48: (libc)SVID Random. * mrand48_r: (libc)SVID Random. * mremap: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O. * msync: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O. * mtrace: (libc)Tracing malloc. * munlock: (libc)Page Lock Functions. * munlockall: (libc)Page Lock Functions. * munmap: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O. * muntrace: (libc)Tracing malloc. * nan: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling. * nanf: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling. * nanl: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling. * nanosleep: (libc)Sleeping. * nearbyint: (libc)Rounding Functions. * nearbyintf: (libc)Rounding Functions. * nearbyintl: (libc)Rounding Functions. * nextafter: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling. * nextafterf: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling. * nextafterl: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling. * nexttoward: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling. * nexttowardf: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling. * nexttowardl: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling. * nftw: (libc)Working with Directory Trees. * nftw64: (libc)Working with Directory Trees. * ngettext: (libc)Advanced gettext functions. * nice: (libc)Traditional Scheduling Functions. * nl_langinfo: (libc)The Elegant and Fast Way. * nrand48: (libc)SVID Random. * nrand48_r: (libc)SVID Random. * ntohl: (libc)Byte Order. * ntohs: (libc)Byte Order. * ntp_adjtime: (libc)High Accuracy Clock. * ntp_gettime: (libc)High Accuracy Clock. * obstack_1grow: (libc)Growing Objects. * obstack_1grow_fast: (libc)Extra Fast Growing. * obstack_alignment_mask: (libc)Obstacks Data Alignment. * obstack_alloc: (libc)Allocation in an Obstack. * obstack_base: (libc)Status of an Obstack. * obstack_blank: (libc)Growing Objects. * obstack_blank_fast: (libc)Extra Fast Growing. * obstack_chunk_size: (libc)Obstack Chunks. * obstack_copy: (libc)Allocation in an Obstack. * obstack_copy0: (libc)Allocation in an Obstack. * obstack_finish: (libc)Growing Objects. * obstack_free: (libc)Freeing Obstack Objects. * obstack_grow: (libc)Growing Objects. * obstack_grow0: (libc)Growing Objects. * obstack_init: (libc)Preparing for Obstacks. * obstack_int_grow: (libc)Growing Objects. * obstack_int_grow_fast: (libc)Extra Fast Growing. * obstack_next_free: (libc)Status of an Obstack. * obstack_object_size: (libc)Growing Objects. * obstack_object_size: (libc)Status of an Obstack. * obstack_printf: (libc)Dynamic Output. * obstack_ptr_grow: (libc)Growing Objects. * obstack_ptr_grow_fast: (libc)Extra Fast Growing. * obstack_room: (libc)Extra Fast Growing. * obstack_vprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output. * offsetof: (libc)Structure Measurement. * on_exit: (libc)Cleanups on Exit. * open: (libc)Opening and Closing Files. * open64: (libc)Opening and Closing Files. * open_memstream: (libc)String Streams. * opendir: (libc)Opening a Directory. * openlog: (libc)openlog. * openpty: (libc)Pseudo-Terminal Pairs. * parse_printf_format: (libc)Parsing a Template String. * pathconf: (libc)Pathconf. * pause: (libc)Using Pause. * pclose: (libc)Pipe to a Subprocess. * perror: (libc)Error Messages. * pipe: (libc)Creating a Pipe. * popen: (libc)Pipe to a Subprocess. * posix_fallocate: (libc)Storage Allocation. * posix_fallocate64: (libc)Storage Allocation. * posix_memalign: (libc)Aligned Memory Blocks. * pow: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * pow10: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * pow10f: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * pow10l: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * powf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * powl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * pread: (libc)I/O Primitives. * pread64: (libc)I/O Primitives. * printf: (libc)Formatted Output Functions. * printf_size: (libc)Predefined Printf Handlers. * printf_size_info: (libc)Predefined Printf Handlers. * psignal: (libc)Signal Messages. * pthread_getattr_default_np: (libc)Default Thread Attributes. * pthread_getspecific: (libc)Thread-specific Data. * pthread_key_create: (libc)Thread-specific Data. * pthread_key_delete: (libc)Thread-specific Data. * pthread_setattr_default_np: (libc)Default Thread Attributes. * pthread_setspecific: (libc)Thread-specific Data. * ptsname: (libc)Allocation. * ptsname_r: (libc)Allocation. * putc: (libc)Simple Output. * putc_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output. * putchar: (libc)Simple Output. * putchar_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output. * putenv: (libc)Environment Access. * putpwent: (libc)Writing a User Entry. * puts: (libc)Simple Output. * pututline: (libc)Manipulating the Database. * pututxline: (libc)XPG Functions. * putw: (libc)Simple Output. * putwc: (libc)Simple Output. * putwc_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output. * putwchar: (libc)Simple Output. * putwchar_unlocked: (libc)Simple Output. * pwrite: (libc)I/O Primitives. * pwrite64: (libc)I/O Primitives. * qecvt: (libc)System V Number Conversion. * qecvt_r: (libc)System V Number Conversion. * qfcvt: (libc)System V Number Conversion. * qfcvt_r: (libc)System V Number Conversion. * qgcvt: (libc)System V Number Conversion. * qsort: (libc)Array Sort Function. * raise: (libc)Signaling Yourself. * rand: (libc)ISO Random. * rand_r: (libc)ISO Random. * random: (libc)BSD Random. * random_r: (libc)BSD Random. * rawmemchr: (libc)Search Functions. * read: (libc)I/O Primitives. * readdir: (libc)Reading/Closing Directory. * readdir64: (libc)Reading/Closing Directory. * readdir64_r: (libc)Reading/Closing Directory. * readdir_r: (libc)Reading/Closing Directory. * readlink: (libc)Symbolic Links. * readv: (libc)Scatter-Gather. * realloc: (libc)Changing Block Size. * realpath: (libc)Symbolic Links. * recv: (libc)Receiving Data. * recvfrom: (libc)Receiving Datagrams. * recvmsg: (libc)Receiving Datagrams. * regcomp: (libc)POSIX Regexp Compilation. * regerror: (libc)Regexp Cleanup. * regexec: (libc)Matching POSIX Regexps. * regfree: (libc)Regexp Cleanup. * register_printf_function: (libc)Registering New Conversions. * remainder: (libc)Remainder Functions. * remainderf: (libc)Remainder Functions. * remainderl: (libc)Remainder Functions. * remove: (libc)Deleting Files. * rename: (libc)Renaming Files. * rewind: (libc)File Positioning. * rewinddir: (libc)Random Access Directory. * rindex: (libc)Search Functions. * rint: (libc)Rounding Functions. * rintf: (libc)Rounding Functions. * rintl: (libc)Rounding Functions. * rmdir: (libc)Deleting Files. * round: (libc)Rounding Functions. * roundf: (libc)Rounding Functions. * roundl: (libc)Rounding Functions. * rpmatch: (libc)Yes-or-No Questions. * sbrk: (libc)Resizing the Data Segment. * scalb: (libc)Normalization Functions. * scalbf: (libc)Normalization Functions. * scalbl: (libc)Normalization Functions. * scalbln: (libc)Normalization Functions. * scalblnf: (libc)Normalization Functions. * scalblnl: (libc)Normalization Functions. * scalbn: (libc)Normalization Functions. * scalbnf: (libc)Normalization Functions. * scalbnl: (libc)Normalization Functions. * scandir: (libc)Scanning Directory Content. * scandir64: (libc)Scanning Directory Content. * scanf: (libc)Formatted Input Functions. * sched_get_priority_max: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions. * sched_get_priority_min: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions. * sched_getaffinity: (libc)CPU Affinity. * sched_getparam: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions. * sched_getscheduler: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions. * sched_rr_get_interval: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions. * sched_setaffinity: (libc)CPU Affinity. * sched_setparam: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions. * sched_setscheduler: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions. * sched_yield: (libc)Basic Scheduling Functions. * secure_getenv: (libc)Environment Access. * seed48: (libc)SVID Random. * seed48_r: (libc)SVID Random. * seekdir: (libc)Random Access Directory. * select: (libc)Waiting for I/O. * sem_close: (libc)Semaphores. * sem_destroy: (libc)Semaphores. * sem_getvalue: (libc)Semaphores. * sem_init: (libc)Semaphores. * sem_open: (libc)Semaphores. * sem_post: (libc)Semaphores. * sem_timedwait: (libc)Semaphores. * sem_trywait: (libc)Semaphores. * sem_unlink: (libc)Semaphores. * sem_wait: (libc)Semaphores. * semctl: (libc)Semaphores. * semget: (libc)Semaphores. * semop: (libc)Semaphores. * semtimedop: (libc)Semaphores. * send: (libc)Sending Data. * sendmsg: (libc)Receiving Datagrams. * sendto: (libc)Sending Datagrams. * setbuf: (libc)Controlling Buffering. * setbuffer: (libc)Controlling Buffering. * setcontext: (libc)System V contexts. * setdomainname: (libc)Host Identification. * setegid: (libc)Setting Groups. * setenv: (libc)Environment Access. * seteuid: (libc)Setting User ID. * setfsent: (libc)fstab. * setgid: (libc)Setting Groups. * setgrent: (libc)Scanning All Groups. * setgroups: (libc)Setting Groups. * sethostent: (libc)Host Names. * sethostid: (libc)Host Identification. * sethostname: (libc)Host Identification. * setitimer: (libc)Setting an Alarm. * setjmp: (libc)Non-Local Details. * setkey: (libc)DES Encryption. * setkey_r: (libc)DES Encryption. * setlinebuf: (libc)Controlling Buffering. * setlocale: (libc)Setting the Locale. * setlogmask: (libc)setlogmask. * setmntent: (libc)mtab. * setnetent: (libc)Networks Database. * setnetgrent: (libc)Lookup Netgroup. * setpgid: (libc)Process Group Functions. * setpgrp: (libc)Process Group Functions. * setpriority: (libc)Traditional Scheduling Functions. * setprotoent: (libc)Protocols Database. * setpwent: (libc)Scanning All Users. * setregid: (libc)Setting Groups. * setreuid: (libc)Setting User ID. * setrlimit: (libc)Limits on Resources. * setrlimit64: (libc)Limits on Resources. * setservent: (libc)Services Database. * setsid: (libc)Process Group Functions. * setsockopt: (libc)Socket Option Functions. * setstate: (libc)BSD Random. * setstate_r: (libc)BSD Random. * settimeofday: (libc)High-Resolution Calendar. * setuid: (libc)Setting User ID. * setutent: (libc)Manipulating the Database. * setutxent: (libc)XPG Functions. * setvbuf: (libc)Controlling Buffering. * shm_open: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O. * shm_unlink: (libc)Memory-mapped I/O. * shutdown: (libc)Closing a Socket. * sigaction: (libc)Advanced Signal Handling. * sigaddset: (libc)Signal Sets. * sigaltstack: (libc)Signal Stack. * sigblock: (libc)Blocking in BSD. * sigdelset: (libc)Signal Sets. * sigemptyset: (libc)Signal Sets. * sigfillset: (libc)Signal Sets. * siginterrupt: (libc)BSD Handler. * sigismember: (libc)Signal Sets. * siglongjmp: (libc)Non-Local Exits and Signals. * sigmask: (libc)Blocking in BSD. * signal: (libc)Basic Signal Handling. * signbit: (libc)FP Bit Twiddling. * significand: (libc)Normalization Functions. * significandf: (libc)Normalization Functions. * significandl: (libc)Normalization Functions. * sigpause: (libc)Blocking in BSD. * sigpending: (libc)Checking for Pending Signals. * sigprocmask: (libc)Process Signal Mask. * sigsetjmp: (libc)Non-Local Exits and Signals. * sigsetmask: (libc)Blocking in BSD. * sigstack: (libc)Signal Stack. * sigsuspend: (libc)Sigsuspend. * sigvec: (libc)BSD Handler. * sin: (libc)Trig Functions. * sincos: (libc)Trig Functions. * sincosf: (libc)Trig Functions. * sincosl: (libc)Trig Functions. * sinf: (libc)Trig Functions. * sinh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * sinhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * sinhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * sinl: (libc)Trig Functions. * sleep: (libc)Sleeping. * snprintf: (libc)Formatted Output Functions. * socket: (libc)Creating a Socket. * socketpair: (libc)Socket Pairs. * sprintf: (libc)Formatted Output Functions. * sqrt: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * sqrtf: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * sqrtl: (libc)Exponents and Logarithms. * srand: (libc)ISO Random. * srand48: (libc)SVID Random. * srand48_r: (libc)SVID Random. * srandom: (libc)BSD Random. * srandom_r: (libc)BSD Random. * sscanf: (libc)Formatted Input Functions. * ssignal: (libc)Basic Signal Handling. * stat: (libc)Reading Attributes. * stat64: (libc)Reading Attributes. * stime: (libc)Simple Calendar Time. * stpcpy: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * stpncpy: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * strcasecmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison. * strcasestr: (libc)Search Functions. * strcat: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * strchr: (libc)Search Functions. * strchrnul: (libc)Search Functions. * strcmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison. * strcoll: (libc)Collation Functions. * strcpy: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * strcspn: (libc)Search Functions. * strdup: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * strdupa: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * strerror: (libc)Error Messages. * strerror_r: (libc)Error Messages. * strfmon: (libc)Formatting Numbers. * strfry: (libc)strfry. * strftime: (libc)Formatting Calendar Time. * strlen: (libc)String Length. * strncasecmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison. * strncat: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * strncmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison. * strncpy: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * strndup: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * strndupa: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * strnlen: (libc)String Length. * strpbrk: (libc)Search Functions. * strptime: (libc)Low-Level Time String Parsing. * strrchr: (libc)Search Functions. * strsep: (libc)Finding Tokens in a String. * strsignal: (libc)Signal Messages. * strspn: (libc)Search Functions. * strstr: (libc)Search Functions. * strtod: (libc)Parsing of Floats. * strtof: (libc)Parsing of Floats. * strtoimax: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * strtok: (libc)Finding Tokens in a String. * strtok_r: (libc)Finding Tokens in a String. * strtol: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * strtold: (libc)Parsing of Floats. * strtoll: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * strtoq: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * strtoul: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * strtoull: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * strtoumax: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * strtouq: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * strverscmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison. * strxfrm: (libc)Collation Functions. * stty: (libc)BSD Terminal Modes. * swapcontext: (libc)System V contexts. * swprintf: (libc)Formatted Output Functions. * swscanf: (libc)Formatted Input Functions. * symlink: (libc)Symbolic Links. * sync: (libc)Synchronizing I/O. * syscall: (libc)System Calls. * sysconf: (libc)Sysconf Definition. * sysctl: (libc)System Parameters. * syslog: (libc)syslog; vsyslog. * system: (libc)Running a Command. * sysv_signal: (libc)Basic Signal Handling. * tan: (libc)Trig Functions. * tanf: (libc)Trig Functions. * tanh: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * tanhf: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * tanhl: (libc)Hyperbolic Functions. * tanl: (libc)Trig Functions. * tcdrain: (libc)Line Control. * tcflow: (libc)Line Control. * tcflush: (libc)Line Control. * tcgetattr: (libc)Mode Functions. * tcgetpgrp: (libc)Terminal Access Functions. * tcgetsid: (libc)Terminal Access Functions. * tcsendbreak: (libc)Line Control. * tcsetattr: (libc)Mode Functions. * tcsetpgrp: (libc)Terminal Access Functions. * tdelete: (libc)Tree Search Function. * tdestroy: (libc)Tree Search Function. * telldir: (libc)Random Access Directory. * tempnam: (libc)Temporary Files. * textdomain: (libc)Locating gettext catalog. * tfind: (libc)Tree Search Function. * tgamma: (libc)Special Functions. * tgammaf: (libc)Special Functions. * tgammal: (libc)Special Functions. * time: (libc)Simple Calendar Time. * timegm: (libc)Broken-down Time. * timelocal: (libc)Broken-down Time. * times: (libc)Processor Time. * tmpfile: (libc)Temporary Files. * tmpfile64: (libc)Temporary Files. * tmpnam: (libc)Temporary Files. * tmpnam_r: (libc)Temporary Files. * toascii: (libc)Case Conversion. * tolower: (libc)Case Conversion. * toupper: (libc)Case Conversion. * towctrans: (libc)Wide Character Case Conversion. * towlower: (libc)Wide Character Case Conversion. * towupper: (libc)Wide Character Case Conversion. * trunc: (libc)Rounding Functions. * truncate: (libc)File Size. * truncate64: (libc)File Size. * truncf: (libc)Rounding Functions. * truncl: (libc)Rounding Functions. * tsearch: (libc)Tree Search Function. * ttyname: (libc)Is It a Terminal. * ttyname_r: (libc)Is It a Terminal. * twalk: (libc)Tree Search Function. * tzset: (libc)Time Zone Functions. * ulimit: (libc)Limits on Resources. * umask: (libc)Setting Permissions. * umount: (libc)Mount-Unmount-Remount. * umount2: (libc)Mount-Unmount-Remount. * uname: (libc)Platform Type. * ungetc: (libc)How Unread. * ungetwc: (libc)How Unread. * unlink: (libc)Deleting Files. * unlockpt: (libc)Allocation. * unsetenv: (libc)Environment Access. * updwtmp: (libc)Manipulating the Database. * utime: (libc)File Times. * utimes: (libc)File Times. * utmpname: (libc)Manipulating the Database. * utmpxname: (libc)XPG Functions. * va_arg: (libc)Argument Macros. * va_copy: (libc)Argument Macros. * va_end: (libc)Argument Macros. * va_start: (libc)Argument Macros. * valloc: (libc)Aligned Memory Blocks. * vasprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output. * verr: (libc)Error Messages. * verrx: (libc)Error Messages. * versionsort: (libc)Scanning Directory Content. * versionsort64: (libc)Scanning Directory Content. * vfork: (libc)Creating a Process. * vfprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output. * vfscanf: (libc)Variable Arguments Input. * vfwprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output. * vfwscanf: (libc)Variable Arguments Input. * vlimit: (libc)Limits on Resources. * vprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output. * vscanf: (libc)Variable Arguments Input. * vsnprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output. * vsprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output. * vsscanf: (libc)Variable Arguments Input. * vswprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output. * vswscanf: (libc)Variable Arguments Input. * vsyslog: (libc)syslog; vsyslog. * vtimes: (libc)Resource Usage. * vwarn: (libc)Error Messages. * vwarnx: (libc)Error Messages. * vwprintf: (libc)Variable Arguments Output. * vwscanf: (libc)Variable Arguments Input. * wait: (libc)Process Completion. * wait3: (libc)BSD Wait Functions. * wait4: (libc)Process Completion. * waitpid: (libc)Process Completion. * warn: (libc)Error Messages. * warnx: (libc)Error Messages. * wcpcpy: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * wcpncpy: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * wcrtomb: (libc)Converting a Character. * wcscasecmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison. * wcscat: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * wcschr: (libc)Search Functions. * wcschrnul: (libc)Search Functions. * wcscmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison. * wcscoll: (libc)Collation Functions. * wcscpy: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * wcscspn: (libc)Search Functions. * wcsdup: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * wcsftime: (libc)Formatting Calendar Time. * wcslen: (libc)String Length. * wcsncasecmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison. * wcsncat: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * wcsncmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison. * wcsncpy: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * wcsnlen: (libc)String Length. * wcsnrtombs: (libc)Converting Strings. * wcspbrk: (libc)Search Functions. * wcsrchr: (libc)Search Functions. * wcsrtombs: (libc)Converting Strings. * wcsspn: (libc)Search Functions. * wcsstr: (libc)Search Functions. * wcstod: (libc)Parsing of Floats. * wcstof: (libc)Parsing of Floats. * wcstoimax: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * wcstok: (libc)Finding Tokens in a String. * wcstol: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * wcstold: (libc)Parsing of Floats. * wcstoll: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * wcstombs: (libc)Non-reentrant String Conversion. * wcstoq: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * wcstoul: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * wcstoull: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * wcstoumax: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * wcstouq: (libc)Parsing of Integers. * wcswcs: (libc)Search Functions. * wcsxfrm: (libc)Collation Functions. * wctob: (libc)Converting a Character. * wctomb: (libc)Non-reentrant Character Conversion. * wctrans: (libc)Wide Character Case Conversion. * wctype: (libc)Classification of Wide Characters. * wmemchr: (libc)Search Functions. * wmemcmp: (libc)String/Array Comparison. * wmemcpy: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * wmemmove: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * wmempcpy: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * wmemset: (libc)Copying and Concatenation. * wordexp: (libc)Calling Wordexp. * wordfree: (libc)Calling Wordexp. * wprintf: (libc)Formatted Output Functions. * write: (libc)I/O Primitives. * writev: (libc)Scatter-Gather. * wscanf: (libc)Formatted Input Functions. * y0: (libc)Special Functions. * y0f: (libc)Special Functions. * y0l: (libc)Special Functions. * y1: (libc)Special Functions. * y1f: (libc)Special Functions. * y1l: (libc)Special