home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-includes/SimplePie/src/Registry.php000064400000020766147207031440021477 0ustar00 */ protected $default = [ Cache::class => Cache::class, Locator::class => Locator::class, Parser::class => Parser::class, File::class => File::class, Sanitize::class => Sanitize::class, Item::class => Item::class, Author::class => Author::class, Category::class => Category::class, Enclosure::class => Enclosure::class, Caption::class => Caption::class, Copyright::class => Copyright::class, Credit::class => Credit::class, Rating::class => Rating::class, Restriction::class => Restriction::class, Sniffer::class => Sniffer::class, Source::class => Source::class, Misc::class => Misc::class, DeclarationParser::class => DeclarationParser::class, Date::class => Date::class, ]; /** * Class mapping * * @see register() * @var array */ protected $classes = []; /** * Legacy classes * * @see register() * @var array */ protected $legacy = []; /** * Legacy types * * @see register() * @var array */ private $legacyTypes = [ 'Cache' => Cache::class, 'Locator' => Locator::class, 'Parser' => Parser::class, 'File' => File::class, 'Sanitize' => Sanitize::class, 'Item' => Item::class, 'Author' => Author::class, 'Category' => Category::class, 'Enclosure' => Enclosure::class, 'Caption' => Caption::class, 'Copyright' => Copyright::class, 'Credit' => Credit::class, 'Rating' => Rating::class, 'Restriction' => Restriction::class, 'Content_Type_Sniffer' => Sniffer::class, 'Source' => Source::class, 'Misc' => Misc::class, 'XML_Declaration_Parser' => DeclarationParser::class, 'Parse_Date' => Date::class, ]; /** * Constructor * * No-op */ public function __construct() { } /** * Register a class * * @param string $type See {@see $default} for names * @param class-string $class Class name, must subclass the corresponding default * @param bool $legacy Whether to enable legacy support for this class * @return bool Successfulness */ public function register($type, $class, $legacy = false) { if (array_key_exists($type, $this->legacyTypes)) { // trigger_error(sprintf('"%s"(): Using argument #1 ($type) with value "%s" is deprecated since SimplePie 1.8.0, use class-string "%s" instead.', __METHOD__, $type, $this->legacyTypes[$type]), \E_USER_DEPRECATED); $type = $this->legacyTypes[$type]; } if (!array_key_exists($type, $this->default)) { return false; } if (!class_exists($class)) { return false; } /** @var string */ $base_class = $this->default[$type]; if (!is_subclass_of($class, $base_class)) { return false; } $this->classes[$type] = $class; if ($legacy) { $this->legacy[] = $class; } return true; } /** * Get the class registered for a type * * Where possible, use {@see create()} or {@see call()} instead * * @template T * @param class-string $type * @return class-string|null */ public function get_class($type) { if (array_key_exists($type, $this->legacyTypes)) { // trigger_error(sprintf('"%s"(): Using argument #1 ($type) with value "%s" is deprecated since SimplePie 1.8.0, use class-string "%s" instead.', __METHOD__, $type, $this->legacyTypes[$type]), \E_USER_DEPRECATED); $type = $this->legacyTypes[$type]; } if (!array_key_exists($type, $this->default)) { return null; } $class = $this->default[$type]; if (array_key_exists($type, $this->classes)) { $class = $this->classes[$type]; } return $class; } /** * Create a new instance of a given type * * @template T class-string $type * @param class-string $type * @param array $parameters Parameters to pass to the constructor * @return T Instance of class */ public function &create($type, $parameters = []) { $class = $this->get_class($type); if (!method_exists($class, '__construct')) { $instance = new $class(); } else { $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($class); $instance = $reflector->newInstanceArgs($parameters); } if ($instance instanceof RegistryAware) { $instance->set_registry($this); } elseif (method_exists($instance, 'set_registry')) { trigger_error(sprintf('Using the method "set_registry()" without implementing "%s" is deprecated since SimplePie 1.8.0, implement "%s" in "%s".', RegistryAware::class, RegistryAware::class, $class), \E_USER_DEPRECATED); $instance->set_registry($this); } return $instance; } /** * Call a static method for a type * * @param class-string $type * @param string $method * @param array $parameters * @return mixed */ public function &call($type, $method, $parameters = []) { $class = $this->get_class($type); if (in_array($class, $this->legacy)) { switch ($type) { case Cache::class: // For backwards compatibility with old non-static // Cache::create() methods in PHP < 8.0. // No longer supported as of PHP 8.0. if ($method === 'get_handler') { $result = @call_user_func_array([$class, 'create'], $parameters); return $result; } break; } } $result = call_user_func_array([$class, $method], $parameters); return $result; } } class_alias('SimplePie\Registry', 'SimplePie_Registry'); var/softaculous/sitepad/editor/site-inc/SimplePie/Registry.php000064400000013547147564062550020575 0ustar00 'SimplePie_Cache', 'Locator' => 'SimplePie_Locator', 'Parser' => 'SimplePie_Parser', 'File' => 'SimplePie_File', 'Sanitize' => 'SimplePie_Sanitize', 'Item' => 'SimplePie_Item', 'Author' => 'SimplePie_Author', 'Category' => 'SimplePie_Category', 'Enclosure' => 'SimplePie_Enclosure', 'Caption' => 'SimplePie_Caption', 'Copyright' => 'SimplePie_Copyright', 'Credit' => 'SimplePie_Credit', 'Rating' => 'SimplePie_Rating', 'Restriction' => 'SimplePie_Restriction', 'Content_Type_Sniffer' => 'SimplePie_Content_Type_Sniffer', 'Source' => 'SimplePie_Source', 'Misc' => 'SimplePie_Misc', 'XML_Declaration_Parser' => 'SimplePie_XML_Declaration_Parser', 'Parse_Date' => 'SimplePie_Parse_Date', ); /** * Class mapping * * @see register() * @var array */ protected $classes = array(); /** * Legacy classes * * @see register() * @var array */ protected $legacy = array(); /** * Constructor * * No-op */ public function __construct() { } /** * Register a class * * @param string $type See {@see $default} for names * @param string $class Class name, must subclass the corresponding default * @param bool $legacy Whether to enable legacy support for this class * @return bool Successfulness */ public function register($type, $class, $legacy = false) { if (!is_subclass_of($class, $this->default[$type])) { return false; } $this->classes[$type] = $class; if ($legacy) { $this->legacy[] = $class; } return true; } /** * Get the class registered for a type * * Where possible, use {@see create()} or {@see call()} instead * * @param string $type * @return string|null */ public function get_class($type) { if (!empty($this->classes[$type])) { return $this->classes[$type]; } if (!empty($this->default[$type])) { return $this->default[$type]; } return null; } /** * Create a new instance of a given type * * @param string $type * @param array $parameters Parameters to pass to the constructor * @return object Instance of class */ public function &create($type, $parameters = array()) { $class = $this->get_class($type); if (in_array($class, $this->legacy)) { switch ($type) { case 'locator': // Legacy: file, timeout, useragent, file_class, max_checked_feeds, content_type_sniffer_class // Specified: file, timeout, useragent, max_checked_feeds $replacement = array($this->get_class('file'), $parameters[3], $this->get_class('content_type_sniffer')); array_splice($parameters, 3, 1, $replacement); break; } } if (!method_exists($class, '__construct')) { $instance = new $class; } else { $reflector = new ReflectionClass($class); $instance = $reflector->newInstanceArgs($parameters); } if (method_exists($instance, 'set_registry')) { $instance->set_registry($this); } return $instance; } /** * Call a static method for a type * * @param string $type * @param string $method * @param array $parameters * @return mixed */ public function &call($type, $method, $parameters = array()) { $class = $this->get_class($type); if (in_array($class, $this->legacy)) { switch ($type) { case 'Cache': // For backwards compatibility with old non-static // Cache::create() methods if ($method === 'get_handler') { $result = @call_user_func_array(array($class, 'create'), $parameters); return $result; } break; } } $result = call_user_func_array(array($class, $method), $parameters); return $result; } }opt/cpanel/ea-php74/root/usr/share/pear/PEAR/Registry.php000064400000224270147564357750017070 0ustar00 * @author Tomas V. V. Cox * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since File available since Release 0.1 */ /** * for PEAR_Error */ require_once 'PEAR.php'; require_once 'PEAR/DependencyDB.php'; define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_LOCK', -2); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FORMAT', -3); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FILE', -4); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_CONFLICT', -5); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_CHANNEL_FILE', -6); /** * Administration class used to maintain the installed package database. * @category pear * @package PEAR * @author Stig Bakken * @author Tomas V. V. Cox * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version Release: 1.10.16 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since Class available since Release 1.4.0a1 */ class PEAR_Registry extends PEAR { /** * File containing all channel information. * @var string */ var $channels = ''; /** Directory where registry files are stored. * @var string */ var $statedir = ''; /** File where the file map is stored * @var string */ var $filemap = ''; /** Directory where registry files for channels are stored. * @var string */ var $channelsdir = ''; /** Name of file used for locking the registry * @var string */ var $lockfile = ''; /** File descriptor used during locking * @var resource */ var $lock_fp = null; /** Mode used during locking * @var int */ var $lock_mode = 0; // XXX UNUSED /** Cache of package information. Structure: * array( * 'package' => array('id' => ... ), * ... ) * @var array */ var $pkginfo_cache = array(); /** Cache of file map. Structure: * array( '/path/to/file' => 'package', ... ) * @var array */ var $filemap_cache = array(); /** * @var false|PEAR_ChannelFile */ var $_pearChannel; /** * @var false|PEAR_ChannelFile */ var $_peclChannel; /** * @var false|PEAR_ChannelFile */ var $_docChannel; /** * @var PEAR_DependencyDB */ var $_dependencyDB; /** * @var PEAR_Config */ var $_config; /** * PEAR_Registry constructor. * * @param string (optional) PEAR install directory (for .php files) * @param PEAR_ChannelFile PEAR_ChannelFile object representing the PEAR channel, if * default values are not desired. Only used the very first time a PEAR * repository is initialized * @param PEAR_ChannelFile PEAR_ChannelFile object representing the PECL channel, if * default values are not desired. Only used the very first time a PEAR * repository is initialized * * @access public */ function __construct($pear_install_dir = PEAR_INSTALL_DIR, $pear_channel = false, $pecl_channel = false, $pear_metadata_dir = '') { parent::__construct(); $this->setInstallDir($pear_install_dir, $pear_metadata_dir); $this->_pearChannel = $pear_channel; $this->_peclChannel = $pecl_channel; $this->_config = false; } function setInstallDir($pear_install_dir = PEAR_INSTALL_DIR, $pear_metadata_dir = '') { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->install_dir = $pear_install_dir; if (!$pear_metadata_dir) { $pear_metadata_dir = $pear_install_dir; } $this->channelsdir = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.channels'; $this->statedir = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.registry'; $this->filemap = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.filemap'; $this->lockfile = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.lock'; } function hasWriteAccess() { if (!file_exists($this->install_dir)) { $dir = $this->install_dir; while ($dir && $dir != '.') { $olddir = $dir; $dir = dirname($dir); if ($dir != '.' && file_exists($dir)) { if (is_writeable($dir)) { return true; } return false; } if ($dir == $olddir) { // this can happen in safe mode return @is_writable($dir); } } return false; } return is_writeable($this->install_dir); } function setConfig(&$config, $resetInstallDir = true) { $this->_config = &$config; if ($resetInstallDir) { $this->setInstallDir($config->get('php_dir'), $config->get('metadata_dir')); } } function _initializeChannelDirs() { static $running = false; if (!$running) { $running = true; $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!is_dir($this->channelsdir) || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pecl.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'doc.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . '__uri.reg')) { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg')) { $pear_channel = $this->_pearChannel; if (!is_a($pear_channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$pear_channel->validate()) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pear_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pear_channel->setAlias('pear'); $pear_channel->setServer('pear.php.net'); $pear_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension and Application Repository'); $pear_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); //$pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.4', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); } else { $pear_channel->setServer('pear.php.net'); $pear_channel->setAlias('pear'); } $pear_channel->validate(); $this->_addChannel($pear_channel); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pecl.php.net.reg')) { $pecl_channel = $this->_peclChannel; if (!is_a($pecl_channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$pecl_channel->validate()) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pecl_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pecl_channel->setAlias('pecl'); $pecl_channel->setServer('pecl.php.net'); $pecl_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension Community Library'); $pecl_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pecl_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pecl_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pecl_channel->setValidationPackage('PEAR_Validator_PECL', '1.0'); } else { $pecl_channel->setServer('pecl.php.net'); $pecl_channel->setAlias('pecl'); } $pecl_channel->validate(); $this->_addChannel($pecl_channel); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'doc.php.net.reg')) { $doc_channel = $this->_docChannel; if (!is_a($doc_channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$doc_channel->validate()) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $doc_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $doc_channel->setAlias('phpdocs'); $doc_channel->setServer('doc.php.net'); $doc_channel->setSummary('PHP Documentation Team'); $doc_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); } else { $doc_channel->setServer('doc.php.net'); $doc_channel->setAlias('doc'); } $doc_channel->validate(); $this->_addChannel($doc_channel); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . '__uri.reg')) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $private = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $private->setName('__uri'); $private->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $private->setBaseURL('REST1.0', '****'); $private->setSummary('Pseudo-channel for static packages'); $this->_addChannel($private); } $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } $running = false; } } function _initializeDirs() { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // XXX Compatibility code should be removed in the future // rename all registry files if any to lowercase if (!OS_WINDOWS && file_exists($this->statedir) && is_dir($this->statedir) && $handle = opendir($this->statedir)) { $dest = $this->statedir . $ds; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (preg_match('/^.*[A-Z].*\.reg\\z/', $file)) { rename($dest . $file, $dest . strtolower($file)); } } closedir($handle); } $this->_initializeChannelDirs(); if (!file_exists($this->filemap)) { $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } $this->_initializeDepDB(); } function _initializeDepDB() { if (!isset($this->_dependencyDB)) { static $initializing = false; if (!$initializing) { $initializing = true; if (!$this->_config) { // never used? $file = OS_WINDOWS ? 'pear.ini' : '.pearrc'; $this->_config = new PEAR_Config($this->statedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); $this->_config->setRegistry($this); $this->_config->set('php_dir', $this->install_dir); } $this->_dependencyDB = &PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton($this->_config); if (PEAR::isError($this->_dependencyDB)) { // attempt to recover by removing the dep db if (file_exists($this->_config->get('metadata_dir', null, 'pear.php.net') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.depdb')) { @unlink($this->_config->get('metadata_dir', null, 'pear.php.net') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.depdb'); } $this->_dependencyDB = &PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton($this->_config); if (PEAR::isError($this->_dependencyDB)) { echo $this->_dependencyDB->getMessage(); echo 'Unrecoverable error'; exit(1); } } $initializing = false; } } } /** * PEAR_Registry destructor. Makes sure no locks are forgotten. * * @access private */ function _PEAR_Registry() { parent::_PEAR(); if (is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { $this->_unlock(); } } /** * Make sure the directory where we keep registry files exists. * * @return bool TRUE if directory exists, FALSE if it could not be * created * * @access private */ function _assertStateDir($channel = false) { if ($channel && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) != 'pear.php.net') { return $this->_assertChannelStateDir($channel); } static $init = false; if (!file_exists($this->statedir)) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $this->statedir))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->statedir}'"); } $init = true; } elseif (!is_dir($this->statedir)) { return $this->raiseError('Cannot create directory ' . $this->statedir . ', ' . 'it already exists and is not a directory'); } $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir)) { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pecl.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'doc.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . '__uri.reg')) { $init = true; } } elseif (!is_dir($this->channelsdir)) { return $this->raiseError('Cannot create directory ' . $this->channelsdir . ', ' . 'it already exists and is not a directory'); } if ($init) { static $running = false; if (!$running) { $running = true; $this->_initializeDirs(); $running = false; $init = false; } } else { $this->_initializeDepDB(); } return true; } /** * Make sure the directory where we keep registry files exists for a non-standard channel. * * @param string channel name * @return bool TRUE if directory exists, FALSE if it could not be * created * * @access private */ function _assertChannelStateDir($channel) { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!$channel || $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg')) { $this->_initializeChannelDirs(); } return $this->_assertStateDir($channel); } $channelDir = $this->_channelDirectoryName($channel); if (!is_dir($this->channelsdir) || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg')) { $this->_initializeChannelDirs(); } if (!file_exists($channelDir)) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $channelDir))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '" . $channelDir . "'"); } } elseif (!is_dir($channelDir)) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '" . $channelDir . "', already exists and is not a directory"); } return true; } /** * Make sure the directory where we keep registry files for channels exists * * @return bool TRUE if directory exists, FALSE if it could not be * created * * @access private */ function _assertChannelDir() { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir)) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $this->channelsdir))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}'"); } } elseif (!is_dir($this->channelsdir)) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}" . "', it already exists and is not a directory"); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias')) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias'))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}/.alias'"); } } elseif (!is_dir($this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias')) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}" . "/.alias', it already exists and is not a directory"); } return true; } /** * Get the name of the file where data for a given package is stored. * * @param string channel name, or false if this is a PEAR package * @param string package name * * @return string registry file name * * @access public */ function _packageFileName($package, $channel = false) { if ($channel && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) != 'pear.php.net') { return $this->_channelDirectoryName($channel) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . '.reg'; } return $this->statedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . '.reg'; } /** * Get the name of the file where data for a given channel is stored. * @param string channel name * @return string registry file name */ function _channelFileName($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (!$noaliases) { if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))) { $channel = implode('', file($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))); } } return $this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('/', '_', strtolower($channel)) . '.reg'; } /** * @param string * @return string */ function _getChannelAliasFileName($alias) { return $this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('/', '_', strtolower($alias)) . '.txt'; } /** * Get the name of a channel from its alias */ function _getChannelFromAlias($channel) { if (!$this->_channelExists($channel)) { if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') { return 'pear.php.net'; } if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { return 'pecl.php.net'; } if ($channel == 'doc.php.net') { return 'doc.php.net'; } if ($channel == '__uri') { return '__uri'; } return false; } $channel = strtolower($channel); if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))) { // translate an alias to an actual channel return implode('', file($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))); } return $channel; } /** * Get the alias of a channel from its alias or its name */ function _getAlias($channel) { if (!$this->_channelExists($channel)) { if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') { return 'pear'; } if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { return 'pecl'; } if ($channel == 'doc.php.net') { return 'phpdocs'; } return false; } $channel = $this->_getChannel($channel); if (PEAR::isError($channel)) { return $channel; } return $channel->getAlias(); } /** * Get the name of the file where data for a given package is stored. * * @param string channel name, or false if this is a PEAR package * @param string package name * * @return string registry file name * * @access public */ function _channelDirectoryName($channel) { if (!$channel || $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { return $this->statedir; } $ch = $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel); if (!$ch) { $ch = $channel; } return $this->statedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower('.channel.' . str_replace('/', '_', $ch)); } function _openPackageFile($package, $mode, $channel = false) { if (!$this->_assertStateDir($channel)) { return null; } if (!in_array($mode, array('r', 'rb')) && !$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return null; } $file = $this->_packageFileName($package, $channel); if (!file_exists($file) && $mode == 'r' || $mode == 'rb') { return null; } $fp = @fopen($file, $mode); if (!$fp) { return null; } return $fp; } function _closePackageFile($fp) { fclose($fp); } function _openChannelFile($channel, $mode) { if (!$this->_assertChannelDir()) { return null; } if (!in_array($mode, array('r', 'rb')) && !$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return null; } $file = $this->_channelFileName($channel); if (!file_exists($file) && $mode == 'r' || $mode == 'rb') { return null; } $fp = @fopen($file, $mode); if (!$fp) { return null; } return $fp; } function _closeChannelFile($fp) { fclose($fp); } function _rebuildFileMap() { if (!class_exists('PEAR_Installer_Role')) { require_once 'PEAR/Installer/Role.php'; } $channels = $this->_listAllPackages(); $files = array(); foreach ($channels as $channel => $packages) { foreach ($packages as $package) { $version = $this->_packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); $filelist = $this->_packageInfo($package, 'filelist', $channel); if (!is_array($filelist)) { continue; } foreach ($filelist as $name => $attrs) { if (isset($attrs['attribs'])) { $attrs = $attrs['attribs']; } // it is possible for conflicting packages in different channels to // conflict with data files/doc files if ($name == 'dirtree') { continue; } if (isset($attrs['role']) && !in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getInstallableRoles())) { // these are not installed continue; } if (isset($attrs['role']) && !in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getBaseinstallRoles())) { $attrs['baseinstalldir'] = $package; } if (isset($attrs['baseinstalldir'])) { $file = $attrs['baseinstalldir'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name; } else { $file = $name; } $file = preg_replace(',^/+,', '', $file); if ($channel != 'pear.php.net') { if (!isset($files[$attrs['role']])) { $files[$attrs['role']] = array(); } $files[$attrs['role']][$file] = array(strtolower($channel), strtolower($package)); } else { if (!isset($files[$attrs['role']])) { $files[$attrs['role']] = array(); } $files[$attrs['role']][$file] = strtolower($package); } } } } $this->_assertStateDir(); if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } $fp = @fopen($this->filemap, 'wb'); if (!$fp) { return false; } $this->filemap_cache = $files; fwrite($fp, serialize($files)); fclose($fp); return true; } function _readFileMap() { if (!file_exists($this->filemap)) { return array(); } $fp = @fopen($this->filemap, 'r'); if (!$fp) { $last_errormsg = ''; $last_error = error_get_last(); if (!empty($last_error['message'])) { $last_errormsg = $last_error['message']; } return $this->raiseError('PEAR_Registry: could not open filemap "' . $this->filemap . '"', PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FILE, null, null, $last_errormsg); } clearstatcache(); $fsize = filesize($this->filemap); fclose($fp); $data = file_get_contents($this->filemap); $tmp = unserialize($data); if (!$tmp && $fsize > 7) { return $this->raiseError('PEAR_Registry: invalid filemap data', PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FORMAT, null, null, $data); } $this->filemap_cache = $tmp; return true; } /** * Lock the registry. * * @param integer lock mode, one of LOCK_EX, LOCK_SH or LOCK_UN. * See flock manual for more information. * * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if locking failed, or a * PEAR error if some other error occurs (such as the * lock file not being writable). * * @access private */ function _lock($mode = LOCK_EX) { if (stristr(php_uname(), 'Windows 9')) { return true; } if ($mode != LOCK_UN && is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { // XXX does not check type of lock (LOCK_SH/LOCK_EX) return true; } if (!$this->_assertStateDir()) { if ($mode == LOCK_EX) { return $this->raiseError('Registry directory is not writeable by the current user'); } return true; } $open_mode = 'w'; // XXX People reported problems with LOCK_SH and 'w' if ($mode === LOCK_SH || $mode === LOCK_UN) { if (!file_exists($this->lockfile)) { touch($this->lockfile); } $open_mode = 'r'; } if (!is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { $this->lock_fp = @fopen($this->lockfile, $open_mode); } if (!is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { $this->lock_fp = null; return $this->raiseError("could not create lock file" . (isset($php_errormsg) ? ": " . $php_errormsg : "")); } if (!(int)flock($this->lock_fp, $mode)) { switch ($mode) { case LOCK_SH: $str = 'shared'; break; case LOCK_EX: $str = 'exclusive'; break; case LOCK_UN: $str = 'unlock'; break; default: $str = 'unknown'; break; } //is resource at this point, close it on error. fclose($this->lock_fp); $this->lock_fp = null; return $this->raiseError("could not acquire $str lock ($this->lockfile)", PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_LOCK); } return true; } function _unlock() { $ret = $this->_lock(LOCK_UN); if (is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { fclose($this->lock_fp); } $this->lock_fp = null; return $ret; } function _packageExists($package, $channel = false) { return file_exists($this->_packageFileName($package, $channel)); } /** * Determine whether a channel exists in the registry * * @param string Channel name * @param bool if true, then aliases will be ignored * @return boolean */ function _channelExists($channel, $noaliases = false) { $a = file_exists($this->_channelFileName($channel, $noaliases)); if (!$a && $channel == 'pear.php.net') { return true; } if (!$a && $channel == 'pecl.php.net') { return true; } if (!$a && $channel == 'doc.php.net') { return true; } return $a; } /** * Determine whether a mirror exists within the default channel in the registry * * @param string Channel name * @param string Mirror name * * @return boolean */ function _mirrorExists($channel, $mirror) { $data = $this->_channelInfo($channel); if (!isset($data['servers']['mirror'])) { return false; } foreach ($data['servers']['mirror'] as $m) { if ($m['attribs']['host'] == $mirror) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param PEAR_ChannelFile Channel object * @param donotuse * @param string Last-Modified HTTP tag from remote request * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on creation, false if it already exists */ function _addChannel($channel, $update = false, $lastmodified = false) { if (!is_a($channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile')) { return false; } if (!$channel->validate()) { return false; } if (file_exists($this->_channelFileName($channel->getName()))) { if (!$update) { return false; } $checker = $this->_getChannel($channel->getName()); if (PEAR::isError($checker)) { return $checker; } if ($channel->getAlias() != $checker->getAlias()) { if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($checker->getAlias()))) { @unlink($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($checker->getAlias())); } } } else { if ($update && !in_array($channel->getName(), array('pear.php.net', 'pecl.php.net', 'doc.php.net'))) { return false; } } $ret = $this->_assertChannelDir(); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } $ret = $this->_assertChannelStateDir($channel->getName()); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if ($channel->getAlias() != $channel->getName()) { if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel->getAlias())) && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel->getAlias()) != $channel->getName()) { $channel->setAlias($channel->getName()); } if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } $fp = @fopen($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel->getAlias()), 'w'); if (!$fp) { return false; } fwrite($fp, $channel->getName()); fclose($fp); } if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } $fp = @fopen($this->_channelFileName($channel->getName()), 'wb'); if (!$fp) { return false; } $info = $channel->toArray(); if ($lastmodified) { $info['_lastmodified'] = $lastmodified; } else { $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); } fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); fclose($fp); return true; } /** * Deletion fails if there are any packages installed from the channel * @param string|PEAR_ChannelFile channel name * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on deletion, false if it doesn't exist */ function _deleteChannel($channel) { if (!is_string($channel)) { if (!is_a($channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile')) { return false; } if (!$channel->validate()) { return false; } $channel = $channel->getName(); } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == '__uri') { return false; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pecl.php.net') { return false; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'doc.php.net') { return false; } if (!$this->_channelExists($channel)) { return false; } if (!$channel || $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { return false; } $channel = $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel); if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') { return false; } $test = $this->_listChannelPackages($channel); if (count($test)) { return false; } $test = @rmdir($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel)); if (!$test) { return false; } $file = $this->_getChannelAliasFileName($this->_getAlias($channel)); if (file_exists($file)) { $test = @unlink($file); if (!$test) { return false; } } $file = $this->_channelFileName($channel); $ret = true; if (file_exists($file)) { $ret = @unlink($file); } return $ret; } /** * Determine whether a channel exists in the registry * @param string Channel Alias * @return boolean */ function _isChannelAlias($alias) { return file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($alias)); } /** * @param string|null * @param string|null * @param string|null * @return array|null * @access private */ function _packageInfo($package = null, $key = null, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if ($package === null) { if ($channel === null) { $channels = $this->_listChannels(); $ret = array(); foreach ($channels as $channel) { $channel = strtolower($channel); $ret[$channel] = array(); $packages = $this->_listPackages($channel); foreach ($packages as $package) { $ret[$channel][] = $this->_packageInfo($package, null, $channel); } } return $ret; } $ps = $this->_listPackages($channel); if (!count($ps)) { return array(); } return array_map(array(&$this, '_packageInfo'), $ps, array_fill(0, count($ps), null), array_fill(0, count($ps), $channel)); } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'r', $channel); if ($fp === null) { return null; } clearstatcache(); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); $data = file_get_contents($this->_packageFileName($package, $channel)); $data = @unserialize($data); if ($key === null) { return $data; } // compatibility for package.xml version 2.0 if (isset($data['old'][$key])) { return $data['old'][$key]; } if (isset($data[$key])) { return $data[$key]; } return null; } /** * @param string Channel name * @param bool whether to strictly retrieve info of channels, not just aliases * @return array|null */ function _channelInfo($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (!$this->_channelExists($channel, $noaliases)) { return null; } $fp = $this->_openChannelFile($channel, 'r'); if ($fp === null) { return null; } clearstatcache(); $this->_closeChannelFile($fp); $data = file_get_contents($this->_channelFileName($channel)); $data = unserialize($data); return $data; } function _listChannels() { $channellist = array(); if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir) || !is_dir($this->channelsdir)) { return array('pear.php.net', 'pecl.php.net', 'doc.php.net', '__uri'); } $dp = opendir($this->channelsdir); while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -4) != '.reg') { continue; } if ($ent == '__uri.reg') { $channellist[] = '__uri'; continue; } $channellist[] = str_replace('_', '/', substr($ent, 0, -4)); } closedir($dp); if (!in_array('pear.php.net', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = 'pear.php.net'; } if (!in_array('pecl.php.net', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = 'pecl.php.net'; } if (!in_array('doc.php.net', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = 'doc.php.net'; } if (!in_array('__uri', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = '__uri'; } natsort($channellist); return $channellist; } function _listPackages($channel = false) { if ($channel && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) != 'pear.php.net') { return $this->_listChannelPackages($channel); } if (!file_exists($this->statedir) || !is_dir($this->statedir)) { return array(); } $pkglist = array(); $dp = opendir($this->statedir); if (!$dp) { return $pkglist; } while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -4) != '.reg') { continue; } $pkglist[] = substr($ent, 0, -4); } closedir($dp); sort($pkglist); return $pkglist; } function _listChannelPackages($channel) { $pkglist = array(); if (!file_exists($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel)) || !is_dir($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel))) { return array(); } $dp = opendir($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel)); if (!$dp) { return $pkglist; } while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -4) != '.reg') { continue; } $pkglist[] = substr($ent, 0, -4); } closedir($dp); return $pkglist; } function _listAllPackages() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->_listChannels() as $channel) { $ret[$channel] = $this->_listPackages($channel); } return $ret; } /** * Add an installed package to the registry * @param string package name * @param array package info (parsed by PEAR_Common::infoFrom*() methods) * @return bool success of saving * @access private */ function _addPackage($package, $info) { if ($this->_packageExists($package)) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'wb'); if ($fp === null) { return false; } $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); if (isset($info['filelist'])) { $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } return true; } /** * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 * @return bool * @access private */ function _addPackage2($info) { if (!is_a($info, 'PEAR_PackageFile_v1') && !is_a($info, 'PEAR_PackageFile_v2')) { return false; } if (!$info->validate()) { if (class_exists('PEAR_Common')) { $ui = PEAR_Frontend::singleton(); if ($ui) { foreach ($info->getValidationWarnings() as $err) { $ui->log($err['message'], true); } } } return false; } $channel = $info->getChannel(); $package = $info->getPackage(); $save = $info; if ($this->_packageExists($package, $channel)) { return false; } if (!$this->_channelExists($channel, true)) { return false; } $info = $info->toArray(true); if (!$info) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'wb', $channel); if ($fp === null) { return false; } $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); $this->_rebuildFileMap(); return true; } /** * @param string Package name * @param array parsed package.xml 1.0 * @param bool this parameter is only here for BC. Don't use it. * @access private */ function _updatePackage($package, $info, $merge = true) { $oldinfo = $this->_packageInfo($package); if (empty($oldinfo)) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'w'); if ($fp === null) { return false; } if (is_object($info)) { $info = $info->toArray(); } $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); $newinfo = $info; if ($merge) { $info = array_merge($oldinfo, $info); } else { $diff = $info; } fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); if (isset($newinfo['filelist'])) { $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } return true; } /** * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 * @return bool * @access private */ function _updatePackage2($info) { if (!$this->_packageExists($info->getPackage(), $info->getChannel())) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($info->getPackage(), 'w', $info->getChannel()); if ($fp === null) { return false; } $save = $info; $info = $save->getArray(true); $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); $this->_rebuildFileMap(); return true; } /** * @param string Package name * @param string Channel name * @return PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|null * @access private */ function &_getPackage($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { $info = $this->_packageInfo($package, null, $channel); if ($info === null) { return $info; } $a = $this->_config; if (!$a) { $this->_config = new PEAR_Config; $this->_config->set('php_dir', $this->statedir); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->_config); $pf = &$pkg->fromArray($info); return $pf; } /** * @param string channel name * @param bool whether to strictly retrieve channel names * @return PEAR_ChannelFile|PEAR_Error * @access private */ function &_getChannel($channel, $noaliases = false) { $ch = false; if ($this->_channelExists($channel, $noaliases)) { $chinfo = $this->_channelInfo($channel, $noaliases); if ($chinfo) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $ch = &PEAR_ChannelFile::fromArrayWithErrors($chinfo); } } if ($ch) { if ($ch->validate()) { return $ch; } foreach ($ch->getErrors(true) as $err) { $message = $err['message'] . "\n"; } $ch = PEAR::raiseError($message); return $ch; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pear_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pear_channel->setServer('pear.php.net'); $pear_channel->setAlias('pear'); $pear_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension and Application Repository'); $pear_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); return $pear_channel; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pecl.php.net') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pear_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pear_channel->setServer('pecl.php.net'); $pear_channel->setAlias('pecl'); $pear_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension Community Library'); $pear_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setValidationPackage('PEAR_Validator_PECL', '1.0'); return $pear_channel; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'doc.php.net') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $doc_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $doc_channel->setServer('doc.php.net'); $doc_channel->setAlias('phpdocs'); $doc_channel->setSummary('PHP Documentation Team'); $doc_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); return $doc_channel; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == '__uri') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $private = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $private->setName('__uri'); $private->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $private->setBaseURL('REST1.0', '****'); $private->setSummary('Pseudo-channel for static packages'); return $private; } return $ch; } /** * @param string Package name * @param string Channel name * @return bool */ function packageExists($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_packageExists($package, $channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ channelExists() /** * @param string channel name * @param bool if true, then aliases will be ignored * @return bool */ function channelExists($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_channelExists($channel, $noaliases); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} /** * @param string channel name mirror is in * @param string mirror name * * @return bool */ function mirrorExists($channel, $mirror) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_mirrorExists($channel, $mirror); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // {{{ isAlias() /** * Determines whether the parameter is an alias of a channel * @param string * @return bool */ function isAlias($alias) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_isChannelAlias($alias); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ packageInfo() /** * @param string|null * @param string|null * @param string * @return array|null */ function packageInfo($package = null, $key = null, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_packageInfo($package, $key, $channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ channelInfo() /** * Retrieve a raw array of channel data. * * Do not use this, instead use {@link getChannel()} for normal * operations. Array structure is undefined in this method * @param string channel name * @param bool whether to strictly retrieve information only on non-aliases * @return array|null|PEAR_Error */ function channelInfo($channel = null, $noaliases = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_channelInfo($channel, $noaliases); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} /** * @param string */ function channelName($channel) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } /** * @param string */ function channelAlias($channel) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_getAlias($channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // {{{ listPackages() function listPackages($channel = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_listPackages($channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ listAllPackages() function listAllPackages() { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_listAllPackages(); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ listChannel() function listChannels() { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_listChannels(); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ addPackage() /** * Add an installed package to the registry * @param string|PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 package name or object * that will be passed to {@link addPackage2()} * @param array package info (parsed by PEAR_Common::infoFrom*() methods) * @return bool success of saving */ function addPackage($package, $info) { if (is_object($info)) { return $this->addPackage2($info); } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_addPackage($package, $info); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile_v1')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php'; } $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v1; $pf->setConfig($this->_config); $pf->fromArray($info); $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($pf); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($pf); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ addPackage2() function addPackage2($info) { if (!is_object($info)) { return $this->addPackage($info['package'], $info); } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_addPackage2($info); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($info); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($info); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ updateChannel() /** * For future expandibility purposes, separate this * @param PEAR_ChannelFile */ function updateChannel($channel, $lastmodified = null) { if ($channel->getName() == '__uri') { return false; } return $this->addChannel($channel, $lastmodified, true); } // }}} // {{{ deleteChannel() /** * Deletion fails if there are any packages installed from the channel * @param string|PEAR_ChannelFile channel name * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on deletion, false if it doesn't exist */ function deleteChannel($channel) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_deleteChannel($channel); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret && is_a($this->_config, 'PEAR_Config')) { $this->_config->setChannels($this->listChannels()); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ addChannel() /** * @param PEAR_ChannelFile Channel object * @param string Last-Modified header from HTTP for caching * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on creation, false if it already exists */ function addChannel($channel, $lastmodified = false, $update = false) { if (!is_a($channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$channel->validate()) { return false; } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_addChannel($channel, $update, $lastmodified); $this->_unlock(); if (!$update && $ret && is_a($this->_config, 'PEAR_Config')) { $this->_config->setChannels($this->listChannels()); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ deletePackage() function deletePackage($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $file = $this->_packageFileName($package, $channel); $ret = file_exists($file) ? @unlink($file) : false; $this->_rebuildFileMap(); $this->_unlock(); $p = array('channel' => $channel, 'package' => $package); $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($p); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ updatePackage() function updatePackage($package, $info, $merge = true) { if (is_object($info)) { return $this->updatePackage2($info, $merge); } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_updatePackage($package, $info, $merge); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile_v1')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php'; } $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v1; $pf->setConfig($this->_config); $pf->fromArray($this->packageInfo($package)); $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($pf); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($pf); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ updatePackage2() function updatePackage2($info) { if (!is_object($info)) { return $this->updatePackage($info['package'], $info, $merge); } if (!$info->validate(PEAR_VALIDATE_DOWNLOADING)) { return false; } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_updatePackage2($info); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($info); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($info); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ getChannel() /** * @param string channel name * @param bool whether to strictly return raw channels (no aliases) * @return PEAR_ChannelFile|PEAR_Error */ function getChannel($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_getChannel($channel, $noaliases); $this->_unlock(); if (!$ret) { return PEAR::raiseError('Unknown channel: ' . $channel); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ getPackage() /** * @param string package name * @param string channel name * @return PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|null */ function &getPackage($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $pf = &$this->_getPackage($package, $channel); $this->_unlock(); return $pf; } // }}} /** * Get PEAR_PackageFile_v[1/2] objects representing the contents of * a dependency group that are installed. * * This is used at uninstall-time * @param array * @return array|false */ function getInstalledGroup($group) { $ret = array(); if (isset($group['package'])) { if (!isset($group['package'][0])) { $group['package'] = array($group['package']); } foreach ($group['package'] as $package) { $depchannel = isset($package['channel']) ? $package['channel'] : '__uri'; $p = &$this->getPackage($package['name'], $depchannel); if ($p) { $save = &$p; $ret[] = &$save; } } } if (isset($group['subpackage'])) { if (!isset($group['subpackage'][0])) { $group['subpackage'] = array($group['subpackage']); } foreach ($group['subpackage'] as $package) { $depchannel = isset($package['channel']) ? $package['channel'] : '__uri'; $p = &$this->getPackage($package['name'], $depchannel); if ($p) { $save = &$p; $ret[] = &$save; } } } if (!count($ret)) { return false; } return $ret; } // {{{ getChannelValidator() /** * @param string channel name * @return PEAR_Validate|false */ function &getChannelValidator($channel) { $chan = $this->getChannel($channel); if (PEAR::isError($chan)) { return $chan; } $val = $chan->getValidationObject(); return $val; } // }}} // {{{ getChannels() /** * @param string channel name * @return array an array of PEAR_ChannelFile objects representing every installed channel */ function &getChannels() { $ret = array(); if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } foreach ($this->_listChannels() as $channel) { $e = &$this->_getChannel($channel); if (!$e || PEAR::isError($e)) { continue; } $ret[] = $e; } $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ checkFileMap() /** * Test whether a file or set of files belongs to a package. * * If an array is passed in * @param string|array file path, absolute or relative to the pear * install dir * @param string|array name of PEAR package or array('package' => name, 'channel' => * channel) of a package that will be ignored * @param string API version - 1.1 will exclude any files belonging to a package * @param array private recursion variable * @return array|false which package and channel the file belongs to, or an empty * string if the file does not belong to an installed package, * or belongs to the second parameter's package */ function checkFileMap($path, $package = false, $api = '1.0', $attrs = false) { if (is_array($path)) { static $notempty; if (empty($notempty)) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_Installer_Role')) { require_once 'PEAR/Installer/Role.php'; } $notempty = function($a) { return !empty($a); }; } $package = is_array($package) ? array(strtolower($package[0]), strtolower($package[1])) : strtolower($package); $pkgs = array(); foreach ($path as $name => $attrs) { if (is_array($attrs)) { if (isset($attrs['install-as'])) { $name = $attrs['install-as']; } if (!in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getInstallableRoles())) { // these are not installed continue; } if (!in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getBaseinstallRoles())) { $attrs['baseinstalldir'] = is_array($package) ? $package[1] : $package; } if (isset($attrs['baseinstalldir'])) { $name = $attrs['baseinstalldir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name; } } $pkgs[$name] = $this->checkFileMap($name, $package, $api, $attrs); if (PEAR::isError($pkgs[$name])) { return $pkgs[$name]; } } return array_filter($pkgs, $notempty); } if (empty($this->filemap_cache)) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $err = $this->_readFileMap(); $this->_unlock(); if (PEAR::isError($err)) { return $err; } } if (!