usr/bin/dbus-cleanup-sockets000075500000026000147207361500012111 0ustar00ELF>@$@8 @@@@888   ,@   TTTDDPtdDDQtdRtd  ((/lib64/ GNU]]Yv?p#D+ H\$ +  8IHq HHپH811I^HHPTLH H=f.fH( H= UH)HHw]H Ht]@H H= UH)HHHH?HHu]H Ht]H@= u'H= UHt H= h] @f.H=P t&H? HtUH=: H]WKf.H! SH=6H]6fDHSHtHt [1[H HپH81%f.AWAAVIAUIATL%p UH-p SL)1HHUHtLLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_Ðf.HHdbus-cleanup-sockets [--version] [--help] Allocation of %d bytes failed D-Bus Socket Cleanup Utility %s Copyright (C) 2003 Red Hat, Inc. Copyright (C) 2002 Michael Meeks This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. dbus-cleanup-sockets only supports a single directory name Failed to open directory %s: %s Reallocation of %d bytes failed Unable to determine state of some sockets, retrying in 2 seconds Internal error, socket has fd kept open while status = %d Warning: giving up on socket %s after several retries; unable to determine socket's status Warning: failed to open a socket to use for connecting: %s Warning: failed set socket %s nonblocking: %s Warning: unexpected error connecting to socket %s: %s Warning: Failed to delete %s: %s Cleaned up %d sockets in %s; %d sockets are still in use; %d in unknown state /tmp--help--version1.10.24dbus-;@\dDzRx Z*zRx $FJ w?;*3$"D(*H$\@EDP D C A LBBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA DeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB@P    o r  ph ooPooo  & 6 F V f v   & 6 F V f v dbus-cleanup-sockets.debugs 7zXZִF!t/B]?Eh=ڊ2N }le @k02<+W;"഑% w,ex'mq9(k!}>v;8g\c黹4$rZ.K8zdN+-.DoLEFO\jm93T!_έ idZMҔ"Ԯ`v]rΎ "bKQg,+%uF+C^$ u?s܍&Meԉ15{pЃ U<ܲO8=%%u-71HZv&uN]J"krsVɾ,^YNkVHܴv~J' hsCjvL=SxG}PP1LiO">^ eE<*2[H\o,“U#F#a%?c i`}bȢ 88TT !tt$4o> FrNo>[oPP@jtBhhp~ y    D00d          $ #