Functions. * yn: (libc)Special Functions. * ynf: (libc)Special Functions. * ynl: (libc)Special Functions. GNU Gettext Utilities * ISO3166: (gettext)Country Codes. ISO 3166 country codes. * ISO639: (gettext)Language Codes. ISO 639 language codes. * xgettext: (gettext)xgettext Invocation. Extract strings into a PO file. * autopoint: (gettext)autopoint Invocation. Copy gettext infrastructure. * envsubst: (gettext)envsubst Invocation. Expand environment variables. * gettext: (gettext). GNU gettext utilities. * gettextize: (gettext)gettextize Invocation. Prepare a package for gettext. * msgattrib: (gettext)msgattrib Invocation. Select part of a PO file. * msgcat: (gettext)msgcat Invocation. Combine several PO files. * msgcmp: (gettext)msgcmp Invocation. Compare a PO file and template. * msgcomm: (gettext)msgcomm Invocation. Match two PO files. * msgconv: (gettext)msgconv Invocation. Convert PO file to encoding. * msgen: (gettext)msgen Invocation. Create an English PO file. * msgexec: (gettext)msgexec Invocation. Process a PO file. * msgfilter: (gettext)msgfilter Invocation. Pipe a PO file through a filter. * msgfmt: (gettext)msgfmt Invocation. Make MO files out of PO files. * msggrep: (gettext)msggrep Invocation. Select part of a PO file. * msginit: (gettext)msginit Invocation. Create a fresh PO file. * msgmerge: (gettext)msgmerge Invocation. Update a PO file from template. * msgunfmt: (gettext)msgunfmt Invocation. Uncompile MO file into PO file. * msguniq: (gettext)msguniq Invocation. Unify duplicates for PO file. * ngettext: (gettext)ngettext Invocation. Translate a message with plural. GNU Libraries * libgcrypt: (gcrypt). Cryptographic function library. * libgomp: (libgomp). GNU OpenMP runtime library GNU Packages * Aspell: (aspell). * Aspell-dev: (aspell-dev). GNU programming tools * Libtool: (libtool). Generic shared library support script. GNU Utilities * acct: (accounting). The GNU Accounting utilities for process and login accounting * gpg-agent: (gnupg). The secret key daemon. * gpg2: (gnupg). OpenPGP encryption and signing tool. * gpgsm: (gnupg). S/MIME encryption and signing tool. * pinentry: (pinentry). Ask securely for a passphrase or PIN. Individual utilities * aclocal-invocation: (automake)aclocal Invocation. Generating aclocal.m4. * arch: (coreutils)arch invocation. Print machine hardware name. * autoconf-invocation: (autoconf)autoconf Invocation. How to create configuration scripts * autoheader: (autoconf)autoheader Invocation. How to create configuration templates * autom4te: (autoconf)autom4te Invocation. The Autoconf executables backbone * automake-invocation: (automake)automake Invocation. Generating * autoreconf: (autoconf)autoreconf Invocation. Remaking multiple `configure' scripts * autoscan: (autoconf)autoscan Invocation. Semi-automatic `' writing * autoupdate: (autoconf)autoupdate Invocation. Automatic update of `' * awk: (gawk)Invoking gawk. Text scanning and processing. * base64: (coreutils)base64 invocation. Base64 encode/decode data. * basename: (coreutils)basename invocation. Strip directory and suffix. * cat: (coreutils)cat invocation. Concatenate and write files. * chcon: (coreutils)chcon invocation. Change SELinux CTX of files. * chgrp: (coreutils)chgrp invocation. Change file groups. * chmod: (coreutils)chmod invocation. Change access permissions. * chown: (coreutils)chown invocation. Change file owners and groups. * chroot: (coreutils)chroot invocation. Specify the root directory. * cksum: (coreutils)cksum invocation. Print POSIX CRC checksum. * cmp: (diffutils)Invoking cmp. Compare 2 files byte by byte. * comm: (coreutils)comm invocation. Compare sorted files by line. * config.status: (autoconf)config.status Invocation. Recreating configurations. * configure: (autoconf)configure Invocation. Configuring a package. * cp: (coreutils)cp invocation. Copy files. * csplit: (coreutils)csplit invocation. Split by context. * cut: (coreutils)cut invocation. Print selected parts of lines. * date: (coreutils)date invocation. Print/set system date and time. * dd: (coreutils)dd invocation. Copy and convert a file. * df: (coreutils)df invocation. Report file system disk usage. * diff: (diffutils)Invoking diff. Compare 2 files line by line. * diff3: (diffutils)Invoking diff3. Compare 3 files line by line. * dir: (coreutils)dir invocation. List directories briefly. * dircolors: (coreutils)dircolors invocation. Color