$attrs) { $attrs = array('role' => 'php'); // any old call would be for PHP role only } if (isset($this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path])) { if ($api >= '1.1' && $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path] == $package) { return false; } return $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path]; } $l = strlen($this->install_dir); if (substr($path, 0, $l) == $this->install_dir) { $path = preg_replace('!^'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'+!', '', substr($path, $l)); } if (isset($this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path])) { if ($api >= '1.1' && $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path] == $package) { return false; } return $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path]; } return false; } // }}} // {{{ flush() /** * Force a reload of the filemap * @since 1.5.0RC3 */ function flushFileMap() { $this->filemap_cache = null; clearstatcache(); // ensure that the next read gets the full, current filemap } // }}} // {{{ apiVersion() /** * Get the expected API version. Channels API is version 1.1, as it is backwards * compatible with 1.0 * @return string */ function apiVersion() { return '1.1'; } // }}} /** * Parse a package name, or validate a parsed package name array * @param string|array pass in an array of format * array( * 'package' => 'pname', * ['channel' => 'channame',] * ['version' => 'version',] * ['state' => 'state',] * ['group' => 'groupname']) * or a string of format * [channel://][channame/]pname[-version|-state][/group=groupname] * @return array|PEAR_Error */ function parsePackageName($param, $defaultchannel = 'pear.php.net') { $saveparam = $param; if (is_array($param)) { // convert to string for error messages $saveparam = $this->parsedPackageNameToString($param); // process the array if (!isset($param['package'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): array $param ' . 'must contain a valid package name in index "param"', 'package', null, null, $param); } if (!isset($param['uri'])) { if (!isset($param['channel'])) { $param['channel'] = $defaultchannel; } } else { $param['channel'] = '__uri'; } } else { $components = @parse_url((string) $param); if (isset($components['scheme'])) { if ($components['scheme'] == 'http') { // uri package $param = array('uri' => $param, 'channel' => '__uri'); } elseif($components['scheme'] != 'channel') { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): only channel:// uris may ' . 'be downloaded, not "' . $param . '"', 'invalid', null, null, $param); } } if (!isset($components['path'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): array $param ' . 'must contain a valid package name in "' . $param . '"', 'package', null, null, $param); } if (isset($components['host'])) { // remove the leading "/" $components['path'] = substr($components['path'], 1); } if (!isset($components['scheme'])) { if (strpos($components['path'], '/') !== false) { if ($components['path'][0] == '/') { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): this is not ' . 'a package name, it begins with "/" in "' . $param . '"', 'invalid', null, null, $param); } $parts = explode('/', $components['path']); $components['host'] = array_shift($parts); if (count($parts) > 1) { $components['path'] = array_pop($parts); $components['host'] .= '/' . implode('/', $parts); } else { $components['path'] = implode('/', $parts); } } else { $components['host'] = $defaultchannel; } } else { if (strpos($components['path'], '/')) { $parts = explode('/', $components['path']); $components['path'] = array_pop($parts); $components['host'] .= '/' . implode('/', $parts); } } if (is_array($param)) { $param['package'] = $components['path']; } else { $param = array( 'package' => $components['path'] ); if (isset($components['host'])) { $param['channel'] = $components['host']; } } if (isset($components['fragment'])) { $param['group'] = $components['fragment']; } if (isset($components['user'])) { $param['user'] = $components['user']; } if (isset($components['pass'])) { $param['pass'] = $components['pass']; } if (isset($components['query'])) { parse_str($components['query'], $param['opts']); } // check for extension $pathinfo = pathinfo($param['package']); if (isset($pathinfo['extension']) && in_array(strtolower($pathinfo['extension']), array('tgz', 'tar'))) { $param['extension'] = $pathinfo['extension']; $param['package'] = substr($pathinfo['basename'], 0, strlen($pathinfo['basename']) - 4); } // check for version if (strpos($param['package'], '-')) { $test = explode('-', $param['package']); if (count($test) != 2) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): only one version/state ' . 'delimiter "-" is allowed in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'version', null, null, $param); } list($param['package'], $param['version']) = $test; } } // validation $info = $this->channelExists($param['channel']); if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $info; } if (!$info) { return PEAR::raiseError('unknown channel "' . $param['channel'] . '" in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'channel', null, null, $param); } $chan = $this->getChannel($param['channel']); if (PEAR::isError($chan)) { return $chan; } if (!$chan) { return PEAR::raiseError("Exception: corrupt registry, could not " . "retrieve channel " . $param['channel'] . " information", 'registry', null, null, $param); } $param['channel'] = $chan->getName(); $validate = $chan->getValidationObject(); $vpackage = $chan->getValidationPackage(); // validate package name if (!$validate->validPackageName($param['package'], $vpackage['_content'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): invalid package name "' . $param['package'] . '" in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'package', null, null, $param); } if (isset($param['group'])) { if (!PEAR_Validate::validGroupName($param['group'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): dependency group "' . $param['group'] . '" is not a valid group name in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'group', null, null, $param); } } if (isset($param['state'])) { if (!in_array(strtolower($param['state']), $validate->getValidStates())) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): state "' . $param['state'] . '" is not a valid state in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'state', null, null, $param); } } if (isset($param['version'])) { if (isset($param['state'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): cannot contain both ' . 'a version and a stability (state) in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'version/state', null, null, $param); } // check whether version is actually a state if (in_array(strtolower($param['version']), $validate->getValidStates())) { $param['state'] = strtolower($param['version']); unset($param['version']); } else { if (!$validate->validVersion($param['version'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): "' . $param['version'] . '" is neither a valid version nor a valid state in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'version/state', null, null, $param); } } } return $param; } /** * @param array * @return string */ function parsedPackageNameToString($parsed, $brief = false) { if (is_string($parsed)) { return $parsed; } if (is_object($parsed)) { $p = $parsed; $parsed = array( 'package' => $p->getPackage(), 'channel' => $p->getChannel(), 'version' => $p->getVersion(), ); } if (isset($parsed['uri'])) { return $parsed['uri']; } if ($brief) { if ($channel = $this->channelAlias($parsed['channel'])) { return $channel . '/' . $parsed['package']; } } $upass = ''; if (isset($parsed['user'])) { $upass = $parsed['user']; if (isset($parsed['pass'])) { $upass .= ':' . $parsed['pass']; } $upass = "$upass@"; } $ret = 'channel://' . $upass . $parsed['channel'] . '/' . $parsed['package']; if (isset($parsed['version']) || isset($parsed['state'])) { $ver = isset($parsed['version']) ? $parsed['version'] : ''; $ver .= isset($parsed['state']) ? $parsed['state'] : ''; $ret .= '-' . $ver; } if (isset($parsed['extension'])) { $ret .= '.' . $parsed['extension']; } if (isset($parsed['opts'])) { $ret .= '?'; foreach ($parsed['opts'] as $name => $value) { $parsed['opts'][$name] = "$name=$value"; } $ret .= implode('&', $parsed['opts']); } if (isset($parsed['group'])) { $ret .= '#' . $parsed['group']; } return $ret; } } opt/cpanel/ea-php74/root/usr/share/pear/PEAR/Command/Registry.php000064400000132315147565263720020436 0ustar00 * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since File available since Release 0.1 */ /** * base class */ require_once 'PEAR/Command/Common.php'; /** * PEAR commands for registry manipulation * * @category pear * @package PEAR * @author Stig Bakken * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version Release: 1.10.16 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since Class available since Release 0.1 */ class PEAR_Command_Registry extends PEAR_Command_Common { var $commands = array( 'list' => array( 'summary' => 'List Installed Packages In The Default Channel', 'function' => 'doList', 'shortcut' => 'l', 'options' => array( 'channel' => array( 'shortopt' => 'c', 'doc' => 'list installed packages from this channel', 'arg' => 'CHAN', ), 'allchannels' => array( 'shortopt' => 'a', 'doc' => 'list installed packages from all channels', ), 'channelinfo' => array( 'shortopt' => 'i', 'doc' => 'output fully channel-aware data, even on failure', ), ), 'doc' => ' If invoked without parameters, this command lists the PEAR packages installed in your php_dir ({config php_dir}). With a parameter, it lists the files in a package. ', ), 'list-files' => array( 'summary' => 'List Files In Installed Package', 'function' => 'doFileList', 'shortcut' => 'fl', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' List the files in an installed package. ' ), 'shell-test' => array( 'summary' => 'Shell Script Test', 'function' => 'doShellTest', 'shortcut' => 'st', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' [[relation] version] Tests if a package is installed in the system. Will exit(1) if it is not. The version comparison operator. One of: <, lt, <=, le, >, gt, >=, ge, ==, =, eq, !=, <>, ne The version to compare with '), 'info' => array( 'summary' => 'Display information about a package', 'function' => 'doInfo', 'shortcut' => 'in', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' Displays information about a package. The package argument may be a local package file, an URL to a package file, or the name of an installed package.' ) ); /** * PEAR_Command_Registry constructor. * * @access public */ function __construct(&$ui, &$config) { parent::__construct($ui, $config); } function _sortinfo($a, $b) { $apackage = isset($a['package']) ? $a['package'] : $a['name']; $bpackage = isset($b['package']) ? $b['package'] : $b['name']; return strcmp($apackage, $bpackage); } function doList($command, $options, $params) { $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $channelinfo = isset($options['channelinfo']); if (isset($options['allchannels']) && !$channelinfo) { return $this->doListAll($command, array(), $params); } if (isset($options['allchannels']) && $channelinfo) { // allchannels with $channelinfo unset($options['allchannels']); $channels = $reg->getChannels(); $errors = array(); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); foreach ($channels as $channel) { $options['channel'] = $channel->getName(); $ret = $this->doList($command, $options, $params); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { $errors[] = $ret; } } PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (count($errors)) { // for now, only give first error return PEAR::raiseError($errors[0]); } return true; } if (count($params) === 1) { return $this->doFileList($command, $options, $params); } if (isset($options['channel'])) { if (!$reg->channelExists($options['channel'])) { return $this->raiseError('Channel "' . $options['channel'] .'" does not exist'); } $channel = $reg->channelName($options['channel']); } else { $channel = $this->config->get('default_channel'); } $installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, $channel); usort($installed, array(&$this, '_sortinfo')); $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'), 'channel' => $channel, ); if ($channelinfo) { $data['headline'] = array('Channel', 'Package', 'Version', 'State'); } if (count($installed) && !isset($data['data'])) { $data['data'] = array(); } foreach ($installed as $package) { $pobj = $reg->getPackage(isset($package['package']) ? $package['package'] : $package['name'], $channel); if ($channelinfo) { $packageinfo = array($pobj->getChannel(), $pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } else { $packageinfo = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } $data['data'][] = $packageinfo; } if (count($installed) === 0) { if (!$channelinfo) { $data = '(no packages installed from channel ' . $channel . ')'; } else { $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'channel' => $channel, 'data' => array(array('(no packages installed)')), ); } } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); return true; } function doListAll($command, $options, $params) { // This duplicate code is deprecated over // list --channelinfo, which gives identical // output for list and list --allchannels. $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, null); foreach ($installed as $channel => $packages) { usort($packages, array($this, '_sortinfo')); $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'), 'channel' => $channel ); foreach ($packages as $package) { $p = isset($package['package']) ? $package['package'] : $package['name']; $pobj = $reg->getPackage($p, $channel); $data['data'][] = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } // Adds a blank line after each section $data['data'][] = array(); if (count($packages) === 0) { $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'data' => array(array('(no packages installed)'), array()), 'channel' => $channel ); } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); } return true; } function doFileList($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) !== 1) { return $this->raiseError('list-files expects 1 parameter'); } $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $fp = false; if (!is_dir($params[0]) && (file_exists($params[0]) || $fp = @fopen($params[0], 'r'))) { if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $info = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); $headings = array('Package File', 'Install Path'); $installed = false; } else { PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) { return $this->raiseError($parsed); } $info = &$reg->getPackage($parsed['package'], $parsed['channel']); $headings = array('Type', 'Install Path'); $installed = true; } if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $this->raiseError($info); } if ($info === null) { return $this->raiseError("`$params[0]' not installed"); } $list = ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) ? $info->getFilelist() : $info->getContents(); if ($installed) { $caption = 'Installed Files For ' . $params[0]; } else { $caption = 'Contents of ' . basename($params[0]); } $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true, 'headline' => $headings); if ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) { foreach ($list as $file => $att) { if ($installed) { if (empty($att['installed_as'])) { continue; } $data['data'][] = array($att['role'], $att['installed_as']); } else { if (isset($att['baseinstalldir']) && !in_array($att['role'], array('test', 'data', 'doc'))) { $dest = $att['baseinstalldir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; } else { $dest = $file; } switch ($att['role']) { case 'test': case 'data': case 'doc': $role = $att['role']; if ($role == 'test') { $role .= 's'; } $dest = $this->config->get($role . '_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $info->getPackage() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest; break; case 'php': default: $dest = $this->config->get('php_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest; } $ds2 = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dest = preg_replace(array('!\\\\+!', '!/!', "!$ds2+!"), array(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), $dest); $file = preg_replace('!/+!', '/', $file); $data['data'][] = array($file, $dest); } } } else { // package.xml 2.0, not installed if (!isset($list['dir']['file'][0])) { $list['dir']['file'] = array($list['dir']['file']); } foreach ($list['dir']['file'] as $att) { $att = $att['attribs']; $file = $att['name']; $role = &PEAR_Installer_Role::factory($info, $att['role'], $this->config); $role->setup($this, $info, $att, $file); if (!$role->isInstallable()) { $dest = '(not installable)'; } else { $dest = $role->processInstallation($info, $att, $file, ''); if (PEAR::isError($dest)) { $dest = '(Unknown role "' . $att['role'] . ')'; } else { list(,, $dest) = $dest; } } $data['data'][] = array($file, $dest); } } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); return true; } function doShellTest($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) < 1) { return PEAR::raiseError('ERROR, usage: pear shell-test packagename [[relation] version]'); } PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $info = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); if (PEAR::isError($info)) { exit(1); // invalid package name } $package = $info['package']; $channel = $info['channel']; // "pear shell-test Foo" if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) { if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { if ($reg->packageExists($package, 'pear.php.net')) { $channel = 'pear.php.net'; // magically change channels for extensions } } } if (count($params) === 1) { if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) { exit(1); } // "pear shell-test Foo 1.0" } elseif (count($params) === 2) { $v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[1]}", "ge")) { exit(1); } // "pear shell-test Foo ge 1.0" } elseif (count($params) === 3) { $v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[2]}", $params[1])) { exit(1); } } else { PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); $this->raiseError("$command: expects 1 to 3 parameters"); exit(1); } } function doInfo($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) !== 1) { return $this->raiseError('pear info expects 1 parameter'); } $info = $fp = false; $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); if (is_file($params[0]) && !is_dir($params[0]) && (file_exists($params[0]) || $fp = @fopen($params[0], 'r')) ) { if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $obj = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($obj)) { $uinfo = $obj->getUserInfo(); if (is_array($uinfo)) { foreach ($uinfo as $message) { if (is_array($message)) { $message = $message['message']; } $this->ui->outputData($message); } } return $this->raiseError($obj); } if ($obj->getPackagexmlVersion() != '1.0') { return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, false); } $info = $obj->toArray(); } else { $parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) { return $this->raiseError($parsed); } $package = $parsed['package']; $channel = $parsed['channel']; $info = $reg->packageInfo($package, null, $channel); if (isset($info['old'])) { $obj = $reg->getPackage($package, $channel); return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, true); } } if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $info; } if (empty($info)) { $this->raiseError("No information found for `$params[0]'"); return; } unset($info['filelist']); unset($info['dirtree']); unset($info['changelog']); if (isset($info['xsdversion'])) { $info['package.xml version'] = $info['xsdversion']; unset($info['xsdversion']); } if (isset($info['packagerversion'])) { $info['packaged with PEAR version'] = $info['packagerversion']; unset($info['packagerversion']); } $keys = array_keys($info); $longtext = array('description', 'summary'); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (is_array($info[$key])) { switch ($key) { case 'maintainers': { $i = 0; $mstr = ''; foreach ($info[$key] as $m) { if ($i++ > 0) { $mstr .= "\n"; } $mstr .= $m['name'] . " <"; if (isset($m['email'])) { $mstr .= $m['email']; } else { $mstr .= $m['handle'] . '@php.net'; } $mstr .= "> ($m[role])"; } $info[$key] = $mstr; break; } case 'release_deps': { $i = 0; $dstr = ''; foreach ($info[$key] as $d) { if (isset($this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']])) { $rel = $this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']]; } else { $rel = $d['rel']; } if (isset($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']])) { $type = ucfirst($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']]); } else { $type = $d['type']; } if (isset($d['name'])) { $name = $d['name'] . ' '; } else { $name = ''; } if (isset($d['version'])) { $version = $d['version'] . ' '; } else { $version = ''; } if (isset($d['optional']) && $d['optional'] == 'yes') { $optional = ' (optional)'; } else { $optional = ''; } $dstr .= "$type $name$rel $version$optional\n"; } $info[$key] = $dstr; break; } case 'provides' : { $debug = $this->config->get('verbose'); if ($debug < 2) { $pstr = 'Classes: '; } else { $pstr = ''; } $i = 0; foreach ($info[$key] as $p) { if ($debug < 2 && $p['type'] != "class") { continue; } // Only print classes when verbosity mode is < 2 if ($debug < 2) { if ($i++ > 0) { $pstr .= ", "; } $pstr .= $p['name']; } else { if ($i++ > 0) { $pstr .= "\n"; } $pstr .= ucfirst($p['type']) . " " . $p['name']; if (isset($p['explicit']) && $p['explicit'] == 1) { $pstr .= " (explicit)"; } } } $info[$key] = $pstr; break; } case 'configure_options' : { foreach ($info[$key] as $i => $p) { $info[$key][$i] = array_map(null, array_keys($p), array_values($p)); $info[$key][$i] = array_map( function($a) { return join(" = ", $a); }, $info[$key][$i]); $info[$key][$i] = implode(', ', $info[$key][$i]); } $info[$key] = implode("\n", $info[$key]); break; } default: { $info[$key] = implode(", ", $info[$key]); break; } } } if ($key == '_lastmodified') { $hdate = date('Y-m-d', $info[$key]); unset($info[$key]); $info['Last Modified'] = $hdate; } elseif ($key == '_lastversion') { $info['Previous Installed Version'] = $info[$key] ? $info[$key] : '- None -'; unset($info[$key]); } else { $info[$key] = trim($info[$key]); if (in_array($key, $longtext)) { $info[$key] = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $info[$key]); } } } $caption = 'About ' . $info['package'] . '-' . $info['version']; $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true); foreach ($info as $key => $value) { $key = ucwords(trim(str_replace('_', ' ', $key))); $data['data'][] = array($key, $value); } $data['raw'] = $info; $this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info'); } /** * @access private */ function _doInfo2($command, $options, $params, &$obj, $installed) { $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $caption = 'About ' . $obj->getChannel() . '/' .$obj->getPackage() . '-' . $obj->getVersion(); $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true); switch ($obj->getPackageType()) { case 'php' : $release = 'PEAR-style PHP-based Package'; break; case 'extsrc' : $release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (source code)'; break; case 'zendextsrc' : $release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (source code)'; break; case 'extbin' : $release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (binary)'; break; case 'zendextbin' : $release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (binary)'; break; case 'bundle' : $release = 'Package bundle (collection of packages)'; break; } $extends = $obj->getExtends(); $extends = $extends ? $obj->getPackage() . ' (extends ' . $extends . ')' : $obj->getPackage(); if ($src = $obj->getSourcePackage()) { $extends .= ' (source package ' . $src['channel'] . '/' . $src['package'] . ')'; } $info = array( 'Release Type' => $release, 'Name' => $extends, 'Channel' => $obj->getChannel(), 'Summary' => preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $obj->getSummary()), 'Description' => preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $obj->getDescription()), ); $info['Maintainers'] = ''; foreach (array('lead', 'developer', 'contributor', 'helper') as $role) { $leads = $obj->{"get{$role}s"}(); if (!$leads) { continue; } if (isset($leads['active'])) { $leads = array($leads); } foreach ($leads as $lead) { if (!empty($info['Maintainers'])) { $info['Maintainers'] .= "\n"; } $active = $lead['active'] == 'no' ? ', inactive' : ''; $info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['name'] . ' <'; $info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['email'] . "> ($role$active)"; } } $info['Release Date'] = $obj->getDate(); if ($time = $obj->getTime()) { $info['Release Date'] .= ' ' . $time; } $info['Release Version'] = $obj->getVersion() . ' (' . $obj->getState() . ')'; $info['API Version'] = $obj->getVersion('api') . ' (' . $obj->getState('api') . ')'; $info['License'] = $obj->getLicense(); $uri = $obj->getLicenseLocation(); if ($uri) { if (isset($uri['uri'])) { $info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['uri'] . ')'; } else { $extra = $obj->getInstalledLocation($info['filesource']); if ($extra) { $info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['filesource'] . ')'; } } } $info['Release Notes'] = $obj->getNotes(); if ($compat = $obj->getCompatible()) { if (!isset($compat[0])) { $compat = array($compat); } $info['Compatible with'] = ''; foreach ($compat as $package) { $info['Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'] . "\nVersions >= " . $package['min'] . ', <= ' . $package['max']; if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'] . "\nVersions " . $package['exclude']; } } } $usesrole = $obj->getUsesrole(); if ($usesrole) { if (!isset($usesrole[0])) { $usesrole = array($usesrole); } foreach ($usesrole as $roledata) { if (isset($info['Uses Custom Roles'])) { $info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= "\n"; } else { $info['Uses Custom Roles'] = ''; } if (isset($roledata['package'])) { $rolepackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($roledata, true); } else { $rolepackage = $roledata['uri']; } $info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= $roledata['role'] . ' (' . $rolepackage . ')'; } } $usestask = $obj->getUsestask(); if ($usestask) { if (!isset($usestask[0])) { $usestask = array($usestask); } foreach ($usestask as $taskdata) { if (isset($info['Uses Custom Tasks'])) { $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= "\n"; } else { $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] = ''; } if (isset($taskdata['package'])) { $taskpackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($taskdata, true); } else { $taskpackage = $taskdata['uri']; } $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= $taskdata['task'] . ' (' . $taskpackage . ')'; } } $deps = $obj->getDependencies(); $info['Required Dependencies'] = 'PHP version ' . $deps['required']['php']['min']; if (isset($deps['required']['php']['max'])) { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= '-' . $deps['required']['php']['max'] . "\n"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; } if (isset($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) { $deps['required']['php']['exclude'] = implode(', ', $deps['required']['php']['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PHP versions\n " . $deps['required']['php']['exclude']; } $info['Required Dependencies'] .= 'PEAR installer version'; if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['max'])) { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= 's ' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . '-' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['max']; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= ' ' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . ' or newer'; } if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) { $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'] = implode(', ', $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PEAR installer\n Versions " . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude']; } foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($deps['required'][$index])) { if (isset($deps['required'][$index]['name'])) { $deps['required'][$index] = array($deps['required'][$index]); } foreach ($deps['required'][$index] as $package) { if (isset($package['conflicts'])) { $infoindex = 'Not Compatible with'; if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } } else { $infoindex = 'Required Dependencies'; $info[$infoindex] .= "\n"; } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } $info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['max'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $package['package'] = $package['name']; // for parsedPackageNameToString if (isset($package['conflicts'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= '=> except '; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= 'Package ' . $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($package, true); $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } if (isset($deps['required']['os'])) { if (isset($deps['required']['os']['name'])) { $dep['required']['os']['name'] = array($dep['required']['os']['name']); } foreach ($dep['required']['os'] as $os) { if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "$os[name] Operating System"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "$os[name] Operating System"; } } } if (isset($deps['required']['arch'])) { if (isset($deps['required']['arch']['pattern'])) { $dep['required']['arch']['pattern'] = array($dep['required']['os']['pattern']); } foreach ($dep['required']['arch'] as $os) { if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'"; } } } if (isset($deps['optional'])) { foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($deps['optional'][$index])) { if (isset($deps['optional'][$index]['name'])) { $deps['optional'][$index] = array($deps['optional'][$index]); } foreach ($deps['optional'][$index] as $package) { if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $infoindex = 'Not Compatible with'; if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } } else { $infoindex = 'Optional Dependencies'; if (!isset($info['Optional Dependencies'])) { $info['Optional Dependencies'] = ''; } else { $info['Optional Dependencies'] .= "\n"; } } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } $info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if ($infoindex == 'Not Compatible with') { // conflicts is only used to say that all versions conflict continue; } if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "Package $package\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } } if (isset($deps['group'])) { if (!isset($deps['group'][0])) { $deps['group'] = array($deps['group']); } foreach ($deps['group'] as $group) { $info['Dependency Group ' . $group['attribs']['name']] = $group['attribs']['hint']; $groupindex = $group['attribs']['name'] . ' Contents'; $info[$groupindex] = ''; foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($group[$index])) { if (isset($group[$index]['name'])) { $group[$index] = array($group[$index]); } foreach ($group[$index] as $package) { if (!empty($info[$groupindex])) { $info[$groupindex] .= "\n"; } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } if (isset($package['uri'])) { if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name"; } else { $info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name"; } $info[$groupindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name"; continue; } $info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $info[$groupindex] .= " Package $package\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } } } if ($obj->getPackageType() == 'bundle') { $info['Bundled Packages'] = ''; foreach ($obj->getBundledPackages() as $package) { if (!empty($info['Bundled Packages'])) { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n"; } if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= '__uri/' . $package['name']; $info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n (URI: $package[uri]"; } else { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } } } $info['package.xml version'] = '2.0'; if ($installed) { if ($obj->getLastModified()) { $info['Last Modified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $obj->getLastModified()); } $v = $obj->getLastInstalledVersion(); $info['Previous Installed Version'] = $v ? $v : '- None -'; } foreach ($info as $key => $value) { $data['data'][] = array($key, $value); } $data['raw'] = $obj->getArray(); // no validation needed $this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info'); } } opt/cpanel/ea-php71/root/usr/share/pear/PEAR/Registry.php000064400000224270147565304470017055 0ustar00 * @author Tomas V. V. Cox * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since File available since Release 0.1 */ /** * for PEAR_Error */ require_once 'PEAR.php'; require_once 'PEAR/DependencyDB.php'; define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_LOCK', -2); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FORMAT', -3); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FILE', -4); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_CONFLICT', -5); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_CHANNEL_FILE', -6); /** * Administration class used to maintain the installed package database. * @category pear * @package PEAR * @author Stig Bakken * @author Tomas V. V. Cox * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version Release: 1.10.16 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since Class available since Release 1.4.0a1 */ class PEAR_Registry extends PEAR { /** * File containing all channel information. * @var string */ var $channels = ''; /** Directory where registry files are stored. * @var string */ var $statedir = ''; /** File where the file map is stored * @var string */ var $filemap = ''; /** Directory where registry files for channels are stored. * @var string */ var $channelsdir = ''; /** Name of file used for locking the registry * @var string */ var $lockfile = ''; /** File descriptor used during locking * @var resource */ var $lock_fp = null; /** Mode used during locking * @var int */ var $lock_mode = 0; // XXX UNUSED /** Cache of package information. Structure: * array( * 'package' => array('id' => ... ), * ... ) * @var array */ var $pkginfo_cache = array(); /** Cache of file map. Structure: * array( '/path/to/file' => 'package', ... ) * @var array */ var $filemap_cache = array(); /** * @var false|PEAR_ChannelFile */ var $_pearChannel; /** * @var false|PEAR_ChannelFile */ var $_peclChannel; /** * @var false|PEAR_ChannelFile */ var $_docChannel; /** * @var PEAR_DependencyDB */ var $_dependencyDB; /** * @var PEAR_Config */ var $_config; /** * PEAR_Registry constructor. * * @param string (optional) PEAR install directory (for .php files) * @param PEAR_ChannelFile PEAR_ChannelFile object representing the PEAR channel, if * default values are not desired. Only used the very first time a PEAR * repository is initialized * @param PEAR_ChannelFile PEAR_ChannelFile object representing the PECL channel, if * default values are not desired. Only used the very first time a PEAR * repository is initialized * * @access public */ function __construct($pear_install_dir = PEAR_INSTALL_DIR, $pear_channel = false, $pecl_channel = false, $pear_metadata_dir = '') { parent::__construct(); $this->setInstallDir($pear_install_dir, $pear_metadata_dir); $this->_pearChannel = $pear_channel; $this->_peclChannel = $pecl_channel; $this->_config = false; } function setInstallDir($pear_install_dir = PEAR_INSTALL_DIR, $pear_metadata_dir = '') { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->install_dir = $pear_install_dir; if (!$pear_metadata_dir) { $pear_metadata_dir = $pear_install_dir; } $this->channelsdir = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.channels'; $this->statedir = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.registry'; $this->filemap = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.filemap'; $this->lockfile = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.lock'; } function hasWriteAccess() { if (!file_exists($this->install_dir)) { $dir = $this->install_dir; while ($dir && $dir != '.') { $olddir = $dir; $dir = dirname($dir); if ($dir != '.' && file_exists($dir)) { if (is_writeable($dir)) { return true; } return false; } if ($dir == $olddir) { // this can happen in safe mode return @is_writable($dir); } } return false; } return is_writeable($this->install_dir); } function setConfig(&$config, $resetInstallDir = true) { $this->_config = &$config; if ($resetInstallDir) { $this->setInstallDir($config->get('php_dir'), $config->get('metadata_dir')); } } function _initializeChannelDirs() { static $running = false; if (!$running) { $running = true; $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!is_dir($this->channelsdir) || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pecl.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'doc.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . '__uri.reg')) { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg')) { $pear_channel = $this->_pearChannel; if (!is_a($pear_channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$pear_channel->validate()) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pear_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pear_channel->setAlias('pear'); $pear_channel->setServer('pear.php.net'); $pear_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension and Application Repository'); $pear_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); //$pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.4', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); } else { $pear_channel->setServer('pear.php.net'); $pear_channel->setAlias('pear'); } $pear_channel->validate(); $this->_addChannel($pear_channel); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pecl.php.net.reg')) { $pecl_channel = $this->_peclChannel; if (!is_a($pecl_channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$pecl_channel->validate()) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pecl_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pecl_channel->setAlias('pecl'); $pecl_channel->setServer('pecl.php.net'); $pecl_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension Community Library'); $pecl_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pecl_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pecl_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pecl_channel->setValidationPackage('PEAR_Validator_PECL', '1.0'); } else { $pecl_channel->setServer('pecl.php.net'); $pecl_channel->setAlias('pecl'); } $pecl_channel->validate(); $this->_addChannel($pecl_channel); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'doc.php.net.reg')) { $doc_channel = $this->_docChannel; if (!is_a($doc_channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$doc_channel->validate()) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $doc_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $doc_channel->setAlias('phpdocs'); $doc_channel->setServer('doc.php.net'); $doc_channel->setSummary('PHP Documentation Team'); $doc_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); } else { $doc_channel->setServer('doc.php.net'); $doc_channel->setAlias('doc'); } $doc_channel->validate(); $this->_addChannel($doc_channel); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . '__uri.reg')) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $private = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $private->setName('__uri'); $private->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $private->setBaseURL('REST1.0', '****'); $private->setSummary('Pseudo-channel for static packages'); $this->_addChannel($private); } $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } $running = false; } } function _initializeDirs() { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // XXX Compatibility code should be removed in the future // rename all registry files if any to lowercase if (!OS_WINDOWS && file_exists($this->statedir) && is_dir($this->statedir) && $handle = opendir($this->statedir)) { $dest = $this->statedir . $ds; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (preg_match('/^.*[A-Z].*\.reg\\z/', $file)) { rename($dest . $file, $dest . strtolower($file)); } } closedir($handle); } $this->_initializeChannelDirs(); if (!file_exists($this->filemap)) { $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } $this->_initializeDepDB(); } function _initializeDepDB() { if (!isset($this->_dependencyDB)) { static $initializing = false; if (!$initializing) { $initializing = true; if (!$this->_config) { // never used? $file = OS_WINDOWS ? 'pear.ini' : '.pearrc'; $this->_config = new PEAR_Config($this->statedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); $this->_config->setRegistry($this); $this->_config->set('php_dir', $this->install_dir); } $this->_dependencyDB = &PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton($this->_config); if (PEAR::isError($this->_dependencyDB)) { // attempt to recover by removing the dep db if (file_exists($this->_config->get('metadata_dir', null, 'pear.php.net') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.depdb')) { @unlink($this->_config->get('metadata_dir', null, 'pear.php.net') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.depdb'); } $this->_dependencyDB = &PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton($this->_config); if (PEAR::isError($this->_dependencyDB)) { echo $this->_dependencyDB->getMessage(); echo 'Unrecoverable error'; exit(1); } } $initializing = false; } } } /** * PEAR_Registry destructor. Makes sure no locks are forgotten. * * @access private */ function _PEAR_Registry() { parent::_PEAR(); if (is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { $this->_unlock(); } } /** * Make sure the directory where we keep registry files exists. * * @return bool TRUE if directory exists, FALSE if it could not be * created * * @access private */ function _assertStateDir($channel = false) { if ($channel && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) != 'pear.php.net') { return $this->_assertChannelStateDir($channel); } static $init = false; if (!file_exists($this->statedir)) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $this->statedir))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->statedir}'"); } $init = true; } elseif (!is_dir($this->statedir)) { return $this->raiseError('Cannot create directory ' . $this->statedir . ', ' . 'it already exists and is not a directory'); } $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir)) { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pecl.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'doc.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . '__uri.reg')) { $init = true; } } elseif (!is_dir($this->channelsdir)) { return $this->raiseError('Cannot create directory ' . $this->channelsdir . ', ' . 'it already exists and is not a directory'); } if ($init) { static $running = false; if (!$running) { $running = true; $this->_initializeDirs(); $running = false; $init = false; } } else { $this->_initializeDepDB(); } return true; } /** * Make sure the directory where we keep registry files exists for a non-standard channel. * * @param string channel name * @return bool TRUE if directory exists, FALSE if it could not be * created * * @access private */ function _assertChannelStateDir($channel) { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!$channel || $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg')) { $this->_initializeChannelDirs(); } return $this->_assertStateDir($channel); } $channelDir = $this->_channelDirectoryName($channel); if (!is_dir($this->channelsdir) || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg')) { $this->_initializeChannelDirs(); } if (!file_exists($channelDir)) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $channelDir))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '" . $channelDir . "'"); } } elseif (!is_dir($channelDir)) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '" . $channelDir . "', already exists and is not a directory"); } return true; } /** * Make sure the directory where we keep registry files for channels exists * * @return bool TRUE if directory exists, FALSE if it could not be * created * * @access private */ function _assertChannelDir() { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir)) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $this->channelsdir))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}'"); } } elseif (!is_dir($this->channelsdir)) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}" . "', it already exists and is not a directory"); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias')) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias'))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}/.alias'"); } } elseif (!is_dir($this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias')) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}" . "/.alias', it already exists and is not a directory"); } return true; } /** * Get the name of the file where data for a given package is stored. * * @param string channel name, or false if this is a PEAR package * @param string package name * * @return string registry file name * * @access public */ function _packageFileName($package, $channel = false) { if ($channel && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) != 'pear.php.net') { return $this->_channelDirectoryName($channel) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . '.reg'; } return $this->statedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . '.reg'; } /** * Get the name of the file where data for a given channel is stored. * @param string channel name * @return string registry file name */ function _channelFileName($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (!$noaliases) { if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))) { $channel = implode('', file($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))); } } return $this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('/', '_', strtolower($channel)) . '.reg'; } /** * @param string * @return string */ function _getChannelAliasFileName($alias) { return $this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('/', '_', strtolower($alias)) . '.txt'; } /** * Get the name of a channel from its alias */ function _getChannelFromAlias($channel) { if (!$this->_channelExists($channel)) { if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') { return 'pear.php.net'; } if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { return 'pecl.php.net'; } if ($channel == 'doc.php.net') { return 'doc.php.net'; } if ($channel == '__uri') { return '__uri'; } return false; } $channel = strtolower($channel); if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))) { // translate an alias to an actual channel return implode('', file($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))); } return $channel; } /** * Get the alias of a channel from its alias or its name */ function _getAlias($channel) { if (!$this->_channelExists($channel)) { if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') { return 'pear'; } if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { return 'pecl'; } if ($channel == 'doc.php.net') { return 'phpdocs'; } return false; } $channel = $this->_getChannel($channel); if (PEAR::isError($channel)) { return $channel; } return $channel->getAlias(); } /** * Get the name of the file where data for a given package is stored. * * @param string channel name, or false if this is a PEAR package * @param string package name * * @return string registry file name * * @access public */ function _channelDirectoryName($channel) { if (!$channel || $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { return $this->statedir; } $ch = $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel); if (!$ch) { $ch = $channel; } return $this->statedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower('.channel.' . str_replace('/', '_', $ch)); } function _openPackageFile($package, $mode, $channel = false) { if (!$this->_assertStateDir($channel)) { return null; } if (!in_array($mode, array('r', 'rb')) && !$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return null; } $file = $this->_packageFileName($package, $channel); if (!file_exists($file) && $mode == 'r' || $mode == 'rb') { return null; } $fp = @fopen($file, $mode); if (!$fp) { return null; } return $fp; } function _closePackageFile($fp) { fclose($fp); } function _openChannelFile($channel, $mode) { if (!$this->_assertChannelDir()) { return null; } if (!in_array($mode, array('r', 'rb')) && !$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return null; } $file = $this->_channelFileName($channel); if (!file_exists($file) && $mode == 'r' || $mode == 'rb') { return null; } $fp = @fopen($file, $mode); if (!$fp) { return null; } return $fp; } function _closeChannelFile($fp) { fclose($fp); } function _rebuildFileMap() { if (!class_exists('PEAR_Installer_Role')) { require_once 'PEAR/Installer/Role.php'; } $channels = $this->_listAllPackages(); $files = array(); foreach ($channels as $channel => $packages) { foreach ($packages as $package) { $version = $this->_packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); $filelist = $this->_packageInfo($package, 'filelist', $channel); if (!is_array($filelist)) { continue; } foreach ($filelist as $name => $attrs) { if (isset($attrs['attribs'])) { $attrs = $attrs['attribs']; } // it is possible for conflicting packages in different channels to // conflict with data files/doc files if ($name == 'dirtree') { continue; } if (isset($attrs['role']) && !in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getInstallableRoles())) { // these are not installed continue; } if (isset($attrs['role']) && !in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getBaseinstallRoles())) { $attrs['baseinstalldir'] = $package; } if (isset($attrs['baseinstalldir'])) { $file = $attrs['baseinstalldir'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name; } else { $file = $name; } $file = preg_replace(',^/+,', '', $file); if ($channel != 'pear.php.net') { if (!isset($files[$attrs['role']])) { $files[$attrs['role']] = array(); } $files[$attrs['role']][$file] = array(strtolower($channel), strtolower($package)); } else { if (!isset($files[$attrs['role']])) { $files[$attrs['role']] = array(); } $files[$attrs['role']][$file] = strtolower($package); } } } } $this->_assertStateDir(); if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } $fp = @fopen($this->filemap, 'wb'); if (!$fp) { return false; } $this->filemap_cache = $files; fwrite($fp, serialize($files)); fclose($fp); return true; } function _readFileMap() { if (!file_exists($this->filemap)) { return array(); } $fp = @fopen($this->filemap, 'r'); if (!$fp) { $last_errormsg = ''; $last_error = error_get_last(); if (!empty($last_error['message'])) { $last_errormsg = $last_error['message']; } return $this->raiseError('PEAR_Registry: could not open filemap "' . $this->filemap . '"', PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FILE, null, null, $last_errormsg); } clearstatcache(); $fsize = filesize($this->filemap); fclose($fp); $data = file_get_contents($this->filemap); $tmp = unserialize($data); if (!$tmp && $fsize > 7) { return $this->raiseError('PEAR_Registry: invalid filemap data', PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FORMAT, null, null, $data); } $this->filemap_cache = $tmp; return true; } /** * Lock the registry. * * @param integer lock mode, one of LOCK_EX, LOCK_SH or LOCK_UN. * See flock manual for more information. * * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if locking failed, or a * PEAR error if some other error occurs (such as the * lock file not being writable). * * @access private */ function _lock($mode = LOCK_EX) { if (stristr(php_uname(), 'Windows 9')) { return true; } if ($mode != LOCK_UN && is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { // XXX does not check type of lock (LOCK_SH/LOCK_EX) return true; } if (!$this->_assertStateDir()) { if ($mode == LOCK_EX) { return $this->raiseError('Registry directory is not writeable by the current user'); } return true; } $open_mode = 'w'; // XXX People reported problems with LOCK_SH and 'w' if ($mode === LOCK_SH || $mode === LOCK_UN) { if (!file_exists($this->lockfile)) { touch($this->lockfile); } $open_mode = 'r'; } if (!is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { $this->lock_fp = @fopen($this->lockfile, $open_mode); } if (!is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { $this->lock_fp = null; return $this->raiseError("could not create lock file" . (isset($php_errormsg) ? ": " . $php_errormsg : "")); } if (!