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IN_HELP2MANtoo many argumentsmissing argumentsdomainhelpshell-scriptversion@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|@n@f@@@X@@@@@@@@J@@@@<@@.@@@b@db@hb@sb@VTry '%s --help' for more information. Copyright (C) %s Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Usage: %s [OPTION] [[TEXTDOMAIN] MSGID] or: %s [OPTION] -s [MSGID]... Display native language translation of a textual message. -d, --domain=TEXTDOMAIN retrieve translated messages from TEXTDOMAIN -e enable expansion of some escape sequences -E (ignored for compatibility) -h, --help display this help and exit -n suppress trailing newline -V, --version display version information and exit [TEXTDOMAIN] MSGID retrieve translated message corresponding to MSGID from TEXTDOMAIN If the TEXTDOMAIN parameter is not given, the domain is determined from the environment variable TEXTDOMAIN. If the message catalog is not found in the regular directory, another location can be specified with the environment variable TEXTDOMAINDIR. When used with the -s option the program behaves like the 'echo' command. But it does not simply copy its arguments to stdout. Instead those messages found in the selected catalog are translated. Standard search directory: %s Report bugs to . write error%sA NULL argv[0] was passed through an exec system call. /.libs/lt-mbuiter.hmbsinit (&iter->state)*iter->cur.ptr == '\0'iter->cur.wc == 0%s (%s)UTF-8mbuiter_multi_nextmbiter.hmbiter_multi_nextmemory exhaustedPOSIX/usr/lib64ASCIICHARSETALIASDIR%50s %50smbuiter_multi_nextmbuiter_multi_next;`+|Lm|\L| , ̴,ܽ|l\4lL<Ldl, D<\L$l< dl4L4 \| l zRx *zRx $ȤFJ w?;*3$"<DBDE w AEA  ABA 40!BEE E(A0H8GP,AAD W AAA \8ABBA C(G0` (C ABBI X (A EBBF M (C CBBA L(d |Dn A L BBB B(L0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA 4XBIF ` ABD HAB|$BGB B(D0D8OP^ 8A0A(B BBBD g 8A0A(B BBBG U 8D0A(B BBBF 4 :AIG N DEH DDAL(BBE B(A0A8D 8A0A(B BBBJ ,1DD%DX D dAN A D$>J] I D E $(ADD YDAAN A D$1DP D A O DAN A <'AQ F \'AQ F 4|BAD D0x  AABI R$JD] G V B IL*BGB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA D!AL C P,dVADK h AAF  $(AC Ex A ,Z AC FMa A LBBB B(D0D8GO 8A0A(B BBBH LTgBGB B(F0C8J! 8A0A(B BBBH LBBE B(A0A8Dp 8A0A(B BBBA <pBAA q ABH _ ABA 4|PYOT`4lBAA Gp  AABD DeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB @@ H@ |a@~`~`o@X @@  ` @ @ o @oo @(~`@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@gettext.debug0Hf7zXZִF!t/]?Eh=ڊ̓NM03Z\uCGgsqj,b?+Ɇt͆Th5.u٘qh:AN{^BMVi/D]5Ը(Vp' |5&_#Q،Qbc #CAY1>M-ըWW?5ѥFEPWj \Rb;GȰXjbAq^&zyEa;T!zQu&K{-,SZyh*1lC]{ $.`U*Mn2#F'Z}p#{7shzoqْм'f}i'z@w_QBK慷N yU 2.Dz'hKGB?qdfEJW>& gdYWr ;X|*LrjmW] %uZċf `Og]]֚^l\@s(Vd#Y+W)LdJ0-ԏ07Tˌ]JhigZT0Ej|q@0;K>1 i~PXUF7OP&,HFF!qb-eyfK_F<&E\ *ML?nݓ/FɣWtm,EJxB{5mʧ6]r9V`15udt@+T$W8XΟC 'lY˱ 8@8T@T !t@t$4o@D> @xFX @X No @ [o @ `j @ tB @ ~H@Hyp@p@@@:J|a@|a a@aS l@ldXn@XnL~`~~`~ ~` ~(~`(~````h Xl project-id000075500000005270147547443260006556 0ustar00#!