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no list specifiedThe path must start with '/'..neverpossiblealwaysThe audit system is disabled Syscall name unknown: %sOnly -i option is allowedError converting rateError converting backlogAppend rule - bad keyword %sAdd rule - bad keyword %sDelete rule - bad keyword %sError detecting machine typeError looking up elf type %dElf type unknown: 0x%xarch=key=Only the -k option is allowedwatch option needs a pathkey option needs a valuekey option exceeds size limitids-fileexecmkexelowmedhiids key is badkey %s has illegal characterPermission %c isn't supported2.8.5auditctl version %s lost: %uOut of memory adding keyids key type is badinfids key severity is badError opening %s (%s)Error fstat'ing %s (%s)Error - %s is world writablermError - fdopen failed (%s)auditctl--helploginuid-immutablereset-lostCannot open netlink audit socketThe audit system is in immutable mode, no rule changes allowedError sending add rule data request (%s)Error sending delete rule data request (%s)usage: auditctl [options] -a Append rule to end of ist with ction -A Add rule at beginning of ist with ction -b Set max number of outstanding audit buffers allowed Default=64 -c Continue through errors in rules -C f=f Compare collected fields if available: Field name, operator(=,!=), field name -d Delete rule from ist with ction l=task,exit,user,exclude a=never,always -D Delete all rules and watches -e [0..2] Set enabled flag -f [0..2] Set failure flag 0=silent 1=printk 2=panic -F f=v Build rule: field name, operator(=,!=,<,>,<=, >=,&,&=) value -h Help -i Ignore errors when reading rules from file -k Set filter key on audit rule -l List rules -m text Send a user-space message -p [r|w|x|a] Set permissions filter on watch r=read, w=write, x=execute, a=attribute -q make subtree part of mount point's dir watches -r Set limit in messages/sec (0=none) -R read rules from file -s Report status -S syscall Build rule: syscall name or number -t Trim directory watches -v Version -w Insert watch at -W Remove watch at --loginuid-immutable Make loginuids unchangeable once set --reset-lost Reset the lost record counterThe path passed for the watch is too bigThe base name of the path is too bigWarning - relative path notation is not supportedWarning - wildcard notation is not supportedWARNING - 32/64 bit syscall mismatch in line %d, you should specify an archWARNING - 32/64 bit syscall mismatch, you should specify an archToo many options for status commandEnable must be 0, 1, or 2 was %sFailure must be 0, 1, or 2 was %sRate must be a numeric value was %sBacklog must be a numeric value was %sWrong number of options for list requestOnly -k or -i options are allowedSyscall auditing requested for task listMultiple rule insert/delete operations are not allowed Append rule - possible is deprecatedError: syscall auditing requested for task listMultiple rule insert/delete operations are not allowedDelete rule - possible is deprecatedError: syscall auditing being added to task listError: syscall auditing being added to user listError: syscall auditing being added to filesystem listError: syscall auditing cannot be put on exclude listList must be given before fieldThe -m option must be only the only option and takes 1 parameterIllegal character in audit eventError - nested rule files not supportedWrong number of options for Delete all requestwatch option can't be given with a syscallkey option needs a watch or syscall given prior to itpermission option needs a watch given prior to itpermission option needs a filterSyscall auditing requested for make equivalentbacklog_wait_time is not supported on your kernelhicslDvtC:e:f:r:b:a:A:d:S:F:m:R:w:W:k:p:q:parameter passed without an option givenError parsing equivalent partsfile %s doesn't exist, skippingError - %s isn't owned by rootError - %s is not a regular fileThere was an error in line %d of %sYou must be root to run this program.@80P`P0`0к(Error receiving rules list (%s)Error deleting rule (%s)disableenabledenabled+immutableunknownsilentprintkpanic,unlockedNo rules -F arch%s0x%X -F arch%sb64 -F arch%sb32 -F arch%s%s -S -F %s%s%d -F %s%s%s -F %s%s%.*s-w %.*s -F path=%.*s -F dir=%.*s -F exe=%.*s -k %s -F key=%sa -p %s -F perm=%s -F %s%s%u -C uid%sobj_uid -C gid%sobj_gid -C euid%sobj_uid -C egid%sobj_gid -C auid%sobj_uid -C suid%sobj_uid -C sgid%sobj_gid -C fsuid%sobj_uid -C fsgid%sobj_gid -C uid%sauid -C uid%seuid -C uid%sfsuid -C uid%ssuid -C auid%sfsuid -C auid%ssuid -C auid%seuid -C euid%ssuid -C euid%sfsuid -C suid%sfsuid -C gid%segid -C gid%sfsgid -C gid%ssgid -C egid%sfsgid -C egid%ssgid -C sgid%sfsgid -F %s%s0x%X -F %s%s-%s f%d%s%dNLMSG_ERROR %d (%s) enabled %s failure %s enabled %u failure %u loginuid_immutable %u %s Unknown: type=%d, len=%d -a %s,%s -S allpid %u rate_limit %u backlog_limit %u lost %u backlog %u jF"nJ&rN*v;!@`%0@PP pH`Я0h  @ @P @`0H`xpzRx *zRx $؜0FJ w?;*3$"<D<BGA A(GH (A ABBA hD E HRD_ A $Cu H  G 4 BAA J_  AABG <ث}<T@BJA D(D0l (A ABBI *De<ج"BEA A(G (A ABBD 4ȭAAF k CAI Q FAH L$ OBBA D(O@ (A ABBD W (G ABBE Lt )BBB E(D0C8N 8A0A(B BBBK xrAg H ALBDB B(A0A8G2 8A0A(B BBBA ,LBFE ` ABA |X`X"p<xBED A(L0X (A ABBJ ,SBDA @AJLLhBBB E(A0A8GH 8A0A(B BBBB L(aBBB B(A0A8D` 8A0A(B BBBD HP,h,L4BBB B(A0A8J 8A0A(B BBBA D0eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBX&% ?q 0 f  o   ،  oooo2o fv&6FVfv  & 6 F V f v !!&!6!F!V!f!v!!!!!!!!!""&"6"F"V"f"v"""""""""##&#6#F#V#f#v# j1jauditctl.debug9K7zXZִF!t/G]?Eh=ڊ2Nз0@sY]6:oVst?J9:>!ssbM + =:`vZuN?I.\kowYqqUǞt!1[>V 퐫1go4>%-]I<(Ho:-(8laWBN Ηh?r\lY*;G[OO.~(lU!O7I|WxLE ص𻕜{q˙D)8D*u޿waŗHo7qB2da԰Zdyk«r 317IaDpzI9*e*ޗ#;yG//\SF o h)ӂ.@*e%!]x7"yv{+AnZ)4=iu,gЖ+ӾeA<:r1|I; DC?.}k3ЧϓΜE*߳$~ڣr.Ĝ~& ?4٦cE*R4W5+ h-Ԑ۔ܻR8MmF>cϐ4{C`nP[Vt9U~&]k1֙ǗMj_oJ cb  F No22[ojtB~00yPP0####Bff ff((     ، ،(  h