(int)flock($this->lock_fp, $mode)) { switch ($mode) { case LOCK_SH: $str = 'shared'; break; case LOCK_EX: $str = 'exclusive'; break; case LOCK_UN: $str = 'unlock'; break; default: $str = 'unknown'; break; } //is resource at this point, close it on error. fclose($this->lock_fp); $this->lock_fp = null; return $this->raiseError("could not acquire $str lock ($this->lockfile)", PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_LOCK); } return true; } function _unlock() { $ret = $this->_lock(LOCK_UN); if (is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { fclose($this->lock_fp); } $this->lock_fp = null; return $ret; } function _packageExists($package, $channel = false) { return file_exists($this->_packageFileName($package, $channel)); } /** * Determine whether a channel exists in the registry * * @param string Channel name * @param bool if true, then aliases will be ignored * @return boolean */ function _channelExists($channel, $noaliases = false) { $a = file_exists($this->_channelFileName($channel, $noaliases)); if (!$a && $channel == 'pear.php.net') { return true; } if (!$a && $channel == 'pecl.php.net') { return true; } if (!$a && $channel == 'doc.php.net') { return true; } return $a; } /** * Determine whether a mirror exists within the default channel in the registry * * @param string Channel name * @param string Mirror name * * @return boolean */ function _mirrorExists($channel, $mirror) { $data = $this->_channelInfo($channel); if (!isset($data['servers']['mirror'])) { return false; } foreach ($data['servers']['mirror'] as $m) { if ($m['attribs']['host'] == $mirror) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param PEAR_ChannelFile Channel object * @param donotuse * @param string Last-Modified HTTP tag from remote request * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on creation, false if it already exists */ function _addChannel($channel, $update = false, $lastmodified = false) { if (!is_a($channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile')) { return false; } if (!$channel->validate()) { return false; } if (file_exists($this->_channelFileName($channel->getName()))) { if (!$update) { return false; } $checker = $this->_getChannel($channel->getName()); if (PEAR::isError($checker)) { return $checker; } if ($channel->getAlias() != $checker->getAlias()) { if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($checker->getAlias()))) { @unlink($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($checker->getAlias())); } } } else { if ($update && !in_array($channel->getName(), array('pear.php.net', 'pecl.php.net', 'doc.php.net'))) { return false; } } $ret = $this->_assertChannelDir(); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } $ret = $this->_assertChannelStateDir($channel->getName()); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if ($channel->getAlias() != $channel->getName()) { if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel->getAlias())) && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel->getAlias()) != $channel->getName()) { $channel->setAlias($channel->getName()); } if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } $fp = @fopen($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel->getAlias()), 'w'); if (!$fp) { return false; } fwrite($fp, $channel->getName()); fclose($fp); } if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } $fp = @fopen($this->_channelFileName($channel->getName()), 'wb'); if (!$fp) { return false; } $info = $channel->toArray(); if ($lastmodified) { $info['_lastmodified'] = $lastmodified; } else { $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); } fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); fclose($fp); return true; } /** * Deletion fails if there are any packages installed from the channel * @param string|PEAR_ChannelFile channel name * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on deletion, false if it doesn't exist */ function _deleteChannel($channel) { if (!is_string($channel)) { if (!is_a($channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile')) { return false; } if (!$channel->validate()) { return false; } $channel = $channel->getName(); } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == '__uri') { return false; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pecl.php.net') { return false; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'doc.php.net') { return false; } if (!$this->_channelExists($channel)) { return false; } if (!$channel || $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { return false; } $channel = $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel); if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') { return false; } $test = $this->_listChannelPackages($channel); if (count($test)) { return false; } $test = @rmdir($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel)); if (!$test) { return false; } $file = $this->_getChannelAliasFileName($this->_getAlias($channel)); if (file_exists($file)) { $test = @unlink($file); if (!$test) { return false; } } $file = $this->_channelFileName($channel); $ret = true; if (file_exists($file)) { $ret = @unlink($file); } return $ret; } /** * Determine whether a channel exists in the registry * @param string Channel Alias * @return boolean */ function _isChannelAlias($alias) { return file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($alias)); } /** * @param string|null * @param string|null * @param string|null * @return array|null * @access private */ function _packageInfo($package = null, $key = null, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if ($package === null) { if ($channel === null) { $channels = $this->_listChannels(); $ret = array(); foreach ($channels as $channel) { $channel = strtolower($channel); $ret[$channel] = array(); $packages = $this->_listPackages($channel); foreach ($packages as $package) { $ret[$channel][] = $this->_packageInfo($package, null, $channel); } } return $ret; } $ps = $this->_listPackages($channel); if (!count($ps)) { return array(); } return array_map(array(&$this, '_packageInfo'), $ps, array_fill(0, count($ps), null), array_fill(0, count($ps), $channel)); } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'r', $channel); if ($fp === null) { return null; } clearstatcache(); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); $data = file_get_contents($this->_packageFileName($package, $channel)); $data = @unserialize($data); if ($key === null) { return $data; } // compatibility for package.xml version 2.0 if (isset($data['old'][$key])) { return $data['old'][$key]; } if (isset($data[$key])) { return $data[$key]; } return null; } /** * @param string Channel name * @param bool whether to strictly retrieve info of channels, not just aliases * @return array|null */ function _channelInfo($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (!$this->_channelExists($channel, $noaliases)) { return null; } $fp = $this->_openChannelFile($channel, 'r'); if ($fp === null) { return null; } clearstatcache(); $this->_closeChannelFile($fp); $data = file_get_contents($this->_channelFileName($channel)); $data = unserialize($data); return $data; } function _listChannels() { $channellist = array(); if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir) || !is_dir($this->channelsdir)) { return array('pear.php.net', 'pecl.php.net', 'doc.php.net', '__uri'); } $dp = opendir($this->channelsdir); while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -4) != '.reg') { continue; } if ($ent == '__uri.reg') { $channellist[] = '__uri'; continue; } $channellist[] = str_replace('_', '/', substr($ent, 0, -4)); } closedir($dp); if (!in_array('pear.php.net', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = 'pear.php.net'; } if (!in_array('pecl.php.net', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = 'pecl.php.net'; } if (!in_array('doc.php.net', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = 'doc.php.net'; } if (!in_array('__uri', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = '__uri'; } natsort($channellist); return $channellist; } function _listPackages($channel = false) { if ($channel && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) != 'pear.php.net') { return $this->_listChannelPackages($channel); } if (!file_exists($this->statedir) || !is_dir($this->statedir)) { return array(); } $pkglist = array(); $dp = opendir($this->statedir); if (!$dp) { return $pkglist; } while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -4) != '.reg') { continue; } $pkglist[] = substr($ent, 0, -4); } closedir($dp); sort($pkglist); return $pkglist; } function _listChannelPackages($channel) { $pkglist = array(); if (!file_exists($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel)) || !is_dir($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel))) { return array(); } $dp = opendir($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel)); if (!$dp) { return $pkglist; } while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -4) != '.reg') { continue; } $pkglist[] = substr($ent, 0, -4); } closedir($dp); return $pkglist; } function _listAllPackages() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->_listChannels() as $channel) { $ret[$channel] = $this->_listPackages($channel); } return $ret; } /** * Add an installed package to the registry * @param string package name * @param array package info (parsed by PEAR_Common::infoFrom*() methods) * @return bool success of saving * @access private */ function _addPackage($package, $info) { if ($this->_packageExists($package)) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'wb'); if ($fp === null) { return false; } $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); if (isset($info['filelist'])) { $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } return true; } /** * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 * @return bool * @access private */ function _addPackage2($info) { if (!is_a($info, 'PEAR_PackageFile_v1') && !is_a($info, 'PEAR_PackageFile_v2')) { return false; } if (!$info->validate()) { if (class_exists('PEAR_Common')) { $ui = PEAR_Frontend::singleton(); if ($ui) { foreach ($info->getValidationWarnings() as $err) { $ui->log($err['message'], true); } } } return false; } $channel = $info->getChannel(); $package = $info->getPackage(); $save = $info; if ($this->_packageExists($package, $channel)) { return false; } if (!$this->_channelExists($channel, true)) { return false; } $info = $info->toArray(true); if (!$info) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'wb', $channel); if ($fp === null) { return false; } $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); $this->_rebuildFileMap(); return true; } /** * @param string Package name * @param array parsed package.xml 1.0 * @param bool this parameter is only here for BC. Don't use it. * @access private */ function _updatePackage($package, $info, $merge = true) { $oldinfo = $this->_packageInfo($package); if (empty($oldinfo)) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'w'); if ($fp === null) { return false; } if (is_object($info)) { $info = $info->toArray(); } $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); $newinfo = $info; if ($merge) { $info = array_merge($oldinfo, $info); } else { $diff = $info; } fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); if (isset($newinfo['filelist'])) { $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } return true; } /** * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 * @return bool * @access private */ function _updatePackage2($info) { if (!$this->_packageExists($info->getPackage(), $info->getChannel())) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($info->getPackage(), 'w', $info->getChannel()); if ($fp === null) { return false; } $save = $info; $info = $save->getArray(true); $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); $this->_rebuildFileMap(); return true; } /** * @param string Package name * @param string Channel name * @return PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|null * @access private */ function &_getPackage($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { $info = $this->_packageInfo($package, null, $channel); if ($info === null) { return $info; } $a = $this->_config; if (!$a) { $this->_config = new PEAR_Config; $this->_config->set('php_dir', $this->statedir); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->_config); $pf = &$pkg->fromArray($info); return $pf; } /** * @param string channel name * @param bool whether to strictly retrieve channel names * @return PEAR_ChannelFile|PEAR_Error * @access private */ function &_getChannel($channel, $noaliases = false) { $ch = false; if ($this->_channelExists($channel, $noaliases)) { $chinfo = $this->_channelInfo($channel, $noaliases); if ($chinfo) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $ch = &PEAR_ChannelFile::fromArrayWithErrors($chinfo); } } if ($ch) { if ($ch->validate()) { return $ch; } foreach ($ch->getErrors(true) as $err) { $message = $err['message'] . "\n"; } $ch = PEAR::raiseError($message); return $ch; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pear_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pear_channel->setServer('pear.php.net'); $pear_channel->setAlias('pear'); $pear_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension and Application Repository'); $pear_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); return $pear_channel; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pecl.php.net') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pear_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pear_channel->setServer('pecl.php.net'); $pear_channel->setAlias('pecl'); $pear_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension Community Library'); $pear_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setValidationPackage('PEAR_Validator_PECL', '1.0'); return $pear_channel; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'doc.php.net') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $doc_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $doc_channel->setServer('doc.php.net'); $doc_channel->setAlias('phpdocs'); $doc_channel->setSummary('PHP Documentation Team'); $doc_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); return $doc_channel; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == '__uri') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $private = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $private->setName('__uri'); $private->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $private->setBaseURL('REST1.0', '****'); $private->setSummary('Pseudo-channel for static packages'); return $private; } return $ch; } /** * @param string Package name * @param string Channel name * @return bool */ function packageExists($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_packageExists($package, $channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ channelExists() /** * @param string channel name * @param bool if true, then aliases will be ignored * @return bool */ function channelExists($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_channelExists($channel, $noaliases); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} /** * @param string channel name mirror is in * @param string mirror name * * @return bool */ function mirrorExists($channel, $mirror) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_mirrorExists($channel, $mirror); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // {{{ isAlias() /** * Determines whether the parameter is an alias of a channel * @param string * @return bool */ function isAlias($alias) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_isChannelAlias($alias); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ packageInfo() /** * @param string|null * @param string|null * @param string * @return array|null */ function packageInfo($package = null, $key = null, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_packageInfo($package, $key, $channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ channelInfo() /** * Retrieve a raw array of channel data. * * Do not use this, instead use {@link getChannel()} for normal * operations. Array structure is undefined in this method * @param string channel name * @param bool whether to strictly retrieve information only on non-aliases * @return array|null|PEAR_Error */ function channelInfo($channel = null, $noaliases = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_channelInfo($channel, $noaliases); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} /** * @param string */ function channelName($channel) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } /** * @param string */ function channelAlias($channel) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_getAlias($channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // {{{ listPackages() function listPackages($channel = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_listPackages($channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ listAllPackages() function listAllPackages() { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_listAllPackages(); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ listChannel() function listChannels() { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_listChannels(); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ addPackage() /** * Add an installed package to the registry * @param string|PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 package name or object * that will be passed to {@link addPackage2()} * @param array package info (parsed by PEAR_Common::infoFrom*() methods) * @return bool success of saving */ function addPackage($package, $info) { if (is_object($info)) { return $this->addPackage2($info); } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_addPackage($package, $info); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile_v1')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php'; } $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v1; $pf->setConfig($this->_config); $pf->fromArray($info); $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($pf); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($pf); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ addPackage2() function addPackage2($info) { if (!is_object($info)) { return $this->addPackage($info['package'], $info); } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_addPackage2($info); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($info); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($info); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ updateChannel() /** * For future expandibility purposes, separate this * @param PEAR_ChannelFile */ function updateChannel($channel, $lastmodified = null) { if ($channel->getName() == '__uri') { return false; } return $this->addChannel($channel, $lastmodified, true); } // }}} // {{{ deleteChannel() /** * Deletion fails if there are any packages installed from the channel * @param string|PEAR_ChannelFile channel name * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on deletion, false if it doesn't exist */ function deleteChannel($channel) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_deleteChannel($channel); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret && is_a($this->_config, 'PEAR_Config')) { $this->_config->setChannels($this->listChannels()); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ addChannel() /** * @param PEAR_ChannelFile Channel object * @param string Last-Modified header from HTTP for caching * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on creation, false if it already exists */ function addChannel($channel, $lastmodified = false, $update = false) { if (!is_a($channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$channel->validate()) { return false; } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_addChannel($channel, $update, $lastmodified); $this->_unlock(); if (!$update && $ret && is_a($this->_config, 'PEAR_Config')) { $this->_config->setChannels($this->listChannels()); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ deletePackage() function deletePackage($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $file = $this->_packageFileName($package, $channel); $ret = file_exists($file) ? @unlink($file) : false; $this->_rebuildFileMap(); $this->_unlock(); $p = array('channel' => $channel, 'package' => $package); $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($p); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ updatePackage() function updatePackage($package, $info, $merge = true) { if (is_object($info)) { return $this->updatePackage2($info, $merge); } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_updatePackage($package, $info, $merge); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile_v1')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php'; } $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v1; $pf->setConfig($this->_config); $pf->fromArray($this->packageInfo($package)); $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($pf); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($pf); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ updatePackage2() function updatePackage2($info) { if (!is_object($info)) { return $this->updatePackage($info['package'], $info, $merge); } if (!$info->validate(PEAR_VALIDATE_DOWNLOADING)) { return false; } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_updatePackage2($info); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($info); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($info); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ getChannel() /** * @param string channel name * @param bool whether to strictly return raw channels (no aliases) * @return PEAR_ChannelFile|PEAR_Error */ function getChannel($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_getChannel($channel, $noaliases); $this->_unlock(); if (!$ret) { return PEAR::raiseError('Unknown channel: ' . $channel); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ getPackage() /** * @param string package name * @param string channel name * @return PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|null */ function &getPackage($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $pf = &$this->_getPackage($package, $channel); $this->_unlock(); return $pf; } // }}} /** * Get PEAR_PackageFile_v[1/2] objects representing the contents of * a dependency group that are installed. * * This is used at uninstall-time * @param array * @return array|false */ function getInstalledGroup($group) { $ret = array(); if (isset($group['package'])) { if (!isset($group['package'][0])) { $group['package'] = array($group['package']); } foreach ($group['package'] as $package) { $depchannel = isset($package['channel']) ? $package['channel'] : '__uri'; $p = &$this->getPackage($package['name'], $depchannel); if ($p) { $save = &$p; $ret[] = &$save; } } } if (isset($group['subpackage'])) { if (!isset($group['subpackage'][0])) { $group['subpackage'] = array($group['subpackage']); } foreach ($group['subpackage'] as $package) { $depchannel = isset($package['channel']) ? $package['channel'] : '__uri'; $p = &$this->getPackage($package['name'], $depchannel); if ($p) { $save = &$p; $ret[] = &$save; } } } if (!count($ret)) { return false; } return $ret; } // {{{ getChannelValidator() /** * @param string channel name * @return PEAR_Validate|false */ function &getChannelValidator($channel) { $chan = $this->getChannel($channel); if (PEAR::isError($chan)) { return $chan; } $val = $chan->getValidationObject(); return $val; } // }}} // {{{ getChannels() /** * @param string channel name * @return array an array of PEAR_ChannelFile objects representing every installed channel */ function &getChannels() { $ret = array(); if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } foreach ($this->_listChannels() as $channel) { $e = &$this->_getChannel($channel); if (!$e || PEAR::isError($e)) { continue; } $ret[] = $e; } $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ checkFileMap() /** * Test whether a file or set of files belongs to a package. * * If an array is passed in * @param string|array file path, absolute or relative to the pear * install dir * @param string|array name of PEAR package or array('package' => name, 'channel' => * channel) of a package that will be ignored * @param string API version - 1.1 will exclude any files belonging to a package * @param array private recursion variable * @return array|false which package and channel the file belongs to, or an empty * string if the file does not belong to an installed package, * or belongs to the second parameter's package */ function checkFileMap($path, $package = false, $api = '1.0', $attrs = false) { if (is_array($path)) { static $notempty; if (empty($notempty)) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_Installer_Role')) { require_once 'PEAR/Installer/Role.php'; } $notempty = function($a) { return !empty($a); }; } $package = is_array($package) ? array(strtolower($package[0]), strtolower($package[1])) : strtolower($package); $pkgs = array(); foreach ($path as $name => $attrs) { if (is_array($attrs)) { if (isset($attrs['install-as'])) { $name = $attrs['install-as']; } if (!in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getInstallableRoles())) { // these are not installed continue; } if (!in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getBaseinstallRoles())) { $attrs['baseinstalldir'] = is_array($package) ? $package[1] : $package; } if (isset($attrs['baseinstalldir'])) { $name = $attrs['baseinstalldir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name; } } $pkgs[$name] = $this->checkFileMap($name, $package, $api, $attrs); if (PEAR::isError($pkgs[$name])) { return $pkgs[$name]; } } return array_filter($pkgs, $notempty); } if (empty($this->filemap_cache)) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $err = $this->_readFileMap(); $this->_unlock(); if (PEAR::isError($err)) { return $err; } } if (!$attrs) { $attrs = array('role' => 'php'); // any old call would be for PHP role only } if (isset($this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path])) { if ($api >= '1.1' && $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path] == $package) { return false; } return $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path]; } $l = strlen($this->install_dir); if (substr($path, 0, $l) == $this->install_dir) { $path = preg_replace('!^'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'+!', '', substr($path, $l)); } if (isset($this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path])) { if ($api >= '1.1' && $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path] == $package) { return false; } return $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path]; } return false; } // }}} // {{{ flush() /** * Force a reload of the filemap * @since 1.5.0RC3 */ function flushFileMap() { $this->filemap_cache = null; clearstatcache(); // ensure that the next read gets the full, current filemap } // }}} // {{{ apiVersion() /** * Get the expected API version. Channels API is version 1.1, as it is backwards * compatible with 1.0 * @return string */ function apiVersion() { return '1.1'; } // }}} /** * Parse a package name, or validate a parsed package name array * @param string|array pass in an array of format * array( * 'package' => 'pname', * ['channel' => 'channame',] * ['version' => 'version',] * ['state' => 'state',] * ['group' => 'groupname']) * or a string of format * [channel://][channame/]pname[-version|-state][/group=groupname] * @return array|PEAR_Error */ function parsePackageName($param, $defaultchannel = 'pear.php.net') { $saveparam = $param; if (is_array($param)) { // convert to string for error messages $saveparam = $this->parsedPackageNameToString($param); // process the array if (!isset($param['package'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): array $param ' . 'must contain a valid package name in index "param"', 'package', null, null, $param); } if (!isset($param['uri'])) { if (!isset($param['channel'])) { $param['channel'] = $defaultchannel; } } else { $param['channel'] = '__uri'; } } else { $components = @parse_url((string) $param); if (isset($components['scheme'])) { if ($components['scheme'] == 'http') { // uri package $param = array('uri' => $param, 'channel' => '__uri'); } elseif($components['scheme'] != 'channel') { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): only channel:// uris may ' . 'be downloaded, not "' . $param . '"', 'invalid', null, null, $param); } } if (!isset($components['path'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): array $param ' . 'must contain a valid package name in "' . $param . '"', 'package', null, null, $param); } if (isset($components['host'])) { // remove the leading "/" $components['path'] = substr($components['path'], 1); } if (!isset($components['scheme'])) { if (strpos($components['path'], '/') !== false) { if ($components['path'][0] == '/') { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): this is not ' . 'a package name, it begins with "/" in "' . $param . '"', 'invalid', null, null, $param); } $parts = explode('/', $components['path']); $components['host'] = array_shift($parts); if (count($parts) > 1) { $components['path'] = array_pop($parts); $components['host'] .= '/' . implode('/', $parts); } else { $components['path'] = implode('/', $parts); } } else { $components['host'] = $defaultchannel; } } else { if (strpos($components['path'], '/')) { $parts = explode('/', $components['path']); $components['path'] = array_pop($parts); $components['host'] .= '/' . implode('/', $parts); } } if (is_array($param)) { $param['package'] = $components['path']; } else { $param = array( 'package' => $components['path'] ); if (isset($components['host'])) { $param['channel'] = $components['host']; } } if (isset($components['fragment'])) { $param['group'] = $components['fragment']; } if (isset($components['user'])) { $param['user'] = $components['user']; } if (isset($components['pass'])) { $param['pass'] = $components['pass']; } if (isset($components['query'])) { parse_str($components['query'], $param['opts']); } // check for extension $pathinfo = pathinfo($param['package']); if (isset($pathinfo['extension']) && in_array(strtolower($pathinfo['extension']), array('tgz', 'tar'))) { $param['extension'] = $pathinfo['extension']; $param['package'] = substr($pathinfo['basename'], 0, strlen($pathinfo['basename']) - 4); } // check for version if (strpos($param['package'], '-')) { $test = explode('-', $param['package']); if (count($test) != 2) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): only one version/state ' . 'delimiter "-" is allowed in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'version', null, null, $param); } list($param['package'], $param['version']) = $test; } } // validation $info = $this->channelExists($param['channel']); if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $info; } if (!$info) { return PEAR::raiseError('unknown channel "' . $param['channel'] . '" in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'channel', null, null, $param); } $chan = $this->getChannel($param['channel']); if (PEAR::isError($chan)) { return $chan; } if (!$chan) { return PEAR::raiseError("Exception: corrupt registry, could not " . "retrieve channel " . $param['channel'] . " information", 'registry', null, null, $param); } $param['channel'] = $chan->getName(); $validate = $chan->getValidationObject(); $vpackage = $chan->getValidationPackage(); // validate package name if (!$validate->validPackageName($param['package'], $vpackage['_content'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): invalid package name "' . $param['package'] . '" in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'package', null, null, $param); } if (isset($param['group'])) { if (!PEAR_Validate::validGroupName($param['group'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): dependency group "' . $param['group'] . '" is not a valid group name in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'group', null, null, $param); } } if (isset($param['state'])) { if (!in_array(strtolower($param['state']), $validate->getValidStates())) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): state "' . $param['state'] . '" is not a valid state in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'state', null, null, $param); } } if (isset($param['version'])) { if (isset($param['state'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): cannot contain both ' . 'a version and a stability (state) in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'version/state', null, null, $param); } // check whether version is actually a state if (in_array(strtolower($param['version']), $validate->getValidStates())) { $param['state'] = strtolower($param['version']); unset($param['version']); } else { if (!$validate->validVersion($param['version'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): "' . $param['version'] . '" is neither a valid version nor a valid state in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'version/state', null, null, $param); } } } return $param; } /** * @param array * @return string */ function parsedPackageNameToString($parsed, $brief = false) { if (is_string($parsed)) { return $parsed; } if (is_object($parsed)) { $p = $parsed; $parsed = array( 'package' => $p->getPackage(), 'channel' => $p->getChannel(), 'version' => $p->getVersion(), ); } if (isset($parsed['uri'])) { return $parsed['uri']; } if ($brief) { if ($channel = $this->channelAlias($parsed['channel'])) { return $channel . '/' . $parsed['package']; } } $upass = ''; if (isset($parsed['user'])) { $upass = $parsed['user']; if (isset($parsed['pass'])) { $upass .= ':' . $parsed['pass']; } $upass = "$upass@"; } $ret = 'channel://' . $upass . $parsed['channel'] . '/' . $parsed['package']; if (isset($parsed['version']) || isset($parsed['state'])) { $ver = isset($parsed['version']) ? $parsed['version'] : ''; $ver .= isset($parsed['state']) ? $parsed['state'] : ''; $ret .= '-' . $ver; } if (isset($parsed['extension'])) { $ret .= '.' . $parsed['extension']; } if (isset($parsed['opts'])) { $ret .= '?'; foreach ($parsed['opts'] as $name => $value) { $parsed['opts'][$name] = "$name=$value"; } $ret .= implode('&', $parsed['opts']); } if (isset($parsed['group'])) { $ret .= '#' . $parsed['group']; } return $ret; } } opt/cpanel/ea-php72/root/usr/share/pear/PEAR/Registry.php000064400000224270147565456230017060 0ustar00 * @author Tomas V. V. Cox * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since File available since Release 0.1 */ /** * for PEAR_Error */ require_once 'PEAR.php'; require_once 'PEAR/DependencyDB.php'; define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_LOCK', -2); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FORMAT', -3); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FILE', -4); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_CONFLICT', -5); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_CHANNEL_FILE', -6); /** * Administration class used to maintain the installed package database. * @category pear * @package PEAR * @author Stig Bakken * @author Tomas V. V. Cox * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version Release: 1.10.16 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since Class available since Release 1.4.0a1 */ class PEAR_Registry extends PEAR { /** * File containing all channel information. * @var string */ var $channels = ''; /** Directory where registry files are stored. * @var string */ var $statedir = ''; /** File where the file map is stored * @var string */ var $filemap = ''; /** Directory where registry files for channels are stored. * @var string */ var $channelsdir = ''; /** Name of file used for locking the registry * @var string */ var $lockfile = ''; /** File descriptor used during locking * @var resource */ var $lock_fp = null; /** Mode used during locking * @var int */ var $lock_mode = 0; // XXX UNUSED /** Cache of package information. Structure: * array( * 'package' => array('id' => ... ), * ... ) * @var array */ var $pkginfo_cache = array(); /** Cache of file map. Structure: * array( '/path/to/file' => 'package', ... ) * @var array */ var $filemap_cache = array(); /** * @var false|PEAR_ChannelFile */ var $_pearChannel; /** * @var false|PEAR_ChannelFile */ var $_peclChannel; /** * @var false|PEAR_ChannelFile */ var $_docChannel; /** * @var PEAR_DependencyDB */ var $_dependencyDB; /** * @var PEAR_Config */ var $_config; /** * PEAR_Registry constructor. * * @param string (optional) PEAR install directory (for .php files) * @param PEAR_ChannelFile PEAR_ChannelFile object representing the PEAR channel, if * default values are not desired. Only used the very first time a PEAR * repository is initialized * @param PEAR_ChannelFile PEAR_ChannelFile object representing the PECL channel, if * default values are not desired. Only used the very first time a PEAR * repository is initialized * * @access public */ function __construct($pear_install_dir = PEAR_INSTALL_DIR, $pear_channel = false, $pecl_channel = false, $pear_metadata_dir = '') { parent::__construct(); $this->setInstallDir($pear_install_dir, $pear_metadata_dir); $this->_pearChannel = $pear_channel; $this->_peclChannel = $pecl_channel; $this->_config = false; } function setInstallDir($pear_install_dir = PEAR_INSTALL_DIR, $pear_metadata_dir = '') { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->install_dir = $pear_install_dir; if (!$pear_metadata_dir) { $pear_metadata_dir = $pear_install_dir; } $this->channelsdir = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.channels'; $this->statedir = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.registry'; $this->filemap = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.filemap'; $this->lockfile = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.lock'; } function hasWriteAccess() { if (!file_exists($this->install_dir)) { $dir = $this->install_dir; while ($dir && $dir != '.') { $olddir = $dir; $dir = dirname($dir); if ($dir != '.' && file_exists($dir)) { if (is_writeable($dir)) { return true; } return false; } if ($dir == $olddir) { // this can happen in safe mode return @is_writable($dir); } } return false; } return is_writeable($this->install_dir); } function setConfig(&$config, $resetInstallDir = true) { $this->_config = &$config; if ($resetInstallDir) { $this->setInstallDir($config->get('php_dir'), $config->get('metadata_dir')); } } function _initializeChannelDirs() { static $running = false; if (!$running) { $running = true; $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!is_dir($this->channelsdir) || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pecl.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'doc.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . '__uri.reg')) { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg')) { $pear_channel = $this->_pearChannel; if (!is_a($pear_channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$pear_channel->validate()) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pear_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pear_channel->setAlias('pear'); $pear_channel->setServer('pear.php.net'); $pear_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension and Application Repository'); $pear_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); //$pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.4', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); } else { $pear_channel->setServer('pear.php.net'); $pear_channel->setAlias('pear'); } $pear_channel->validate(); $this->_addChannel($pear_channel); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pecl.php.net.reg')) { $pecl_channel = $this->_peclChannel; if (!is_a($pecl_channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$pecl_channel->validate()) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pecl_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pecl_channel->setAlias('pecl'); $pecl_channel->setServer('pecl.php.net'); $pecl_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension Community Library'); $pecl_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pecl_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pecl_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pecl_channel->setValidationPackage('PEAR_Validator_PECL', '1.0'); } else { $pecl_channel->setServer('pecl.php.net'); $pecl_channel->setAlias('pecl'); } $pecl_channel->validate(); $this->_addChannel($pecl_channel); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'doc.php.net.reg')) { $doc_channel = $this->_docChannel; if (!is_a($doc_channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$doc_channel->validate()) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $doc_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $doc_channel->setAlias('phpdocs'); $doc_channel->setServer('doc.php.net'); $doc_channel->setSummary('PHP Documentation Team'); $doc_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); } else { $doc_channel->setServer('doc.php.net'); $doc_channel->setAlias('doc'); } $doc_channel->validate(); $this->_addChannel($doc_channel); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . '__uri.reg')) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $private = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $private->setName('__uri'); $private->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $private->setBaseURL('REST1.0', '****'); $private->setSummary('Pseudo-channel for static packages'); $this->_addChannel($private); } $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } $running = false; } } function _initializeDirs() { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // XXX Compatibility code should be removed in the future // rename all registry files if any to lowercase if (!OS_WINDOWS && file_exists($this->statedir) && is_dir($this->statedir) && $handle = opendir($this->statedir)) { $dest = $this->statedir . $ds; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (preg_match('/^.*[A-Z].*\.reg\\z/', $file)) { rename($dest . $file, $dest . strtolower($file)); } } closedir($handle); } $this->_initializeChannelDirs(); if (!file_exists($this->filemap)) { $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } $this->_initializeDepDB(); } function _initializeDepDB() { if (!isset($this->_dependencyDB)) { static $initializing = false; if (!$initializing) { $initializing = true; if (!$this->_config) { // never used? $file = OS_WINDOWS ? 'pear.ini' : '.pearrc'; $this->_config = new PEAR_Config($this->statedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); $this->_config->setRegistry($this); $this->_config->set('php_dir', $this->install_dir); } $this->_dependencyDB = &PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton($this->_config); if (PEAR::isError($this->_dependencyDB)) { // attempt to recover by removing the dep db if (file_exists($this->_config->get('metadata_dir', null, 'pear.php.net') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.depdb')) { @unlink($this->_config->get('metadata_dir', null, 'pear.php.net') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.depdb'); } $this->_dependencyDB = &PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton($this->_config); if (PEAR::isError($this->_dependencyDB)) { echo $this->_dependencyDB->getMessage(); echo 'Unrecoverable error'; exit(1); } } $initializing = false; } } } /** * PEAR_Registry destructor. Makes sure no locks are forgotten. * * @access private */ function _PEAR_Registry() { parent::_PEAR(); if (is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { $this->_unlock(); } } /** * Make sure the directory where we keep registry files exists. * * @return bool TRUE if directory exists, FALSE if it could not be * created * * @access private */ function _assertStateDir($channel = false) { if ($channel && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) != 'pear.php.net') { return $this->_assertChannelStateDir($channel); } static $init = false; if (!file_exists($this->statedir)) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $this->statedir))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->statedir}'"); } $init = true; } elseif (!is_dir($this->statedir)) { return $this->raiseError('Cannot create directory ' . $this->statedir . ', ' . 'it already exists and is not a directory'); } $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir)) { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pecl.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'doc.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . '__uri.reg')) { $init = true; } } elseif (!is_dir($this->channelsdir)) { return $this->raiseError('Cannot create directory ' . $this->channelsdir . ', ' . 'it already exists and is not a directory'); } if ($init) { static $running = false; if (!$running) { $running = true; $this->_initializeDirs(); $running = false; $init = false; } } else { $this->_initializeDepDB(); } return true; } /** * Make sure the directory where we keep registry files exists for a non-standard channel. * * @param string channel name * @return bool TRUE if directory exists, FALSE if it could not be * created * * @access private */ function _assertChannelStateDir($channel) { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!$channel || $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg')) { $this->_initializeChannelDirs(); } return $this->_assertStateDir($channel); } $channelDir = $this->_channelDirectoryName($channel); if (!is_dir($this->channelsdir) || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg')) { $this->_initializeChannelDirs(); } if (!file_exists($channelDir)) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $channelDir))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '" . $channelDir . "'"); } } elseif (!is_dir($channelDir)) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '" . $channelDir . "', already exists and is not a directory"); } return true; } /** * Make sure the directory where we keep registry files for channels exists * * @return bool TRUE if directory exists, FALSE if it could not be * created * * @access private */ function _assertChannelDir() { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir)) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $this->channelsdir))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}'"); } } elseif (!is_dir($this->channelsdir)) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}" . "', it already exists and is not a directory"); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias')) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias'))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}/.alias'"); } } elseif (!is_dir($this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias')) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}" . "/.alias', it already exists and is not a directory"); } return true; } /** * Get the name of the file where data for a given package is stored. * * @param string channel name, or false if this is a PEAR package * @param string package name * * @return string registry file name * * @access public */ function _packageFileName($package, $channel = false) { if ($channel && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) != 'pear.php.net') { return $this->_channelDirectoryName($channel) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . '.reg'; } return $this->statedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . '.reg'; } /** * Get the name of the file where data for a given channel is stored. * @param string channel name * @return string registry file name */ function _channelFileName($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (!$noaliases) { if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))) { $channel = implode('', file($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))); } } return $this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('/', '_', strtolower($channel)) . '.reg'; } /** * @param string * @return string */ function _getChannelAliasFileName($alias) { return $this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('/', '_', strtolower($alias)) . '.txt'; } /** * Get the name of a channel from its alias */ function _getChannelFromAlias($channel) { if (!$this->_channelExists($channel)) { if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') { return 'pear.php.net'; } if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { return 'pecl.php.net'; } if ($channel == 'doc.php.net') { return 'doc.php.net'; } if ($channel == '__uri') { return '__uri'; } return false; } $channel = strtolower($channel); if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))) { // translate an alias to an actual channel return implode('', file($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))); } return $channel; } /** * Get the alias of a channel from its alias or its name */ function _getAlias($channel) { if (!$this->_channelExists($channel)) { if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') { return 'pear'; } if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { return 'pecl'; } if ($channel == 'doc.php.net') { return 'phpdocs'; } return false; } $channel = $this->_getChannel($channel); if (PEAR::isError($channel)) { return $channel; } return $channel->getAlias(); } /** * Get the name of the file where data for a given package is stored. * * @param string channel name, or false if this is a PEAR package * @param string package name * * @return string registry file name * * @access public */ function _channelDirectoryName($channel) { if (!$channel || $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { return $this->statedir; } $ch = $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel); if (!$ch) { $ch = $channel; } return $this->statedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower('.channel.' . str_replace('/', '_', $ch)); } function _openPackageFile($package, $mode, $channel = false) { if (!$this->_assertStateDir($channel)) { return null; } if (!in_array($mode, array('r', 'rb')) && !$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return null; } $file = $this->_packageFileName($package, $channel); if (!file_exists($file) && $mode == 'r' || $mode == 'rb') { return null; } $fp = @fopen($file, $mode); if (!$fp) { return null; } return $fp; } function _closePackageFile($fp) { fclose($fp); } function _openChannelFile($channel, $mode) { if (!$this->_assertChannelDir()) { return null; } if (!in_array($mode, array('r', 'rb')) && !$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return null; } $file = $this->_channelFileName($channel); if (!file_exists($file) && $mode == 'r' || $mode == 'rb') { return null; } $fp = @fopen($file, $mode); if (!$fp) { return null; } return $fp; } function _closeChannelFile($fp) { fclose($fp); } function _rebuildFileMap() { if (!class_exists('PEAR_Installer_Role')) { require_once 'PEAR/Installer/Role.php'; } $channels = $this->_listAllPackages(); $files = array(); foreach ($channels as $channel => $packages) { foreach ($packages as $package) { $version = $this->_packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); $filelist = $this->_packageInfo($package, 'filelist', $channel); if (!is_array($filelist)) { continue; } foreach ($filelist as $name => $attrs) { if (isset($attrs['attribs'])) { $attrs = $attrs['attribs']; } // it is possible for conflicting packages in different channels to // conflict with data files/doc files if ($name == 'dirtree') { continue; } if (isset($attrs['role']) && !in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getInstallableRoles())) { // these are not installed continue; } if (isset($attrs['role']) && !in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getBaseinstallRoles())) { $attrs['baseinstalldir'] = $package; } if (isset($attrs['baseinstalldir'])) { $file = $attrs['baseinstalldir'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name; } else { $file = $name; } $file = preg_replace(',^/+,', '', $file); if ($channel != 'pear.php.net') { if (!isset($files[$attrs['role']])) { $files[$attrs['role']] = array(); } $files[$attrs['role']][$file] = array(strtolower($channel), strtolower($package)); } else { if (!isset($files[$attrs['role']])) { $files[$attrs['role']] = array(); } $files[$attrs['role']][$file] = strtolower($package); } } } } $this->_assertStateDir(); if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } $fp = @fopen($this->filemap, 'wb'); if (!$fp) { return false; } $this->filemap_cache = $files; fwrite($fp, serialize($files)); fclose($fp); return true; } function _readFileMap() { if (!file_exists($this->filemap)) { return array(); } $fp = @fopen($this->filemap, 'r'); if (!$fp) { $last_errormsg = ''; $last_error = error_get_last(); if (!empty($last_error['message'])) { $last_errormsg = $last_error['message']; } return $this->raiseError('PEAR_Registry: could not open filemap "' . $this->filemap . '"', PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FILE, null, null, $last_errormsg); } clearstatcache(); $fsize = filesize($this->filemap); fclose($fp); $data = file_get_contents($this->filemap); $tmp = unserialize($data); if (!$tmp && $fsize > 7) { return $this->raiseError('PEAR_Registry: invalid filemap data', PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FORMAT, null, null, $data); } $this->filemap_cache = $tmp; return true; } /** * Lock the registry. * * @param integer lock mode, one of LOCK_EX, LOCK_SH or LOCK_UN. * See flock manual for more information. * * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if locking failed, or a * PEAR error if some other error occurs (such as the * lock file not being writable). * * @access private */ function _lock($mode = LOCK_EX) { if (stristr(php_uname(), 'Windows 9')) { return true; } if ($mode != LOCK_UN && is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { // XXX does not check type of lock (LOCK_SH/LOCK_EX) return true; } if (!