/bin/sh # Prints a package's identification PACKAGE VERSION or PACKAGE. # # Copyright (C) 2001-2003, 2005, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . want_version="$1" # NLS nuisances: Letter ranges are different in the Estonian locale. LC_ALL=C while true; do if test -f configure; then package=`(grep '^PACKAGE_NAME=' configure; grep '^ *PACKAGE=' configure) | grep -v '=[ ]*$' | sed -e '1q' | sed -e 's/^[^=]*=//' | sed -e "s/^'//" -e "s/'$//"` case "$package" in *[\"\$\`\{\}]*) # Some packages (gcal) retrieve the package name dynamically. package= ;; esac if test -n "$package"; then is_gnu=`LC_ALL=C grep "GNU $package" * 2>/dev/null | grep -v '^libtool:'` if test -n "$is_gnu"; then package="GNU $package" fi if test -n "$want_version"; then version=`(grep '^PACKAGE_VERSION=' configure; grep '^ *VERSION=' configure) | grep -v '=[ ]*$' | sed -e '1q' | sed -e 's/^[^=]*=//' | sed -e "s/^'//" -e "s/'$//"` case "$version" in *[\"\$\`\{\}]*) # Some packages (gcal, gcc, clisp) retrieve the version dynamically. version= ;; esac if test -n "$version"; then echo "$package $version" else echo "$package" fi else echo "$package" fi exit 0 fi fi dir=`basename "\`pwd\`"` case "$dir" in i18n) # This directory name, used in GNU make, is not the top level directory. ;; *[A-Za-z]*[0-9]*) package=`echo "$dir" | sed -e 's/^\([^0-9]*\)[0-9].*$/\1/' -e 's/[-_]$//'` if test -n "$want_version"; then version=`echo "$dir" | sed -e 's/^[^0-9]*\([0-9].*\)$/\1/'` echo "$package $version" else echo "$package" fi exit 0 ;; esac # Go to parent directory last=`/bin/pwd` cd .. curr=`/bin/pwd` if test "$last" = "$curr"; then # Oops, didn't find the package name. if test -n "$want_version"; then echo "PACKAGE VERSION" else echo "PACKAGE" fi exit 0 fi done urlget000075500000036350147547443260006023 0ustar00ELF>1@@5@8 @@@@@@88@8@@@ `-`-``-` x-x-`x-`TT@T@DDPtd@@@@@DDQtdRtd`-`-``-`/lib64/ GNUH-dH%(HD$h13@HN" @yq@@j@0@F E1@@HމVta~htiqu! tH " @1H=! 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Fetches and outputs the contents of an URL. If the URL cannot be accessed, the locally accessible FILE is used instead. -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version output version information and exit -q, --quiet, --silent suppress progress indicators Report bugs to . error reading "%s"error writing stdouterror after reading "%s"/usr/share/localegettext-toolshqV0.19.8.1%s (GNU %s) %s 2001-2003, 2005-2009Bruno HaibleWritten by %s. Usage: %s [OPTION] URL FILE Informative output: expected two argumentsRetrieving %s...wget--version-q-O--T30 done. lynx-sourcecurl--silent failed. helpquiet@h@qs@qA@V;Dp0``0xzRx *zRx $FJ w?;*3$"DD uBGB A(A0G  0A(A BBBA ,(BED C(GD(eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBPH@@0 @ <@`-`h-`o@@@ @ 0` @x @ o @oo@x-` @ @ @ @ @ @& @6 @F @V @f @v @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@&@6@F@V@f@urlget.debug2=T7zXZִF!t/K]?Eh=ڊ̓NP٘e4omTqhOw#PU G+YZNO6CDFFy(&_ܑ>"fvR)1Wc'-[c+@Yy T7I!dS>g樸m;V^i1ZJQ紸9$ЙXԣ .+zբFUT,̿)) _4Pn0K~,WX0Z9 3n{Wc,+ p=LV& Eb#lW7Lc41w6Z=.$ĩn%E}8*'5m~hkbh.ke `w[\{Յ 8@8T@T !t@t$4o@\> @F@@No@L[o @ `jx @x tB @ ~ @ y @ p@p <@< `@` @@@D@d`-``-h-`h-p-`p-x-`x-/`/0`00`01`0P 0 14 cldr-plurals000075500000067160147547443260007130 0ustar00ELF>@@0g@8 @@@@@@88@8@@@QQ P]P]`P]`D h]h]`h]`TT@T@DDPtdKK@K@QtdRtdP]P]`P]`/lib64/ GNUJrA\fE00!!XK048|BE)fUaqX82c* \c: 69//% 5wPwlB*8@EubnH;b`Za`a`(a`a`a`Ia`Q @W?