widget_notifications.php000064400000017206147207263100011501 0ustar00
notifications)); ?>
    notifications as $n): ?>
  • html; ?>
    links as $l): ?>
  • notifications) == 0): ?>

wordfenceCentralConnected) { echo esc_html(sprintf( /* translators: 1. Email address. 2. Localized date. */ __('Connected by %1$s on %2$s', 'wordfence'), $d->wordfenceCentralConnectEmail, date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), $d->wordfenceCentralConnectTime))); } elseif ($d->wordfenceCentralDisconnected) { echo esc_html(sprintf( /* translators: 1. Email address. 2. Localized date. */ __('Disconnected by %1$s on %2$s', 'wordfence'), $d->wordfenceCentralDisconnectEmail, date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), $d->wordfenceCentralDisconnectTime))); } elseif (wfCentral::isPartialConnection()) { _e('It looks like you\'ve tried to connect this site to Wordfence Central, but the installation did not finish.', 'wordfence'); } else { _e('Wordfence Central allows you to manage Wordfence on multiple sites from one location. It makes security monitoring and configuring Wordfence easier.', 'wordfence'); } ?>

widget_localattacks.php000064400000011101147207263100011261 0ustar00
learningModeStatus() !== false): ?>
  • localBlocks as $row) { if ($row['24h'] > 0 || $row['7d'] > 0 || $row['30d'] > 0) { $hasSome = true; break; } } if (!$hasSome): ?>

    0, '7d' => 0, '30d' => 0); foreach ($d->localBlocks as $row): ?> __('Today', 'wordfence'), '7d' => __('Week', 'wordfence'), '30d' => __('Month', 'wordfence')); foreach ($keys as $k => $title): ?> localBlocks as $row): ?> > localBlocks as $row): ?> >
    Block Type', 'wordfence'), array('span'=>array('class'=>array()))); ?> >


widget_ips.php000064400000014715147207263100007425 0ustar00
learningModeStatus() !== false): ?>
    ips24h) == 0): ?>

    ips24h, 0, min($limit, count($d->ips24h)), true); include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/widget_content_ips.php'); ?> ips24h) > $limit && $initial): ?>
    ips7d) == 0): ?>

    ips7d, 0, min($limit, count($d->ips7d)), true); include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/widget_content_ips.php'); ?> ips7d) > $limit && $initial): ?>
    ips30d) == 0): ?>

    ips30d, 0, min($limit, count($d->ips30d)), true); include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/widget_content_ips.php'); ?> ips30d) > $limit && $initial): ?>
widget_content_logins.php000064400000001563147207263100011654 0ustar00 timestamp, 'name' => username, 'ip' => IP address) ?>
widget_networkattacks.php000064400000016767147207263100011707 0ustar00
  • networkBlock24h === null): ?>

lastGenerated))); ?>

widget_content_countries.php000064400000001547147207263100012376 0ustar00 binary ip, 'countryCode' => string, 'blockCount' => int, 'unixday' => int, 'totalIPs' => int, 'totalBlockCount' => int, 'countryName' => string) ?>
widget_logins.php000064400000011277147207263100010125 0ustar00
    loginsSuccess) == 0): ?>

    loginsSuccess, 0, min(10, count($d->loginsSuccess)), true); include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/widget_content_logins.php'); ?> loginsSuccess) > 10): ?>
    loginsFail) == 0): ?>

    loginsFail, 0, min(10, count($d->loginsFail)), true); include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/widget_content_logins.php'); ?> loginsFail) > 10): ?>
widget_content_ips.php000064400000001652147207263100011153 0ustar00 binary ip, 'countryCode' => string, 'blockCount' => int, 'unixday' => int, 'countryName' => string) ?>
widget_countries.php000064400000007201147207263100010635 0ustar00
learningModeStatus() !== false): ?>
  • countriesNetwork) && count($d->countriesNetwork) > 0): ?>
    countriesLocal) || count($d->countriesLocal) == 0): ?>

    countriesLocal, 0, min(10, count($d->countriesLocal)), true); include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/widget_content_countries.php'); ?>
    countriesNetwork) || count($d->countriesNetwork) == 0): ?>

    countriesNetwork, 0, min(10, count($d->countriesNetwork)), true); include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/widget_content_countries.php'); ?>