$this->_assertStateDir()) { if ($mode == LOCK_EX) { return $this->raiseError('Registry directory is not writeable by the current user'); } return true; } $open_mode = 'w'; // XXX People reported problems with LOCK_SH and 'w' if ($mode === LOCK_SH || $mode === LOCK_UN) { if (!file_exists($this->lockfile)) { touch($this->lockfile); } $open_mode = 'r'; } if (!is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { $this->lock_fp = @fopen($this->lockfile, $open_mode); } if (!is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { $this->lock_fp = null; return $this->raiseError("could not create lock file" . (isset($php_errormsg) ? ": " . $php_errormsg : "")); } if (!(int)flock($this->lock_fp, $mode)) { switch ($mode) { case LOCK_SH: $str = 'shared'; break; case LOCK_EX: $str = 'exclusive'; break; case LOCK_UN: $str = 'unlock'; break; default: $str = 'unknown'; break; } //is resource at this point, close it on error. fclose($this->lock_fp); $this->lock_fp = null; return $this->raiseError("could not acquire $str lock ($this->lockfile)", PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_LOCK); } return true; } function _unlock() { $ret = $this->_lock(LOCK_UN); if (is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { fclose($this->lock_fp); } $this->lock_fp = null; return $ret; } function _packageExists($package, $channel = false) { return file_exists($this->_packageFileName($package, $channel)); } /** * Determine whether a channel exists in the registry * * @param string Channel name * @param bool if true, then aliases will be ignored * @return boolean */ function _channelExists($channel, $noaliases = false) { $a = file_exists($this->_channelFileName($channel, $noaliases)); if (!$a && $channel == 'pear.php.net') { return true; } if (!$a && $channel == 'pecl.php.net') { return true; } if (!$a && $channel == 'doc.php.net') { return true; } return $a; } /** * Determine whether a mirror exists within the default channel in the registry * * @param string Channel name * @param string Mirror name * * @return boolean */ function _mirrorExists($channel, $mirror) { $data = $this->_channelInfo($channel); if (!isset($data['servers']['mirror'])) { return false; } foreach ($data['servers']['mirror'] as $m) { if ($m['attribs']['host'] == $mirror) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param PEAR_ChannelFile Channel object * @param donotuse * @param string Last-Modified HTTP tag from remote request * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on creation, false if it already exists */ function _addChannel($channel, $update = false, $lastmodified = false) { if (!is_a($channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile')) { return false; } if (!$channel->validate()) { return false; } if (file_exists($this->_channelFileName($channel->getName()))) { if (!$update) { return false; } $checker = $this->_getChannel($channel->getName()); if (PEAR::isError($checker)) { return $checker; } if ($channel->getAlias() != $checker->getAlias()) { if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($checker->getAlias()))) { @unlink($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($checker->getAlias())); } } } else { if ($update && !in_array($channel->getName(), array('pear.php.net', 'pecl.php.net', 'doc.php.net'))) { return false; } } $ret = $this->_assertChannelDir(); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } $ret = $this->_assertChannelStateDir($channel->getName()); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if ($channel->getAlias() != $channel->getName()) { if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel->getAlias())) && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel->getAlias()) != $channel->getName()) { $channel->setAlias($channel->getName()); } if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } $fp = @fopen($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel->getAlias()), 'w'); if (!$fp) { return false; } fwrite($fp, $channel->getName()); fclose($fp); } if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } $fp = @fopen($this->_channelFileName($channel->getName()), 'wb'); if (!$fp) { return false; } $info = $channel->toArray(); if ($lastmodified) { $info['_lastmodified'] = $lastmodified; } else { $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); } fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); fclose($fp); return true; } /** * Deletion fails if there are any packages installed from the channel * @param string|PEAR_ChannelFile channel name * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on deletion, false if it doesn't exist */ function _deleteChannel($channel) { if (!is_string($channel)) { if (!is_a($channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile')) { return false; } if (!$channel->validate()) { return false; } $channel = $channel->getName(); } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == '__uri') { return false; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pecl.php.net') { return false; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'doc.php.net') { return false; } if (!$this->_channelExists($channel)) { return false; } if (!$channel || $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { return false; } $channel = $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel); if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') { return false; } $test = $this->_listChannelPackages($channel); if (count($test)) { return false; } $test = @rmdir($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel)); if (!$test) { return false; } $file = $this->_getChannelAliasFileName($this->_getAlias($channel)); if (file_exists($file)) { $test = @unlink($file); if (!$test) { return false; } } $file = $this->_channelFileName($channel); $ret = true; if (file_exists($file)) { $ret = @unlink($file); } return $ret; } /** * Determine whether a channel exists in the registry * @param string Channel Alias * @return boolean */ function _isChannelAlias($alias) { return file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($alias)); } /** * @param string|null * @param string|null * @param string|null * @return array|null * @access private */ function _packageInfo($package = null, $key = null, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if ($package === null) { if ($channel === null) { $channels = $this->_listChannels(); $ret = array(); foreach ($channels as $channel) { $channel = strtolower($channel); $ret[$channel] = array(); $packages = $this->_listPackages($channel); foreach ($packages as $package) { $ret[$channel][] = $this->_packageInfo($package, null, $channel); } } return $ret; } $ps = $this->_listPackages($channel); if (!count($ps)) { return array(); } return array_map(array(&$this, '_packageInfo'), $ps, array_fill(0, count($ps), null), array_fill(0, count($ps), $channel)); } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'r', $channel); if ($fp === null) { return null; } clearstatcache(); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); $data = file_get_contents($this->_packageFileName($package, $channel)); $data = @unserialize($data); if ($key === null) { return $data; } // compatibility for package.xml version 2.0 if (isset($data['old'][$key])) { return $data['old'][$key]; } if (isset($data[$key])) { return $data[$key]; } return null; } /** * @param string Channel name * @param bool whether to strictly retrieve info of channels, not just aliases * @return array|null */ function _channelInfo($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (!$this->_channelExists($channel, $noaliases)) { return null; } $fp = $this->_openChannelFile($channel, 'r'); if ($fp === null) { return null; } clearstatcache(); $this->_closeChannelFile($fp); $data = file_get_contents($this->_channelFileName($channel)); $data = unserialize($data); return $data; } function _listChannels() { $channellist = array(); if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir) || !is_dir($this->channelsdir)) { return array('pear.php.net', 'pecl.php.net', 'doc.php.net', '__uri'); } $dp = opendir($this->channelsdir); while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -4) != '.reg') { continue; } if ($ent == '__uri.reg') { $channellist[] = '__uri'; continue; } $channellist[] = str_replace('_', '/', substr($ent, 0, -4)); } closedir($dp); if (!in_array('pear.php.net', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = 'pear.php.net'; } if (!in_array('pecl.php.net', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = 'pecl.php.net'; } if (!in_array('doc.php.net', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = 'doc.php.net'; } if (!in_array('__uri', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = '__uri'; } natsort($channellist); return $channellist; } function _listPackages($channel = false) { if ($channel && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) != 'pear.php.net') { return $this->_listChannelPackages($channel); } if (!file_exists($this->statedir) || !is_dir($this->statedir)) { return array(); } $pkglist = array(); $dp = opendir($this->statedir); if (!$dp) { return $pkglist; } while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -4) != '.reg') { continue; } $pkglist[] = substr($ent, 0, -4); } closedir($dp); sort($pkglist); return $pkglist; } function _listChannelPackages($channel) { $pkglist = array(); if (!file_exists($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel)) || !is_dir($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel))) { return array(); } $dp = opendir($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel)); if (!$dp) { return $pkglist; } while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -4) != '.reg') { continue; } $pkglist[] = substr($ent, 0, -4); } closedir($dp); return $pkglist; } function _listAllPackages() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->_listChannels() as $channel) { $ret[$channel] = $this->_listPackages($channel); } return $ret; } /** * Add an installed package to the registry * @param string package name * @param array package info (parsed by PEAR_Common::infoFrom*() methods) * @return bool success of saving * @access private */ function _addPackage($package, $info) { if ($this->_packageExists($package)) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'wb'); if ($fp === null) { return false; } $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); if (isset($info['filelist'])) { $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } return true; } /** * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 * @return bool * @access private */ function _addPackage2($info) { if (!is_a($info, 'PEAR_PackageFile_v1') && !is_a($info, 'PEAR_PackageFile_v2')) { return false; } if (!$info->validate()) { if (class_exists('PEAR_Common')) { $ui = PEAR_Frontend::singleton(); if ($ui) { foreach ($info->getValidationWarnings() as $err) { $ui->log($err['message'], true); } } } return false; } $channel = $info->getChannel(); $package = $info->getPackage(); $save = $info; if ($this->_packageExists($package, $channel)) { return false; } if (!$this->_channelExists($channel, true)) { return false; } $info = $info->toArray(true); if (!$info) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'wb', $channel); if ($fp === null) { return false; } $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); $this->_rebuildFileMap(); return true; } /** * @param string Package name * @param array parsed package.xml 1.0 * @param bool this parameter is only here for BC. Don't use it. * @access private */ function _updatePackage($package, $info, $merge = true) { $oldinfo = $this->_packageInfo($package); if (empty($oldinfo)) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'w'); if ($fp === null) { return false; } if (is_object($info)) { $info = $info->toArray(); } $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); $newinfo = $info; if ($merge) { $info = array_merge($oldinfo, $info); } else { $diff = $info; } fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); if (isset($newinfo['filelist'])) { $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } return true; } /** * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 * @return bool * @access private */ function _updatePackage2($info) { if (!$this->_packageExists($info->getPackage(), $info->getChannel())) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($info->getPackage(), 'w', $info->getChannel()); if ($fp === null) { return false; } $save = $info; $info = $save->getArray(true); $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); $this->_rebuildFileMap(); return true; } /** * @param string Package name * @param string Channel name * @return PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|null * @access private */ function &_getPackage($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { $info = $this->_packageInfo($package, null, $channel); if ($info === null) { return $info; } $a = $this->_config; if (!$a) { $this->_config = new PEAR_Config; $this->_config->set('php_dir', $this->statedir); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->_config); $pf = &$pkg->fromArray($info); return $pf; } /** * @param string channel name * @param bool whether to strictly retrieve channel names * @return PEAR_ChannelFile|PEAR_Error * @access private */ function &_getChannel($channel, $noaliases = false) { $ch = false; if ($this->_channelExists($channel, $noaliases)) { $chinfo = $this->_channelInfo($channel, $noaliases); if ($chinfo) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $ch = &PEAR_ChannelFile::fromArrayWithErrors($chinfo); } } if ($ch) { if ($ch->validate()) { return $ch; } foreach ($ch->getErrors(true) as $err) { $message = $err['message'] . "\n"; } $ch = PEAR::raiseError($message); return $ch; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pear_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pear_channel->setServer('pear.php.net'); $pear_channel->setAlias('pear'); $pear_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension and Application Repository'); $pear_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); return $pear_channel; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pecl.php.net') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pear_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pear_channel->setServer('pecl.php.net'); $pear_channel->setAlias('pecl'); $pear_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension Community Library'); $pear_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setValidationPackage('PEAR_Validator_PECL', '1.0'); return $pear_channel; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'doc.php.net') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $doc_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $doc_channel->setServer('doc.php.net'); $doc_channel->setAlias('phpdocs'); $doc_channel->setSummary('PHP Documentation Team'); $doc_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); return $doc_channel; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == '__uri') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $private = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $private->setName('__uri'); $private->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $private->setBaseURL('REST1.0', '****'); $private->setSummary('Pseudo-channel for static packages'); return $private; } return $ch; } /** * @param string Package name * @param string Channel name * @return bool */ function packageExists($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_packageExists($package, $channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ channelExists() /** * @param string channel name * @param bool if true, then aliases will be ignored * @return bool */ function channelExists($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_channelExists($channel, $noaliases); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} /** * @param string channel name mirror is in * @param string mirror name * * @return bool */ function mirrorExists($channel, $mirror) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_mirrorExists($channel, $mirror); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // {{{ isAlias() /** * Determines whether the parameter is an alias of a channel * @param string * @return bool */ function isAlias($alias) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_isChannelAlias($alias); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ packageInfo() /** * @param string|null * @param string|null * @param string * @return array|null */ function packageInfo($package = null, $key = null, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_packageInfo($package, $key, $channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ channelInfo() /** * Retrieve a raw array of channel data. * * Do not use this, instead use {@link getChannel()} for normal * operations. Array structure is undefined in this method * @param string channel name * @param bool whether to strictly retrieve information only on non-aliases * @return array|null|PEAR_Error */ function channelInfo($channel = null, $noaliases = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_channelInfo($channel, $noaliases); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} /** * @param string */ function channelName($channel) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } /** * @param string */ function channelAlias($channel) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_getAlias($channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // {{{ listPackages() function listPackages($channel = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_listPackages($channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ listAllPackages() function listAllPackages() { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_listAllPackages(); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ listChannel() function listChannels() { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_listChannels(); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ addPackage() /** * Add an installed package to the registry * @param string|PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 package name or object * that will be passed to {@link addPackage2()} * @param array package info (parsed by PEAR_Common::infoFrom*() methods) * @return bool success of saving */ function addPackage($package, $info) { if (is_object($info)) { return $this->addPackage2($info); } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_addPackage($package, $info); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile_v1')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php'; } $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v1; $pf->setConfig($this->_config); $pf->fromArray($info); $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($pf); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($pf); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ addPackage2() function addPackage2($info) { if (!is_object($info)) { return $this->addPackage($info['package'], $info); } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_addPackage2($info); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($info); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($info); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ updateChannel() /** * For future expandibility purposes, separate this * @param PEAR_ChannelFile */ function updateChannel($channel, $lastmodified = null) { if ($channel->getName() == '__uri') { return false; } return $this->addChannel($channel, $lastmodified, true); } // }}} // {{{ deleteChannel() /** * Deletion fails if there are any packages installed from the channel * @param string|PEAR_ChannelFile channel name * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on deletion, false if it doesn't exist */ function deleteChannel($channel) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_deleteChannel($channel); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret && is_a($this->_config, 'PEAR_Config')) { $this->_config->setChannels($this->listChannels()); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ addChannel() /** * @param PEAR_ChannelFile Channel object * @param string Last-Modified header from HTTP for caching * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on creation, false if it already exists */ function addChannel($channel, $lastmodified = false, $update = false) { if (!is_a($channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$channel->validate()) { return false; } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_addChannel($channel, $update, $lastmodified); $this->_unlock(); if (!$update && $ret && is_a($this->_config, 'PEAR_Config')) { $this->_config->setChannels($this->listChannels()); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ deletePackage() function deletePackage($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $file = $this->_packageFileName($package, $channel); $ret = file_exists($file) ? @unlink($file) : false; $this->_rebuildFileMap(); $this->_unlock(); $p = array('channel' => $channel, 'package' => $package); $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($p); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ updatePackage() function updatePackage($package, $info, $merge = true) { if (is_object($info)) { return $this->updatePackage2($info, $merge); } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_updatePackage($package, $info, $merge); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile_v1')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php'; } $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v1; $pf->setConfig($this->_config); $pf->fromArray($this->packageInfo($package)); $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($pf); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($pf); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ updatePackage2() function updatePackage2($info) { if (!is_object($info)) { return $this->updatePackage($info['package'], $info, $merge); } if (!$info->validate(PEAR_VALIDATE_DOWNLOADING)) { return false; } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_updatePackage2($info); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($info); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($info); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ getChannel() /** * @param string channel name * @param bool whether to strictly return raw channels (no aliases) * @return PEAR_ChannelFile|PEAR_Error */ function getChannel($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_getChannel($channel, $noaliases); $this->_unlock(); if (!$ret) { return PEAR::raiseError('Unknown channel: ' . $channel); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ getPackage() /** * @param string package name * @param string channel name * @return PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|null */ function &getPackage($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $pf = &$this->_getPackage($package, $channel); $this->_unlock(); return $pf; } // }}} /** * Get PEAR_PackageFile_v[1/2] objects representing the contents of * a dependency group that are installed. * * This is used at uninstall-time * @param array * @return array|false */ function getInstalledGroup($group) { $ret = array(); if (isset($group['package'])) { if (!isset($group['package'][0])) { $group['package'] = array($group['package']); } foreach ($group['package'] as $package) { $depchannel = isset($package['channel']) ? $package['channel'] : '__uri'; $p = &$this->getPackage($package['name'], $depchannel); if ($p) { $save = &$p; $ret[] = &$save; } } } if (isset($group['subpackage'])) { if (!isset($group['subpackage'][0])) { $group['subpackage'] = array($group['subpackage']); } foreach ($group['subpackage'] as $package) { $depchannel = isset($package['channel']) ? $package['channel'] : '__uri'; $p = &$this->getPackage($package['name'], $depchannel); if ($p) { $save = &$p; $ret[] = &$save; } } } if (!count($ret)) { return false; } return $ret; } // {{{ getChannelValidator() /** * @param string channel name * @return PEAR_Validate|false */ function &getChannelValidator($channel) { $chan = $this->getChannel($channel); if (PEAR::isError($chan)) { return $chan; } $val = $chan->getValidationObject(); return $val; } // }}} // {{{ getChannels() /** * @param string channel name * @return array an array of PEAR_ChannelFile objects representing every installed channel */ function &getChannels() { $ret = array(); if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } foreach ($this->_listChannels() as $channel) { $e = &$this->_getChannel($channel); if (!$e || PEAR::isError($e)) { continue; } $ret[] = $e; } $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ checkFileMap() /** * Test whether a file or set of files belongs to a package. * * If an array is passed in * @param string|array file path, absolute or relative to the pear * install dir * @param string|array name of PEAR package or array('package' => name, 'channel' => * channel) of a package that will be ignored * @param string API version - 1.1 will exclude any files belonging to a package * @param array private recursion variable * @return array|false which package and channel the file belongs to, or an empty * string if the file does not belong to an installed package, * or belongs to the second parameter's package */ function checkFileMap($path, $package = false, $api = '1.0', $attrs = false) { if (is_array($path)) { static $notempty; if (empty($notempty)) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_Installer_Role')) { require_once 'PEAR/Installer/Role.php'; } $notempty = function($a) { return !empty($a); }; } $package = is_array($package) ? array(strtolower($package[0]), strtolower($package[1])) : strtolower($package); $pkgs = array(); foreach ($path as $name => $attrs) { if (is_array($attrs)) { if (isset($attrs['install-as'])) { $name = $attrs['install-as']; } if (!in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getInstallableRoles())) { // these are not installed continue; } if (!in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getBaseinstallRoles())) { $attrs['baseinstalldir'] = is_array($package) ? $package[1] : $package; } if (isset($attrs['baseinstalldir'])) { $name = $attrs['baseinstalldir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name; } } $pkgs[$name] = $this->checkFileMap($name, $package, $api, $attrs); if (PEAR::isError($pkgs[$name])) { return $pkgs[$name]; } } return array_filter($pkgs, $notempty); } if (empty($this->filemap_cache)) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $err = $this->_readFileMap(); $this->_unlock(); if (PEAR::isError($err)) { return $err; } } if (!$attrs) { $attrs = array('role' => 'php'); // any old call would be for PHP role only } if (isset($this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path])) { if ($api >= '1.1' && $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path] == $package) { return false; } return $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path]; } $l = strlen($this->install_dir); if (substr($path, 0, $l) == $this->install_dir) { $path = preg_replace('!^'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'+!', '', substr($path, $l)); } if (isset($this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path])) { if ($api >= '1.1' && $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path] == $package) { return false; } return $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path]; } return false; } // }}} // {{{ flush() /** * Force a reload of the filemap * @since 1.5.0RC3 */ function flushFileMap() { $this->filemap_cache = null; clearstatcache(); // ensure that the next read gets the full, current filemap } // }}} // {{{ apiVersion() /** * Get the expected API version. Channels API is version 1.1, as it is backwards * compatible with 1.0 * @return string */ function apiVersion() { return '1.1'; } // }}} /** * Parse a package name, or validate a parsed package name array * @param string|array pass in an array of format * array( * 'package' => 'pname', * ['channel' => 'channame',] * ['version' => 'version',] * ['state' => 'state',] * ['group' => 'groupname']) * or a string of format * [channel://][channame/]pname[-version|-state][/group=groupname] * @return array|PEAR_Error */ function parsePackageName($param, $defaultchannel = 'pear.php.net') { $saveparam = $param; if (is_array($param)) { // convert to string for error messages $saveparam = $this->parsedPackageNameToString($param); // process the array if (!isset($param['package'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): array $param ' . 'must contain a valid package name in index "param"', 'package', null, null, $param); } if (!isset($param['uri'])) { if (!isset($param['channel'])) { $param['channel'] = $defaultchannel; } } else { $param['channel'] = '__uri'; } } else { $components = @parse_url((string) $param); if (isset($components['scheme'])) { if ($components['scheme'] == 'http') { // uri package $param = array('uri' => $param, 'channel' => '__uri'); } elseif($components['scheme'] != 'channel') { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): only channel:// uris may ' . 'be downloaded, not "' . $param . '"', 'invalid', null, null, $param); } } if (!isset($components['path'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): array $param ' . 'must contain a valid package name in "' . $param . '"', 'package', null, null, $param); } if (isset($components['host'])) { // remove the leading "/" $components['path'] = substr($components['path'], 1); } if (!isset($components['scheme'])) { if (strpos($components['path'], '/') !== false) { if ($components['path'][0] == '/') { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): this is not ' . 'a package name, it begins with "/" in "' . $param . '"', 'invalid', null, null, $param); } $parts = explode('/', $components['path']); $components['host'] = array_shift($parts); if (count($parts) > 1) { $components['path'] = array_pop($parts); $components['host'] .= '/' . implode('/', $parts); } else { $components['path'] = implode('/', $parts); } } else { $components['host'] = $defaultchannel; } } else { if (strpos($components['path'], '/')) { $parts = explode('/', $components['path']); $components['path'] = array_pop($parts); $components['host'] .= '/' . implode('/', $parts); } } if (is_array($param)) { $param['package'] = $components['path']; } else { $param = array( 'package' => $components['path'] ); if (isset($components['host'])) { $param['channel'] = $components['host']; } } if (isset($components['fragment'])) { $param['group'] = $components['fragment']; } if (isset($components['user'])) { $param['user'] = $components['user']; } if (isset($components['pass'])) { $param['pass'] = $components['pass']; } if (isset($components['query'])) { parse_str($components['query'], $param['opts']); } // check for extension $pathinfo = pathinfo($param['package']); if (isset($pathinfo['extension']) && in_array(strtolower($pathinfo['extension']), array('tgz', 'tar'))) { $param['extension'] = $pathinfo['extension']; $param['package'] = substr($pathinfo['basename'], 0, strlen($pathinfo['basename']) - 4); } // check for version if (strpos($param['package'], '-')) { $test = explode('-', $param['package']); if (count($test) != 2) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): only one version/state ' . 'delimiter "-" is allowed in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'version', null, null, $param); } list($param['package'], $param['version']) = $test; } } // validation $info = $this->channelExists($param['channel']); if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $info; } if (!$info) { return PEAR::raiseError('unknown channel "' . $param['channel'] . '" in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'channel', null, null, $param); } $chan = $this->getChannel($param['channel']); if (PEAR::isError($chan)) { return $chan; } if (!$chan) { return PEAR::raiseError("Exception: corrupt registry, could not " . "retrieve channel " . $param['channel'] . " information", 'registry', null, null, $param); } $param['channel'] = $chan->getName(); $validate = $chan->getValidationObject(); $vpackage = $chan->getValidationPackage(); // validate package name if (!$validate->validPackageName($param['package'], $vpackage['_content'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): invalid package name "' . $param['package'] . '" in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'package', null, null, $param); } if (isset($param['group'])) { if (!PEAR_Validate::validGroupName($param['group'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): dependency group "' . $param['group'] . '" is not a valid group name in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'group', null, null, $param); } } if (isset($param['state'])) { if (!in_array(strtolower($param['state']), $validate->getValidStates())) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): state "' . $param['state'] . '" is not a valid state in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'state', null, null, $param); } } if (isset($param['version'])) { if (isset($param['state'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): cannot contain both ' . 'a version and a stability (state) in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'version/state', null, null, $param); } // check whether version is actually a state if (in_array(strtolower($param['version']), $validate->getValidStates())) { $param['state'] = strtolower($param['version']); unset($param['version']); } else { if (!$validate->validVersion($param['version'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): "' . $param['version'] . '" is neither a valid version nor a valid state in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'version/state', null, null, $param); } } } return $param; } /** * @param array * @return string */ function parsedPackageNameToString($parsed, $brief = false) { if (is_string($parsed)) { return $parsed; } if (is_object($parsed)) { $p = $parsed; $parsed = array( 'package' => $p->getPackage(), 'channel' => $p->getChannel(), 'version' => $p->getVersion(), ); } if (isset($parsed['uri'])) { return $parsed['uri']; } if ($brief) { if ($channel = $this->channelAlias($parsed['channel'])) { return $channel . '/' . $parsed['package']; } } $upass = ''; if (isset($parsed['user'])) { $upass = $parsed['user']; if (isset($parsed['pass'])) { $upass .= ':' . $parsed['pass']; } $upass = "$upass@"; } $ret = 'channel://' . $upass . $parsed['channel'] . '/' . $parsed['package']; if (isset($parsed['version']) || isset($parsed['state'])) { $ver = isset($parsed['version']) ? $parsed['version'] : ''; $ver .= isset($parsed['state']) ? $parsed['state'] : ''; $ret .= '-' . $ver; } if (isset($parsed['extension'])) { $ret .= '.' . $parsed['extension']; } if (isset($parsed['opts'])) { $ret .= '?'; foreach ($parsed['opts'] as $name => $value) { $parsed['opts'][$name] = "$name=$value"; } $ret .= implode('&', $parsed['opts']); } if (isset($parsed['group'])) { $ret .= '#' . $parsed['group']; } return $ret; } } opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/share/pear/PEAR/Registry.php000064400000224270147565560640017063 0ustar00 * @author Tomas V. V. Cox * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since File available since Release 0.1 */ /** * for PEAR_Error */ require_once 'PEAR.php'; require_once 'PEAR/DependencyDB.php'; define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_LOCK', -2); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FORMAT', -3); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FILE', -4); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_CONFLICT', -5); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_CHANNEL_FILE', -6); /** * Administration class used to maintain the installed package database. * @category pear * @package PEAR * @author Stig Bakken * @author Tomas V. V. Cox * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version Release: 1.10.16 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since Class available since Release 1.4.0a1 */ class PEAR_Registry extends PEAR { /** * File containing all channel information. * @var string */ var $channels = ''; /** Directory where registry files are stored. * @var string */ var $statedir = ''; /** File where the file map is stored * @var string */ var $filemap = ''; /** Directory where registry files for channels are stored. * @var string */ var $channelsdir = ''; /** Name of file used for locking the registry * @var string */ var $lockfile = ''; /** File descriptor used during locking * @var resource */ var $lock_fp = null; /** Mode used during locking * @var int */ var $lock_mode = 0; // XXX UNUSED /** Cache of package information. Structure: * array( * 'package' => array('id' => ... ), * ... ) * @var array */ var $pkginfo_cache = array(); /** Cache of file map. Structure: * array( '/path/to/file' => 'package', ... ) * @var array */ var $filemap_cache = array(); /** * @var false|PEAR_ChannelFile */ var $_pearChannel; /** * @var false|PEAR_ChannelFile */ var $_peclChannel; /** * @var false|PEAR_ChannelFile */ var $_docChannel; /** * @var PEAR_DependencyDB */ var $_dependencyDB; /** * @var PEAR_Config */ var $_config; /** * PEAR_Registry constructor. * * @param string (optional) PEAR install directory (for .php files) * @param PEAR_ChannelFile PEAR_ChannelFile object representing the PEAR channel, if * default values are not desired. Only used the very first time a PEAR * repository is initialized * @param PEAR_ChannelFile PEAR_ChannelFile object representing the PECL channel, if * default values are not desired. Only used the very first time a PEAR * repository is initialized * * @access public */ function __construct($pear_install_dir = PEAR_INSTALL_DIR, $pear_channel = false, $pecl_channel = false, $pear_metadata_dir = '') { parent::__construct(); $this->setInstallDir($pear_install_dir, $pear_metadata_dir); $this->_pearChannel = $pear_channel; $this->_peclChannel = $pecl_channel; $this->_config = false; } function setInstallDir($pear_install_dir = PEAR_INSTALL_DIR, $pear_metadata_dir = '') { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->install_dir = $pear_install_dir; if (!$pear_metadata_dir) { $pear_metadata_dir = $pear_install_dir; } $this->channelsdir = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.channels'; $this->statedir = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.registry'; $this->filemap = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.filemap'; $this->lockfile = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.lock'; } function hasWriteAccess() { if (!file_exists($this->install_dir)) { $dir = $this->install_dir; while ($dir && $dir != '.') { $olddir = $dir; $dir = dirname($dir); if ($dir != '.' && file_exists($dir)) { if (is_writeable($dir)) { return true; } return false; } if ($dir == $olddir) { // this can happen in safe mode return @is_writable($dir); } } return false; } return is_writeable($this->install_dir); } function setConfig(&$config, $resetInstallDir = true) { $this->_config = &$config; if ($resetInstallDir) { $this->setInstallDir($config->get('php_dir'), $config->get('metadata_dir')); } } function _initializeChannelDirs() { static $running = false; if (!$running) { $running = true; $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!is_dir($this->channelsdir) || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pecl.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'doc.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . '__uri.reg')) { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg')) { $pear_channel = $this->_pearChannel; if (!is_a($pear_channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$pear_channel->validate()) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pear_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pear_channel->setAlias('pear'); $pear_channel->setServer('pear.php.net'); $pear_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension and Application Repository'); $pear_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); //$pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.4', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); } else { $pear_channel->setServer('pear.php.net'); $pear_channel->setAlias('pear'); } $pear_channel->validate(); $this->_addChannel($pear_channel); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pecl.php.net.reg')) { $pecl_channel = $this->_peclChannel; if (!is_a($pecl_channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$pecl_channel->validate()) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pecl_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pecl_channel->setAlias('pecl'); $pecl_channel->setServer('pecl.php.net'); $pecl_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension Community Library'); $pecl_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pecl_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pecl_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pecl_channel->setValidationPackage('PEAR_Validator_PECL', '1.0'); } else { $pecl_channel->setServer('pecl.php.net'); $pecl_channel->setAlias('pecl'); } $pecl_channel->validate(); $this->_addChannel($pecl_channel); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'doc.php.net.reg')) { $doc_channel = $this->_docChannel; if (!is_a($doc_channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$doc_channel->validate()) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $doc_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $doc_channel->setAlias('phpdocs'); $doc_channel->setServer('doc.php.net'); $doc_channel->setSummary('PHP Documentation Team'); $doc_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); } else { $doc_channel->setServer('doc.php.net'); $doc_channel->setAlias('doc'); } $doc_channel->validate(); $this->_addChannel($doc_channel); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . '__uri.reg')) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $private = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $private->setName('__uri'); $private->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $private->setBaseURL('REST1.0', '****'); $private->setSummary('Pseudo-channel for static packages'); $this->_addChannel($private); } $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } $running = false; } } function _initializeDirs() { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // XXX Compatibility code should be removed in the future // rename all registry files if any to lowercase if (!OS_WINDOWS && file_exists($this->statedir) && is_dir($this->statedir) && $handle = opendir($this->statedir)) { $dest = $this->statedir . $ds; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (preg_match('/^.*[A-Z].*\.reg\\z/', $file)) { rename($dest . $file, $dest . strtolower($file)); } } closedir($handle); } $this->_initializeChannelDirs(); if (!file_exists($this->filemap)) { $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } $this->_initializeDepDB(); } function _initializeDepDB() { if (!isset($this->_dependencyDB)) { static $initializing = false; if (!$initializing) { $initializing = true; if (!$this->_config) { // never used? $file = OS_WINDOWS ? 'pear.ini' : '.pearrc'; $this->_config = new PEAR_Config($this->statedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); $this->_config->setRegistry($this); $this->_config->set('php_dir', $this->install_dir); } $this->_dependencyDB = &PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton($this->_config); if (PEAR::isError($this->_dependencyDB)) { // attempt to recover by removing the dep db if (file_exists($this->_config->get('metadata_dir', null, 'pear.php.net') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.depdb')) { @unlink($this->_config->get('metadata_dir', null, 'pear.php.net') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.depdb'); } $this->_dependencyDB = &PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton($this->_config); if (PEAR::isError($this->_dependencyDB)) { echo $this->_dependencyDB->getMessage(); echo 'Unrecoverable error'; exit(1); } } $initializing = false; } } } /** * PEAR_Registry destructor. Makes sure no locks are forgotten. * * @access private */ function _PEAR_Registry() { parent::_PEAR(); if (is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { $this->_unlock(); } } /** * Make sure the directory where we keep registry files exists. * * @return bool TRUE if directory exists, FALSE if it could not be * created * * @access private */ function _assertStateDir($channel = false) { if ($channel && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) != 'pear.php.net') { return $this->_assertChannelStateDir($channel); } static $init = false; if (!file_exists($this->statedir)) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $this->statedir))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->statedir}'"); } $init = true; } elseif (!is_dir($this->statedir)) { return $this->raiseError('Cannot create directory ' . $this->statedir . ', ' . 'it already exists and is not a directory'); } $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir)) { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pecl.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'doc.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . '__uri.reg')) { $init = true; } } elseif (!is_dir($this->channelsdir)) { return $this->raiseError('Cannot create directory ' . $this->channelsdir . ', ' . 'it already exists and is not a directory'); } if ($init) { static $running = false; if (!$running) { $running = true; $this->_initializeDirs(); $running = false; $init = false; } } else { $this->_initializeDepDB(); } return true; } /** * Make sure the directory where we keep registry files exists for a non-standard channel. * * @param string channel name * @return bool TRUE if directory exists, FALSE if it could not be * created * * @access private */ function _assertChannelStateDir($channel) { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!$channel || $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg')) { $this->_initializeChannelDirs(); } return $this->_assertStateDir($channel); } $channelDir = $this->_channelDirectoryName($channel); if (!is_dir($this->channelsdir) || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg')) { $this->_initializeChannelDirs(); } if (!file_exists($channelDir)) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $channelDir))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '" . $channelDir . "'"); } } elseif (!is_dir($channelDir)) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '" . $channelDir . "', already exists and is not a directory"); } return true; } /** * Make sure the directory where we keep registry files for channels exists * * @return bool TRUE if directory exists, FALSE if it could not be * created * * @access private */ function _assertChannelDir() { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir)) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $this->channelsdir))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}'"); } } elseif (!is_dir($this->channelsdir)) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}" . "', it already exists and is not a directory"); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias')) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias'))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}/.alias'"); } } elseif (!is_dir($this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias')) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}" . "/.alias', it already exists and is not a directory"); } return true; } /** * Get the name of the file where data for a given package is stored. * * @param string channel name, or false if this is a PEAR package * @param string package name * * @return string registry file name * * @access public */ function _packageFileName($package, $channel = false) { if ($channel && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) != 'pear.php.net') { return $this->_channelDirectoryName($channel) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . '.reg'; } return $this->statedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . '.reg'; } /** * Get the name of the file where data for a given channel is stored. * @param string channel name * @return string registry file name */ function _channelFileName($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (!$noaliases) { if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))) { $channel = implode('', file($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))); } } return $this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('/', '_', strtolower($channel)) . '.reg'; } /** * @param string * @return string */ function _getChannelAliasFileName($alias) { return $this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('/', '_', strtolower($alias)) . '.txt'; } /** * Get the name of a channel from its alias */ function _getChannelFromAlias($channel) { if (!$this->_channelExists($channel)) { if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') { return 'pear.php.net'; } if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { return 'pecl.php.net'; } if ($channel == 'doc.php.net') { return 'doc.php.net'; } if ($channel == '__uri') { return '__uri'; } return false; } $channel = strtolower($channel); if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))) { // translate an alias to an actual channel return implode('', file($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))); } return $channel; } /** * Get the alias of a channel from its alias or its name */ function _getAlias($channel) { if (!$this->_channelExists($channel)) { if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') { return 'pear'; } if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { return 'pecl'; } if ($channel == 'doc.php.net') { return 'phpdocs'; } return false; } $channel = $this->_getChannel($channel); if (PEAR::isError($channel)) { return $channel; } return $channel->getAlias(); } /** * Get the name of the file where data for a given package is stored. * * @param string channel name, or false if this is a PEAR package * @param string package name * * @return string registry file name * * @access public */ function _channelDirectoryName($channel) { if (!$channel || $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { return $this->statedir; } $ch = $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel); if (!$ch) { $ch = $channel; } return $this->statedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower('.channel.' . str_replace('/', '_', $ch)); } function _openPackageFile($package, $mode, $channel = false) { if (!$this->_assertStateDir($channel)) { return null; } if (!in_array($mode, array('r', 'rb')) && !$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return null; } $file = $this->_packageFileName($package, $channel); if (!file_exists($file) && $mode == 'r' || $mode == 'rb') { return null; } $fp = @fopen($file, $mode); if (!$fp) { return null; } return $fp; } function _closePackageFile($fp) { fclose($fp); } function _openChannelFile($channel, $mode) { if (!$this->_assertChannelDir()) { return null; } if (!in_array($mode, array('r', 'rb')) && !$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return null; } $file = $this->_channelFileName($channel); if (!file_exists($file) && $mode == 'r' || $mode == 'rb') { return null; } $fp = @fopen($file, $mode); if (!$fp) { return null; } return $fp; } function _closeChannelFile($fp) { fclose($fp); } function _rebuildFileMap() { if (!class_exists('PEAR_Installer_Role')) { require_once 'PEAR/Installer/Role.php'; } $channels = $this->_listAllPackages(); $files = array(); foreach ($channels as $channel => $packages) { foreach ($packages as $package) { $version = $this->_packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); $filelist = $this->_packageInfo($package, 'filelist', $channel); if (!is_array($filelist)) { continue; } foreach ($filelist as $name => $attrs) { if (isset($attrs['attribs'])) { $attrs = $attrs['attribs']; } // it is possible for conflicting packages in different channels to // conflict with data files/doc files if ($name == 'dirtree') { continue; } if (isset($attrs['role']) && !in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getInstallableRoles())) { // these are not installed continue; } if (isset($attrs['role']) && !in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getBaseinstallRoles())) { $attrs['baseinstalldir'] = $package; } if (isset($attrs['baseinstalldir'])) { $file = $attrs['baseinstalldir'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name; } else { $file = $name; } $file = preg_replace(',^/+,', '', $file); if ($channel != 'pear.php.net') { if (!isset($files[$attrs['role']])) { $files[$attrs['role']] = array(); } $files[$attrs['role']][$file] = array(strtolower($channel), strtolower($package)); } else { if (!isset($files[$attrs['role']])) { $files[$attrs['role']] = array(); } $files[$attrs['role']][$file] = strtolower($package); } } } } $this->_assertStateDir(); if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } $fp = @fopen($this->filemap, 'wb'); if (!$fp) { return false; } $this->filemap_cache = $files; fwrite($fp, serialize($files)); fclose($fp); return true; } function _readFileMap() { if (!file_exists($this->filemap)) { return array(); } $fp = @fopen($this->filemap, 'r'); if (!$fp) { $last_errormsg = ''; $last_error = error_get_last(); if (!empty($last_error['message'])) { $last_errormsg = $last_error['message']; } return $this->raiseError('PEAR_Registry: could not open filemap "' . $this->filemap . '"', PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FILE, null, null, $last_errormsg); } clearstatcache(); $fsize = filesize($this->filemap); fclose($fp); $data = file_get_contents($this->filemap); $tmp = unserialize($data); if (!