@a`{a` ti  ui !L/_` a`9a`4a`6a`1a`:a`3`` ``(``0``8``@``H``P``X`` ``` h`` p`` x`` ````````````````````````````````a`a`a` a`! a`"(a`#0a`$8a`%@a`&Ha`'Pa`(Xa`)`a`*ha`+pa`,xa`-a`.a`/HH5N HtH5"N %$N @%"N h%N h%N h% N h%N h%M h%M h%M hp%M h`%M h P%M h @%M h 0%M h %M h %M h%M h%M h%M h%M h%M h%M h%zM h%rM h%jM hp%bM h`%ZM hP%RM h@%JM h0%BM h %:M h%2M h%*M h%"M h %M h!%M h"% M h#%M h$%L h%%L h&%L h'p%L h(`%L h)P%L h*@%L h+0%L h, %L h-%L h.AWAVE1AUE1ATAUHS1HxH>dH%(HD$h1F@mE@E@F@E@E@EE1 K@E@HD=~Vt_~cthhDuAfDtH5L F@1H=K HHپ1ApDaEEHcK PD9A9uoHD$XHD$`(HT$XHcȀ| Ht6y$HH QK Ht$`H|$X xcuH|$XʃHH\F@1'HH111H\$hdH3%(AHx[]A\A]A^A_H|$XdH5J HHD$n$HD$Ha#LLdHDQIHD$(F@LHHD$2H|$Ht$(1ҹ` HHD$ H|$ HHHxJF@fxLmMm0MA}uI}[F@6t1HLMmHD$8HHD$@HD$Hi\$7Mm0MA}uI}cF@tھoF@LHhoF@LIIAHwHHtIA vLLIu&A/FHwHH-AuDIAy wHHt_H|$\$7Htq;mHtH|$ H|$H|$OH|$mJ@1oA[F@H¹JF@1116H|$ H|$F@11LH11HD$n !HHH5H H!H SLG MuLd$HMMIMd$0MA|$uI|$wF@t׾F@LHrF@LLILHHHcHT$8HHl*HHEH;D$@v)Ht$@H|$HHH9HCHHT$@ HD$H|$8H|$IMF@H1LF HF Hl$8LLd$HMLF ,F@1HIjHT$(AJF@M111$1D@i1H¿181F@BHL$(H11 J@1LHH$oF@AcF@HT$(I1111F@1H¿1H=E ;AE@E@H¾E@1|G@1{E@Hƿ1WE@ Hþ F@1IHH1'1H9E H@1HHƿ1 8H@1H1 HI@1H1 I@1H1xJ@1wH1X@J@1WH18 NHWD J@1&HH1J@1LMMLd$HLHH$F@AwF@1I^HHPTI?@HP?@H@f.a`UH-a`HHw]øHt]a`a`UH-a`HHHH?HHu]úHt]Hƿa`=QC uUH~]>C @H=> tHtU`]`H]{sUHSHHHWH;WtHHJHKH,HH[]ÐHtHwH?HHSHf w8$@@H>H>H>hfDH>H>xAW1AVAUAATAUSHHH$Lt$`H|$(dH%(H$81Hl$LD$D$K$fE.HTI9MI)II'IOHL$ H='A'LFKH|HIHl$ HHLt-H,LXO gHt$K$HLHD$ ;IHD$`H9tHLL$LL$HD$ Ot7Il)IDI9uLL$LA[McE`C@AtL|$)L$ w HcD$C@AA7wMcA`B@9A C@…LcEA@A)HcL|w&$ը@@H}DL$ H}DL$ AHHHHIAA@HHjLzAHC@7wHcf`B@f9DB@IHcD$9t= rD$y|$uP|$"Ht$PA`C@D$u3DI9tkA B@HIHM>A`C@t҃7wH`B@uB@tHT$PHAHD$HP$@AD$t<= Ht$P7I9t"fIHIH B@I9uHD$`H9tHH$8dH3%(DHH[]A\A]A^A_AfDHcD$Ht$PC@nDC@D$H=> D@E@1HD$(L1D$8@EB@EHD$P|$T$D$HHEHD$(LAufDIAt< t< tHL$(AHIT$LD@Lǹ#HD$(ID$L}DB@XDL$ L}L}11E1HUHuDL$8HT$0Ht$ DHt$ HT$0HDL$8H0HPHD$(HPHrH;rHH~HzH oH}HuDL$ IPHUDL$0HT$ HT$ IHPHDL$0$HUHMDL$8HT$0HL$ HL$ HT$0IDL$8HHPHUHMDL$8HT$0HL$ UHL$ HT$0I@HPHDL$8HUHMDL$8HT$0HL$ HL$ HT$0I@HPHDL$8YUDL$0T$ T$ I@DL$0)HEMDL$8PL$ T$0L$ T$0IDL$8PHUDL$0HT$ gHT$ IHPDL$0L}DL$88HD$0LxHMHL$ IHL$ IOHT$0IWDL$8`HUHMDL$8HT$0HL$ I븿DL$ HH@HH@HuSID@LHD$(ID$LEHD6H:HL$8DL$0HT$ H4HBHT$ HL$8DL$0HHr H=9 D@E@1A7E1LAL)H|$LLHDL$ LD$|$L& LD$DL$ HD$IHD$(LuD@LuHD$(ID$LKD@LuHD$(ID$L!D@LuHD$(ID$LAIP<9L$<0},%d>=%d<%dnplurals=2; plural=(n > %d); nplurals=1; plural=0; nplurals=%zu; plural=( ? %zu : ? %zu : %zunplurals=2; plural=(n != %d); /usr/share/localegettext-toolsbison-runtimechV0.19.8.1%s (GNU %s) %s 2015Daiki UenoWritten by %s. %s cannot be readThe root element must be <%s>supplementalDatapluralspluralRuleslocalespluralRulecount%s: %s; cannot parse CLDR ruleextra operand %scannot extract rules for %scldrhelpversionTry '%s --help' for more information. Copyright (C) %s Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Usage: %s [OPTION...] [LOCALE RULES]... Extract or convert Unicode CLDR plural rules. If both LOCALE and RULES are specified, it reads CLDR plural rules for LOCALE from RULES and print them in a form suitable for gettext use. If no argument is given, it reads CLDR plural rules from the standard input. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. Similarly for optional arguments. -c, --cldr print plural rules in the CLDR format -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version output version information and exit Report bugs to . The element <%s> does not have attribute <%s>The element <%s> does not contain a <%s> elementF@cF@hF@V;@@I@8h`P00hp`0(`Hh 0X XzRx a*zRx $(FJ w?;*3$",DNADG ] DAB t XLhe BDB E(G0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA ,KAAG \ AAI , AAG R AAC 4<ADF [ AAH [ AAC t=dBBB B(D0D8GPO 8A0A(B BBBH  8F0A(B BBBD [ya$ XDK A  A 4*AdT>Axt0AX$0LAS L M K TXBAA  ABH a ABL  ABH > ABG $YADD FDA$<AG0~ AI dd`BBB B(D0A8D`* 8A0A(B BBBE n 8A0A(B BBBA Lx BBE E(D0D8F 8A0A(B BBBA DeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBd@@] @ ?@P]`X]`o@p@@ > ``hP @ @ o( @oo @h]`@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@cldr-plurals.debugg7zXZִF!t/-]?Eh=ڊ̓Nx0vΚ_O}mCD ×݁+9c|aA #U .& bd{GĞݰt@B1xt6(^26 EL{L)ڿI)w-ʉG%2 sT|F~AZ A2!f3mȪ*+,}أp *èQ7 0xSƎ N3o͙roڢ8;Qsǔx@pvNf4V0ws黩M8?ECVbZ<6|`-CX3Ht֥DV[9_|to@zmki_VCђ;vC2]d%\w]]t?>Nl**+ @Fp@p>No @ v[o( @( j @ tBP @P h~@y@@*?@? ?@? K@KhL@hLP]`P]X]`X]`]``]h]`h]_`_```a`aa`a` aapf user-email000075500000034204147547443260006560 0ustar00#!/bin/sh # Prints the user's email address, with confirmation from the user. # # Copyright (C) 2001-2003, 2005, 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Prerequisites for using /usr/lib64 and ${datarootdir}/locale. prefix="/usr" exec_prefix="/usr" datarootdir="${prefix}/share" datadir="/usr/share" # Set variables libdir, localedir. libdir="/usr/lib64" localedir="${datarootdir}/locale" # Support for relocatability. if test "no" = yes; then orig_installdir="$libdir"/gettext # see's install rule # Determine curr_installdir without caring for symlinked callers. curr_installdir=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$,,'` curr_installdir=`cd "$curr_installdir" && pwd` # Compute the original/current installation prefixes by stripping the # trailing directories off the original/current installation directories. while true; do orig_last=`echo "$orig_installdir" | sed -n -e 's,^.*/\([^/]*\)$,\1,p'` curr_last=`echo "$curr_installdir" | sed -n -e 's,^.*/\([^/]*\)$,\1,p'` if test -z "$orig_last" || test -z "$curr_last"; then break fi if test "$orig_last" != "$curr_last"; then break fi orig_installdir=`echo "$orig_installdir" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$,,'` curr_installdir=`echo "$curr_installdir" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$,,'` done # Now relocate the directory variables that we use. libdir=`echo "$libdir/" | sed -e "s%^${orig_installdir}/%${curr_installdir}/%" | sed -e 's,/$,,'` localedir=`echo "$localedir/" | sed -e "s%^${orig_installdir}/%${curr_installdir}/%" | sed -e 's,/$,,'` fi # Internationalization. . TEXTDOMAIN=gettext-tools export TEXTDOMAIN TEXTDOMAINDIR="$localedir" export TEXTDOMAINDIR # Redirect fileno 3 to interactive I/O. exec 3>/dev/tty # Output a prompt. if test $# != 0; then echo "$1" 1>&3 fi # Find the