setup for ls. * dirname: (coreutils)dirname invocation. Strip last file name component. * du: (coreutils)du invocation. Report on disk usage. * echo: (coreutils)echo invocation. Print a line of text. * env: (coreutils)env invocation. Modify the environment. * expand: (coreutils)expand invocation. Convert tabs to spaces. * expr: (coreutils)expr invocation. Evaluate expressions. * factor: (coreutils)factor invocation. Print prime factors * false: (coreutils)false invocation. Do nothing, unsuccessfully. * find: (find)Invoking find. Finding and acting on files. * fmt: (coreutils)fmt invocation. Reformat paragraph text. * fold: (coreutils)fold invocation. Wrap long input lines. * groups: (coreutils)groups invocation. Print group names a user is in. * gunzip: (gzip)Overview. Decompression. * gzexe: (gzip)Overview. Compress executables. * head: (coreutils)head invocation. Output the first part of files. * hostid: (coreutils)hostid invocation. Print numeric host identifier. * hostname: (coreutils)hostname invocation. Print or set system name. * id: (coreutils)id invocation. Print user identity. * ifnames: (autoconf)ifnames Invocation. Listing conditionals in source. * install: (coreutils)install invocation. Copy and change attributes. * join: (coreutils)join invocation. Join lines on a common field. * kill: (coreutils)kill invocation. Send a signal to processes. * libtool-invocation: (libtool)Invoking libtool. Running the `libtool' script. * libtoolize: (libtool)Invoking libtoolize. Adding libtool support. * link: (coreutils)link invocation. Make hard links between files. * ln: (coreutils)ln invocation. Make links between files. * locate: (find)Invoking locate. Finding files in a database. * logname: (coreutils)logname invocation. Print current login name. * ls: (coreutils)ls invocation. List directory contents. * md5sum: (coreutils)md5sum invocation. Print or check MD5 digests. * mkdir: (coreutils)mkdir invocation. Create directories. * mkfifo: (coreutils)mkfifo invocation. Create FIFOs (named pipes). * mknod: (coreutils)mknod invocation. Create special files. * mktemp: (coreutils)mktemp invocation. Create temporary files. * mv: (coreutils)mv invocation. Rename files. * nice: (coreutils)nice invocation. Modify niceness. * nl: (coreutils)nl invocation. Number lines and write files. * nohup: (coreutils)nohup invocation. Immunize to hangups. * nproc: (coreutils)nproc invocation. Print the number of processors. * numfmt: (coreutils)numfmt invocation. Reformat numbers. * od: (coreutils)od invocation. Dump files in octal, etc. * paste: (coreutils)paste invocation. Merge lines of files. * patch: (diffutils)Invoking patch. Apply a patch to a file. * pathchk: (coreutils)pathchk invocation. Check file name portability. * pr: (coreutils)pr invocation. Paginate or columnate files. * printenv: (coreutils)printenv invocation. Print environment variables. * printf: (coreutils)printf invocation. Format and print data. * ptx: (coreutils)ptx invocation. Produce permuted indexes. * pwd: (coreutils)pwd invocation. Print working directory. * readlink: (coreutils)readlink invocation. Print referent of a symlink. * realpath: (coreutils)readpath invocation. Print resolved file names. * rm: (coreutils)rm invocation. Remove files. * rmdir: (coreutils)rmdir invocation. Remove empty directories. * runcon: (coreutils)runcon invocation. Run in specified SELinux CTX. * sdiff: (diffutils)Invoking sdiff. Merge 2 files side-by-side. * seq: (coreutils)seq invocation. Print numeric sequences * sha1sum: (coreutils)sha1sum invocation. Print or check SHA-1 digests. * sha2: (coreutils)sha2 utilities. Print or check SHA-2 digests. * shar: (sharutils)shar Invocation. Make a shell archive. * shred: (coreutils)shred invocation. Remove files more securely. * shuf: (coreutils)shuf invocation. Shuffling text files. * sleep: (coreutils)sleep invocation. Delay for a specified time. * sort: (coreutils)sort invocation. Sort text files. * split: (coreutils)split invocation. Split into pieces. * stat: (coreutils)stat invocation. Report file(system) status. * stdbuf: (coreutils)stdbuf invocation. Modify stdio buffering. * stty: (coreutils)stty invocation. Print/change terminal settings. * sum: (coreutils)sum invocation. Print traditional checksum. * sync: (coreutils)sync invocation. Synchronize memory to disk. * tac: (coreutils)tac invocation. Reverse files. * tail: (coreutils)tail