$tmp && $fsize > 7) { return $this->raiseError('PEAR_Registry: invalid filemap data', PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FORMAT, null, null, $data); } $this->filemap_cache = $tmp; return true; } /** * Lock the registry. * * @param integer lock mode, one of LOCK_EX, LOCK_SH or LOCK_UN. * See flock manual for more information. * * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if locking failed, or a * PEAR error if some other error occurs (such as the * lock file not being writable). * * @access private */ function _lock($mode = LOCK_EX) { if (stristr(php_uname(), 'Windows 9')) { return true; } if ($mode != LOCK_UN && is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { // XXX does not check type of lock (LOCK_SH/LOCK_EX) return true; } if (!$this->_assertStateDir()) { if ($mode == LOCK_EX) { return $this->raiseError('Registry directory is not writeable by the current user'); } return true; } $open_mode = 'w'; // XXX People reported problems with LOCK_SH and 'w' if ($mode === LOCK_SH || $mode === LOCK_UN) { if (!file_exists($this->lockfile)) { touch($this->lockfile); } $open_mode = 'r'; } if (!is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { $this->lock_fp = @fopen($this->lockfile, $open_mode); } if (!is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { $this->lock_fp = null; return $this->raiseError("could not create lock file" . (isset($php_errormsg) ? ": " . $php_errormsg : "")); } if (!(int)flock($this->lock_fp, $mode)) { switch ($mode) { case LOCK_SH: $str = 'shared'; break; case LOCK_EX: $str = 'exclusive'; break; case LOCK_UN: $str = 'unlock'; break; default: $str = 'unknown'; break; } //is resource at this point, close it on error. fclose($this->lock_fp); $this->lock_fp = null; return $this->raiseError("could not acquire $str lock ($this->lockfile)", PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_LOCK); } return true; } function _unlock() { $ret = $this->_lock(LOCK_UN); if (is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { fclose($this->lock_fp); } $this->lock_fp = null; return $ret; } function _packageExists($package, $channel = false) { return file_exists($this->_packageFileName($package, $channel)); } /** * Determine whether a channel exists in the registry * * @param string Channel name * @param bool if true, then aliases will be ignored * @return boolean */ function _channelExists($channel, $noaliases = false) { $a = file_exists($this->_channelFileName($channel, $noaliases)); if (!$a && $channel == 'pear.php.net') { return true; } if (!$a && $channel == 'pecl.php.net') { return true; } if (!$a && $channel == 'doc.php.net') { return true; } return $a; } /** * Determine whether a mirror exists within the default channel in the registry * * @param string Channel name * @param string Mirror name * * @return boolean */ function _mirrorExists($channel, $mirror) { $data = $this->_channelInfo($channel); if (!isset($data['servers']['mirror'])) { return false; } foreach ($data['servers']['mirror'] as $m) { if ($m['attribs']['host'] == $mirror) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param PEAR_ChannelFile Channel object * @param donotuse * @param string Last-Modified HTTP tag from remote request * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on creation, false if it already exists */ function _addChannel($channel, $update = false, $lastmodified = false) { if (!is_a($channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile')) { return false; } if (!$channel->validate()) { return false; } if (file_exists($this->_channelFileName($channel->getName()))) { if (!$update) { return false; } $checker = $this->_getChannel($channel->getName()); if (PEAR::isError($checker)) { return $checker; } if ($channel->getAlias() != $checker->getAlias()) { if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($checker->getAlias()))) { @unlink($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($checker->getAlias())); } } } else { if ($update && !in_array($channel->getName(), array('pear.php.net', 'pecl.php.net', 'doc.php.net'))) { return false; } } $ret = $this->_assertChannelDir(); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } $ret = $this->_assertChannelStateDir($channel->getName()); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if ($channel->getAlias() != $channel->getName()) { if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel->getAlias())) && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel->getAlias()) != $channel->getName()) { $channel->setAlias($channel->getName()); } if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } $fp = @fopen($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel->getAlias()), 'w'); if (!$fp) { return false; } fwrite($fp, $channel->getName()); fclose($fp); } if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } $fp = @fopen($this->_channelFileName($channel->getName()), 'wb'); if (!$fp) { return false; } $info = $channel->toArray(); if ($lastmodified) { $info['_lastmodified'] = $lastmodified; } else { $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); } fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); fclose($fp); return true; } /** * Deletion fails if there are any packages installed from the channel * @param string|PEAR_ChannelFile channel name * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on deletion, false if it doesn't exist */ function _deleteChannel($channel) { if (!is_string($channel)) { if (!is_a($channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile')) { return false; } if (!$channel->validate()) { return false; } $channel = $channel->getName(); } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == '__uri') { return false; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pecl.php.net') { return false; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'doc.php.net') { return false; } if (!$this->_channelExists($channel)) { return false; } if (!$channel || $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { return false; } $channel = $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel); if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') { return false; } $test = $this->_listChannelPackages($channel); if (count($test)) { return false; } $test = @rmdir($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel)); if (!$test) { return false; } $file = $this->_getChannelAliasFileName($this->_getAlias($channel)); if (file_exists($file)) { $test = @unlink($file); if (!$test) { return false; } } $file = $this->_channelFileName($channel); $ret = true; if (file_exists($file)) { $ret = @unlink($file); } return $ret; } /** * Determine whether a channel exists in the registry * @param string Channel Alias * @return boolean */ function _isChannelAlias($alias) { return file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($alias)); } /** * @param string|null * @param string|null * @param string|null * @return array|null * @access private */ function _packageInfo($package = null, $key = null, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if ($package === null) { if ($channel === null) { $channels = $this->_listChannels(); $ret = array(); foreach ($channels as $channel) { $channel = strtolower($channel); $ret[$channel] = array(); $packages = $this->_listPackages($channel); foreach ($packages as $package) { $ret[$channel][] = $this->_packageInfo($package, null, $channel); } } return $ret; } $ps = $this->_listPackages($channel); if (!count($ps)) { return array(); } return array_map(array(&$this, '_packageInfo'), $ps, array_fill(0, count($ps), null), array_fill(0, count($ps), $channel)); } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'r', $channel); if ($fp === null) { return null; } clearstatcache(); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); $data = file_get_contents($this->_packageFileName($package, $channel)); $data = @unserialize($data); if ($key === null) { return $data; } // compatibility for package.xml version 2.0 if (isset($data['old'][$key])) { return $data['old'][$key]; } if (isset($data[$key])) { return $data[$key]; } return null; } /** * @param string Channel name * @param bool whether to strictly retrieve info of channels, not just aliases * @return array|null */ function _channelInfo($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (!$this->_channelExists($channel, $noaliases)) { return null; } $fp = $this->_openChannelFile($channel, 'r'); if ($fp === null) { return null; } clearstatcache(); $this->_closeChannelFile($fp); $data = file_get_contents($this->_channelFileName($channel)); $data = unserialize($data); return $data; } function _listChannels() { $channellist = array(); if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir) || !is_dir($this->channelsdir)) { return array('pear.php.net', 'pecl.php.net', 'doc.php.net', '__uri'); } $dp = opendir($this->channelsdir); while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -4) != '.reg') { continue; } if ($ent == '__uri.reg') { $channellist[] = '__uri'; continue; } $channellist[] = str_replace('_', '/', substr($ent, 0, -4)); } closedir($dp); if (!in_array('pear.php.net', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = 'pear.php.net'; } if (!in_array('pecl.php.net', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = 'pecl.php.net'; } if (!in_array('doc.php.net', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = 'doc.php.net'; } if (!in_array('__uri', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = '__uri'; } natsort($channellist); return $channellist; } function _listPackages($channel = false) { if ($channel && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) != 'pear.php.net') { return $this->_listChannelPackages($channel); } if (!file_exists($this->statedir) || !is_dir($this->statedir)) { return array(); } $pkglist = array(); $dp = opendir($this->statedir); if (!$dp) { return $pkglist; } while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -4) != '.reg') { continue; } $pkglist[] = substr($ent, 0, -4); } closedir($dp); sort($pkglist); return $pkglist; } function _listChannelPackages($channel) { $pkglist = array(); if (!file_exists($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel)) || !is_dir($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel))) { return array(); } $dp = opendir($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel)); if (!$dp) { return $pkglist; } while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -4) != '.reg') { continue; } $pkglist[] = substr($ent, 0, -4); } closedir($dp); return $pkglist; } function _listAllPackages() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->_listChannels() as $channel) { $ret[$channel] = $this->_listPackages($channel); } return $ret; } /** * Add an installed package to the registry * @param string package name * @param array package info (parsed by PEAR_Common::infoFrom*() methods) * @return bool success of saving * @access private */ function _addPackage($package, $info) { if ($this->_packageExists($package)) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'wb'); if ($fp === null) { return false; } $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); if (isset($info['filelist'])) { $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } return true; } /** * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 * @return bool * @access private */ function _addPackage2($info) { if (!is_a($info, 'PEAR_PackageFile_v1') && !is_a($info, 'PEAR_PackageFile_v2')) { return false; } if (!$info->validate()) { if (class_exists('PEAR_Common')) { $ui = PEAR_Frontend::singleton(); if ($ui) { foreach ($info->getValidationWarnings() as $err) { $ui->log($err['message'], true); } } } return false; } $channel = $info->getChannel(); $package = $info->getPackage(); $save = $info; if ($this->_packageExists($package, $channel)) { return false; } if (!$this->_channelExists($channel, true)) { return false; } $info = $info->toArray(true); if (!$info) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'wb', $channel); if ($fp === null) { return false; } $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); $this->_rebuildFileMap(); return true; } /** * @param string Package name * @param array parsed package.xml 1.0 * @param bool this parameter is only here for BC. Don't use it. * @access private */ function _updatePackage($package, $info, $merge = true) { $oldinfo = $this->_packageInfo($package); if (empty($oldinfo)) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'w'); if ($fp === null) { return false; } if (is_object($info)) { $info = $info->toArray(); } $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); $newinfo = $info; if ($merge) { $info = array_merge($oldinfo, $info); } else { $diff = $info; } fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); if (isset($newinfo['filelist'])) { $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } return true; } /** * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 * @return bool * @access private */ function _updatePackage2($info) { if (!$this->_packageExists($info->getPackage(), $info->getChannel())) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($info->getPackage(), 'w', $info->getChannel()); if ($fp === null) { return false; } $save = $info; $info = $save->getArray(true); $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); $this->_rebuildFileMap(); return true; } /** * @param string Package name * @param string Channel name * @return PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|null * @access private */ function &_getPackage($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { $info = $this->_packageInfo($package, null, $channel); if ($info === null) { return $info; } $a = $this->_config; if (!$a) { $this->_config = new PEAR_Config; $this->_config->set('php_dir', $this->statedir); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->_config); $pf = &$pkg->fromArray($info); return $pf; } /** * @param string channel name * @param bool whether to strictly retrieve channel names * @return PEAR_ChannelFile|PEAR_Error * @access private */ function &_getChannel($channel, $noaliases = false) { $ch = false; if ($this->_channelExists($channel, $noaliases)) { $chinfo = $this->_channelInfo($channel, $noaliases); if ($chinfo) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $ch = &PEAR_ChannelFile::fromArrayWithErrors($chinfo); } } if ($ch) { if ($ch->validate()) { return $ch; } foreach ($ch->getErrors(true) as $err) { $message = $err['message'] . "\n"; } $ch = PEAR::raiseError($message); return $ch; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pear_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pear_channel->setServer('pear.php.net'); $pear_channel->setAlias('pear'); $pear_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension and Application Repository'); $pear_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); return $pear_channel; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pecl.php.net') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pear_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pear_channel->setServer('pecl.php.net'); $pear_channel->setAlias('pecl'); $pear_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension Community Library'); $pear_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setValidationPackage('PEAR_Validator_PECL', '1.0'); return $pear_channel; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'doc.php.net') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $doc_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $doc_channel->setServer('doc.php.net'); $doc_channel->setAlias('phpdocs'); $doc_channel->setSummary('PHP Documentation Team'); $doc_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); return $doc_channel; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == '__uri') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $private = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $private->setName('__uri'); $private->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $private->setBaseURL('REST1.0', '****'); $private->setSummary('Pseudo-channel for static packages'); return $private; } return $ch; } /** * @param string Package name * @param string Channel name * @return bool */ function packageExists($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_packageExists($package, $channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ channelExists() /** * @param string channel name * @param bool if true, then aliases will be ignored * @return bool */ function channelExists($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_channelExists($channel, $noaliases); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} /** * @param string channel name mirror is in * @param string mirror name * * @return bool */ function mirrorExists($channel, $mirror) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_mirrorExists($channel, $mirror); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // {{{ isAlias() /** * Determines whether the parameter is an alias of a channel * @param string * @return bool */ function isAlias($alias) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_isChannelAlias($alias); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ packageInfo() /** * @param string|null * @param string|null * @param string * @return array|null */ function packageInfo($package = null, $key = null, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_packageInfo($package, $key, $channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ channelInfo() /** * Retrieve a raw array of channel data. * * Do not use this, instead use {@link getChannel()} for normal * operations. Array structure is undefined in this method * @param string channel name * @param bool whether to strictly retrieve information only on non-aliases * @return array|null|PEAR_Error */ function channelInfo($channel = null, $noaliases = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_channelInfo($channel, $noaliases); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} /** * @param string */ function channelName($channel) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } /** * @param string */ function channelAlias($channel) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_getAlias($channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // {{{ listPackages() function listPackages($channel = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_listPackages($channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ listAllPackages() function listAllPackages() { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_listAllPackages(); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ listChannel() function listChannels() { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_listChannels(); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ addPackage() /** * Add an installed package to the registry * @param string|PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 package name or object * that will be passed to {@link addPackage2()} * @param array package info (parsed by PEAR_Common::infoFrom*() methods) * @return bool success of saving */ function addPackage($package, $info) { if (is_object($info)) { return $this->addPackage2($info); } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_addPackage($package, $info); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile_v1')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php'; } $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v1; $pf->setConfig($this->_config); $pf->fromArray($info); $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($pf); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($pf); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ addPackage2() function addPackage2($info) { if (!is_object($info)) { return $this->addPackage($info['package'], $info); } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_addPackage2($info); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($info); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($info); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ updateChannel() /** * For future expandibility purposes, separate this * @param PEAR_ChannelFile */ function updateChannel($channel, $lastmodified = null) { if ($channel->getName() == '__uri') { return false; } return $this->addChannel($channel, $lastmodified, true); } // }}} // {{{ deleteChannel() /** * Deletion fails if there are any packages installed from the channel * @param string|PEAR_ChannelFile channel name * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on deletion, false if it doesn't exist */ function deleteChannel($channel) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_deleteChannel($channel); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret && is_a($this->_config, 'PEAR_Config')) { $this->_config->setChannels($this->listChannels()); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ addChannel() /** * @param PEAR_ChannelFile Channel object * @param string Last-Modified header from HTTP for caching * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on creation, false if it already exists */ function addChannel($channel, $lastmodified = false, $update = false) { if (!is_a($channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$channel->validate()) { return false; } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_addChannel($channel, $update, $lastmodified); $this->_unlock(); if (!$update && $ret && is_a($this->_config, 'PEAR_Config')) { $this->_config->setChannels($this->listChannels()); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ deletePackage() function deletePackage($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $file = $this->_packageFileName($package, $channel); $ret = file_exists($file) ? @unlink($file) : false; $this->_rebuildFileMap(); $this->_unlock(); $p = array('channel' => $channel, 'package' => $package); $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($p); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ updatePackage() function updatePackage($package, $info, $merge = true) { if (is_object($info)) { return $this->updatePackage2($info, $merge); } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_updatePackage($package, $info, $merge); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile_v1')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php'; } $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v1; $pf->setConfig($this->_config); $pf->fromArray($this->packageInfo($package)); $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($pf); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($pf); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ updatePackage2() function updatePackage2($info) { if (!is_object($info)) { return $this->updatePackage($info['package'], $info, $merge); } if (!$info->validate(PEAR_VALIDATE_DOWNLOADING)) { return false; } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_updatePackage2($info); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($info); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($info); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ getChannel() /** * @param string channel name * @param bool whether to strictly return raw channels (no aliases) * @return PEAR_ChannelFile|PEAR_Error */ function getChannel($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_getChannel($channel, $noaliases); $this->_unlock(); if (!$ret) { return PEAR::raiseError('Unknown channel: ' . $channel); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ getPackage() /** * @param string package name * @param string channel name * @return PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|null */ function &getPackage($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $pf = &$this->_getPackage($package, $channel); $this->_unlock(); return $pf; } // }}} /** * Get PEAR_PackageFile_v[1/2] objects representing the contents of * a dependency group that are installed. * * This is used at uninstall-time * @param array * @return array|false */ function getInstalledGroup($group) { $ret = array(); if (isset($group['package'])) { if (!isset($group['package'][0])) { $group['package'] = array($group['package']); } foreach ($group['package'] as $package) { $depchannel = isset($package['channel']) ? $package['channel'] : '__uri'; $p = &$this->getPackage($package['name'], $depchannel); if ($p) { $save = &$p; $ret[] = &$save; } } } if (isset($group['subpackage'])) { if (!isset($group['subpackage'][0])) { $group['subpackage'] = array($group['subpackage']); } foreach ($group['subpackage'] as $package) { $depchannel = isset($package['channel']) ? $package['channel'] : '__uri'; $p = &$this->getPackage($package['name'], $depchannel); if ($p) { $save = &$p; $ret[] = &$save; } } } if (!count($ret)) { return false; } return $ret; } // {{{ getChannelValidator() /** * @param string channel name * @return PEAR_Validate|false */ function &getChannelValidator($channel) { $chan = $this->getChannel($channel); if (PEAR::isError($chan)) { return $chan; } $val = $chan->getValidationObject(); return $val; } // }}} // {{{ getChannels() /** * @param string channel name * @return array an array of PEAR_ChannelFile objects representing every installed channel */ function &getChannels() { $ret = array(); if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } foreach ($this->_listChannels() as $channel) { $e = &$this->_getChannel($channel); if (!$e || PEAR::isError($e)) { continue; } $ret[] = $e; } $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ checkFileMap() /** * Test whether a file or set of files belongs to a package. * * If an array is passed in * @param string|array file path, absolute or relative to the pear * install dir * @param string|array name of PEAR package or array('package' => name, 'channel' => * channel) of a package that will be ignored * @param string API version - 1.1 will exclude any files belonging to a package * @param array private recursion variable * @return array|false which package and channel the file belongs to, or an empty * string if the file does not belong to an installed package, * or belongs to the second parameter's package */ function checkFileMap($path, $package = false, $api = '1.0', $attrs = false) { if (is_array($path)) { static $notempty; if (empty($notempty)) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_Installer_Role')) { require_once 'PEAR/Installer/Role.php'; } $notempty = function($a) { return !empty($a); }; } $package = is_array($package) ? array(strtolower($package[0]), strtolower($package[1])) : strtolower($package); $pkgs = array(); foreach ($path as $name => $attrs) { if (is_array($attrs)) { if (isset($attrs['install-as'])) { $name = $attrs['install-as']; } if (!in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getInstallableRoles())) { // these are not installed continue; } if (!in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getBaseinstallRoles())) { $attrs['baseinstalldir'] = is_array($package) ? $package[1] : $package; } if (isset($attrs['baseinstalldir'])) { $name = $attrs['baseinstalldir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name; } } $pkgs[$name] = $this->checkFileMap($name, $package, $api, $attrs); if (PEAR::isError($pkgs[$name])) { return $pkgs[$name]; } } return array_filter($pkgs, $notempty); } if (empty($this->filemap_cache)) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $err = $this->_readFileMap(); $this->_unlock(); if (PEAR::isError($err)) { return $err; } } if (!$attrs) { $attrs = array('role' => 'php'); // any old call would be for PHP role only } if (isset($this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path])) { if ($api >= '1.1' && $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path] == $package) { return false; } return $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path]; } $l = strlen($this->install_dir); if (substr($path, 0, $l) == $this->install_dir) { $path = preg_replace('!^'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'+!', '', substr($path, $l)); } if (isset($this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path])) { if ($api >= '1.1' && $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path] == $package) { return false; } return $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path]; } return false; } // }}} // {{{ flush() /** * Force a reload of the filemap * @since 1.5.0RC3 */ function flushFileMap() { $this->filemap_cache = null; clearstatcache(); // ensure that the next read gets the full, current filemap } // }}} // {{{ apiVersion() /** * Get the expected API version. Channels API is version 1.1, as it is backwards * compatible with 1.0 * @return string */ function apiVersion() { return '1.1'; } // }}} /** * Parse a package name, or validate a parsed package name array * @param string|array pass in an array of format * array( * 'package' => 'pname', * ['channel' => 'channame',] * ['version' => 'version',] * ['state' => 'state',] * ['group' => 'groupname']) * or a string of format * [channel://][channame/]pname[-version|-state][/group=groupname] * @return array|PEAR_Error */ function parsePackageName($param, $defaultchannel = 'pear.php.net') { $saveparam = $param; if (is_array($param)) { // convert to string for error messages $saveparam = $this->parsedPackageNameToString($param); // process the array if (!isset($param['package'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): array $param ' . 'must contain a valid package name in index "param"', 'package', null, null, $param); } if (!isset($param['uri'])) { if (!isset($param['channel'])) { $param['channel'] = $defaultchannel; } } else { $param['channel'] = '__uri'; } } else { $components = @parse_url((string) $param); if (isset($components['scheme'])) { if ($components['scheme'] == 'http') { // uri package $param = array('uri' => $param, 'channel' => '__uri'); } elseif($components['scheme'] != 'channel') { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): only channel:// uris may ' . 'be downloaded, not "' . $param . '"', 'invalid', null, null, $param); } } if (!isset($components['path'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): array $param ' . 'must contain a valid package name in "' . $param . '"', 'package', null, null, $param); } if (isset($components['host'])) { // remove the leading "/" $components['path'] = substr($components['path'], 1); } if (!isset($components['scheme'])) { if (strpos($components['path'], '/') !== false) { if ($components['path'][0] == '/') { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): this is not ' . 'a package name, it begins with "/" in "' . $param . '"', 'invalid', null, null, $param); } $parts = explode('/', $components['path']); $components['host'] = array_shift($parts); if (count($parts) > 1) { $components['path'] = array_pop($parts); $components['host'] .= '/' . implode('/', $parts); } else { $components['path'] = implode('/', $parts); } } else { $components['host'] = $defaultchannel; } } else { if (strpos($components['path'], '/')) { $parts = explode('/', $components['path']); $components['path'] = array_pop($parts); $components['host'] .= '/' . implode('/', $parts); } } if (is_array($param)) { $param['package'] = $components['path']; } else { $param = array( 'package' => $components['path'] ); if (isset($components['host'])) { $param['channel'] = $components['host']; } } if (isset($components['fragment'])) { $param['group'] = $components['fragment']; } if (isset($components['user'])) { $param['user'] = $components['user']; } if (isset($components['pass'])) { $param['pass'] = $components['pass']; } if (isset($components['query'])) { parse_str($components['query'], $param['opts']); } // check for extension $pathinfo = pathinfo($param['package']); if (isset($pathinfo['extension']) && in_array(strtolower($pathinfo['extension']), array('tgz', 'tar'))) { $param['extension'] = $pathinfo['extension']; $param['package'] = substr($pathinfo['basename'], 0, strlen($pathinfo['basename']) - 4); } // check for version if (strpos($param['package'], '-')) { $test = explode('-', $param['package']); if (count($test) != 2) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): only one version/state ' . 'delimiter "-" is allowed in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'version', null, null, $param); } list($param['package'], $param['version']) = $test; } } // validation $info = $this->channelExists($param['channel']); if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $info; } if (!$info) { return PEAR::raiseError('unknown channel "' . $param['channel'] . '" in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'channel', null, null, $param); } $chan = $this->getChannel($param['channel']); if (PEAR::isError($chan)) { return $chan; } if (!$chan) { return PEAR::raiseError("Exception: corrupt registry, could not " . "retrieve channel " . $param['channel'] . " information", 'registry', null, null, $param); } $param['channel'] = $chan->getName(); $validate = $chan->getValidationObject(); $vpackage = $chan->getValidationPackage(); // validate package name if (!$validate->validPackageName($param['package'], $vpackage['_content'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): invalid package name "' . $param['package'] . '" in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'package', null, null, $param); } if (isset($param['group'])) { if (!PEAR_Validate::validGroupName($param['group'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): dependency group "' . $param['group'] . '" is not a valid group name in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'group', null, null, $param); } } if (isset($param['state'])) { if (!in_array(strtolower($param['state']), $validate->getValidStates())) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): state "' . $param['state'] . '" is not a valid state in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'state', null, null, $param); } } if (isset($param['version'])) { if (isset($param['state'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): cannot contain both ' . 'a version and a stability (state) in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'version/state', null, null, $param); } // check whether version is actually a state if (in_array(strtolower($param['version']), $validate->getValidStates())) { $param['state'] = strtolower($param['version']); unset($param['version']); } else { if (!$validate->validVersion($param['version'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): "' . $param['version'] . '" is neither a valid version nor a valid state in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'version/state', null, null, $param); } } } return $param; } /** * @param array * @return string */ function parsedPackageNameToString($parsed, $brief = false) { if (is_string($parsed)) { return $parsed; } if (is_object($parsed)) { $p = $parsed; $parsed = array( 'package' => $p->getPackage(), 'channel' => $p->getChannel(), 'version' => $p->getVersion(), ); } if (isset($parsed['uri'])) { return $parsed['uri']; } if ($brief) { if ($channel = $this->channelAlias($parsed['channel'])) { return $channel . '/' . $parsed['package']; } } $upass = ''; if (isset($parsed['user'])) { $upass = $parsed['user']; if (isset($parsed['pass'])) { $upass .= ':' . $parsed['pass']; } $upass = "$upass@"; } $ret = 'channel://' . $upass . $parsed['channel'] . '/' . $parsed['package']; if (isset($parsed['version']) || isset($parsed['state'])) { $ver = isset($parsed['version']) ? $parsed['version'] : ''; $ver .= isset($parsed['state']) ? $parsed['state'] : ''; $ret .= '-' . $ver; } if (isset($parsed['extension'])) { $ret .= '.' . $parsed['extension']; } if (isset($parsed['opts'])) { $ret .= '?'; foreach ($parsed['opts'] as $name => $value) { $parsed['opts'][$name] = "$name=$value"; } $ret .= implode('&', $parsed['opts']); } if (isset($parsed['group'])) { $ret .= '#' . $parsed['group']; } return $ret; } } opt/cpanel/ea-php71/root/usr/share/pear/PEAR/Command/Registry.php000064400000132315147566065160020432 0ustar00 * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since File available since Release 0.1 */ /** * base class */ require_once 'PEAR/Command/Common.php'; /** * PEAR commands for registry manipulation * * @category pear * @package PEAR * @author Stig Bakken * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version Release: 1.10.16 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since Class available since Release 0.1 */ class PEAR_Command_Registry extends PEAR_Command_Common { var $commands = array( 'list' => array( 'summary' => 'List Installed Packages In The Default Channel', 'function' => 'doList', 'shortcut' => 'l', 'options' => array( 'channel' => array( 'shortopt' => 'c', 'doc' => 'list installed packages from this channel', 'arg' => 'CHAN', ), 'allchannels' => array( 'shortopt' => 'a', 'doc' => 'list installed packages from all channels', ), 'channelinfo' => array( 'shortopt' => 'i', 'doc' => 'output fully channel-aware data, even on failure', ), ), 'doc' => ' If invoked without parameters, this command lists the PEAR packages installed in your php_dir ({config php_dir}). With a parameter, it lists the files in a package. ', ), 'list-files' => array( 'summary' => 'List Files In Installed Package', 'function' => 'doFileList', 'shortcut' => 'fl', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' List the files in an installed package. ' ), 'shell-test' => array( 'summary' => 'Shell Script Test', 'function' => 'doShellTest', 'shortcut' => 'st', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' [[relation] version] Tests if a package is installed in the system. Will exit(1) if it is not. The version comparison operator. One of: <, lt, <=, le, >, gt, >=, ge, ==, =, eq, !=, <>, ne The version to compare with '), 'info' => array( 'summary' => 'Display information about a package', 'function' => 'doInfo', 'shortcut' => 'in', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' Displays information about a package. The package argument may be a local package file, an URL to a package file, or the name of an installed package.' ) ); /** * PEAR_Command_Registry constructor. * * @access public */ function __construct(&$ui, &$config) { parent::__construct($ui, $config); } function _sortinfo($a, $b) { $apackage = isset($a['package']) ? $a['package'] : $a['name']; $bpackage = isset($b['package']) ? $b['package'] : $b['name']; return strcmp($apackage, $bpackage); } function doList($command, $options, $params) { $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $channelinfo = isset($options['channelinfo']); if (isset($options['allchannels']) && !$channelinfo) { return $this->doListAll($command, array(), $params); } if (isset($options['allchannels']) && $channelinfo) { // allchannels with $channelinfo unset($options['allchannels']); $channels = $reg->getChannels(); $errors = array(); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); foreach ($channels as $channel) { $options['channel'] = $channel->getName(); $ret = $this->doList($command, $options, $params); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { $errors[] = $ret; } } PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (count($errors)) { // for now, only give first error return PEAR::raiseError($errors[0]); } return true; } if (count($params) === 1) { return $this->doFileList($command, $options, $params); } if (isset($options['channel'])) { if (!$reg->channelExists($options['channel'])) { return $this->raiseError('Channel "' . $options['channel'] .'" does not exist'); } $channel = $reg->channelName($options['channel']); } else { $channel = $this->config->get('default_channel'); } $installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, $channel); usort($installed, array(&$this, '_sortinfo')); $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'), 'channel' => $channel, ); if ($channelinfo) { $data['headline'] = array('Channel', 'Package', 'Version', 'State'); } if (count($installed) && !isset($data['data'])) { $data['data'] = array(); } foreach ($installed as $package) { $pobj = $reg->getPackage(isset($package['package']) ? $package['package'] : $package['name'], $channel); if ($channelinfo) { $packageinfo = array($pobj->getChannel(), $pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } else { $packageinfo = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } $data['data'][] = $packageinfo; } if (count($installed) === 0) { if (!$channelinfo) { $data = '(no packages installed from channel ' . $channel . ')'; } else { $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'channel' => $channel, 'data' => array(array('(no packages installed)')), ); } } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); return true; } function doListAll($command, $options, $params) { // This duplicate code is deprecated over // list --channelinfo, which gives identical // output for list and list --allchannels. $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, null); foreach ($installed as $channel => $packages) { usort($packages, array($this, '_sortinfo')); $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'), 'channel' => $channel ); foreach ($packages as $package) { $p = isset($package['package']) ? $package['package'] : $package['name']; $pobj = $reg->getPackage($p, $channel); $data['data'][] = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } // Adds a blank line after each section $data['data'][] = array(); if (count($packages) === 0) { $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'data' => array(array('(no packages installed)'), array()), 'channel' => $channel ); } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); } return true; } function doFileList($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) !== 1) { return $this->raiseError('list-files expects 1 parameter'); } $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $fp = false; if (!is_dir($params[0]) && (file_exists($params[0]) || $fp = @fopen($params[0], 'r'))) { if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $info = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); $headings = array('Package File', 'Install Path'); $installed = false; } else { PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) { return $this->raiseError($parsed); } $info = &$reg->getPackage($parsed['package'], $parsed['channel']); $headings = array('Type', 'Install Path'); $installed = true; } if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $this->raiseError($info); } if ($info === null) { return $this->raiseError("`$params[0]' not installed"); } $list = ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) ? $info->getFilelist() : $info->getContents(); if ($installed) { $caption = 'Installed Files For ' . $params[0]; } else { $caption = 'Contents of ' . basename($params[0]); } $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true, 'headline' => $headings); if ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) { foreach ($list as $file => $att) { if ($installed) { if (empty($att['installed_as'])) { continue; } $data['data'][] = array($att['role'], $att['installed_as']); } else { if (isset($att['baseinstalldir']) && !in_array($att['role'], array('test', 'data', 'doc'))) { $dest = $att['baseinstalldir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; } else { $dest = $file; } switch ($att['role']) { case 'test': case 'data': case 'doc': $role = $att['role']; if ($role == 'test') { $role .= 's'; } $dest = $this->config->get($role . '_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $info->getPackage() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest; break; case 'php': default: $dest = $this->config->get('php_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest; } $ds2 = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dest = preg_replace(array('!\\\\+!', '!/!', "!$ds2+!"), array(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), $dest); $file = preg_replace('!/+!', '/', $file); $data['data'][] = array($file, $dest); } } } else { // package.xml 2.0, not installed if (!isset($list['dir']['file'][0])) { $list['dir']['file'] = array($list['dir']['file']); } foreach ($list['dir']['file'] as $att) { $att = $att['attribs']; $file = $att['name']; $role = &PEAR_Installer_Role::factory($info, $att['role'], $this->config); $role->setup($this, $info, $att, $file); if (!$role->isInstallable()) { $dest = '(not installable)'; } else { $dest = $role->processInstallation($info, $att, $file, ''); if (PEAR::isError($dest)) { $dest = '(Unknown role "' . $att['role'] . ')'; } else { list(,, $dest) = $dest; } } $data['data'][] = array($file, $dest); } } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); return true; } function doShellTest($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) < 1) { return PEAR::raiseError('ERROR, usage: pear shell-test packagename [[relation] version]'); } PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $info = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); if (PEAR::isError($info)) { exit(1); // invalid package name } $package = $info['package']; $channel = $info['channel']; // "pear shell-test Foo" if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) { if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { if ($reg->packageExists($package, 'pear.php.net')) { $channel = 'pear.php.net'; // magically change channels for extensions } } } if (count($params) === 1) { if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) { exit(1); } // "pear shell-test Foo 1.0" } elseif (count($params) === 2) { $v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[1]}", "ge")) { exit(1); } // "pear shell-test Foo ge 1.0" } elseif (count($params) === 3) { $v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[2]}", $params[1])) { exit(1); } } else { PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); $this->raiseError("$command: expects 1 to 3 parameters"); exit(1); } } function doInfo($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) !== 1) { return $this->raiseError('pear info expects 1 parameter'); } $info = $fp = false; $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); if (is_file($params[0]) && !is_dir($params[0]) && (file_exists($params[0]) || $fp = @fopen($params[0], 'r')) ) { if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $obj = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($obj)) { $uinfo = $obj->getUserInfo(); if (is_array($uinfo)) { foreach ($uinfo as $message) { if (is_array($message)) { $message = $message['message']; } $this->ui->outputData($message); } } return $this->raiseError($obj); } if ($obj->getPackagexmlVersion() != '1.0') { return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, false); } $info = $obj->toArray(); } else { $parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) { return $this->raiseError($parsed); } $package = $parsed['package']; $channel = $parsed['channel']; $info = $reg->packageInfo($package, null, $channel); if (isset($info['old'])) { $obj = $reg->getPackage($package, $channel); return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, true); } } if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $info; } if (empty($info)) { $this->raiseError("No information found for `$params[0]'"); return; } unset($info['filelist']); unset($info['dirtree']); unset($info['changelog']); if (isset($info['xsdversion'])) { $info['package.xml version'] = $info['xsdversion']; unset($info['xsdversion']); } if (isset($info['packagerversion'])) { $info['packaged with PEAR version'] = $info['packagerversion']; unset($info['packagerversion']); } $keys = array_keys($info); $longtext = array('description', 'summary'); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (is_array($info[$key])) { switch ($key) { case 'maintainers': { $i = 0; $mstr = ''; foreach ($info[$key] as $m) { if ($i++ > 0) { $mstr .= "\n"; } $mstr .= $m['name'] . " <"; if (isset($m['email'])) { $mstr .= $m['email']; } else { $mstr .= $m['handle'] . '@php.net'; } $mstr .= "> ($m[role])"; } $info[$key] = $mstr; break; } case 'release_deps': { $i = 0; $dstr = ''; foreach ($info[$key] as $d) { if (isset($this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']])) { $rel = $this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']]; } else { $rel = $d['rel']; } if (isset($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']])) { $type = ucfirst($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']]); } else { $type = $d['type']; } if (isset($d['name'])) { $name = $d['name'] . ' '; } else { $name = ''; } if (isset($d['version'])) { $version = $d['version'] . ' '; } else { $version = ''; } if (isset($d['optional']) && $d['optional'] == 'yes') { $optional = ' (optional)'; } else { $optional = ''; } $dstr .= "$type $name$rel $version$optional\n"; } $info[$key] = $dstr; break; } case 'provides' : { $debug = $this->config->get('verbose'); if ($debug < 2) { $pstr = 'Classes: '; } else { $pstr = ''; } $i = 0; foreach ($info[$key] as $p) { if ($debug < 2 && $p['type'] != "class") { continue; } // Only print classes when verbosity mode is < 2 if ($debug < 2) { if ($i++ > 0) { $pstr .= ", "; } $pstr .= $p['name']; } else { if ($i++ > 0) { $pstr .= "\n"; } $pstr .= ucfirst($p['type']) . " " . $p['name']; if (isset($p['explicit']) && $p['explicit'] == 1) { $pstr .= " (explicit)"; } } } $info[$key] = $pstr; break; } case 'configure_options' : { foreach ($info[$key] as $i => $p) { $info[$key][$i] = array_map(null, array_keys($p), array_values($p)); $info[$key][$i] = array_map( function($a) { return join(" = ", $a); }, $info[$key][$i]); $info[$key][$i] = implode(', ', $info[$key][$i]); } $info[$key] = implode("\n", $info[$key]); break; } default: { $info[$key] = implode(", ", $info[$key]); break; } } } if ($key == '_lastmodified') { $hdate = date('Y-m-d', $info[$key]); unset($info[$key]); $info['Last Modified'] = $hdate; } elseif ($key == '_lastversion') { $info['Previous Installed Version'] = $info[$key] ? $info[$key] : '- None -'; unset($info[$key]); } else { $info[$key] = trim($info[$key]); if (in_array($key, $longtext)) { $info[$key] = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $info[$key]); } } } $caption = 'About ' . $info['package'] . '-' . $info['version']; $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true); foreach ($info as $key => $value) { $key = ucwords(trim(str_replace('_', ' ', $key))); $data['data'][] = array($key, $value); } $data['raw'] = $info; $this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info'); } /** * @access private */ function _doInfo2($command, $options, $params, &$obj, $installed) { $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $caption = 'About ' . $obj->getChannel() . '/' .$obj->getPackage() . '-' . $obj->getVersion(); $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true); switch ($obj->getPackageType()) { case 'php' : $release = 'PEAR-style PHP-based Package'; break; case 'extsrc' : $release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (source code)'; break; case 'zendextsrc' : $release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (source code)'; break; case 'extbin' : $release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (binary)'; break; case 'zendextbin' : $release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (binary)'; break; case 'bundle' : $release = 'Package bundle (collection of packages)'; break; } $extends = $obj->getExtends(); $extends = $extends ? $obj->getPackage() . ' (extends ' . $extends . ')' : $obj->getPackage(); if ($src = $obj->getSourcePackage()) { $extends .= ' (source package ' . $src['channel'] . '/' . $src['package'] . ')'; } $info = array( 'Release Type' => $release, 'Name' => $extends, 'Channel' => $obj->getChannel(), 'Summary' => preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $obj->getSummary()), 'Description' => preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $obj->getDescription()), ); $info['Maintainers'] = ''; foreach (array('lead', 'developer', 'contributor', 'helper') as $role) { $leads = $obj->{"get{$role}s"}(); if (!$leads) { continue; } if (isset($leads['active'])) { $leads = array($leads); } foreach ($leads as $lead) { if (!empty($info['Maintainers'])) { $info['Maintainers'] .= "\n"; } $active = $lead['active'] == 'no' ? ', inactive' : ''; $info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['name'] . ' <'; $info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['email'] . "> ($role$active)"; } } $info['Release Date'] = $obj->getDate(); if ($time = $obj->getTime()) { $info['Release Date'] .= ' ' . $time; } $info['Release Version'] = $obj->getVersion() . ' (' . $obj->getState() . ')'; $info['API Version'] = $obj->getVersion('api') . ' (' . $obj->getState('api') . ')'; $info['License'] = $obj->getLicense(); $uri = $obj->getLicenseLocation(); if ($uri) { if (isset($uri['uri'])) { $info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['uri'] . ')'; } else { $extra = $obj->getInstalledLocation($info['filesource']); if ($extra) { $info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['filesource'] . ')'; } } } $info['Release Notes'] = $obj->getNotes(); if ($compat = $obj->getCompatible()) { if (!isset($compat[0])) { $compat = array($compat); } $info['Compatible with'] = ''; foreach ($compat as $package) { $info['Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'] . "\nVersions >= " . $package['min'] . ', <= ' . $package['max']; if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'] . "\nVersions " . $package['exclude']; } } } $usesrole = $obj->getUsesrole(); if ($usesrole) { if (!isset($usesrole[0])) { $usesrole = array($usesrole); } foreach ($usesrole as $roledata) { if (isset($info['Uses Custom Roles'])) { $info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= "\n"; } else { $info['Uses Custom Roles'] = ''; } if (isset($roledata['package'])) { $rolepackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($roledata, true); } else { $rolepackage = $roledata['uri']; } $info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= $roledata['role'] . ' (' . $rolepackage . ')'; } } $usestask = $obj->getUsestask(); if ($usestask) { if (!isset($usestask[0])) { $usestask = array($usestask); } foreach ($usestask as $taskdata) { if (isset($info['Uses Custom Tasks'])) { $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= "\n"; } else { $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] = ''; } if (isset($taskdata['package'])) { $taskpackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($taskdata, true); } else { $taskpackage = $taskdata['uri']; } $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= $taskdata['task'] . ' (' . $taskpackage . ')'; } } $deps = $obj->getDependencies(); $info['Required Dependencies'] = 'PHP version ' . $deps['required']['php']['min']; if (isset($deps['required']['php']['max'])) { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= '-' . $deps['required']['php']['max'] . "\n"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; } if (isset($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) { $deps['required']['php']['exclude'] = implode(', ', $deps['required']['php']['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PHP versions\n " . $deps['required']['php']['exclude']; } $info['Required Dependencies'] .