user name on the local machine. user=`id -u -n 2>/dev/null` if test -z "$user"; then user="$USER" if test -z "$user"; then user="$LOGNAME" if test -z "$user"; then user=unknown fi fi fi # Find the hostname. # hostname on some systems (SVR3.2, old Linux) returns a bogus exit status, # so uname gets run too, so we keep only the first line of output. #host=`(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q` host=`"$libdir"/gettext/hostname --short 2>/dev/null | sed 1q` # Find the hostname. hostfqdn=`"$libdir"/gettext/hostname --fqdn 2>/dev/null | sed 1q` # Find a list of email addresses from various mailer configuration files. # All mailers use configuration files under $HOME. We handle them in a # last-modified - first-priority order. cd $HOME files="" # ----------------------- BEGIN MAILER SPECIFIC CODE ----------------------- # Mozilla Thunderbird addresses files="$files .thunderbird/*/prefs.js" # Mozilla addresses files="$files .mozilla/*/prefs.js" # Netscape 4 addresses files="$files .netscape/liprefs.js .netscape/preferences.js" # Netscape 3 addresses files="$files .netscape/preferences" # Emacs/XEmacs rmail, Emacs/XEmacs gnus, XEmacs vm addresses # XEmacs mew addresses files="$files .emacs .emacs.el" # KDE2 addresses files="$files .kde2/share/config/emaildefaults" # KDE kmail addresses files="$files .kde2/share/config/kmailrc" # GNOME evolution 2 addresses files="$files .gconf/apps/evolution/mail/%gconf.xml" # GNOME evolution 1 addresses files="$files evolution/config.xmldb" # GNOME balsa addresses files="$files .gnome/balsa" # StarOffice and OpenOffice addresses sed_dos2unix='s/\r$//' sed_soffice51='s,StarOffice 5\.1=\(.*\)$,\1/sofficerc,p' sed_soffice52='s,StarOffice 5\.2=\(.*\)$,\1/user/sofficerc,p' sed_ooffice='s,^OpenOffice[^=]*=\(.*\)$,\1/user/config/registry/instance/org/openoffice/UserProfile.xml,p' files="$files Office51/sofficerc Office52/user/sofficerc "`sed -n -e "$sed_dos2unix" -e "$sed_soffice51" -e "$sed_soffice52" -e "$sed_ooffice" .sversionrc 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's,^file://*,/,'` # mutt addresses files="$files .muttrc" # pine addresses files="$files .pinerc" # xfmail addresses files="$files .xfmail/.xfmailrc" # tkrat addresses files="$files .ratatosk/ratatoskrc" # ----------------------- END MAILER SPECIFIC CODE ----------------------- # Expand wildcards and remove nonexistent files from the list. nfiles="" for file in $files; do if test -r "$file" && test ! -d "$file"; then nfiles="$nfiles $file" fi done files="$nfiles" addresses="" if test -n "$files"; then for file in `ls -t $files`; do case "$file" in # ----------------------- BEGIN MAILER SPECIFIC CODE ----------------------- # Mozilla and Mozilla Thunderbird addresses .mozilla/*/prefs.js | .thunderbird/*/prefs.js) addresses="$addresses "`grep -h '^user_pref("mail\.identity\..*\.useremail", ".*");$' $file 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^user_pref("mail\.identity\..*\.useremail", "\(.*\)");$/\1/'` ;; # Netscape 4 addresses .netscape/liprefs.js | .netscape/preferences.js) addresses="$addresses "`grep -h '^user_pref("mail\.identity\.useremail", ".