invocation. Output the last part of files. * tar: (tar)tar invocation. Invoking GNU 'tar'. * tee: (coreutils)tee invocation. Redirect to multiple files. * test: (coreutils)test invocation. File/string tests. * testsuite: (autoconf)testsuite Invocation. Running an Autotest test suite. * timeout: (coreutils)timeout invocation. Run with time limit. * touch: (coreutils)touch invocation. Change file timestamps. * tr: (coreutils)tr invocation. Translate characters. * true: (coreutils)true invocation. Do nothing, successfully. * truncate: (coreutils)truncate invocation. Shrink/extend size of a file. * tsort: (coreutils)tsort invocation. Topological sort. * tty: (coreutils)tty invocation. Print terminal name. * uname: (coreutils)uname invocation. Print system information. * unexpand: (coreutils)unexpand invocation. Convert spaces to tabs. * uniq: (coreutils)uniq invocation. Uniquify files. * unlink: (coreutils)unlink invocation. Removal via unlink(2). * unshar: (sharutils)unshar Invocation. Explode a shell archive. * updatedb: (find)Invoking updatedb. Building the locate database. * uptime: (coreutils)uptime invocation. Print uptime and load. * users: (coreutils)users invocation. Print current user names. * uudecode: (sharutils)uudecode Invocation. Restore file from 7-bits. * uuencode: (sharutils)uuencode Invocation. Force binary file to 7-bits. * vdir: (coreutils)vdir invocation. List directories verbosely. * wc: (coreutils)wc invocation. Line, word, and byte counts. * who: (coreutils)who invocation. Print who is logged in. * whoami: (coreutils)whoami invocation. Print effective user ID. * xargs: (find)Invoking xargs. Operating on many files. * yes: (coreutils)yes invocation. Print a string indefinitely. * zcat: (gzip)Overview. Decompression to stdout. * zdiff: (gzip)Overview. Compare compressed files. * zforce: (gzip)Overview. Force .gz extension on files. * zgrep: (gzip)Overview. Search compressed files. * zmore: (gzip)Overview. Decompression output by pages. Kernel * grub-dev: (grub-dev). The GRand Unified Bootloader Dev * grub-install: (grub)Invoking grub-install. Install GRUB on your drive * grub-mkconfig: (grub)Invoking grub-mkconfig. Generate GRUB configuration * grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2: (grub)Invoking grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2. * grub-mkrelpath: (grub)Invoking grub-mkrelpath. * grub-mkrescue: (grub)Invoking grub-mkrescue. Make a GRUB rescue image * grub-mount: (grub)Invoking grub-mount. Mount a file system using GRUB * grub-probe: (grub)Invoking grub-probe. Probe device information * grub-script-check: (grub)Invoking grub-script-check. * GRUB: (grub). The GRand Unified Bootloader Libraries * History: (history). The GNU history library API. * RLuserman: (rluserman). The GNU readline library User's Manual. * Readline: (readline). The GNU readline library API. Localization * idn: (libidn)Invoking idn. Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) string conversion. Network applications * Wget: (wget). Non-interactive network downloader. Programming * flex: (flex). Fast lexical analyzer generator (lex replacement). Programming & development tools * gdbm: (gdbm). The GNU Database. Software development * Autoconf: (autoconf). Create source code configuration scripts. * Automake: (automake). Making GNU standards-compliant Makefiles. * Cpp: (cpp). The GNU C preprocessor. * Make: (make). The GNU make utility. * bison: (bison). The GNU parser generator. * g++: (gcc). The GNU C++ compiler. * gcc: (gcc). The GNU Compiler Collection. * gcov: (gcc) Gcov. 'gcov'--a test coverage program. Software libraries * Libc: (libc). C library. * libidn: (libidn). Internationalized string processing library. System administration * Which: (which). Show full path of commands. * parted: (parted). GNU partitioning software Texinfo documentation system * Info: (info). Documentation browsing system. * Pinfo: (pinfo). curses based lynx-style info browser. Miscellaneous * bash: (bash). The Bourne Again Shell. * bc: (bc). The GNU calculator language. * dc: (dc). The GNU RPN calculator. * time: (time). GNU time Utility Text creation and manipulation * Diffutils: (diffutils). Comparing and merging files. * Gawk: (gawk). A text scanning and processing language. * grep: (grep). Print lines matching a pattern. * sed: (sed). Stream EDitor. Version control * RCS: (rcs). GNU Revision Control System.