= 'PEAR installer version'; if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['max'])) { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= 's ' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . '-' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['max']; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= ' ' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . ' or newer'; } if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) { $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'] = implode(', ', $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PEAR installer\n Versions " . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude']; } foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($deps['required'][$index])) { if (isset($deps['required'][$index]['name'])) { $deps['required'][$index] = array($deps['required'][$index]); } foreach ($deps['required'][$index] as $package) { if (isset($package['conflicts'])) { $infoindex = 'Not Compatible with'; if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } } else { $infoindex = 'Required Dependencies'; $info[$infoindex] .= "\n"; } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } $info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['max'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $package['package'] = $package['name']; // for parsedPackageNameToString if (isset($package['conflicts'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= '=> except '; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= 'Package ' . $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($package, true); $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } if (isset($deps['required']['os'])) { if (isset($deps['required']['os']['name'])) { $dep['required']['os']['name'] = array($dep['required']['os']['name']); } foreach ($dep['required']['os'] as $os) { if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "$os[name] Operating System"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "$os[name] Operating System"; } } } if (isset($deps['required']['arch'])) { if (isset($deps['required']['arch']['pattern'])) { $dep['required']['arch']['pattern'] = array($dep['required']['os']['pattern']); } foreach ($dep['required']['arch'] as $os) { if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'"; } } } if (isset($deps['optional'])) { foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($deps['optional'][$index])) { if (isset($deps['optional'][$index]['name'])) { $deps['optional'][$index] = array($deps['optional'][$index]); } foreach ($deps['optional'][$index] as $package) { if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $infoindex = 'Not Compatible with'; if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } } else { $infoindex = 'Optional Dependencies'; if (!isset($info['Optional Dependencies'])) { $info['Optional Dependencies'] = ''; } else { $info['Optional Dependencies'] .= "\n"; } } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } $info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if ($infoindex == 'Not Compatible with') { // conflicts is only used to say that all versions conflict continue; } if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "Package $package\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } } if (isset($deps['group'])) { if (!isset($deps['group'][0])) { $deps['group'] = array($deps['group']); } foreach ($deps['group'] as $group) { $info['Dependency Group ' . $group['attribs']['name']] = $group['attribs']['hint']; $groupindex = $group['attribs']['name'] . ' Contents'; $info[$groupindex] = ''; foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($group[$index])) { if (isset($group[$index]['name'])) { $group[$index] = array($group[$index]); } foreach ($group[$index] as $package) { if (!empty($info[$groupindex])) { $info[$groupindex] .= "\n"; } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } if (isset($package['uri'])) { if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name"; } else { $info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name"; } $info[$groupindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name"; continue; } $info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $info[$groupindex] .= " Package $package\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } } } if ($obj->getPackageType() == 'bundle') { $info['Bundled Packages'] = ''; foreach ($obj->getBundledPackages() as $package) { if (!empty($info['Bundled Packages'])) { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n"; } if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= '__uri/' . $package['name']; $info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n (URI: $package[uri]"; } else { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } } } $info['package.xml version'] = '2.0'; if ($installed) { if ($obj->getLastModified()) { $info['Last Modified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $obj->getLastModified()); } $v = $obj->getLastInstalledVersion(); $info['Previous Installed Version'] = $v ? $v : '- None -'; } foreach ($info as $key => $value) { $data['data'][] = array($key, $value); } $data['raw'] = $obj->getArray(); // no validation needed $this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info'); } } opt/cpanel/ea-php72/root/usr/share/pear/PEAR/Command/Registry.php000064400000132315147566177510020436 0ustar00 * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since File available since Release 0.1 */ /** * base class */ require_once 'PEAR/Command/Common.php'; /** * PEAR commands for registry manipulation * * @category pear * @package PEAR * @author Stig Bakken * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version Release: 1.10.16 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since Class available since Release 0.1 */ class PEAR_Command_Registry extends PEAR_Command_Common { var $commands = array( 'list' => array( 'summary' => 'List Installed Packages In The Default Channel', 'function' => 'doList', 'shortcut' => 'l', 'options' => array( 'channel' => array( 'shortopt' => 'c', 'doc' => 'list installed packages from this channel', 'arg' => 'CHAN', ), 'allchannels' => array( 'shortopt' => 'a', 'doc' => 'list installed packages from all channels', ), 'channelinfo' => array( 'shortopt' => 'i', 'doc' => 'output fully channel-aware data, even on failure', ), ), 'doc' => ' If invoked without parameters, this command lists the PEAR packages installed in your php_dir ({config php_dir}). With a parameter, it lists the files in a package. ', ), 'list-files' => array( 'summary' => 'List Files In Installed Package', 'function' => 'doFileList', 'shortcut' => 'fl', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' List the files in an installed package. ' ), 'shell-test' => array( 'summary' => 'Shell Script Test', 'function' => 'doShellTest', 'shortcut' => 'st', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' [[relation] version] Tests if a package is installed in the system. Will exit(1) if it is not. The version comparison operator. One of: <, lt, <=, le, >, gt, >=, ge, ==, =, eq, !=, <>, ne The version to compare with '), 'info' => array( 'summary' => 'Display information about a package', 'function' => 'doInfo', 'shortcut' => 'in', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' Displays information about a package. The package argument may be a local package file, an URL to a package file, or the name of an installed package.' ) ); /** * PEAR_Command_Registry constructor. * * @access public */ function __construct(&$ui, &$config) { parent::__construct($ui, $config); } function _sortinfo($a, $b) { $apackage = isset($a['package']) ? $a['package'] : $a['name']; $bpackage = isset($b['package']) ? $b['package'] : $b['name']; return strcmp($apackage, $bpackage); } function doList($command, $options, $params) { $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $channelinfo = isset($options['channelinfo']); if (isset($options['allchannels']) && !$channelinfo) { return $this->doListAll($command, array(), $params); } if (isset($options['allchannels']) && $channelinfo) { // allchannels with $channelinfo unset($options['allchannels']); $channels = $reg->getChannels(); $errors = array(); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); foreach ($channels as $channel) { $options['channel'] = $channel->getName(); $ret = $this->doList($command, $options, $params); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { $errors[] = $ret; } } PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (count($errors)) { // for now, only give first error return PEAR::raiseError($errors[0]); } return true; } if (count($params) === 1) { return $this->doFileList($command, $options, $params); } if (isset($options['channel'])) { if (!$reg->channelExists($options['channel'])) { return $this->raiseError('Channel "' . $options['channel'] .'" does not exist'); } $channel = $reg->channelName($options['channel']); } else { $channel = $this->config->get('default_channel'); } $installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, $channel); usort($installed, array(&$this, '_sortinfo')); $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'), 'channel' => $channel, ); if ($channelinfo) { $data['headline'] = array('Channel', 'Package', 'Version', 'State'); } if (count($installed) && !isset($data['data'])) { $data['data'] = array(); } foreach ($installed as $package) { $pobj = $reg->getPackage(isset($package['package']) ? $package['package'] : $package['name'], $channel); if ($channelinfo) { $packageinfo = array($pobj->getChannel(), $pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } else { $packageinfo = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } $data['data'][] = $packageinfo; } if (count($installed) === 0) { if (!$channelinfo) { $data = '(no packages installed from channel ' . $channel . ')'; } else { $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'channel' => $channel, 'data' => array(array('(no packages installed)')), ); } } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); return true; } function doListAll($command, $options, $params) { // This duplicate code is deprecated over // list --channelinfo, which gives identical // output for list and list --allchannels. $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, null); foreach ($installed as $channel => $packages) { usort($packages, array($this, '_sortinfo')); $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'), 'channel' => $channel ); foreach ($packages as $package) { $p = isset($package['package']) ? $package['package'] : $package['name']; $pobj = $reg->getPackage($p, $channel); $data['data'][] = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } // Adds a blank line after each section $data['data'][] = array(); if (count($packages) === 0) { $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'data' => array(array('(no packages installed)'), array()), 'channel' => $channel ); } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); } return true; } function doFileList($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) !== 1) { return $this->raiseError('list-files expects 1 parameter'); } $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $fp = false; if (!is_dir($params[0]) && (file_exists($params[0]) || $fp = @fopen($params[0], 'r'))) { if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $info = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); $headings = array('Package File', 'Install Path'); $installed = false; } else { PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) { return $this->raiseError($parsed); } $info = &$reg->getPackage($parsed['package'], $parsed['channel']); $headings = array('Type', 'Install Path'); $installed = true; } if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $this->raiseError($info); } if ($info === null) { return $this->raiseError("`$params[0]' not installed"); } $list = ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) ? $info->getFilelist() : $info->getContents(); if ($installed) { $caption = 'Installed Files For ' . $params[0]; } else { $caption = 'Contents of ' . basename($params[0]); } $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true, 'headline' => $headings); if ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) { foreach ($list as $file => $att) { if ($installed) { if (empty($att['installed_as'])) { continue; } $data['data'][] = array($att['role'], $att['installed_as']); } else { if (isset($att['baseinstalldir']) && !in_array($att['role'], array('test', 'data', 'doc'))) { $dest = $att['baseinstalldir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; } else { $dest = $file; } switch ($att['role']) { case 'test': case 'data': case 'doc': $role = $att['role']; if ($role == 'test') { $role .= 's'; } $dest = $this->config->get($role . '_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $info->getPackage() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest; break; case 'php': default: $dest = $this->config->get('php_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest; } $ds2 = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dest = preg_replace(array('!\\\\+!', '!/!', "!$ds2+!"), array(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), $dest); $file = preg_replace('!/+!', '/', $file); $data['data'][] = array($file, $dest); } } } else { // package.xml 2.0, not installed if (!isset($list['dir']['file'][0])) { $list['dir']['file'] = array($list['dir']['file']); } foreach ($list['dir']['file'] as $att) { $att = $att['attribs']; $file = $att['name']; $role = &PEAR_Installer_Role::factory($info, $att['role'], $this->config); $role->setup($this, $info, $att, $file); if (!$role->isInstallable()) { $dest = '(not installable)'; } else { $dest = $role->processInstallation($info, $att, $file, ''); if (PEAR::isError($dest)) { $dest = '(Unknown role "' . $att['role'] . ')'; } else { list(,, $dest) = $dest; } } $data['data'][] = array($file, $dest); } } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); return true; } function doShellTest($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) < 1) { return PEAR::raiseError('ERROR, usage: pear shell-test packagename [[relation] version]'); } PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $info = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); if (PEAR::isError($info)) { exit(1); // invalid package name } $package = $info['package']; $channel = $info['channel']; // "pear shell-test Foo" if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) { if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { if ($reg->packageExists($package, 'pear.php.net')) { $channel = 'pear.php.net'; // magically change channels for extensions } } } if (count($params) === 1) { if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) { exit(1); } // "pear shell-test Foo 1.0" } elseif (count($params) === 2) { $v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[1]}", "ge")) { exit(1); } // "pear shell-test Foo ge 1.0" } elseif (count($params) === 3) { $v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[2]}", $params[1])) { exit(1); } } else { PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); $this->raiseError("$command: expects 1 to 3 parameters"); exit(1); } } function doInfo($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) !== 1) { return $this->raiseError('pear info expects 1 parameter'); } $info = $fp = false; $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); if (is_file($params[0]) && !is_dir($params[0]) && (file_exists($params[0]) || $fp = @fopen($params[0], 'r')) ) { if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $obj = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($obj)) { $uinfo = $obj->getUserInfo(); if (is_array($uinfo)) { foreach ($uinfo as $message) { if (is_array($message)) { $message = $message['message']; } $this->ui->outputData($message); } } return $this->raiseError($obj); } if ($obj->getPackagexmlVersion() != '1.0') { return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, false); } $info = $obj->toArray(); } else { $parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) { return $this->raiseError($parsed); } $package = $parsed['package']; $channel = $parsed['channel']; $info = $reg->packageInfo($package, null, $channel); if (isset($info['old'])) { $obj = $reg->getPackage($package, $channel); return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, true); } } if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $info; } if (empty($info)) { $this->raiseError("No information found for `$params[0]'"); return; } unset($info['filelist']); unset($info['dirtree']); unset($info['changelog']); if (isset($info['xsdversion'])) { $info['package.xml version'] = $info['xsdversion']; unset($info['xsdversion']); } if (isset($info['packagerversion'])) { $info['packaged with PEAR version'] = $info['packagerversion']; unset($info['packagerversion']); } $keys = array_keys($info); $longtext = array('description', 'summary'); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (is_array($info[$key])) { switch ($key) { case 'maintainers': { $i = 0; $mstr = ''; foreach ($info[$key] as $m) { if ($i++ > 0) { $mstr .= "\n"; } $mstr .= $m['name'] . " <"; if (isset($m['email'])) { $mstr .= $m['email']; } else { $mstr .= $m['handle'] . '@php.net'; } $mstr .= "> ($m[role])"; } $info[$key] = $mstr; break; } case 'release_deps': { $i = 0; $dstr = ''; foreach ($info[$key] as $d) { if (isset($this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']])) { $rel = $this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']]; } else { $rel = $d['rel']; } if (isset($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']])) { $type = ucfirst($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']]); } else { $type = $d['type']; } if (isset($d['name'])) { $name = $d['name'] . ' '; } else { $name = ''; } if (isset($d['version'])) { $version = $d['version'] . ' '; } else { $version = ''; } if (isset($d['optional']) && $d['optional'] == 'yes') { $optional = ' (optional)'; } else { $optional = ''; } $dstr .= "$type $name$rel $version$optional\n"; } $info[$key] = $dstr; break; } case 'provides' : { $debug = $this->config->get('verbose'); if ($debug < 2) { $pstr = 'Classes: '; } else { $pstr = ''; } $i = 0; foreach ($info[$key] as $p) { if ($debug < 2 && $p['type'] != "class") { continue; } // Only print classes when verbosity mode is < 2 if ($debug < 2) { if ($i++ > 0) { $pstr .= ", "; } $pstr .= $p['name']; } else { if ($i++ > 0) { $pstr .= "\n"; } $pstr .= ucfirst($p['type']) . " " . $p['name']; if (isset($p['explicit']) && $p['explicit'] == 1) { $pstr .= " (explicit)"; } } } $info[$key] = $pstr; break; } case 'configure_options' : { foreach ($info[$key] as $i => $p) { $info[$key][$i] = array_map(null, array_keys($p), array_values($p)); $info[$key][$i] = array_map( function($a) { return join(" = ", $a); }, $info[$key][$i]); $info[$key][$i] = implode(', ', $info[$key][$i]); } $info[$key] = implode("\n", $info[$key]); break; } default: { $info[$key] = implode(", ", $info[$key]); break; } } } if ($key == '_lastmodified') { $hdate = date('Y-m-d', $info[$key]); unset($info[$key]); $info['Last Modified'] = $hdate; } elseif ($key == '_lastversion') { $info['Previous Installed Version'] = $info[$key] ? $info[$key] : '- None -'; unset($info[$key]); } else { $info[$key] = trim($info[$key]); if (in_array($key, $longtext)) { $info[$key] = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $info[$key]); } } } $caption = 'About ' . $info['package'] . '-' . $info['version']; $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true); foreach ($info as $key => $value) { $key = ucwords(trim(str_replace('_', ' ', $key))); $data['data'][] = array($key, $value); } $data['raw'] = $info; $this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info'); } /** * @access private */ function _doInfo2($command, $options, $params, &$obj, $installed) { $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $caption = 'About ' . $obj->getChannel() . '/' .$obj->getPackage() . '-' . $obj->getVersion(); $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true); switch ($obj->getPackageType()) { case 'php' : $release = 'PEAR-style PHP-based Package'; break; case 'extsrc' : $release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (source code)'; break; case 'zendextsrc' : $release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (source code)'; break; case 'extbin' : $release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (binary)'; break; case 'zendextbin' : $release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (binary)'; break; case 'bundle' : $release = 'Package bundle (collection of packages)'; break; } $extends = $obj->getExtends(); $extends = $extends ? $obj->getPackage() . ' (extends ' . $extends . ')' : $obj->getPackage(); if ($src = $obj->getSourcePackage()) { $extends .= ' (source package ' . $src['channel'] . '/' . $src['package'] . ')'; } $info = array( 'Release Type' => $release, 'Name' => $extends, 'Channel' => $obj->getChannel(), 'Summary' => preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $obj->getSummary()), 'Description' => preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $obj->getDescription()), ); $info['Maintainers'] = ''; foreach (array('lead', 'developer', 'contributor', 'helper') as $role) { $leads = $obj->{"get{$role}s"}(); if (!$leads) { continue; } if (isset($leads['active'])) { $leads = array($leads); } foreach ($leads as $lead) { if (!empty($info['Maintainers'])) { $info['Maintainers'] .= "\n"; } $active = $lead['active'] == 'no' ? ', inactive' : ''; $info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['name'] . ' <'; $info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['email'] . "> ($role$active)"; } } $info['Release Date'] = $obj->getDate(); if ($time = $obj->getTime()) { $info['Release Date'] .= ' ' . $time; } $info['Release Version'] = $obj->getVersion() . ' (' . $obj->getState() . ')'; $info['API Version'] = $obj->getVersion('api') . ' (' . $obj->getState('api') . ')'; $info['License'] = $obj->getLicense(); $uri = $obj->getLicenseLocation(); if ($uri) { if (isset($uri['uri'])) { $info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['uri'] . ')'; } else { $extra = $obj->getInstalledLocation($info['filesource']); if ($extra) { $info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['filesource'] . ')'; } } } $info['Release Notes'] = $obj->getNotes(); if ($compat = $obj->getCompatible()) { if (!isset($compat[0])) { $compat = array($compat); } $info['Compatible with'] = ''; foreach ($compat as $package) { $info['Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'] . "\nVersions >= " . $package['min'] . ', <= ' . $package['max']; if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'] . "\nVersions " . $package['exclude']; } } } $usesrole = $obj->getUsesrole(); if ($usesrole) { if (!isset($usesrole[0])) { $usesrole = array($usesrole); } foreach ($usesrole as $roledata) { if (isset($info['Uses Custom Roles'])) { $info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= "\n"; } else { $info['Uses Custom Roles'] = ''; } if (isset($roledata['package'])) { $rolepackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($roledata, true); } else { $rolepackage = $roledata['uri']; } $info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= $roledata['role'] . ' (' . $rolepackage . ')'; } } $usestask = $obj->getUsestask(); if ($usestask) { if (!isset($usestask[0])) { $usestask = array($usestask); } foreach ($usestask as $taskdata) { if (isset($info['Uses Custom Tasks'])) { $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= "\n"; } else { $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] = ''; } if (isset($taskdata['package'])) { $taskpackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($taskdata, true); } else { $taskpackage = $taskdata['uri']; } $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= $taskdata['task'] . ' (' . $taskpackage . ')'; } } $deps = $obj->getDependencies(); $info['Required Dependencies'] = 'PHP version ' . $deps['required']['php']['min']; if (isset($deps['required']['php']['max'])) { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= '-' . $deps['required']['php']['max'] . "\n"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; } if (isset($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) { $deps['required']['php']['exclude'] = implode(', ', $deps['required']['php']['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PHP versions\n " . $deps['required']['php']['exclude']; } $info['Required Dependencies'] .= 'PEAR installer version'; if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['max'])) { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= 's ' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . '-' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['max']; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= ' ' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . ' or newer'; } if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) { $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'] = implode(', ', $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PEAR installer\n Versions " . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude']; } foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($deps['required'][$index])) { if (isset($deps['required'][$index]['name'])) { $deps['required'][$index] = array($deps['required'][$index]); } foreach ($deps['required'][$index] as $package) { if (isset($package['conflicts'])) { $infoindex = 'Not Compatible with'; if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } } else { $infoindex = 'Required Dependencies'; $info[$infoindex] .= "\n"; } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } $info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['max'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $package['package'] = $package['name']; // for parsedPackageNameToString if (isset($package['conflicts'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= '=> except '; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= 'Package ' . $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($package, true); $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } if (isset($deps['required']['os'])) { if (isset($deps['required']['os']['name'])) { $dep['required']['os']['name'] = array($dep['required']['os']['name']); } foreach ($dep['required']['os'] as $os) { if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "$os[name] Operating System"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "$os[name] Operating System"; } } } if (isset($deps['required']['arch'])) { if (isset($deps['required']['arch']['pattern'])) { $dep['required']['arch']['pattern'] = array($dep['required']['os']['pattern']); } foreach ($dep['required']['arch'] as $os) { if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'"; } } } if (isset($deps['optional'])) { foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($deps['optional'][$index])) { if (isset($deps['optional'][$index]['name'])) { $deps['optional'][$index] = array($deps['optional'][$index]); } foreach ($deps['optional'][$index] as $package) { if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $infoindex = 'Not Compatible with'; if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } } else { $infoindex = 'Optional Dependencies'; if (!isset($info['Optional Dependencies'])) { $info['Optional Dependencies'] = ''; } else { $info['Optional Dependencies'] .= "\n"; } } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } $info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if ($infoindex == 'Not Compatible with') { // conflicts is only used to say that all versions conflict continue; } if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "Package $package\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } } if (isset($deps['group'])) { if (!isset($deps['group'][0])) { $deps['group'] = array($deps['group']); } foreach ($deps['group'] as $group) { $info['Dependency Group ' . $group['attribs']['name']] = $group['attribs']['hint']; $groupindex = $group['attribs']['name'] . ' Contents'; $info[$groupindex] = ''; foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($group[$index])) { if (isset($group[$index]['name'])) { $group[$index] = array($group[$index]); } foreach ($group[$index] as $package) { if (!empty($info[$groupindex])) { $info[$groupindex] .= "\n"; } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } if (isset($package['uri'])) { if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name"; } else { $info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name"; } $info[$groupindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name"; continue; } $info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $info[$groupindex] .= " Package $package\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } } } if ($obj->getPackageType() == 'bundle') { $info['Bundled Packages'] = ''; foreach ($obj->getBundledPackages() as $package) { if (!empty($info['Bundled Packages'])) { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n"; } if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= '__uri/' . $package['name']; $info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n (URI: $package[uri]"; } else { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } } } $info['package.xml version'] = '2.0'; if ($installed) { if ($obj->getLastModified()) { $info['Last Modified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $obj->getLastModified()); } $v = $obj->getLastInstalledVersion(); $info['Previous Installed Version'] = $v ? $v : '- None -'; } foreach ($info as $key => $value) { $data['data'][] = array($key, $value); } $data['raw'] = $obj->getArray(); // no validation needed $this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info'); } } opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/share/pear/PEAR/Command/Registry.php000064400000132315147566206200020425 0ustar00 * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since File available since Release 0.1 */ /** * base class */ require_once 'PEAR/Command/Common.php'; /** * PEAR commands for registry manipulation * * @category pear * @package PEAR * @author Stig Bakken * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version Release: 1.10.16 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since Class available since Release 0.1 */ class PEAR_Command_Registry extends PEAR_Command_Common { var $commands = array( 'list' => array( 'summary' => 'List Installed Packages In The Default Channel', 'function' => 'doList', 'shortcut' => 'l', 'options' => array( 'channel' => array( 'shortopt' => 'c', 'doc' => 'list installed packages from this channel', 'arg' => 'CHAN', ), 'allchannels' => array( 'shortopt' => 'a', 'doc' => 'list installed packages from all channels', ), 'channelinfo' => array( 'shortopt' => 'i', 'doc' => 'output fully channel-aware data, even on failure', ), ), 'doc' => ' If invoked without parameters, this command lists the PEAR packages installed in your php_dir ({config php_dir}). With a parameter, it lists the files in a package. ', ), 'list-files' => array( 'summary' => 'List Files In Installed Package', 'function' => 'doFileList', 'shortcut' => 'fl', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' List the files in an installed package. ' ), 'shell-test' => array( 'summary' => 'Shell Script Test', 'function' => 'doShellTest', 'shortcut' => 'st', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' [[relation] version] Tests if a package is installed in the system. Will exit(1) if it is not. The version comparison operator. One of: <, lt, <=, le, >, gt, >=, ge, ==, =, eq, !=, <>, ne The version to compare with '), 'info' => array( 'summary' => 'Display information about a package', 'function' => 'doInfo', 'shortcut' => 'in', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' Displays information about a package. The package argument may be a local package file, an URL to a package file, or the name of an installed package.' ) ); /** * PEAR_Command_Registry constructor. * * @access public */ function __construct(&$ui, &$config) { parent::__construct($ui, $config); } function _sortinfo($a, $b) { $apackage = isset($a['package']) ? $a['package'] : $a['name']; $bpackage = isset($b['package']) ? $b['package'] : $b['name']; return strcmp($apackage, $bpackage); } function doList($command, $options, $params) { $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $channelinfo = isset($options['channelinfo']); if (isset($options['allchannels']) && !$channelinfo) { return $this->doListAll($command, array(), $params); } if (isset($options['allchannels']) && $channelinfo) { // allchannels with $channelinfo unset($options['allchannels']); $channels = $reg->getChannels(); $errors = array(); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); foreach ($channels as $channel) { $options['channel'] = $channel->getName(); $ret = $this->doList($command, $options, $params); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { $errors[] = $ret; } } PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (count($errors)) { // for now, only give first error return PEAR::raiseError($errors[0]); } return true; } if (count($params) === 1) { return $this->doFileList($command, $options, $params); } if (isset($options['channel'])) { if (!$reg->channelExists($options['channel'])) { return $this->raiseError('Channel "' . $options['channel'] .'" does not exist'); } $channel = $reg->channelName($options['channel']); } else { $channel = $this->config->get('default_channel'); } $installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, $channel); usort($installed, array(&$this, '_sortinfo')); $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'), 'channel' => $channel, ); if ($channelinfo) { $data['headline'] = array('Channel', 'Package', 'Version', 'State'); } if (count($installed) && !isset($data['data'])) { $data['data'] = array(); } foreach ($installed as $package) { $pobj = $reg->getPackage(isset($package['package']) ? $package['package'] : $package['name'], $channel); if ($channelinfo) { $packageinfo = array($pobj->getChannel(), $pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } else { $packageinfo = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } $data['data'][] = $packageinfo; } if (count($installed) === 0) { if (!$channelinfo) { $data = '(no packages installed from channel ' . $channel . ')'; } else { $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'channel' => $channel, 'data' => array(array('(no packages installed)')), ); } } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); return true; } function doListAll($command, $options, $params) { // This duplicate code is deprecated over // list --channelinfo, which gives identical // output for list and list --allchannels. $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, null); foreach ($installed as $channel => $packages) { usort($packages, array($this, '_sortinfo')); $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'), 'channel' => $channel ); foreach ($packages as $package) { $p = isset($package['package']) ? $package['package'] : $package['name']; $pobj = $reg->getPackage($p, $channel); $data['data'][] = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } // Adds a blank line after each section $data['data'][] = array(); if (count($packages) === 0) { $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'data' => array(array('(no packages installed)'), array()), 'channel' => $channel ); } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); } return true; } function doFileList($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) !== 1) { return $this->raiseError('list-files expects 1 parameter'); } $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $fp = false; if (!is_dir($params[0]) && (file_exists($params[0]) || $fp = @fopen($params[0], 'r'))) { if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $info = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); $headings = array('Package File', 'Install Path'); $installed = false; } else { PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) { return $this->raiseError($parsed); } $info = &$reg->getPackage($parsed['package'], $parsed['channel']); $headings = array('Type', 'Install Path'); $installed = true; } if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $this->raiseError($info); } if ($info === null) { return $this->raiseError("`$params[0]' not installed"); } $list = ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) ? $info->getFilelist() : $info->getContents(); if ($installed) { $caption = 'Installed Files For ' . $params[0]; } else { $caption = 'Contents of ' . basename($params[0]); } $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true, 'headline' => $headings); if ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) { foreach ($list as $file => $att) { if ($installed) { if (empty($att['installed_as'])) { continue; } $data['data'][] = array($att['role'], $att['installed_as']); } else { if (isset($att['baseinstalldir']) && !in_array($att['role'], array('test', 'data', 'doc'))) { $dest = $att['baseinstalldir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; } else { $dest = $file; } switch ($att['role']) { case 'test': case 'data': case 'doc': $role = $att['role']; if ($role == 'test') { $role .= 's'; } $dest = $this->config->get($role . '_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $info->getPackage() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest; break; case 'php': default: $dest = $this->config->get('php_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest; } $ds2 = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dest = preg_replace(array('!\\\\+!', '!/!', "!$ds2+!"), array(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), $dest); $file = preg_replace('!/+!', '/', $file); $data['data'][] = array($file, $dest); } } } else { // package.xml 2.0, not installed if (!isset($list['dir']['file'][0])) { $list['dir']['file'] = array($list['dir']['file']); } foreach ($list['dir']['file'] as $att) { $att = $att['attribs']; $file = $att['name']; $role = &PEAR_Installer_Role::factory($info, $att['role'], $this->config); $role->setup($this, $info, $att, $file); if (!$role->isInstallable()) { $dest = '(not installable)'; } else { $dest = $role->processInstallation($info, $att, $file, ''); if (PEAR::isError($dest)) { $dest = '(Unknown role "' . $att['role'] . ')'; } else { list(,, $dest) = $dest; } } $data['data'][] = array($file, $dest); } } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); return true; } function doShellTest($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) < 1) { return PEAR::raiseError('ERROR, usage: pear shell-test packagename [[relation] version]'); } PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $info = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); if (PEAR::isError($info)) { exit(1); // invalid package name } $package = $info['package']; $channel = $info['channel']; // "pear shell-test Foo" if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) { if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { if ($reg->packageExists($package, 'pear.php.net')) { $channel = 'pear.php.net'; // magically change channels for extensions } } } if (count($params) === 1) { if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) { exit(1); } // "pear shell-test Foo 1.0" } elseif (count($params) === 2) { $v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[1]}", "ge")) { exit(1); } // "pear shell-test Foo ge 1.0" } elseif (count($params) === 3) { $v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[2]}", $params[1])) { exit(1); } } else { PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); $this->raiseError("$command: expects 1 to 3 parameters"); exit(1); } } function doInfo($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) !== 1) { return $this->raiseError('pear info expects 1 parameter'); } $info = $fp = false; $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); if (is_file($params[0]) && !is_dir($params[0]) && (file_exists($params[0]) || $fp = @fopen($params[0], 'r')) ) { if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $obj = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($obj)) { $uinfo = $obj->getUserInfo(); if (is_array($uinfo)) { foreach ($uinfo as $message) { if (is_array($message)) { $message = $message['message']; } $this->ui->outputData($message); } } return $this->raiseError($obj); } if ($obj->getPackagexmlVersion() != '1.0') { return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, false); } $info = $obj->toArray(); } else { $parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) { return $this->raiseError($parsed); } $package = $parsed['package']; $channel = $parsed['channel']; $info = $reg->packageInfo($package, null, $channel); if (isset($info['old'])) { $obj = $reg->getPackage($package, $channel); return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, true); } } if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $info; } if (empty($info)) { $this->raiseError("No information found for `$params[0]'"); return; } unset($info['filelist']); unset($info['dirtree']); unset($info['changelog']); if (isset($info['xsdversion'])) { $info['package.xml version'] = $info['xsdversion']; unset($info['xsdversion']); } if (isset($info['packagerversion'])) { $info['packaged with PEAR version'] = $info['packagerversion']; unset($info['packagerversion']); } $keys = array_keys($info); $longtext = array('description', 'summary'); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (is_array($info[$key])) { switch ($key) { case 'maintainers': { $i = 0; $mstr = ''; foreach ($info[$key] as $m) { if ($i++ > 0) { $mstr .= "\n"; } $mstr .= $m['name'] . " <"; if (isset($m['email'])) { $mstr .= $m['email']; } else { $mstr .= $m['handle'] . '@php.net'; } $mstr .= "> ($m[role])"; } $info[$key] = $mstr; break; } case 'release_deps': { $i = 0; $dstr = ''; foreach ($info[$key] as $d) { if (isset($this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']])) { $rel = $this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']]; } else { $rel = $d['rel']; } if (isset($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']])) { $type = ucfirst($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']]); } else { $type = $d['type']; } if (isset($d['name'])) { $name = $d['name'] . ' '; } else { $name = ''; } if (isset($d['version'])) { $version = $d['version'] . ' '; } else { $version = ''; } if (isset($d['optional']) && $d['optional'] == 'yes') { $optional = ' (optional)'; } else { $optional = ''; } $dstr .= "$type $name$rel $version$optional\n"; } $info[$key] = $dstr; break; } case 'provides' : { $debug = $this->config->get('verbose'); if ($debug < 2) { $pstr = 'Classes: '; } else { $pstr = ''; } $i = 0; foreach ($info[$key] as $p) { if ($debug < 2 && $p['type'] != "class") { continue; } // Only print classes when verbosity mode is < 2 if ($debug < 2) { if ($i++ > 0) { $pstr .= ", "; } $pstr .= $p['name']; } else { if ($i++ > 0) { $pstr .= "\n"; } $pstr .= ucfirst($p['type']) . " " . $p['name']; if (isset($p['explicit']) && $p['explicit'] == 1) { $pstr .= " (explicit)"; } } } $info[$key] = $pstr; break; } case 'configure_options' : { foreach ($info[$key] as $i => $p) { $info[$key][$i] = array_map(null, array_keys($p), array_values($p)); $info[$key][$i] = array_map( function($a) { return join(" = ", $a); }, $info[$key][$i]); $info[$key][$i] = implode(', ', $info[$key][$i]); } $info[$key] = implode("\n", $info[$key]); break; } default: { $info[$key] = implode(", ", $info[$key]); break; } } } if ($key == '_lastmodified') { $hdate = date('Y-m-d', $info[$key]); unset($info[$key]); $info['Last Modified'] = $hdate; } elseif ($key == '_lastversion') { $info['Previous Installed Version'] = $info[$key] ? $info[$key] : '- None -'; unset($info[$key]); } else { $info[$key] = trim($info[$key]); if (in_array($key, $longtext)) { $info[$key] = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $info[$key]); } } } $caption = 'About ' . $info['package'] . '-' . $info['version']; $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true); foreach ($info as $key => $value) { $key = ucwords(trim(str_replace('_', ' ', $key))); $data['data'][] = array($key, $value); } $data['raw'] = $info; $this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info'); } /** * @access private */ function _doInfo2($command, $options, $params, &$obj, $installed) { $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $caption = 'About ' . $obj->getChannel() . '/' .$obj->getPackage() . '-' . $obj->getVersion(); $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true); switch ($obj->getPackageType()) { case 'php' : $release = 'PEAR-style PHP-based Package'; break; case 'extsrc' : $release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (source code)'; break; case 'zendextsrc' : $release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (source code)'; break; case 'extbin' : $release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (binary)'; break; case 'zendextbin' : $release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (binary)'; break; case 'bundle' : $release = 'Package bundle (collection of packages)'; break; } $extends = $obj->getExtends(); $extends = $extends ? $obj->getPackage() . ' (extends ' . $extends . ')' : $obj->getPackage(); if ($src = $obj->getSourcePackage()) { $extends .= ' (source package ' . $src['channel'] . '/' . $src['package'] . ')'; } $info = array( 'Release Type' => $release, 'Name' => $extends, 'Channel' => $obj->getChannel(), 'Summary' => preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $obj->getSummary()), 'Description' => preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $obj->getDescription()), ); $info['Maintainers'] = ''; foreach (array('lead', 'developer', 'contributor', 'helper') as $role) { $leads = $obj->{"get{$role}s"}(); if (!$leads) { continue; } if (isset($leads['active'])) { $leads = array($leads); } foreach ($leads as $lead) { if (!empty($info['Maintainers'])) { $info['Maintainers'] .= "\n"; } $active = $lead['active'] == 'no' ? ', inactive' : ''; $info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['name'] . ' <'; $info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['email'] . "> ($role$active)"; } } $info['Release Date'] = $obj->getDate(); if ($time = $obj->getTime()) { $info['Release Date'] .= ' ' . $time; } $info['Release Version'] = $obj->getVersion() . ' (' . $obj->getState() . ')'; $info['API Version'] = $obj->getVersion('api') . ' (' . $obj->getState('api') . ')'; $info['License'] = $obj->getLicense(); $uri = $obj->getLicenseLocation(); if ($uri) { if (isset($uri['uri'])) { $info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['uri'] . ')'; } else { $extra = $obj->getInstalledLocation($info['filesource']); if ($extra) { $info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['filesource'] . ')'; } } } $info['Release Notes'] = $obj->getNotes(); if ($compat = $obj->getCompatible()) { if (!isset($compat[0])) { $compat = array($compat); } $info['Compatible with'] = ''; foreach ($compat as $package) { $info['Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'] . "\nVersions >= " . $package['min'] . ', <= ' . $package['max']; if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'] . "\nVersions " . $package['exclude']; } } } $usesrole = $obj->getUsesrole(); if ($usesrole) { if (!isset($usesrole[0])) { $usesrole = array($usesrole); } foreach ($usesrole as $roledata) { if (isset($info['Uses Custom Roles'])) { $info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= "\n"; } else { $info['Uses Custom Roles'] = ''; } if (isset($roledata['package'])) { $rolepackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($roledata, true); } else { $rolepackage = $roledata['uri']; } $info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= $roledata['role'] . ' (' . $rolepackage . ')'; } } $usestask = $obj->getUsestask(); if ($usestask) { if (!isset($usestask[0])) { $usestask = array($usestask); } foreach ($usestask as $taskdata) { if (isset($info['Uses Custom Tasks'])) { $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= "\n"; } else { $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] = ''; } if (isset($taskdata['package'])) { $taskpackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($taskdata, true); } else { $taskpackage = $taskdata['uri']; } $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= $taskdata['task'] . ' (' . $taskpackage . ')'; } } $deps = $obj->getDependencies(); $info['Required Dependencies'] = 'PHP version ' . $deps['required']['php']['min']; if (isset($deps['required']['php']['max'])) { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= '-' . $deps['required']['php']['max'] . "\n"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; } if (isset($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) { $deps['required']['php']['exclude'] = implode(', ', $deps['required']['php']['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PHP versions\n " . $deps['required']['php']['exclude']; } $info['Required Dependencies'] .= 'PEAR installer version'; if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['max'])) { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= 's ' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . '-' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['max']; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= ' ' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . ' or newer'; } if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) { $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'] = implode(', ', $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PEAR installer\n Versions " . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude']; } foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($deps['required'][$index])) { if (isset($deps['required'][$index]['name'])) { $deps['required'][$index] = array($deps['required'][$index]); } foreach ($deps['required'][$index] as $package) { if (isset($package['conflicts'])) { $infoindex = 'Not Compatible with'; if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } } else { $infoindex = 'Required Dependencies'; $info[$infoindex] .= "\n"; } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } $info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['max'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $package['package'] = $package['name']; // for parsedPackageNameToString if (isset($package['conflicts'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= '=> except '; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= 'Package ' . $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($package, true); $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } if (isset($deps['required']['os'])) { if (isset($deps['required']['os']['name'])) { $dep['required']['os']['name'] = array($dep['required']['os']['name']); } foreach ($dep['required']['os'] as $os) { if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "$os[name] Operating System"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "$os[name] Operating System"; } } } if (isset($deps['required']['arch'])) { if (isset($deps['required']['arch']['pattern'])) { $dep['required']['arch']['pattern'] = array($dep['required']['os']['pattern']); } foreach ($dep['required']['arch'] as $os) { if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'"; } } } if (isset($deps['optional'])) { foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($deps['optional'][$index])) { if (isset($deps['optional'][$index]['name'])) { $deps['optional'][$index] = array($deps['optional'][$index]); } foreach ($deps['optional'][$index] as $package) { if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $infoindex = 'Not Compatible with'; if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } } else { $infoindex = 'Optional Dependencies'; if (!isset($info['Optional Dependencies'])) { $info['Optional Dependencies'] = ''; } else { $info['Optional Dependencies'] .= "\n"; } } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } $info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if ($infoindex == 'Not Compatible with') { // conflicts is only used to say that all versions conflict continue; } if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "Package $package\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } } if (isset($deps['group'])) { if (!isset($deps['group'][0])) { $deps['group'] = array($deps['group']); } foreach ($deps['group'] as $group) { $info['Dependency Group ' . $group['attribs']['name']] = $group['attribs']['hint']; $groupindex = $group['attribs']['name'] . ' Contents'; $info[$groupindex] = ''; foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($group[$index])) { if (isset($group[$index]['name'])) { $group[$index] = array($group[$index]); } foreach ($group[$index] as $package) { if (!empty($info[$groupindex])) { $info[$groupindex] .