*");$' $file 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^user_pref("mail\.identity\.useremail", "\(.*\)");$/\1/'` ;; # Netscape 3 addresses .netscape/preferences) addresses="$addresses "`grep -h '^EMAIL_ADDRESS:' $file 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^EMAIL_ADDRESS:[ ]*//'` ;; .emacs | .emacs.el) # Emacs/XEmacs rmail, Emacs/XEmacs gnus, XEmacs vm addresses addresses="$addresses "`grep -h '[ (]user-mail-address "[^"]*"' $file 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^.*[ (]user-mail-address "\([^"]*\)".*$/\1/'` # XEmacs mew addresses domains=`grep -h '[ (]mew-mail-domain "[^"]*"' $file 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^.*[ (]mew-mail-domain "\([^"]*\)".*$/\1/'` if test -n "$domains"; then for domain in $domains; do addresses="$addresses ${user}@$domain" done fi ;; # KDE2 addresses .kde2/share/config/emaildefaults) addresses="$addresses "`grep -h '^EmailAddress=' $file 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^EmailAddress=//'` ;; # KDE kmail addresses .kde2/share/config/kmailrc) addresses="$addresses "`grep -h '^Email Address=' $file 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^Email Address=//'` ;; # GNOME evolution 2 addresses .gconf/apps/evolution/mail/%gconf.xml) sedexpr0='s,^.*<addr-spec>\(.*\)</addr-spec>.*$,\1,p' addresses="$addresses "`sed -n -e "$sedexpr0" < $file` ;; # GNOME evolution 1 addresses evolution/config.xmldb) sedexpr0='s/^.*\(.*\).*$,\1,p' $file 2>/dev/null` ;; # StarOffice addresses # Not a typo. They really write "Adress" with a single d. # German orthography... */sofficerc) addresses="$addresses "`grep -h '^User-Adress=' $file 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/#[^#]*$//' -e 's/^.*#//'` ;; # mutt addresses .muttrc) mutt_addresses=`grep -h '^set from="[^"]*"[ ]*$' $file 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^set from="\([^"]*\)"[ ]*$/\1/'` if test -n "$mutt_addresses"; then addresses="$addresses $mutt_addresses" else # mutt uses $EMAIL as fallback. if test -n "$EMAIL"; then addresses="$addresses $EMAIL" fi fi ;; # pine addresses .pinerc) domains=`grep -h '^user-domain=' $file 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^user-domain=//'` if test -n "$domains"; then for domain in $domains; do addresses="$addresses ${user}@$domain" done else # The use-only-domain-name option is only used if the user-domain option is not present. domains=`grep -h '^use-only-domain-name=' $file 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^use-only-domain-name=//'` if test "Yes" = "$domains"; then addresses="$addresses ${user}@"`echo "$hostfqdn" | sed -e 's/^[^.]*\.//'` fi fi ;; # xfmail addresses .xfmail/.xfmailrc) addresses="$addresses "`grep -h '^from=.*<.*>' $file 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^.*<\([^<>]*\)>.