ExtUtils/MakeMaker/64BitHack.pm000064400000001661147207267200012212 0ustar00## no critic(RequireExplicitPackage) my $cwd; eval { require Cwd; $cwd = Cwd::fastcwd(); }; $cwd ||= `pwd`; chomp($cwd); if ( $cwd !~ /\/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/ ) { # case 50362: If we are reinstalling ExtUtils-MakeMaker skip the hack eval { require ExtUtils::MakeMaker; }; if ( !$@ ) { my $ExtUtils__MakeMaker__WriteMakefile = \&ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile; eval <<'EXTUTILSMAKEMAKERWRITEMAKEFILE_CHANGE_END'; no warnings 'redefine'; sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile { my %OPTS = @_; foreach my $opt ('LIBS','LDFLAGS') { if ($OPTS{$opt}) { if (ref $OPTS{$opt} eq 'ARRAY') { ${$OPTS{$opt}}[0] = "-L/usr/lib64 " . ${$OPTS{$opt}}[0]; } else { $OPTS{$opt} = "-L/usr/lib64 " . $OPTS{$opt}; } } } return $ExtUtils__MakeMaker__WriteMakefile->(%OPTS); } EXTUTILSMAKEMAKERWRITEMAKEFILE_CHANGE_END } } 1; x86_64/mysql_config000075500000000561147207267200010133 0ustar00#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl $ENV{'LANG'} = 'C'; my @paths = grep( !/cpan_sandbox/, split( /:/, $ENV{'PATH'} ) ); foreach my $path (@paths) { if ( -x $path . '/' . 'mysql_config' ) { if ( grep( /--libs/, @ARGV ) && -e '/usr/lib64' ) { print "-L/usr/lib64 "; } exec( $path . '/' . 'mysql_config', @ARGV ); } } die; x86_64/gcc000075500000001130147207267200006166 0ustar00#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl $ENV{'LANG'} = 'C'; sub sixtyfoursort { if ( $a =~ /64/ ) { return 999999; } $a cmp $b; } my @paths = grep( !/cpan_sandbox/, split( /:/, $ENV{'PATH'} ) ); foreach my $path (@paths) { if ( -x $path . '/' . 'gcc' ) { my @LDS = grep( /^\-L/, @ARGV ); my @NONLDS = grep( !/^\-L/, @ARGV ); @ARGV = sort sixtyfoursort @LDS; push( @ARGV, @NONLDS ); print STDERR "gcc-64bit-hack: enabled\n"; local $ENV{'PATH'} = join( ':', @paths ); exec( $path . '/' . 'gcc', @ARGV ); } } die; x86_64/xml2-config000075500000000557147207267200007573 0ustar00#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl $ENV{'LANG'} = 'C'; my @paths = grep( !/cpan_sandbox/, split( /:/, $ENV{'PATH'} ) ); foreach my $path (@paths) { if ( -x $path . '/' . 'xml2-config' ) { if ( grep( /--libs/, @ARGV ) && -e '/usr/lib64' ) { print "-L/usr/lib64 "; } exec( $path . '/' . 'xml2-config', @ARGV ); } } die; x86_64/perl000075500000001076147207267200006405 0ustar00#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl $ENV{'LANG'} = 'C'; foreach my $path ( grep( !/cpan_sandbox/, split( /:/, $ENV{'PATH'} ) ) ) { next if $path =~ m{^/usr/local/cpanel/}; if ( -x $path . '/' . 'perl' ) { if ( grep( /^Makefile\.PL$/, @ARGV ) ) { print STDERR "perl-64bit-hack: enabled\n"; exec( $path . '/' . 'perl', '-I/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cpan_sandbox', '-MExtUtils::MakeMaker::64BitHack', @ARGV ); } else { exec( $path . '/' . 'perl', @ARGV ); } } } die "Failed to exec perl: $!";