= "\n"; } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } if (isset($package['uri'])) { if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name"; } else { $info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name"; } $info[$groupindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name"; continue; } $info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $info[$groupindex] .= " Package $package\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } } } if ($obj->getPackageType() == 'bundle') { $info['Bundled Packages'] = ''; foreach ($obj->getBundledPackages() as $package) { if (!empty($info['Bundled Packages'])) { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n"; } if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= '__uri/' . $package['name']; $info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n (URI: $package[uri]"; } else { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } } } $info['package.xml version'] = '2.0'; if ($installed) { if ($obj->getLastModified()) { $info['Last Modified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $obj->getLastModified()); } $v = $obj->getLastInstalledVersion(); $info['Previous Installed Version'] = $v ? $v : '- None -'; } foreach ($info as $key => $value) { $data['data'][] = array($key, $value); } $data['raw'] = $obj->getArray(); // no validation needed $this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info'); } } opt/cpanel/ea-php70/root/usr/share/pear/PEAR/Registry.php000064400000224270147600302500017032 0ustar00 * @author Tomas V. V. Cox * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since File available since Release 0.1 */ /** * for PEAR_Error */ require_once 'PEAR.php'; require_once 'PEAR/DependencyDB.php'; define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_LOCK', -2); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FORMAT', -3); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FILE', -4); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_CONFLICT', -5); define('PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_CHANNEL_FILE', -6); /** * Administration class used to maintain the installed package database. * @category pear * @package PEAR * @author Stig Bakken * @author Tomas V. V. Cox * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version Release: 1.10.16 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since Class available since Release 1.4.0a1 */ class PEAR_Registry extends PEAR { /** * File containing all channel information. * @var string */ var $channels = ''; /** Directory where registry files are stored. * @var string */ var $statedir = ''; /** File where the file map is stored * @var string */ var $filemap = ''; /** Directory where registry files for channels are stored. * @var string */ var $channelsdir = ''; /** Name of file used for locking the registry * @var string */ var $lockfile = ''; /** File descriptor used during locking * @var resource */ var $lock_fp = null; /** Mode used during locking * @var int */ var $lock_mode = 0; // XXX UNUSED /** Cache of package information. Structure: * array( * 'package' => array('id' => ... ), * ... ) * @var array */ var $pkginfo_cache = array(); /** Cache of file map. Structure: * array( '/path/to/file' => 'package', ... ) * @var array */ var $filemap_cache = array(); /** * @var false|PEAR_ChannelFile */ var $_pearChannel; /** * @var false|PEAR_ChannelFile */ var $_peclChannel; /** * @var false|PEAR_ChannelFile */ var $_docChannel; /** * @var PEAR_DependencyDB */ var $_dependencyDB; /** * @var PEAR_Config */ var $_config; /** * PEAR_Registry constructor. * * @param string (optional) PEAR install directory (for .php files) * @param PEAR_ChannelFile PEAR_ChannelFile object representing the PEAR channel, if * default values are not desired. Only used the very first time a PEAR * repository is initialized * @param PEAR_ChannelFile PEAR_ChannelFile object representing the PECL channel, if * default values are not desired. Only used the very first time a PEAR * repository is initialized * * @access public */ function __construct($pear_install_dir = PEAR_INSTALL_DIR, $pear_channel = false, $pecl_channel = false, $pear_metadata_dir = '') { parent::__construct(); $this->setInstallDir($pear_install_dir, $pear_metadata_dir); $this->_pearChannel = $pear_channel; $this->_peclChannel = $pecl_channel; $this->_config = false; } function setInstallDir($pear_install_dir = PEAR_INSTALL_DIR, $pear_metadata_dir = '') { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->install_dir = $pear_install_dir; if (!$pear_metadata_dir) { $pear_metadata_dir = $pear_install_dir; } $this->channelsdir = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.channels'; $this->statedir = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.registry'; $this->filemap = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.filemap'; $this->lockfile = $pear_metadata_dir.$ds.'.lock'; } function hasWriteAccess() { if (!file_exists($this->install_dir)) { $dir = $this->install_dir; while ($dir && $dir != '.') { $olddir = $dir; $dir = dirname($dir); if ($dir != '.' && file_exists($dir)) { if (is_writeable($dir)) { return true; } return false; } if ($dir == $olddir) { // this can happen in safe mode return @is_writable($dir); } } return false; } return is_writeable($this->install_dir); } function setConfig(&$config, $resetInstallDir = true) { $this->_config = &$config; if ($resetInstallDir) { $this->setInstallDir($config->get('php_dir'), $config->get('metadata_dir')); } } function _initializeChannelDirs() { static $running = false; if (!$running) { $running = true; $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!is_dir($this->channelsdir) || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pecl.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'doc.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . '__uri.reg')) { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg')) { $pear_channel = $this->_pearChannel; if (!is_a($pear_channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$pear_channel->validate()) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pear_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pear_channel->setAlias('pear'); $pear_channel->setServer('pear.php.net'); $pear_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension and Application Repository'); $pear_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); //$pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.4', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); } else { $pear_channel->setServer('pear.php.net'); $pear_channel->setAlias('pear'); } $pear_channel->validate(); $this->_addChannel($pear_channel); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pecl.php.net.reg')) { $pecl_channel = $this->_peclChannel; if (!is_a($pecl_channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$pecl_channel->validate()) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pecl_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pecl_channel->setAlias('pecl'); $pecl_channel->setServer('pecl.php.net'); $pecl_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension Community Library'); $pecl_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pecl_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pecl_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pecl_channel->setValidationPackage('PEAR_Validator_PECL', '1.0'); } else { $pecl_channel->setServer('pecl.php.net'); $pecl_channel->setAlias('pecl'); } $pecl_channel->validate(); $this->_addChannel($pecl_channel); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'doc.php.net.reg')) { $doc_channel = $this->_docChannel; if (!is_a($doc_channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$doc_channel->validate()) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $doc_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $doc_channel->setAlias('phpdocs'); $doc_channel->setServer('doc.php.net'); $doc_channel->setSummary('PHP Documentation Team'); $doc_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); } else { $doc_channel->setServer('doc.php.net'); $doc_channel->setAlias('doc'); } $doc_channel->validate(); $this->_addChannel($doc_channel); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . '__uri.reg')) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $private = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $private->setName('__uri'); $private->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $private->setBaseURL('REST1.0', '****'); $private->setSummary('Pseudo-channel for static packages'); $this->_addChannel($private); } $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } $running = false; } } function _initializeDirs() { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // XXX Compatibility code should be removed in the future // rename all registry files if any to lowercase if (!OS_WINDOWS && file_exists($this->statedir) && is_dir($this->statedir) && $handle = opendir($this->statedir)) { $dest = $this->statedir . $ds; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (preg_match('/^.*[A-Z].*\.reg\\z/', $file)) { rename($dest . $file, $dest . strtolower($file)); } } closedir($handle); } $this->_initializeChannelDirs(); if (!file_exists($this->filemap)) { $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } $this->_initializeDepDB(); } function _initializeDepDB() { if (!isset($this->_dependencyDB)) { static $initializing = false; if (!$initializing) { $initializing = true; if (!$this->_config) { // never used? $file = OS_WINDOWS ? 'pear.ini' : '.pearrc'; $this->_config = new PEAR_Config($this->statedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); $this->_config->setRegistry($this); $this->_config->set('php_dir', $this->install_dir); } $this->_dependencyDB = &PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton($this->_config); if (PEAR::isError($this->_dependencyDB)) { // attempt to recover by removing the dep db if (file_exists($this->_config->get('metadata_dir', null, 'pear.php.net') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.depdb')) { @unlink($this->_config->get('metadata_dir', null, 'pear.php.net') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.depdb'); } $this->_dependencyDB = &PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton($this->_config); if (PEAR::isError($this->_dependencyDB)) { echo $this->_dependencyDB->getMessage(); echo 'Unrecoverable error'; exit(1); } } $initializing = false; } } } /** * PEAR_Registry destructor. Makes sure no locks are forgotten. * * @access private */ function _PEAR_Registry() { parent::_PEAR(); if (is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { $this->_unlock(); } } /** * Make sure the directory where we keep registry files exists. * * @return bool TRUE if directory exists, FALSE if it could not be * created * * @access private */ function _assertStateDir($channel = false) { if ($channel && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) != 'pear.php.net') { return $this->_assertChannelStateDir($channel); } static $init = false; if (!file_exists($this->statedir)) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $this->statedir))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->statedir}'"); } $init = true; } elseif (!is_dir($this->statedir)) { return $this->raiseError('Cannot create directory ' . $this->statedir . ', ' . 'it already exists and is not a directory'); } $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir)) { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pecl.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'doc.php.net.reg') || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . '__uri.reg')) { $init = true; } } elseif (!is_dir($this->channelsdir)) { return $this->raiseError('Cannot create directory ' . $this->channelsdir . ', ' . 'it already exists and is not a directory'); } if ($init) { static $running = false; if (!$running) { $running = true; $this->_initializeDirs(); $running = false; $init = false; } } else { $this->_initializeDepDB(); } return true; } /** * Make sure the directory where we keep registry files exists for a non-standard channel. * * @param string channel name * @return bool TRUE if directory exists, FALSE if it could not be * created * * @access private */ function _assertChannelStateDir($channel) { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!$channel || $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg')) { $this->_initializeChannelDirs(); } return $this->_assertStateDir($channel); } $channelDir = $this->_channelDirectoryName($channel); if (!is_dir($this->channelsdir) || !file_exists($this->channelsdir . $ds . 'pear.php.net.reg')) { $this->_initializeChannelDirs(); } if (!file_exists($channelDir)) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $channelDir))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '" . $channelDir . "'"); } } elseif (!is_dir($channelDir)) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '" . $channelDir . "', already exists and is not a directory"); } return true; } /** * Make sure the directory where we keep registry files for channels exists * * @return bool TRUE if directory exists, FALSE if it could not be * created * * @access private */ function _assertChannelDir() { if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir)) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $this->channelsdir))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}'"); } } elseif (!is_dir($this->channelsdir)) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}" . "', it already exists and is not a directory"); } if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias')) { if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } require_once 'System.php'; if (!System::mkdir(array('-p', $this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias'))) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}/.alias'"); } } elseif (!is_dir($this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias')) { return $this->raiseError("could not create directory '{$this->channelsdir}" . "/.alias', it already exists and is not a directory"); } return true; } /** * Get the name of the file where data for a given package is stored. * * @param string channel name, or false if this is a PEAR package * @param string package name * * @return string registry file name * * @access public */ function _packageFileName($package, $channel = false) { if ($channel && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) != 'pear.php.net') { return $this->_channelDirectoryName($channel) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . '.reg'; } return $this->statedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($package) . '.reg'; } /** * Get the name of the file where data for a given channel is stored. * @param string channel name * @return string registry file name */ function _channelFileName($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (!$noaliases) { if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))) { $channel = implode('', file($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))); } } return $this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('/', '_', strtolower($channel)) . '.reg'; } /** * @param string * @return string */ function _getChannelAliasFileName($alias) { return $this->channelsdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.alias' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('/', '_', strtolower($alias)) . '.txt'; } /** * Get the name of a channel from its alias */ function _getChannelFromAlias($channel) { if (!$this->_channelExists($channel)) { if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') { return 'pear.php.net'; } if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { return 'pecl.php.net'; } if ($channel == 'doc.php.net') { return 'doc.php.net'; } if ($channel == '__uri') { return '__uri'; } return false; } $channel = strtolower($channel); if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))) { // translate an alias to an actual channel return implode('', file($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel))); } return $channel; } /** * Get the alias of a channel from its alias or its name */ function _getAlias($channel) { if (!$this->_channelExists($channel)) { if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') { return 'pear'; } if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { return 'pecl'; } if ($channel == 'doc.php.net') { return 'phpdocs'; } return false; } $channel = $this->_getChannel($channel); if (PEAR::isError($channel)) { return $channel; } return $channel->getAlias(); } /** * Get the name of the file where data for a given package is stored. * * @param string channel name, or false if this is a PEAR package * @param string package name * * @return string registry file name * * @access public */ function _channelDirectoryName($channel) { if (!$channel || $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { return $this->statedir; } $ch = $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel); if (!$ch) { $ch = $channel; } return $this->statedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower('.channel.' . str_replace('/', '_', $ch)); } function _openPackageFile($package, $mode, $channel = false) { if (!$this->_assertStateDir($channel)) { return null; } if (!in_array($mode, array('r', 'rb')) && !$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return null; } $file = $this->_packageFileName($package, $channel); if (!file_exists($file) && $mode == 'r' || $mode == 'rb') { return null; } $fp = @fopen($file, $mode); if (!$fp) { return null; } return $fp; } function _closePackageFile($fp) { fclose($fp); } function _openChannelFile($channel, $mode) { if (!$this->_assertChannelDir()) { return null; } if (!in_array($mode, array('r', 'rb')) && !$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return null; } $file = $this->_channelFileName($channel); if (!file_exists($file) && $mode == 'r' || $mode == 'rb') { return null; } $fp = @fopen($file, $mode); if (!$fp) { return null; } return $fp; } function _closeChannelFile($fp) { fclose($fp); } function _rebuildFileMap() { if (!class_exists('PEAR_Installer_Role')) { require_once 'PEAR/Installer/Role.php'; } $channels = $this->_listAllPackages(); $files = array(); foreach ($channels as $channel => $packages) { foreach ($packages as $package) { $version = $this->_packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); $filelist = $this->_packageInfo($package, 'filelist', $channel); if (!is_array($filelist)) { continue; } foreach ($filelist as $name => $attrs) { if (isset($attrs['attribs'])) { $attrs = $attrs['attribs']; } // it is possible for conflicting packages in different channels to // conflict with data files/doc files if ($name == 'dirtree') { continue; } if (isset($attrs['role']) && !in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getInstallableRoles())) { // these are not installed continue; } if (isset($attrs['role']) && !in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getBaseinstallRoles())) { $attrs['baseinstalldir'] = $package; } if (isset($attrs['baseinstalldir'])) { $file = $attrs['baseinstalldir'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name; } else { $file = $name; } $file = preg_replace(',^/+,', '', $file); if ($channel != 'pear.php.net') { if (!isset($files[$attrs['role']])) { $files[$attrs['role']] = array(); } $files[$attrs['role']][$file] = array(strtolower($channel), strtolower($package)); } else { if (!isset($files[$attrs['role']])) { $files[$attrs['role']] = array(); } $files[$attrs['role']][$file] = strtolower($package); } } } } $this->_assertStateDir(); if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } $fp = @fopen($this->filemap, 'wb'); if (!$fp) { return false; } $this->filemap_cache = $files; fwrite($fp, serialize($files)); fclose($fp); return true; } function _readFileMap() { if (!file_exists($this->filemap)) { return array(); } $fp = @fopen($this->filemap, 'r'); if (!$fp) { $last_errormsg = ''; $last_error = error_get_last(); if (!empty($last_error['message'])) { $last_errormsg = $last_error['message']; } return $this->raiseError('PEAR_Registry: could not open filemap "' . $this->filemap . '"', PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FILE, null, null, $last_errormsg); } clearstatcache(); $fsize = filesize($this->filemap); fclose($fp); $data = file_get_contents($this->filemap); $tmp = unserialize($data); if (!$tmp && $fsize > 7) { return $this->raiseError('PEAR_Registry: invalid filemap data', PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_FORMAT, null, null, $data); } $this->filemap_cache = $tmp; return true; } /** * Lock the registry. * * @param integer lock mode, one of LOCK_EX, LOCK_SH or LOCK_UN. * See flock manual for more information. * * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if locking failed, or a * PEAR error if some other error occurs (such as the * lock file not being writable). * * @access private */ function _lock($mode = LOCK_EX) { if (stristr(php_uname(), 'Windows 9')) { return true; } if ($mode != LOCK_UN && is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { // XXX does not check type of lock (LOCK_SH/LOCK_EX) return true; } if (!$this->_assertStateDir()) { if ($mode == LOCK_EX) { return $this->raiseError('Registry directory is not writeable by the current user'); } return true; } $open_mode = 'w'; // XXX People reported problems with LOCK_SH and 'w' if ($mode === LOCK_SH || $mode === LOCK_UN) { if (!file_exists($this->lockfile)) { touch($this->lockfile); } $open_mode = 'r'; } if (!is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { $this->lock_fp = @fopen($this->lockfile, $open_mode); } if (!is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { $this->lock_fp = null; return $this->raiseError("could not create lock file" . (isset($php_errormsg) ? ": " . $php_errormsg : "")); } if (!(int)flock($this->lock_fp, $mode)) { switch ($mode) { case LOCK_SH: $str = 'shared'; break; case LOCK_EX: $str = 'exclusive'; break; case LOCK_UN: $str = 'unlock'; break; default: $str = 'unknown'; break; } //is resource at this point, close it on error. fclose($this->lock_fp); $this->lock_fp = null; return $this->raiseError("could not acquire $str lock ($this->lockfile)", PEAR_REGISTRY_ERROR_LOCK); } return true; } function _unlock() { $ret = $this->_lock(LOCK_UN); if (is_resource($this->lock_fp)) { fclose($this->lock_fp); } $this->lock_fp = null; return $ret; } function _packageExists($package, $channel = false) { return file_exists($this->_packageFileName($package, $channel)); } /** * Determine whether a channel exists in the registry * * @param string Channel name * @param bool if true, then aliases will be ignored * @return boolean */ function _channelExists($channel, $noaliases = false) { $a = file_exists($this->_channelFileName($channel, $noaliases)); if (!$a && $channel == 'pear.php.net') { return true; } if (!$a && $channel == 'pecl.php.net') { return true; } if (!$a && $channel == 'doc.php.net') { return true; } return $a; } /** * Determine whether a mirror exists within the default channel in the registry * * @param string Channel name * @param string Mirror name * * @return boolean */ function _mirrorExists($channel, $mirror) { $data = $this->_channelInfo($channel); if (!isset($data['servers']['mirror'])) { return false; } foreach ($data['servers']['mirror'] as $m) { if ($m['attribs']['host'] == $mirror) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param PEAR_ChannelFile Channel object * @param donotuse * @param string Last-Modified HTTP tag from remote request * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on creation, false if it already exists */ function _addChannel($channel, $update = false, $lastmodified = false) { if (!is_a($channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile')) { return false; } if (!$channel->validate()) { return false; } if (file_exists($this->_channelFileName($channel->getName()))) { if (!$update) { return false; } $checker = $this->_getChannel($channel->getName()); if (PEAR::isError($checker)) { return $checker; } if ($channel->getAlias() != $checker->getAlias()) { if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($checker->getAlias()))) { @unlink($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($checker->getAlias())); } } } else { if ($update && !in_array($channel->getName(), array('pear.php.net', 'pecl.php.net', 'doc.php.net'))) { return false; } } $ret = $this->_assertChannelDir(); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } $ret = $this->_assertChannelStateDir($channel->getName()); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if ($channel->getAlias() != $channel->getName()) { if (file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel->getAlias())) && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel->getAlias()) != $channel->getName()) { $channel->setAlias($channel->getName()); } if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } $fp = @fopen($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($channel->getAlias()), 'w'); if (!$fp) { return false; } fwrite($fp, $channel->getName()); fclose($fp); } if (!$this->hasWriteAccess()) { return false; } $fp = @fopen($this->_channelFileName($channel->getName()), 'wb'); if (!$fp) { return false; } $info = $channel->toArray(); if ($lastmodified) { $info['_lastmodified'] = $lastmodified; } else { $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); } fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); fclose($fp); return true; } /** * Deletion fails if there are any packages installed from the channel * @param string|PEAR_ChannelFile channel name * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on deletion, false if it doesn't exist */ function _deleteChannel($channel) { if (!is_string($channel)) { if (!is_a($channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile')) { return false; } if (!$channel->validate()) { return false; } $channel = $channel->getName(); } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == '__uri') { return false; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pecl.php.net') { return false; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'doc.php.net') { return false; } if (!$this->_channelExists($channel)) { return false; } if (!$channel || $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { return false; } $channel = $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel); if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') { return false; } $test = $this->_listChannelPackages($channel); if (count($test)) { return false; } $test = @rmdir($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel)); if (!$test) { return false; } $file = $this->_getChannelAliasFileName($this->_getAlias($channel)); if (file_exists($file)) { $test = @unlink($file); if (!$test) { return false; } } $file = $this->_channelFileName($channel); $ret = true; if (file_exists($file)) { $ret = @unlink($file); } return $ret; } /** * Determine whether a channel exists in the registry * @param string Channel Alias * @return boolean */ function _isChannelAlias($alias) { return file_exists($this->_getChannelAliasFileName($alias)); } /** * @param string|null * @param string|null * @param string|null * @return array|null * @access private */ function _packageInfo($package = null, $key = null, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if ($package === null) { if ($channel === null) { $channels = $this->_listChannels(); $ret = array(); foreach ($channels as $channel) { $channel = strtolower($channel); $ret[$channel] = array(); $packages = $this->_listPackages($channel); foreach ($packages as $package) { $ret[$channel][] = $this->_packageInfo($package, null, $channel); } } return $ret; } $ps = $this->_listPackages($channel); if (!count($ps)) { return array(); } return array_map(array(&$this, '_packageInfo'), $ps, array_fill(0, count($ps), null), array_fill(0, count($ps), $channel)); } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'r', $channel); if ($fp === null) { return null; } clearstatcache(); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); $data = file_get_contents($this->_packageFileName($package, $channel)); $data = @unserialize($data); if ($key === null) { return $data; } // compatibility for package.xml version 2.0 if (isset($data['old'][$key])) { return $data['old'][$key]; } if (isset($data[$key])) { return $data[$key]; } return null; } /** * @param string Channel name * @param bool whether to strictly retrieve info of channels, not just aliases * @return array|null */ function _channelInfo($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (!$this->_channelExists($channel, $noaliases)) { return null; } $fp = $this->_openChannelFile($channel, 'r'); if ($fp === null) { return null; } clearstatcache(); $this->_closeChannelFile($fp); $data = file_get_contents($this->_channelFileName($channel)); $data = unserialize($data); return $data; } function _listChannels() { $channellist = array(); if (!file_exists($this->channelsdir) || !is_dir($this->channelsdir)) { return array('pear.php.net', 'pecl.php.net', 'doc.php.net', '__uri'); } $dp = opendir($this->channelsdir); while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -4) != '.reg') { continue; } if ($ent == '__uri.reg') { $channellist[] = '__uri'; continue; } $channellist[] = str_replace('_', '/', substr($ent, 0, -4)); } closedir($dp); if (!in_array('pear.php.net', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = 'pear.php.net'; } if (!in_array('pecl.php.net', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = 'pecl.php.net'; } if (!in_array('doc.php.net', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = 'doc.php.net'; } if (!in_array('__uri', $channellist)) { $channellist[] = '__uri'; } natsort($channellist); return $channellist; } function _listPackages($channel = false) { if ($channel && $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) != 'pear.php.net') { return $this->_listChannelPackages($channel); } if (!file_exists($this->statedir) || !is_dir($this->statedir)) { return array(); } $pkglist = array(); $dp = opendir($this->statedir); if (!$dp) { return $pkglist; } while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -4) != '.reg') { continue; } $pkglist[] = substr($ent, 0, -4); } closedir($dp); sort($pkglist); return $pkglist; } function _listChannelPackages($channel) { $pkglist = array(); if (!file_exists($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel)) || !is_dir($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel))) { return array(); } $dp = opendir($this->_channelDirectoryName($channel)); if (!$dp) { return $pkglist; } while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -4) != '.reg') { continue; } $pkglist[] = substr($ent, 0, -4); } closedir($dp); return $pkglist; } function _listAllPackages() { $ret = array(); foreach ($this->_listChannels() as $channel) { $ret[$channel] = $this->_listPackages($channel); } return $ret; } /** * Add an installed package to the registry * @param string package name * @param array package info (parsed by PEAR_Common::infoFrom*() methods) * @return bool success of saving * @access private */ function _addPackage($package, $info) { if ($this->_packageExists($package)) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'wb'); if ($fp === null) { return false; } $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); if (isset($info['filelist'])) { $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } return true; } /** * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 * @return bool * @access private */ function _addPackage2($info) { if (!is_a($info, 'PEAR_PackageFile_v1') && !is_a($info, 'PEAR_PackageFile_v2')) { return false; } if (!$info->validate()) { if (class_exists('PEAR_Common')) { $ui = PEAR_Frontend::singleton(); if ($ui) { foreach ($info->getValidationWarnings() as $err) { $ui->log($err['message'], true); } } } return false; } $channel = $info->getChannel(); $package = $info->getPackage(); $save = $info; if ($this->_packageExists($package, $channel)) { return false; } if (!$this->_channelExists($channel, true)) { return false; } $info = $info->toArray(true); if (!$info) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'wb', $channel); if ($fp === null) { return false; } $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); $this->_rebuildFileMap(); return true; } /** * @param string Package name * @param array parsed package.xml 1.0 * @param bool this parameter is only here for BC. Don't use it. * @access private */ function _updatePackage($package, $info, $merge = true) { $oldinfo = $this->_packageInfo($package); if (empty($oldinfo)) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($package, 'w'); if ($fp === null) { return false; } if (is_object($info)) { $info = $info->toArray(); } $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); $newinfo = $info; if ($merge) { $info = array_merge($oldinfo, $info); } else { $diff = $info; } fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); if (isset($newinfo['filelist'])) { $this->_rebuildFileMap(); } return true; } /** * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 * @return bool * @access private */ function _updatePackage2($info) { if (!$this->_packageExists($info->getPackage(), $info->getChannel())) { return false; } $fp = $this->_openPackageFile($info->getPackage(), 'w', $info->getChannel()); if ($fp === null) { return false; } $save = $info; $info = $save->getArray(true); $info['_lastmodified'] = self::getSourceDateEpoch(); fwrite($fp, serialize($info)); $this->_closePackageFile($fp); $this->_rebuildFileMap(); return true; } /** * @param string Package name * @param string Channel name * @return PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|null * @access private */ function &_getPackage($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { $info = $this->_packageInfo($package, null, $channel); if ($info === null) { return $info; } $a = $this->_config; if (!$a) { $this->_config = new PEAR_Config; $this->_config->set('php_dir', $this->statedir); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->_config); $pf = &$pkg->fromArray($info); return $pf; } /** * @param string channel name * @param bool whether to strictly retrieve channel names * @return PEAR_ChannelFile|PEAR_Error * @access private */ function &_getChannel($channel, $noaliases = false) { $ch = false; if ($this->_channelExists($channel, $noaliases)) { $chinfo = $this->_channelInfo($channel, $noaliases); if ($chinfo) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $ch = &PEAR_ChannelFile::fromArrayWithErrors($chinfo); } } if ($ch) { if ($ch->validate()) { return $ch; } foreach ($ch->getErrors(true) as $err) { $message = $err['message'] . "\n"; } $ch = PEAR::raiseError($message); return $ch; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pear.php.net') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pear_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pear_channel->setServer('pear.php.net'); $pear_channel->setAlias('pear'); $pear_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension and Application Repository'); $pear_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://pear.php.net/rest/'); return $pear_channel; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'pecl.php.net') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $pear_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $pear_channel->setServer('pecl.php.net'); $pear_channel->setAlias('pecl'); $pear_channel->setSummary('PHP Extension Community Library'); $pear_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://pecl.php.net/rest/'); $pear_channel->setValidationPackage('PEAR_Validator_PECL', '1.0'); return $pear_channel; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == 'doc.php.net') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $doc_channel = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $doc_channel->setServer('doc.php.net'); $doc_channel->setAlias('phpdocs'); $doc_channel->setSummary('PHP Documentation Team'); $doc_channel->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.0', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.1', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); $doc_channel->setBaseURL('REST1.3', 'http://doc.php.net/rest/'); return $doc_channel; } if ($this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel) == '__uri') { // the registry is not properly set up, so use defaults if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; } $private = new PEAR_ChannelFile; $private->setName('__uri'); $private->setDefaultPEARProtocols(); $private->setBaseURL('REST1.0', '****'); $private->setSummary('Pseudo-channel for static packages'); return $private; } return $ch; } /** * @param string Package name * @param string Channel name * @return bool */ function packageExists($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_packageExists($package, $channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ channelExists() /** * @param string channel name * @param bool if true, then aliases will be ignored * @return bool */ function channelExists($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_channelExists($channel, $noaliases); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} /** * @param string channel name mirror is in * @param string mirror name * * @return bool */ function mirrorExists($channel, $mirror) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_mirrorExists($channel, $mirror); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // {{{ isAlias() /** * Determines whether the parameter is an alias of a channel * @param string * @return bool */ function isAlias($alias) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_isChannelAlias($alias); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ packageInfo() /** * @param string|null * @param string|null * @param string * @return array|null */ function packageInfo($package = null, $key = null, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_packageInfo($package, $key, $channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ channelInfo() /** * Retrieve a raw array of channel data. * * Do not use this, instead use {@link getChannel()} for normal * operations. Array structure is undefined in this method * @param string channel name * @param bool whether to strictly retrieve information only on non-aliases * @return array|null|PEAR_Error */ function channelInfo($channel = null, $noaliases = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_channelInfo($channel, $noaliases); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} /** * @param string */ function channelName($channel) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_getChannelFromAlias($channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } /** * @param string */ function channelAlias($channel) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_getAlias($channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // {{{ listPackages() function listPackages($channel = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_listPackages($channel); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ listAllPackages() function listAllPackages() { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_listAllPackages(); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ listChannel() function listChannels() { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_listChannels(); $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ addPackage() /** * Add an installed package to the registry * @param string|PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2 package name or object * that will be passed to {@link addPackage2()} * @param array package info (parsed by PEAR_Common::infoFrom*() methods) * @return bool success of saving */ function addPackage($package, $info) { if (is_object($info)) { return $this->addPackage2($info); } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_addPackage($package, $info); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile_v1')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php'; } $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v1; $pf->setConfig($this->_config); $pf->fromArray($info); $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($pf); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($pf); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ addPackage2() function addPackage2($info) { if (!is_object($info)) { return $this->addPackage($info['package'], $info); } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_addPackage2($info); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($info); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($info); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ updateChannel() /** * For future expandibility purposes, separate this * @param PEAR_ChannelFile */ function updateChannel($channel, $lastmodified = null) { if ($channel->getName() == '__uri') { return false; } return $this->addChannel($channel, $lastmodified, true); } // }}} // {{{ deleteChannel() /** * Deletion fails if there are any packages installed from the channel * @param string|PEAR_ChannelFile channel name * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on deletion, false if it doesn't exist */ function deleteChannel($channel) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_deleteChannel($channel); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret && is_a($this->_config, 'PEAR_Config')) { $this->_config->setChannels($this->listChannels()); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ addChannel() /** * @param PEAR_ChannelFile Channel object * @param string Last-Modified header from HTTP for caching * @return boolean|PEAR_Error True on creation, false if it already exists */ function addChannel($channel, $lastmodified = false, $update = false) { if (!is_a($channel, 'PEAR_ChannelFile') || !$channel->validate()) { return false; } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_addChannel($channel, $update, $lastmodified); $this->_unlock(); if (!$update && $ret && is_a($this->_config, 'PEAR_Config')) { $this->_config->setChannels($this->listChannels()); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ deletePackage() function deletePackage($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $file = $this->_packageFileName($package, $channel); $ret = file_exists($file) ? @unlink($file) : false; $this->_rebuildFileMap(); $this->_unlock(); $p = array('channel' => $channel, 'package' => $package); $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($p); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ updatePackage() function updatePackage($package, $info, $merge = true) { if (is_object($info)) { return $this->updatePackage2($info, $merge); } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_updatePackage($package, $info, $merge); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile_v1')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php'; } $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v1; $pf->setConfig($this->_config); $pf->fromArray($this->packageInfo($package)); $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($pf); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($pf); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ updatePackage2() function updatePackage2($info) { if (!is_object($info)) { return $this->updatePackage($info['package'], $info, $merge); } if (!$info->validate(PEAR_VALIDATE_DOWNLOADING)) { return false; } if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_EX))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_updatePackage2($info); $this->_unlock(); if ($ret) { $this->_dependencyDB->uninstallPackage($info); $this->_dependencyDB->installPackage($info); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ getChannel() /** * @param string channel name * @param bool whether to strictly return raw channels (no aliases) * @return PEAR_ChannelFile|PEAR_Error */ function getChannel($channel, $noaliases = false) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $ret = $this->_getChannel($channel, $noaliases); $this->_unlock(); if (!$ret) { return PEAR::raiseError('Unknown channel: ' . $channel); } return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ getPackage() /** * @param string package name * @param string channel name * @return PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2|null */ function &getPackage($package, $channel = 'pear.php.net') { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $pf = &$this->_getPackage($package, $channel); $this->_unlock(); return $pf; } // }}} /** * Get PEAR_PackageFile_v[1/2] objects representing the contents of * a dependency group that are installed. * * This is used at uninstall-time * @param array * @return array|false */ function getInstalledGroup($group) { $ret = array(); if (isset($group['package'])) { if (!isset($group['package'][0])) { $group['package'] = array($group['package']); } foreach ($group['package'] as $package) { $depchannel = isset($package['channel']) ? $package['channel'] : '__uri'; $p = &$this->getPackage($package['name'], $depchannel); if ($p) { $save = &$p; $ret[] = &$save; } } } if (isset($group['subpackage'])) { if (!isset($group['subpackage'][0])) { $group['subpackage'] = array($group['subpackage']); } foreach ($group['subpackage'] as $package) { $depchannel = isset($package['channel']) ? $package['channel'] : '__uri'; $p = &$this->getPackage($package['name'], $depchannel); if ($p) { $save = &$p; $ret[] = &$save; } } } if (!count($ret)) { return false; } return $ret; } // {{{ getChannelValidator() /** * @param string channel name * @return PEAR_Validate|false */ function &getChannelValidator($channel) { $chan = $this->getChannel($channel); if (PEAR::isError($chan)) { return $chan; } $val = $chan->getValidationObject(); return $val; } // }}} // {{{ getChannels() /** * @param string channel name * @return array an array of PEAR_ChannelFile objects representing every installed channel */ function &getChannels() { $ret = array(); if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } foreach ($this->_listChannels() as $channel) { $e = &$this->_getChannel($channel); if (!$e || PEAR::isError($e)) { continue; } $ret[] = $e; } $this->_unlock(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ checkFileMap() /** * Test whether a file or set of files belongs to a package. * * If an array is passed in * @param string|array file path, absolute or relative to the pear * install dir * @param string|array name of PEAR package or array('package' => name, 'channel' => * channel) of a package that will be ignored * @param string API version - 1.1 will exclude any files belonging to a package * @param array private recursion variable * @return array|false which package and channel the file belongs to, or an empty * string if the file does not belong to an installed package, * or belongs to the second parameter's package */ function checkFileMap($path, $package = false, $api = '1.0', $attrs = false) { if (is_array($path)) { static $notempty; if (empty($notempty)) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_Installer_Role')) { require_once 'PEAR/Installer/Role.php'; } $notempty = function($a) { return !empty($a); }; } $package = is_array($package) ? array(strtolower($package[0]), strtolower($package[1])) : strtolower($package); $pkgs = array(); foreach ($path as $name => $attrs) { if (is_array($attrs)) { if (isset($attrs['install-as'])) { $name = $attrs['install-as']; } if (!in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getInstallableRoles())) { // these are not installed continue; } if (!in_array($attrs['role'], PEAR_Installer_Role::getBaseinstallRoles())) { $attrs['baseinstalldir'] = is_array($package) ? $package[1] : $package; } if (isset($attrs['baseinstalldir'])) { $name = $attrs['baseinstalldir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name; } } $pkgs[$name] = $this->checkFileMap($name, $package, $api, $attrs); if (PEAR::isError($pkgs[$name])) { return $pkgs[$name]; } } return array_filter($pkgs, $notempty); } if (empty($this->filemap_cache)) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $this->_lock(LOCK_SH))) { return $e; } $err = $this->_readFileMap(); $this->_unlock(); if (PEAR::isError($err)) { return $err; } } if (!$attrs) { $attrs = array('role' => 'php'); // any old call would be for PHP role only } if (isset($this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path])) { if ($api >= '1.1' && $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path] == $package) { return false; } return $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path]; } $l = strlen($this->install_dir); if (substr($path, 0, $l) == $this->install_dir) { $path = preg_replace('!^'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'+!', '', substr($path, $l)); } if (isset($this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path])) { if ($api >= '1.1' && $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path] == $package) { return false; } return $this->filemap_cache[$attrs['role']][$path]; } return false; } // }}} // {{{ flush() /** * Force a reload of the filemap * @since 1.5.0RC3 */ function flushFileMap() { $this->filemap_cache = null; clearstatcache(); // ensure that the next read gets the full, current filemap } // }}} // {{{ apiVersion() /** * Get the expected API version. Channels API is version 1.1, as it is backwards * compatible with 1.0 * @return string */ function apiVersion() { return '1.1'; } // }}} /** * Parse a package name, or validate a parsed package name array * @param string|array pass in an array of format * array( * 'package' => 'pname', * ['channel' => 'channame',] * ['version' => 'version',] * ['state' => 'state',] * ['group' => 'groupname']) * or a string of format * [channel://][channame/]pname[-version|-state][/group=groupname] * @return array|PEAR_Error */ function parsePackageName($param, $defaultchannel = 'pear.php.net') { $saveparam = $param; if (is_array($param)) { // convert to string for error messages $saveparam = $this->parsedPackageNameToString($param); // process the array if (!isset($param['package'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): array $param ' . 'must contain a valid package name in index "param"', 'package', null, null, $param); } if (!isset($param['uri'])) { if (!isset($param['channel'])) { $param['channel'] = $defaultchannel; } } else { $param['channel'] = '__uri'; } } else { $components = @parse_url((string) $param); if (isset($components['scheme'])) { if ($components['scheme'] == 'http') { // uri package $param = array('uri' => $param, 'channel' => '__uri'); } elseif($components['scheme'] != 'channel') { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): only channel:// uris may ' . 'be downloaded, not "' . $param . '"', 'invalid', null, null, $param); } } if (!isset($components['path'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): array $param ' . 'must contain a valid package name in "' . $param . '"', 'package', null, null, $param); } if (isset($components['host'])) { // remove the leading "/" $components['path'] = substr($components['path'], 1); } if (!isset($components['scheme'])) { if (strpos($components['path'], '/') !== false) { if ($components['path'][0] == '/') { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): this is not ' . 'a package name, it begins with "/" in "' . $param . '"', 'invalid', null, null, $param); } $parts = explode('/', $components['path']); $components['host'] = array_shift($parts); if (count($parts) > 1) { $components['path'] = array_pop($parts); $components['host'] .= '/' . implode('/', $parts); } else { $components['path'] = implode('/', $parts); } } else { $components['host'] = $defaultchannel; } } else { if (strpos($components['path'], '/')) { $parts = explode('/', $components['path']); $components['path'] = array_pop($parts); $components['host'] .= '/' . implode('/', $parts); } } if (is_array($param)) { $param['package'] = $components['path']; } else { $param = array( 'package' => $components['path'] ); if (isset($components['host'])) { $param['channel'] = $components['host']; } } if (isset($components['fragment'])) { $param['group'] = $components['fragment']; } if (isset($components['user'])) { $param['user'] = $components['user']; } if (isset($components['pass'])) { $param['pass'] = $components['pass']; } if (isset($components['query'])) { parse_str($components['query'], $param['opts']); } // check for extension $pathinfo = pathinfo($param['package']); if (isset($pathinfo['extension']) && in_array(strtolower($pathinfo['extension']), array('tgz', 'tar'))) { $param['extension'] = $pathinfo['extension']; $param['package'] = substr($pathinfo['basename'], 0, strlen($pathinfo['basename']) - 4); } // check for version if (strpos($param['package'], '-')) { $test = explode('-', $param['package']); if (count($test) != 2) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): only one version/state ' . 'delimiter "-" is allowed in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'version', null, null, $param); } list($param['package'], $param['version']) = $test; } } // validation $info = $this->channelExists($param['channel']); if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $info; } if (!$info) { return PEAR::raiseError('unknown channel "' . $param['channel'] . '" in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'channel', null, null, $param); } $chan = $this->getChannel($param['channel']); if (PEAR::isError($chan)) { return $chan; } if (!