*$/\1/'` ;; # tkrat addresses .ratatosk/ratatoskrc) domains=`grep -h '^set option(masquerade_as) ' $file 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^set option(masquerade_as) //'` if test -n "$domains"; then for domain in $domains; do addresses="$addresses ${user}@$domain" done else # The domain option is used only if the masquerade_as option is not present. domains=`grep -h '^set option(domain) ' $file 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^set option(domain) //'` if test -n "$domains"; then for domain in $domains; do addresses="$addresses ${user}@${host}.$domain" done fi fi ;; # ----------------------- END MAILER SPECIFIC CODE ----------------------- esac done fi # Some Debian systems have a file /etc/mailname. if test -r /etc/mailname; then hostmailname=`cat /etc/mailname` if test -n "$hostmailname"; then addresses="$addresses ${user}@$hostmailname" fi fi # SuSE Linux >= 8.0 systems have a file /etc/sysconfig/mail. if test -r /etc/sysconfig/mail; then hostmailname=`. /etc/sysconfig/mail && echo "$FROM_HEADER"` if test -n "$hostmailname"; then addresses="$addresses ${user}@$hostmailname" fi fi # elm has no user-defined addresses. # mailx has no user-defined addresses. # mh has no user-defined addresses. # They use the system default. addresses="$addresses ${user}@$hostfqdn" # Normalize addresses: remove addresses without @, lowercase the part after @, # and remove duplicates. lowercase_sed='{ h s/^[^@]*@\(.*\)$/\1/ y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ x s/^\([^@]*\)@.*/\1@/ G s/\n// p }' naddresses="" for addr in $addresses; do case "$addr" in "<"*">") addr=`echo "$addr" | sed -e 's/^$//'` ;; esac case "$addr" in *@*) addr=`echo "$addr" | sed -n -e "$lowercase_sed"` case " $naddresses " in *" $addr "*) ;; *) naddresses="$naddresses $addr" ;; esac ;; esac done addresses="$naddresses" # Now it's time to ask the user. case "$addresses" in " "*" "*) # At least two addresses. lines="" i=0 for addr in $addresses; do i=`expr $i + 1` lines="${lines}${i} ${addr} " done while true; do { gettext "Which is your email address?"; echo; } 1>&3 echo "$lines" 1>&3 { gettext "Please choose the number, or enter your email address."; echo; } 1>&3 read answer < /dev/tty case "$answer" in *@*) ;; [0-9]*) i=0 for addr in $addresses; do i=`expr $i + 1` if test "$i" = "$answer"; then break 2 fi done ;; esac case "$answer" in "<"*">") answer=`echo "$answer" | sed -e 's/^$//'` ;; esac case "$answer" in *" "*) { gettext "Invalid email address: invalid character."; echo; echo; } 1>&3 ; continue ;; *@*.*) ;; *@*) { gettext "Invalid email address: need a fully qualified host name or domain name."; echo; echo; } 1>&3 ; continue ;; *) { gettext "Invalid email address: missing @"; echo; echo; } 1>&3 ; continue ;; esac addr=`echo "$answer" | sed -n -e "$lowercase_sed"` break done ;; " "*) # One address. while true; do { gettext "Is the following your email address?"; echo; } 1>&3 echo " $addresses" 1>&3 { gettext "Please confirm by pressing Return, or enter your email address."; echo; } 1>&3 read answer < /dev/tty if test -z "$answer"; then addr=`echo "$addresses" | sed -e 's/^ //'` break fi case "$answer" in "<"*">") answer=`echo "$answer" | sed -e 's/^$//'` ;; esac case "$answer" in *" "*) { gettext "Invalid email address: invalid character."; echo; echo; } 1>&3 ; continue ;; *@*.*) ;; *@*) { gettext "Invalid email address: need a fully qualified host name or domain name."; echo; echo; } 1>&3 ; continue ;; *) { gettext "Invalid email address: missing @"; echo; echo; } 1>&3 ; continue ;; esac addr=`echo "$answer" | sed -n -e "$lowercase_sed"` break done ;; "") # No address. { gettext "Couldn't find out about your email address."; echo; } 1>&3 while true; do { gettext "Please enter your email address."; echo; } 1>&3 read answer < /dev/tty case "$answer" in "<"*">") answer=`echo "$answer" | sed -e 's/^$//'` ;; esac case "$answer" in *" "*) { gettext "Invalid email address: invalid character."; echo; echo; } 1>&3 ; continue ;; *@*.*) ;; *@*) { gettext "Invalid email address: need a fully qualified host name or domain name."; echo; echo; } 1>&3 ; continue ;; *) { gettext "Invalid email address: missing @"; echo; echo; } 1>&3 ; continue ;; esac addr=`echo "$answer" | sed -n -e "$lowercase_sed"` break done ;; *) echo "internal error" 1>&3 ; exit 1 ;; esac # Print to standard output. echo "$addr" hostname000075500000026330147547443260006334 0ustar00ELF>O@@%@8 @@@@@@88@8@@@\\ ````` xx`x`TT@T@DDPtd@@<<QtdRtd`````/lib64/ GNUEu]z,  |BE)qX8r2CN!yc*tz lZ=*q,\b P!` `8@!` `(!`k p @G!`T@6 !`?p @2 @^0!` ui ti (ui `!` !`"(!`0!`%@!` ` `( `0 `8 `@ `H `P `X ` ` ` h ` p ` x ` `# ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `$ ` ` ` ` `HH} Ht[H5r %t @%r h%j h%b h%Z h%R h%J h%B h%: hp%2 h`%* h P%" h @% h 0% h %  h % h% h% h% h% h% h% h% h% h% hp% h`% hP% h@AUE1ATE1USHHXH>dH%(HD$H1C@Hn p @@"@"@P @ @E1 @0@Hމfts~Visft~htiH" @1H= HHپ1fDxVuAh YAMD 9 )EE9-i t"@11H¿1U@H0HD$@I HÃ#HHHHx1H@ HH4HU u޹.H H@1HEH= A6@"@H¾?@1Y@@1O@Hƿ14d@Hþq@1HH11.HpHtH1H 1@HHƿ1 18@TH1 1@*H1[1X@ H1;1@H11@H1 1@H11P@H1@1`H1 H @1/HH1MHHH\H8 H}Q1HUH<HHu2H]1@H0Hڿ11I^HHPTI@H@@HP@ `UH- `HHw]øHt] ` `UH- `HHHH?HHu]úHt]Hƿ `=Q uUH~]> @H=X tHtUp`H]{sAWAAVIAUIATL% UH- SL)1HHHtLLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_Ðf.f.@HAHt H11HH/usr/share/localegettext-toolsfhisV0.19.8.1%s (GNU %s) %s 2001-2003, 2006-2007Bruno HaibleWritten by %s. Usage: %s [OPTION] Output format: Informative output: too many argumentscould not get host name[%s] fqdnhelpip-addresslongshortversionTry '%s --help' for more information. Copyright (C) %s Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Print the machine's hostname. -s, --short short host name -f, --fqdn, --long long host name, includes fully qualified domain name, and aliases -i, --ip-address addresses for the hostname -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version output version information and exit Report bugs to . @f@h@i@f@s @V;<POX@(@zRx *zRx $FJ w?;*3$",DBED C(GDtXeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBx@@} p @ @``h`o@@@ 4  ` @X @ o @oo@x` @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @& @6 @F @V @f @v @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@&@6@F@hostname.debugN67zXZִF!t/;]?Eh=ڊ̓N[4'(SWһ)ɭ͒Vlu4mG.cHbtnuh3N=@‰DdY$5o hNC f#hS'4. 9}5V:ƛV:~駥ES|P2믎SԥěLfʠ,oxW| Kʘ 1iE&F{%Q1\m.\V>1,*eסYDՍ)( :7e76 +2Ѷ]xV>(UKy~;W⦀N|=KAXU:8]w5AAvfSCA)0P:ggKD d?PPӝ! 8@8T@T !t@t$4o@\> @F@4No@L[o @ PjX @X tB @ ~p @p y @ P@P@ @ @<@@@```h`hp`px`x` `  ` !` P  !|$