$chan) { return PEAR::raiseError("Exception: corrupt registry, could not " . "retrieve channel " . $param['channel'] . " information", 'registry', null, null, $param); } $param['channel'] = $chan->getName(); $validate = $chan->getValidationObject(); $vpackage = $chan->getValidationPackage(); // validate package name if (!$validate->validPackageName($param['package'], $vpackage['_content'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): invalid package name "' . $param['package'] . '" in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'package', null, null, $param); } if (isset($param['group'])) { if (!PEAR_Validate::validGroupName($param['group'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): dependency group "' . $param['group'] . '" is not a valid group name in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'group', null, null, $param); } } if (isset($param['state'])) { if (!in_array(strtolower($param['state']), $validate->getValidStates())) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): state "' . $param['state'] . '" is not a valid state in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'state', null, null, $param); } } if (isset($param['version'])) { if (isset($param['state'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): cannot contain both ' . 'a version and a stability (state) in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'version/state', null, null, $param); } // check whether version is actually a state if (in_array(strtolower($param['version']), $validate->getValidStates())) { $param['state'] = strtolower($param['version']); unset($param['version']); } else { if (!$validate->validVersion($param['version'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('parsePackageName(): "' . $param['version'] . '" is neither a valid version nor a valid state in "' . $saveparam . '"', 'version/state', null, null, $param); } } } return $param; } /** * @param array * @return string */ function parsedPackageNameToString($parsed, $brief = false) { if (is_string($parsed)) { return $parsed; } if (is_object($parsed)) { $p = $parsed; $parsed = array( 'package' => $p->getPackage(), 'channel' => $p->getChannel(), 'version' => $p->getVersion(), ); } if (isset($parsed['uri'])) { return $parsed['uri']; } if ($brief) { if ($channel = $this->channelAlias($parsed['channel'])) { return $channel . '/' . $parsed['package']; } } $upass = ''; if (isset($parsed['user'])) { $upass = $parsed['user']; if (isset($parsed['pass'])) { $upass .= ':' . $parsed['pass']; } $upass = "$upass@"; } $ret = 'channel://' . $upass . $parsed['channel'] . '/' . $parsed['package']; if (isset($parsed['version']) || isset($parsed['state'])) { $ver = isset($parsed['version']) ? $parsed['version'] : ''; $ver .= isset($parsed['state']) ? $parsed['state'] : ''; $ret .= '-' . $ver; } if (isset($parsed['extension'])) { $ret .= '.' . $parsed['extension']; } if (isset($parsed['opts'])) { $ret .= '?'; foreach ($parsed['opts'] as $name => $value) { $parsed['opts'][$name] = "$name=$value"; } $ret .= implode('&', $parsed['opts']); } if (isset($parsed['group'])) { $ret .= '#' . $parsed['group']; } return $ret; } } opt/cpanel/ea-php70/root/usr/share/pear/PEAR/Command/Registry.php000064400000132315147600610770020421 0ustar00 * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since File available since Release 0.1 */ /** * base class */ require_once 'PEAR/Command/Common.php'; /** * PEAR commands for registry manipulation * * @category pear * @package PEAR * @author Stig Bakken * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version Release: 1.10.16 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since Class available since Release 0.1 */ class PEAR_Command_Registry extends PEAR_Command_Common { var $commands = array( 'list' => array( 'summary' => 'List Installed Packages In The Default Channel', 'function' => 'doList', 'shortcut' => 'l', 'options' => array( 'channel' => array( 'shortopt' => 'c', 'doc' => 'list installed packages from this channel', 'arg' => 'CHAN', ), 'allchannels' => array( 'shortopt' => 'a', 'doc' => 'list installed packages from all channels', ), 'channelinfo' => array( 'shortopt' => 'i', 'doc' => 'output fully channel-aware data, even on failure', ), ), 'doc' => ' If invoked without parameters, this command lists the PEAR packages installed in your php_dir ({config php_dir}). With a parameter, it lists the files in a package. ', ), 'list-files' => array( 'summary' => 'List Files In Installed Package', 'function' => 'doFileList', 'shortcut' => 'fl', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' List the files in an installed package. ' ), 'shell-test' => array( 'summary' => 'Shell Script Test', 'function' => 'doShellTest', 'shortcut' => 'st', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' [[relation] version] Tests if a package is installed in the system. Will exit(1) if it is not. The version comparison operator. One of: <, lt, <=, le, >, gt, >=, ge, ==, =, eq, !=, <>, ne The version to compare with '), 'info' => array( 'summary' => 'Display information about a package', 'function' => 'doInfo', 'shortcut' => 'in', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' Displays information about a package. The package argument may be a local package file, an URL to a package file, or the name of an installed package.' ) ); /** * PEAR_Command_Registry constructor. * * @access public */ function __construct(&$ui, &$config) { parent::__construct($ui, $config); } function _sortinfo($a, $b) { $apackage = isset($a['package']) ? $a['package'] : $a['name']; $bpackage = isset($b['package']) ? $b['package'] : $b['name']; return strcmp($apackage, $bpackage); } function doList($command, $options, $params) { $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $channelinfo = isset($options['channelinfo']); if (isset($options['allchannels']) && !$channelinfo) { return $this->doListAll($command, array(), $params); } if (isset($options['allchannels']) && $channelinfo) { // allchannels with $channelinfo unset($options['allchannels']); $channels = $reg->getChannels(); $errors = array(); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); foreach ($channels as $channel) { $options['channel'] = $channel->getName(); $ret = $this->doList($command, $options, $params); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { $errors[] = $ret; } } PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (count($errors)) { // for now, only give first error return PEAR::raiseError($errors[0]); } return true; } if (count($params) === 1) { return $this->doFileList($command, $options, $params); } if (isset($options['channel'])) { if (!$reg->channelExists($options['channel'])) { return $this->raiseError('Channel "' . $options['channel'] .'" does not exist'); } $channel = $reg->channelName($options['channel']); } else { $channel = $this->config->get('default_channel'); } $installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, $channel); usort($installed, array(&$this, '_sortinfo')); $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'), 'channel' => $channel, ); if ($channelinfo) { $data['headline'] = array('Channel', 'Package', 'Version', 'State'); } if (count($installed) && !isset($data['data'])) { $data['data'] = array(); } foreach ($installed as $package) { $pobj = $reg->getPackage(isset($package['package']) ? $package['package'] : $package['name'], $channel); if ($channelinfo) { $packageinfo = array($pobj->getChannel(), $pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } else { $packageinfo = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } $data['data'][] = $packageinfo; } if (count($installed) === 0) { if (!$channelinfo) { $data = '(no packages installed from channel ' . $channel . ')'; } else { $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'channel' => $channel, 'data' => array(array('(no packages installed)')), ); } } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); return true; } function doListAll($command, $options, $params) { // This duplicate code is deprecated over // list --channelinfo, which gives identical // output for list and list --allchannels. $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, null); foreach ($installed as $channel => $packages) { usort($packages, array($this, '_sortinfo')); $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'), 'channel' => $channel ); foreach ($packages as $package) { $p = isset($package['package']) ? $package['package'] : $package['name']; $pobj = $reg->getPackage($p, $channel); $data['data'][] = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } // Adds a blank line after each section $data['data'][] = array(); if (count($packages) === 0) { $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'data' => array(array('(no packages installed)'), array()), 'channel' => $channel ); } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); } return true; } function doFileList($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) !== 1) { return $this->raiseError('list-files expects 1 parameter'); } $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $fp = false; if (!is_dir($params[0]) && (file_exists($params[0]) || $fp = @fopen($params[0], 'r'))) { if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $info = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); $headings = array('Package File', 'Install Path'); $installed = false; } else { PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) { return $this->raiseError($parsed); } $info = &$reg->getPackage($parsed['package'], $parsed['channel']); $headings = array('Type', 'Install Path'); $installed = true; } if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $this->raiseError($info); } if ($info === null) { return $this->raiseError("`$params[0]' not installed"); } $list = ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) ? $info->getFilelist() : $info->getContents(); if ($installed) { $caption = 'Installed Files For ' . $params[0]; } else { $caption = 'Contents of ' . basename($params[0]); } $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true, 'headline' => $headings); if ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) { foreach ($list as $file => $att) { if ($installed) { if (empty($att['installed_as'])) { continue; } $data['data'][] = array($att['role'], $att['installed_as']); } else { if (isset($att['baseinstalldir']) && !in_array($att['role'], array('test', 'data', 'doc'))) { $dest = $att['baseinstalldir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; } else { $dest = $file; } switch ($att['role']) { case 'test': case 'data': case 'doc': $role = $att['role']; if ($role == 'test') { $role .= 's'; } $dest = $this->config->get($role . '_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $info->getPackage() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest; break; case 'php': default: $dest = $this->config->get('php_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest; } $ds2 = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dest = preg_replace(array('!\\\\+!', '!/!', "!$ds2+!"), array(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), $dest); $file = preg_replace('!/+!', '/', $file); $data['data'][] = array($file, $dest); } } } else { // package.xml 2.0, not installed if (!isset($list['dir']['file'][0])) { $list['dir']['file'] = array($list['dir']['file']); } foreach ($list['dir']['file'] as $att) { $att = $att['attribs']; $file = $att['name']; $role = &PEAR_Installer_Role::factory($info, $att['role'], $this->config); $role->setup($this, $info, $att, $file); if (!$role->isInstallable()) { $dest = '(not installable)'; } else { $dest = $role->processInstallation($info, $att, $file, ''); if (PEAR::isError($dest)) { $dest = '(Unknown role "' . $att['role'] . ')'; } else { list(,, $dest) = $dest; } } $data['data'][] = array($file, $dest); } } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); return true; } function doShellTest($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) < 1) { return PEAR::raiseError('ERROR, usage: pear shell-test packagename [[relation] version]'); } PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $info = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); if (PEAR::isError($info)) { exit(1); // invalid package name } $package = $info['package']; $channel = $info['channel']; // "pear shell-test Foo" if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) { if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { if ($reg->packageExists($package, 'pear.php.net')) { $channel = 'pear.php.net'; // magically change channels for extensions } } } if (count($params) === 1) { if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) { exit(1); } // "pear shell-test Foo 1.0" } elseif (count($params) === 2) { $v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[1]}", "ge")) { exit(1); } // "pear shell-test Foo ge 1.0" } elseif (count($params) === 3) { $v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[2]}", $params[1])) { exit(1); } } else { PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); $this->raiseError("$command: expects 1 to 3 parameters"); exit(1); } } function doInfo($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) !== 1) { return $this->raiseError('pear info expects 1 parameter'); } $info = $fp = false; $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); if (is_file($params[0]) && !is_dir($params[0]) && (file_exists($params[0]) || $fp = @fopen($params[0], 'r')) ) { if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $obj = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($obj)) { $uinfo = $obj->getUserInfo(); if (is_array($uinfo)) { foreach ($uinfo as $message) { if (is_array($message)) { $message = $message['message']; } $this->ui->outputData($message); } } return $this->raiseError($obj); } if ($obj->getPackagexmlVersion() != '1.0') { return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, false); } $info = $obj->toArray(); } else { $parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) { return $this->raiseError($parsed); } $package = $parsed['package']; $channel = $parsed['channel']; $info = $reg->packageInfo($package, null, $channel); if (isset($info['old'])) { $obj = $reg->getPackage($package, $channel); return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, true); } } if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $info; } if (empty($info)) { $this->raiseError("No information found for `$params[0]'"); return; } unset($info['filelist']); unset($info['dirtree']); unset($info['changelog']); if (isset($info['xsdversion'])) { $info['package.xml version'] = $info['xsdversion']; unset($info['xsdversion']); } if (isset($info['packagerversion'])) { $info['packaged with PEAR version'] = $info['packagerversion']; unset($info['packagerversion']); } $keys = array_keys($info); $longtext = array('description', 'summary'); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (is_array($info[$key])) { switch ($key) { case 'maintainers': { $i = 0; $mstr = ''; foreach ($info[$key] as $m) { if ($i++ > 0) { $mstr .= "\n"; } $mstr .= $m['name'] . " <"; if (isset($m['email'])) { $mstr .= $m['email']; } else { $mstr .= $m['handle'] . '@php.net'; } $mstr .= "> ($m[role])"; } $info[$key] = $mstr; break; } case 'release_deps': { $i = 0; $dstr = ''; foreach ($info[$key] as $d) { if (isset($this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']])) { $rel = $this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']]; } else { $rel = $d['rel']; } if (isset($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']])) { $type = ucfirst($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']]); } else { $type = $d['type']; } if (isset($d['name'])) { $name = $d['name'] . ' '; } else { $name = ''; } if (isset($d['version'])) { $version = $d['version'] . ' '; } else { $version = ''; } if (isset($d['optional']) && $d['optional'] == 'yes') { $optional = ' (optional)'; } else { $optional = ''; } $dstr .= "$type $name$rel $version$optional\n"; } $info[$key] = $dstr; break; } case 'provides' : { $debug = $this->config->get('verbose'); if ($debug < 2) { $pstr = 'Classes: '; } else { $pstr = ''; } $i = 0; foreach ($info[$key] as $p) { if ($debug < 2 && $p['type'] != "class") { continue; } // Only print classes when verbosity mode is < 2 if ($debug < 2) { if ($i++ > 0) { $pstr .= ", "; } $pstr .= $p['name']; } else { if ($i++ > 0) { $pstr .= "\n"; } $pstr .= ucfirst($p['type']) . " " . $p['name']; if (isset($p['explicit']) && $p['explicit'] == 1) { $pstr .= " (explicit)"; } } } $info[$key] = $pstr; break; } case 'configure_options' : { foreach ($info[$key] as $i => $p) { $info[$key][$i] = array_map(null, array_keys($p), array_values($p)); $info[$key][$i] = array_map( function($a) { return join(" = ", $a); }, $info[$key][$i]); $info[$key][$i] = implode(', ', $info[$key][$i]); } $info[$key] = implode("\n", $info[$key]); break; } default: { $info[$key] = implode(", ", $info[$key]); break; } } } if ($key == '_lastmodified') { $hdate = date('Y-m-d', $info[$key]); unset($info[$key]); $info['Last Modified'] = $hdate; } elseif ($key == '_lastversion') { $info['Previous Installed Version'] = $info[$key] ? $info[$key] : '- None -'; unset($info[$key]); } else { $info[$key] = trim($info[$key]); if (in_array($key, $longtext)) { $info[$key] = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $info[$key]); } } } $caption = 'About ' . $info['package'] . '-' . $info['version']; $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true); foreach ($info as $key => $value) { $key = ucwords(trim(str_replace('_', ' ', $key))); $data['data'][] = array($key, $value); } $data['raw'] = $info; $this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info'); } /** * @access private */ function _doInfo2($command, $options, $params, &$obj, $installed) { $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $caption = 'About ' . $obj->getChannel() . '/' .$obj->getPackage() . '-' . $obj->getVersion(); $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true); switch ($obj->getPackageType()) { case 'php' : $release = 'PEAR-style PHP-based Package'; break; case 'extsrc' : $release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (source code)'; break; case 'zendextsrc' : $release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (source code)'; break; case 'extbin' : $release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (binary)'; break; case 'zendextbin' : $release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (binary)'; break; case 'bundle' : $release = 'Package bundle (collection of packages)'; break; } $extends = $obj->getExtends(); $extends = $extends ? $obj->getPackage() . ' (extends ' . $extends . ')' : $obj->getPackage(); if ($src = $obj->getSourcePackage()) { $extends .= ' (source package ' . $src['channel'] . '/' . $src['package'] . ')'; } $info = array( 'Release Type' => $release, 'Name' => $extends, 'Channel' => $obj->getChannel(), 'Summary' => preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $obj->getSummary()), 'Description' => preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $obj->getDescription()), ); $info['Maintainers'] = ''; foreach (array('lead', 'developer', 'contributor', 'helper') as $role) { $leads = $obj->{"get{$role}s"}(); if (!$leads) { continue; } if (isset($leads['active'])) { $leads = array($leads); } foreach ($leads as $lead) { if (!empty($info['Maintainers'])) { $info['Maintainers'] .= "\n"; } $active = $lead['active'] == 'no' ? ', inactive' : ''; $info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['name'] . ' <'; $info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['email'] . "> ($role$active)"; } } $info['Release Date'] = $obj->getDate(); if ($time = $obj->getTime()) { $info['Release Date'] .= ' ' . $time; } $info['Release Version'] = $obj->getVersion() . ' (' . $obj->getState() . ')'; $info['API Version'] = $obj->getVersion('api') . ' (' . $obj->getState('api') . ')'; $info['License'] = $obj->getLicense(); $uri = $obj->getLicenseLocation(); if ($uri) { if (isset($uri['uri'])) { $info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['uri'] . ')'; } else { $extra = $obj->getInstalledLocation($info['filesource']); if ($extra) { $info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['filesource'] . ')'; } } } $info['Release Notes'] = $obj->getNotes(); if ($compat = $obj->getCompatible()) { if (!isset($compat[0])) { $compat = array($compat); } $info['Compatible with'] = ''; foreach ($compat as $package) { $info['Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'] . "\nVersions >= " . $package['min'] . ', <= ' . $package['max']; if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'] . "\nVersions " . $package['exclude']; } } } $usesrole = $obj->getUsesrole(); if ($usesrole) { if (!isset($usesrole[0])) { $usesrole = array($usesrole); } foreach ($usesrole as $roledata) { if (isset($info['Uses Custom Roles'])) { $info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= "\n"; } else { $info['Uses Custom Roles'] = ''; } if (isset($roledata['package'])) { $rolepackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($roledata, true); } else { $rolepackage = $roledata['uri']; } $info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= $roledata['role'] . ' (' . $rolepackage . ')'; } } $usestask = $obj->getUsestask(); if ($usestask) { if (!isset($usestask[0])) { $usestask = array($usestask); } foreach ($usestask as $taskdata) { if (isset($info['Uses Custom Tasks'])) { $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= "\n"; } else { $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] = ''; } if (isset($taskdata['package'])) { $taskpackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($taskdata, true); } else { $taskpackage = $taskdata['uri']; } $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= $taskdata['task'] . ' (' . $taskpackage . ')'; } } $deps = $obj->getDependencies(); $info['Required Dependencies'] = 'PHP version ' . $deps['required']['php']['min']; if (isset($deps['required']['php']['max'])) { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= '-' . $deps['required']['php']['max'] . "\n"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; } if (isset($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) { $deps['required']['php']['exclude'] = implode(', ', $deps['required']['php']['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PHP versions\n " . $deps['required']['php']['exclude']; } $info['Required Dependencies'] .= 'PEAR installer version'; if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['max'])) { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= 's ' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . '-' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['max']; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= ' ' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . ' or newer'; } if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) { $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'] = implode(', ', $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PEAR installer\n Versions " . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude']; } foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($deps['required'][$index])) { if (isset($deps['required'][$index]['name'])) { $deps['required'][$index] = array($deps['required'][$index]); } foreach ($deps['required'][$index] as $package) { if (isset($package['conflicts'])) { $infoindex = 'Not Compatible with'; if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } } else { $infoindex = 'Required Dependencies'; $info[$infoindex] .= "\n"; } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } $info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['max'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $package['package'] = $package['name']; // for parsedPackageNameToString if (isset($package['conflicts'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= '=> except '; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= 'Package ' . $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($package, true); $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } if (isset($deps['required']['os'])) { if (isset($deps['required']['os']['name'])) { $dep['required']['os']['name'] = array($dep['required']['os']['name']); } foreach ($dep['required']['os'] as $os) { if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "$os[name] Operating System"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "$os[name] Operating System"; } } } if (isset($deps['required']['arch'])) { if (isset($deps['required']['arch']['pattern'])) { $dep['required']['arch']['pattern'] = array($dep['required']['os']['pattern']); } foreach ($dep['required']['arch'] as $os) { if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'"; } } } if (isset($deps['optional'])) { foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($deps['optional'][$index])) { if (isset($deps['optional'][$index]['name'])) { $deps['optional'][$index] = array($deps['optional'][$index]); } foreach ($deps['optional'][$index] as $package) { if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $infoindex = 'Not Compatible with'; if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } } else { $infoindex = 'Optional Dependencies'; if (!isset($info['Optional Dependencies'])) { $info['Optional Dependencies'] = ''; } else { $info['Optional Dependencies'] .= "\n"; } } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } $info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if ($infoindex == 'Not Compatible with') { // conflicts is only used to say that all versions conflict continue; } if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "Package $package\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } } if (isset($deps['group'])) { if (!isset($deps['group'][0])) { $deps['group'] = array($deps['group']); } foreach ($deps['group'] as $group) { $info['Dependency Group ' . $group['attribs']['name']] = $group['attribs']['hint']; $groupindex = $group['attribs']['name'] . ' Contents'; $info[$groupindex] = ''; foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($group[$index])) { if (isset($group[$index]['name'])) { $group[$index] = array($group[$index]); } foreach ($group[$index] as $package) { if (!empty($info[$groupindex])) { $info[$groupindex] .= "\n"; } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } if (isset($package['uri'])) { if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name"; } else { $info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name"; } $info[$groupindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name"; continue; } $info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $info[$groupindex] .= " Package $package\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } } } if ($obj->getPackageType() == 'bundle') { $info['Bundled Packages'] = ''; foreach ($obj->getBundledPackages() as $package) { if (!empty($info['Bundled Packages'])) { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n"; } if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= '__uri/' . $package['name']; $info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n (URI: $package[uri]"; } else { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } } } $info['package.xml version'] = '2.0'; if ($installed) { if ($obj->getLastModified()) { $info['Last Modified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $obj->getLastModified()); } $v = $obj->getLastInstalledVersion(); $info['Previous Installed Version'] = $v ? $v : '- None -'; } foreach ($info as $key => $value) { $data['data'][] = array($key, $value); } $data['raw'] = $obj->getArray(); // no validation needed $this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info'); } } opt/cpanel/ea-php80/root/usr/share/pear/PEAR/Command/Registry.php000064400000132315147600707750020427 0ustar00 * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since File available since Release 0.1 */ /** * base class */ require_once 'PEAR/Command/Common.php'; /** * PEAR commands for registry manipulation * * @category pear * @package PEAR * @author Stig Bakken * @author Greg Beaver * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License * @version Release: 1.10.16 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR * @since Class available since Release 0.1 */ class PEAR_Command_Registry extends PEAR_Command_Common { var $commands = array( 'list' => array( 'summary' => 'List Installed Packages In The Default Channel', 'function' => 'doList', 'shortcut' => 'l', 'options' => array( 'channel' => array( 'shortopt' => 'c', 'doc' => 'list installed packages from this channel', 'arg' => 'CHAN', ), 'allchannels' => array( 'shortopt' => 'a', 'doc' => 'list installed packages from all channels', ), 'channelinfo' => array( 'shortopt' => 'i', 'doc' => 'output fully channel-aware data, even on failure', ), ), 'doc' => ' If invoked without parameters, this command lists the PEAR packages installed in your php_dir ({config php_dir}). With a parameter, it lists the files in a package. ', ), 'list-files' => array( 'summary' => 'List Files In Installed Package', 'function' => 'doFileList', 'shortcut' => 'fl', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' List the files in an installed package. ' ), 'shell-test' => array( 'summary' => 'Shell Script Test', 'function' => 'doShellTest', 'shortcut' => 'st', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' [[relation] version] Tests if a package is installed in the system. Will exit(1) if it is not. The version comparison operator. One of: <, lt, <=, le, >, gt, >=, ge, ==, =, eq, !=, <>, ne The version to compare with '), 'info' => array( 'summary' => 'Display information about a package', 'function' => 'doInfo', 'shortcut' => 'in', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' Displays information about a package. The package argument may be a local package file, an URL to a package file, or the name of an installed package.' ) ); /** * PEAR_Command_Registry constructor. * * @access public */ function __construct(&$ui, &$config) { parent::__construct($ui, $config); } function _sortinfo($a, $b) { $apackage = isset($a['package']) ? $a['package'] : $a['name']; $bpackage = isset($b['package']) ? $b['package'] : $b['name']; return strcmp($apackage, $bpackage); } function doList($command, $options, $params) { $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $channelinfo = isset($options['channelinfo']); if (isset($options['allchannels']) && !$channelinfo) { return $this->doListAll($command, array(), $params); } if (isset($options['allchannels']) && $channelinfo) { // allchannels with $channelinfo unset($options['allchannels']); $channels = $reg->getChannels(); $errors = array(); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); foreach ($channels as $channel) { $options['channel'] = $channel->getName(); $ret = $this->doList($command, $options, $params); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { $errors[] = $ret; } } PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (count($errors)) { // for now, only give first error return PEAR::raiseError($errors[0]); } return true; } if (count($params) === 1) { return $this->doFileList($command, $options, $params); } if (isset($options['channel'])) { if (!$reg->channelExists($options['channel'])) { return $this->raiseError('Channel "' . $options['channel'] .'" does not exist'); } $channel = $reg->channelName($options['channel']); } else { $channel = $this->config->get('default_channel'); } $installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, $channel); usort($installed, array(&$this, '_sortinfo')); $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'), 'channel' => $channel, ); if ($channelinfo) { $data['headline'] = array('Channel', 'Package', 'Version', 'State'); } if (count($installed) && !isset($data['data'])) { $data['data'] = array(); } foreach ($installed as $package) { $pobj = $reg->getPackage(isset($package['package']) ? $package['package'] : $package['name'], $channel); if ($channelinfo) { $packageinfo = array($pobj->getChannel(), $pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } else { $packageinfo = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } $data['data'][] = $packageinfo; } if (count($installed) === 0) { if (!$channelinfo) { $data = '(no packages installed from channel ' . $channel . ')'; } else { $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'channel' => $channel, 'data' => array(array('(no packages installed)')), ); } } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); return true; } function doListAll($command, $options, $params) { // This duplicate code is deprecated over // list --channelinfo, which gives identical // output for list and list --allchannels. $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, null); foreach ($installed as $channel => $packages) { usort($packages, array($this, '_sortinfo')); $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'), 'channel' => $channel ); foreach ($packages as $package) { $p = isset($package['package']) ? $package['package'] : $package['name']; $pobj = $reg->getPackage($p, $channel); $data['data'][] = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(), $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null); } // Adds a blank line after each section $data['data'][] = array(); if (count($packages) === 0) { $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':', 'border' => true, 'data' => array(array('(no packages installed)'), array()), 'channel' => $channel ); } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); } return true; } function doFileList($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) !== 1) { return $this->raiseError('list-files expects 1 parameter'); } $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $fp = false; if (!is_dir($params[0]) && (file_exists($params[0]) || $fp = @fopen($params[0], 'r'))) { if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $info = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); $headings = array('Package File', 'Install Path'); $installed = false; } else { PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) { return $this->raiseError($parsed); } $info = &$reg->getPackage($parsed['package'], $parsed['channel']); $headings = array('Type', 'Install Path'); $installed = true; } if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $this->raiseError($info); } if ($info === null) { return $this->raiseError("`$params[0]' not installed"); } $list = ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) ? $info->getFilelist() : $info->getContents(); if ($installed) { $caption = 'Installed Files For ' . $params[0]; } else { $caption = 'Contents of ' . basename($params[0]); } $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true, 'headline' => $headings); if ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) { foreach ($list as $file => $att) { if ($installed) { if (empty($att['installed_as'])) { continue; } $data['data'][] = array($att['role'], $att['installed_as']); } else { if (isset($att['baseinstalldir']) && !in_array($att['role'], array('test', 'data', 'doc'))) { $dest = $att['baseinstalldir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; } else { $dest = $file; } switch ($att['role']) { case 'test': case 'data': case 'doc': $role = $att['role']; if ($role == 'test') { $role .= 's'; } $dest = $this->config->get($role . '_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $info->getPackage() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest; break; case 'php': default: $dest = $this->config->get('php_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest; } $ds2 = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dest = preg_replace(array('!\\\\+!', '!/!', "!$ds2+!"), array(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), $dest); $file = preg_replace('!/+!', '/', $file); $data['data'][] = array($file, $dest); } } } else { // package.xml 2.0, not installed if (!isset($list['dir']['file'][0])) { $list['dir']['file'] = array($list['dir']['file']); } foreach ($list['dir']['file'] as $att) { $att = $att['attribs']; $file = $att['name']; $role = &PEAR_Installer_Role::factory($info, $att['role'], $this->config); $role->setup($this, $info, $att, $file); if (!$role->isInstallable()) { $dest = '(not installable)'; } else { $dest = $role->processInstallation($info, $att, $file, ''); if (PEAR::isError($dest)) { $dest = '(Unknown role "' . $att['role'] . ')'; } else { list(,, $dest) = $dest; } } $data['data'][] = array($file, $dest); } } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); return true; } function doShellTest($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) < 1) { return PEAR::raiseError('ERROR, usage: pear shell-test packagename [[relation] version]'); } PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $info = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); if (PEAR::isError($info)) { exit(1); // invalid package name } $package = $info['package']; $channel = $info['channel']; // "pear shell-test Foo" if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) { if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') { if ($reg->packageExists($package, 'pear.php.net')) { $channel = 'pear.php.net'; // magically change channels for extensions } } } if (count($params) === 1) { if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) { exit(1); } // "pear shell-test Foo 1.0" } elseif (count($params) === 2) { $v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[1]}", "ge")) { exit(1); } // "pear shell-test Foo ge 1.0" } elseif (count($params) === 3) { $v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel); if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[2]}", $params[1])) { exit(1); } } else { PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); $this->raiseError("$command: expects 1 to 3 parameters"); exit(1); } } function doInfo($command, $options, $params) { if (count($params) !== 1) { return $this->raiseError('pear info expects 1 parameter'); } $info = $fp = false; $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); if (is_file($params[0]) && !is_dir($params[0]) && (file_exists($params[0]) || $fp = @fopen($params[0], 'r')) ) { if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php'; } $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $obj = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($obj)) { $uinfo = $obj->getUserInfo(); if (is_array($uinfo)) { foreach ($uinfo as $message) { if (is_array($message)) { $message = $message['message']; } $this->ui->outputData($message); } } return $this->raiseError($obj); } if ($obj->getPackagexmlVersion() != '1.0') { return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, false); } $info = $obj->toArray(); } else { $parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel')); if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) { return $this->raiseError($parsed); } $package = $parsed['package']; $channel = $parsed['channel']; $info = $reg->packageInfo($package, null, $channel); if (isset($info['old'])) { $obj = $reg->getPackage($package, $channel); return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, true); } } if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $info; } if (empty($info)) { $this->raiseError("No information found for `$params[0]'"); return; } unset($info['filelist']); unset($info['dirtree']); unset($info['changelog']); if (isset($info['xsdversion'])) { $info['package.xml version'] = $info['xsdversion']; unset($info['xsdversion']); } if (isset($info['packagerversion'])) { $info['packaged with PEAR version'] = $info['packagerversion']; unset($info['packagerversion']); } $keys = array_keys($info); $longtext = array('description', 'summary'); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (is_array($info[$key])) { switch ($key) { case 'maintainers': { $i = 0; $mstr = ''; foreach ($info[$key] as $m) { if ($i++ > 0) { $mstr .= "\n"; } $mstr .= $m['name'] . " <"; if (isset($m['email'])) { $mstr .= $m['email']; } else { $mstr .= $m['handle'] . '@php.net'; } $mstr .= "> ($m[role])"; } $info[$key] = $mstr; break; } case 'release_deps': { $i = 0; $dstr = ''; foreach ($info[$key] as $d) { if (isset($this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']])) { $rel = $this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']]; } else { $rel = $d['rel']; } if (isset($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']])) { $type = ucfirst($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']]); } else { $type = $d['type']; } if (isset($d['name'])) { $name = $d['name'] . ' '; } else { $name = ''; } if (isset($d['version'])) { $version = $d['version'] . ' '; } else { $version = ''; } if (isset($d['optional']) && $d['optional'] == 'yes') { $optional = ' (optional)'; } else { $optional = ''; } $dstr .= "$type $name$rel $version$optional\n"; } $info[$key] = $dstr; break; } case 'provides' : { $debug = $this->config->get('verbose'); if ($debug < 2) { $pstr = 'Classes: '; } else { $pstr = ''; } $i = 0; foreach ($info[$key] as $p) { if ($debug < 2 && $p['type'] != "class") { continue; } // Only print classes when verbosity mode is < 2 if ($debug < 2) { if ($i++ > 0) { $pstr .= ", "; } $pstr .= $p['name']; } else { if ($i++ > 0) { $pstr .= "\n"; } $pstr .= ucfirst($p['type']) . " " . $p['name']; if (isset($p['explicit']) && $p['explicit'] == 1) { $pstr .= " (explicit)"; } } } $info[$key] = $pstr; break; } case 'configure_options' : { foreach ($info[$key] as $i => $p) { $info[$key][$i] = array_map(null, array_keys($p), array_values($p)); $info[$key][$i] = array_map( function($a) { return join(" = ", $a); }, $info[$key][$i]); $info[$key][$i] = implode(', ', $info[$key][$i]); } $info[$key] = implode("\n", $info[$key]); break; } default: { $info[$key] = implode(", ", $info[$key]); break; } } } if ($key == '_lastmodified') { $hdate = date('Y-m-d', $info[$key]); unset($info[$key]); $info['Last Modified'] = $hdate; } elseif ($key == '_lastversion') { $info['Previous Installed Version'] = $info[$key] ? $info[$key] : '- None -'; unset($info[$key]); } else { $info[$key] = trim($info[$key]); if (in_array($key, $longtext)) { $info[$key] = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $info[$key]); } } } $caption = 'About ' . $info['package'] . '-' . $info['version']; $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true); foreach ($info as $key => $value) { $key = ucwords(trim(str_replace('_', ' ', $key))); $data['data'][] = array($key, $value); } $data['raw'] = $info; $this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info'); } /** * @access private */ function _doInfo2($command, $options, $params, &$obj, $installed) { $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); $caption = 'About ' . $obj->getChannel() . '/' .$obj->getPackage() . '-' . $obj->getVersion(); $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true); switch ($obj->getPackageType()) { case 'php' : $release = 'PEAR-style PHP-based Package'; break; case 'extsrc' : $release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (source code)'; break; case 'zendextsrc' : $release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (source code)'; break; case 'extbin' : $release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (binary)'; break; case 'zendextbin' : $release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (binary)'; break; case 'bundle' : $release = 'Package bundle (collection of packages)'; break; } $extends = $obj->getExtends(); $extends = $extends ? $obj->getPackage() . ' (extends ' . $extends . ')' : $obj->getPackage(); if ($src = $obj->getSourcePackage()) { $extends .= ' (source package ' . $src['channel'] . '/' . $src['package'] . ')'; } $info = array( 'Release Type' => $release, 'Name' => $extends, 'Channel' => $obj->getChannel(), 'Summary' => preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $obj->getSummary()), 'Description' => preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $obj->getDescription()), ); $info['Maintainers'] = ''; foreach (array('lead', 'developer', 'contributor', 'helper') as $role) { $leads = $obj->{"get{$role}s"}(); if (!$leads) { continue; } if (isset($leads['active'])) { $leads = array($leads); } foreach ($leads as $lead) { if (!empty($info['Maintainers'])) { $info['Maintainers'] .= "\n"; } $active = $lead['active'] == 'no' ? ', inactive' : ''; $info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['name'] . ' <'; $info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['email'] . "> ($role$active)"; } } $info['Release Date'] = $obj->getDate(); if ($time = $obj->getTime()) { $info['Release Date'] .= ' ' . $time; } $info['Release Version'] = $obj->getVersion() . ' (' . $obj->getState() . ')'; $info['API Version'] = $obj->getVersion('api') . ' (' . $obj->getState('api') . ')'; $info['License'] = $obj->getLicense(); $uri = $obj->getLicenseLocation(); if ($uri) { if (isset($uri['uri'])) { $info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['uri'] . ')'; } else { $extra = $obj->getInstalledLocation($info['filesource']); if ($extra) { $info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['filesource'] . ')'; } } } $info['Release Notes'] = $obj->getNotes(); if ($compat = $obj->getCompatible()) { if (!isset($compat[0])) { $compat = array($compat); } $info['Compatible with'] = ''; foreach ($compat as $package) { $info['Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'] . "\nVersions >= " . $package['min'] . ', <= ' . $package['max']; if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'] . "\nVersions " . $package['exclude']; } } } $usesrole = $obj->getUsesrole(); if ($usesrole) { if (!isset($usesrole[0])) { $usesrole = array($usesrole); } foreach ($usesrole as $roledata) { if (isset($info['Uses Custom Roles'])) { $info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= "\n"; } else { $info['Uses Custom Roles'] = ''; } if (isset($roledata['package'])) { $rolepackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($roledata, true); } else { $rolepackage = $roledata['uri']; } $info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= $roledata['role'] . ' (' . $rolepackage . ')'; } } $usestask = $obj->getUsestask(); if ($usestask) { if (!isset($usestask[0])) { $usestask = array($usestask); } foreach ($usestask as $taskdata) { if (isset($info['Uses Custom Tasks'])) { $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= "\n"; } else { $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] = ''; } if (isset($taskdata['package'])) { $taskpackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($taskdata, true); } else { $taskpackage = $taskdata['uri']; } $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= $taskdata['task'] . ' (' . $taskpackage . ')'; } } $deps = $obj->getDependencies(); $info['Required Dependencies'] = 'PHP version ' . $deps['required']['php']['min']; if (isset($deps['required']['php']['max'])) { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= '-' . $deps['required']['php']['max'] . "\n"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; } if (isset($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) { $deps['required']['php']['exclude'] = implode(', ', $deps['required']['php']['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PHP versions\n " . $deps['required']['php']['exclude']; } $info['Required Dependencies'] .= 'PEAR installer version'; if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['max'])) { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= 's ' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . '-' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['max']; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= ' ' . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . ' or newer'; } if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) { $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'] = implode(', ', $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PEAR installer\n Versions " . $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude']; } foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($deps['required'][$index])) { if (isset($deps['required'][$index]['name'])) { $deps['required'][$index] = array($deps['required'][$index]); } foreach ($deps['required'][$index] as $package) { if (isset($package['conflicts'])) { $infoindex = 'Not Compatible with'; if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } } else { $infoindex = 'Required Dependencies'; $info[$infoindex] .= "\n"; } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } $info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['max'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $package['package'] = $package['name']; // for parsedPackageNameToString if (isset($package['conflicts'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= '=> except '; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= 'Package ' . $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($package, true); $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } if (isset($deps['required']['os'])) { if (isset($deps['required']['os']['name'])) { $dep['required']['os']['name'] = array($dep['required']['os']['name']); } foreach ($dep['required']['os'] as $os) { if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "$os[name] Operating System"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "$os[name] Operating System"; } } } if (isset($deps['required']['arch'])) { if (isset($deps['required']['arch']['pattern'])) { $dep['required']['arch']['pattern'] = array($dep['required']['os']['pattern']); } foreach ($dep['required']['arch'] as $os) { if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'"; } else { $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n"; $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'"; } } } if (isset($deps['optional'])) { foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($deps['optional'][$index])) { if (isset($deps['optional'][$index]['name'])) { $deps['optional'][$index] = array($deps['optional'][$index]); } foreach ($deps['optional'][$index] as $package) { if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $infoindex = 'Not Compatible with'; if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } } else { $infoindex = 'Optional Dependencies'; if (!isset($info['Optional Dependencies'])) { $info['Optional Dependencies'] = ''; } else { $info['Optional Dependencies'] .= "\n"; } } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } $info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if ($infoindex == 'Not Compatible with') { // conflicts is only used to say that all versions conflict continue; } if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$infoindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "Package $package\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } } if (isset($deps['group'])) { if (!isset($deps['group'][0])) { $deps['group'] = array($deps['group']); } foreach ($deps['group'] as $group) { $info['Dependency Group ' . $group['attribs']['name']] = $group['attribs']['hint']; $groupindex = $group['attribs']['name'] . ' Contents'; $info[$groupindex] = ''; foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) { $index = strtolower($type); if (isset($group[$index])) { if (isset($group[$index]['name'])) { $group[$index] = array($group[$index]); } foreach ($group[$index] as $package) { if (!empty($info[$groupindex])) { $info[$groupindex] .= "\n"; } if ($index == 'extension') { $name = $package['name']; } else { if (isset($package['channel'])) { $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } else { $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)'; } } if (isset($package['uri'])) { if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name"; } else { $info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name"; } $info[$groupindex] .= "\n Download URI: $package[uri]"; continue; } if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name"; continue; } $info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name"; if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Versions " . $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max']; } elseif (isset($package['min'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or newer'; } elseif (isset($package['max'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= " \n Version " . $package['min'] . ' or older'; } if (isset($package['recommended'])) { $info[$groupindex] .= "\n Recommended version: $package[recommended]"; } if (isset($package['exclude'])) { if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) { $info['Not Compatible with'] = ''; } else { $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with\n"; } if (is_array($package['exclude'])) { $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']); } $info[$groupindex] .= " Package $package\n Versions " . $package['exclude']; } } } } } } if ($obj->getPackageType() == 'bundle') { $info['Bundled Packages'] = ''; foreach ($obj->getBundledPackages() as $package) { if (!empty($info['Bundled Packages'])) { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n"; } if (isset($package['uri'])) { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= '__uri/' . $package['name']; $info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n (URI: $package[uri]"; } else { $info['Bundled Packages'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name']; } } } $info['package.xml version'] = '2.0'; if ($installed) { if ($obj->getLastModified()) { $info['Last Modified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $obj->getLastModified()); } $v = $obj->getLastInstalledVersion(); $info['Previous Installed Version'] = $v ? $v : '- None -'; } foreach ($info as $key => $value) { $data['data'][] = array($key, $value); } $data['raw'] = $obj->getArray(); // no validation needed $this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info'); } }