import asyncio import codecs import io import json import sys import traceback import warnings from collections import namedtuple from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256 from http.cookies import CookieError, Morsel, SimpleCookie from types import MappingProxyType import attr from multidict import CIMultiDict, CIMultiDictProxy, MultiDict, MultiDictProxy from yarl import URL from . import hdrs, helpers, http, multipart, payload from .client_exceptions import (ClientConnectionError, ClientOSError, ClientResponseError, ContentTypeError, InvalidURL, ServerFingerprintMismatch) from .formdata import FormData from .helpers import PY_36, HeadersMixin, TimerNoop, noop, reify, set_result from .http import SERVER_SOFTWARE, HttpVersion10, HttpVersion11, StreamWriter from .log import client_logger from .streams import StreamReader try: import ssl except ImportError: # pragma: no cover ssl = None try: import cchardet as chardet except ImportError: # pragma: no cover import chardet __all__ = ('ClientRequest', 'ClientResponse', 'RequestInfo', 'Fingerprint') @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True) class ContentDisposition: type = attr.ib(type=str) parameters = attr.ib(type=MappingProxyType) filename = attr.ib(type=str) @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True) class RequestInfo: url = attr.ib(type=URL) method = attr.ib(type=str) headers = attr.ib(type=CIMultiDictProxy) class Fingerprint: HASHFUNC_BY_DIGESTLEN = { 16: md5, 20: sha1, 32: sha256, } def __init__(self, fingerprint): digestlen = len(fingerprint) hashfunc = self.HASHFUNC_BY_DIGESTLEN.get(digestlen) if not hashfunc: raise ValueError('fingerprint has invalid length') elif hashfunc is md5 or hashfunc is sha1: raise ValueError('md5 and sha1 are insecure and ' 'not supported. Use sha256.') self._hashfunc = hashfunc self._fingerprint = fingerprint @property def fingerprint(self): return self._fingerprint def check(self, transport): if not transport.get_extra_info('sslcontext'): return sslobj = transport.get_extra_info('ssl_object') cert = sslobj.getpeercert(binary_form=True) got = self._hashfunc(cert).digest() if got != self._fingerprint: host, port, *_ = transport.get_extra_info('peername') raise ServerFingerprintMismatch(self._fingerprint, got, host, port) if ssl is not None: SSL_ALLOWED_TYPES = (ssl.SSLContext, bool, Fingerprint, type(None)) else: # pragma: no cover SSL_ALLOWED_TYPES = type(None) def _merge_ssl_params(ssl, verify_ssl, ssl_context, fingerprint): if verify_ssl is not None and not verify_ssl: warnings.warn("verify_ssl is deprecated, use ssl=False instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3) if ssl is not None: raise ValueError("verify_ssl, ssl_context, fingerprint and ssl " "parameters are mutually exclusive") else: ssl = False if ssl_context is not None: warnings.warn("ssl_context is deprecated, use ssl=context instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3) if ssl is not None: raise ValueError("verify_ssl, ssl_context, fingerprint and ssl " "parameters are mutually exclusive") else: ssl = ssl_context if fingerprint is not None: warnings.warn("fingerprint is deprecated, " "use ssl=Fingerprint(fingerprint) instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3) if ssl is not None: raise ValueError("verify_ssl, ssl_context, fingerprint and ssl " "parameters are mutually exclusive") else: ssl = Fingerprint(fingerprint) if not isinstance(ssl, SSL_ALLOWED_TYPES): raise TypeError("ssl should be SSLContext, bool, Fingerprint or None, " "got {!r} instead.".format(ssl)) return ssl ConnectionKey = namedtuple('ConnectionKey', ['host', 'port', 'ssl']) class ClientRequest: GET_METHODS = { hdrs.METH_GET, hdrs.METH_HEAD, hdrs.METH_OPTIONS, hdrs.METH_TRACE, } POST_METHODS = {hdrs.METH_PATCH, hdrs.METH_POST, hdrs.METH_PUT} ALL_METHODS = GET_METHODS.union(POST_METHODS).union({hdrs.METH_DELETE}) DEFAULT_HEADERS = { hdrs.ACCEPT: '*/*', hdrs.ACCEPT_ENCODING: 'gzip, deflate', } body = b'' auth = None response = None response_class = None _writer = None # async task for streaming data _continue = None # waiter future for '100 Continue' response # N.B. # Adding __del__ method with self._writer closing doesn't make sense # because _writer is instance method, thus it keeps a reference to self. # Until writer has finished finalizer will not be called. def __init__(self, method, url, *, params=None, headers=None, skip_auto_headers=frozenset(), data=None, cookies=None, auth=None, version=http.HttpVersion11, compress=None, chunked=None, expect100=False, loop=None, response_class=None, proxy=None, proxy_auth=None, timer=None, session=None, auto_decompress=True, ssl=None, proxy_headers=None): if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() assert isinstance(url, URL), url assert isinstance(proxy, (URL, type(None))), proxy self._session = session if params: q = MultiDict(url.query) url2 = url.with_query(params) q.extend(url2.query) url = url.with_query(q) self.url = url.with_fragment(None) self.original_url = url self.method = method.upper() self.chunked = chunked self.compress = compress self.loop = loop self.length = None self.response_class = response_class or ClientResponse self._timer = timer if timer is not None else TimerNoop() self._auto_decompress = auto_decompress self._ssl = ssl if loop.get_debug(): self._source_traceback = traceback.extract_stack(sys._getframe(1)) self.update_version(version) self.update_host(url) self.update_headers(headers) self.update_auto_headers(skip_auto_headers) self.update_cookies(cookies) self.update_content_encoding(data) self.update_auth(auth) self.update_proxy(proxy, proxy_auth, proxy_headers) self.update_body_from_data(data) if data or self.method not in self.GET_METHODS: self.update_transfer_encoding() self.update_expect_continue(expect100) def is_ssl(self): return self.url.scheme in ('https', 'wss') @property def ssl(self): return self._ssl @property def connection_key(self): return ConnectionKey(, self.port, self.is_ssl()) @property def host(self): return @property def port(self): return self.url.port @property def request_info(self): return RequestInfo(self.url, self.method, self.headers) def update_host(self, url): """Update destination host, port and connection type (ssl).""" # get host/port if not raise InvalidURL(url) # basic auth info username, password = url.user, url.password if username: self.auth = helpers.BasicAuth(username, password or '') def update_version(self, version): """Convert request version to two elements tuple. parser HTTP version '1.1' => (1, 1) """ if isinstance(version, str): v = [l.strip() for l in version.split('.', 1)] try: version = int(v[0]), int(v[1]) except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'Can not parse http version number: {}' .format(version)) from None self.version = version def update_headers(self, headers): """Update request headers.""" self.headers = CIMultiDict() if headers: if isinstance(headers, (dict, MultiDictProxy, MultiDict)): headers = headers.items() for key, value in headers: self.headers.add(key, value) def update_auto_headers(self, skip_auto_headers): self.skip_auto_headers = CIMultiDict( (hdr, None) for hdr in sorted(skip_auto_headers)) used_headers = self.headers.copy() used_headers.extend(self.skip_auto_headers) for hdr, val in self.DEFAULT_HEADERS.items(): if hdr not in used_headers: self.headers.add(hdr, val) # add host if hdrs.HOST not in used_headers: netloc = self.url.raw_host if not self.url.is_default_port(): netloc += ':' + str(self.url.port) self.headers[hdrs.HOST] = netloc if hdrs.USER_AGENT not in used_headers: self.headers[hdrs.USER_AGENT] = SERVER_SOFTWARE def update_cookies(self, cookies): """Update request cookies header.""" if not cookies: return c = SimpleCookie() if hdrs.COOKIE in self.headers: c.load(self.headers.get(hdrs.COOKIE, '')) del self.headers[hdrs.COOKIE] for name, value in cookies.items(): if isinstance(value, Morsel): # Preserve coded_value mrsl_val = value.get(value.key, Morsel()) mrsl_val.set(value.key, value.value, value.coded_value) c[name] = mrsl_val else: c[name] = value self.headers[hdrs.COOKIE] = c.output(header='', sep=';').strip() def update_content_encoding(self, data): """Set request content encoding.""" if not data: return enc = self.headers.get(hdrs.CONTENT_ENCODING, '').lower() if enc: if self.compress: raise ValueError( 'compress can not be set ' 'if Content-Encoding header is set') elif self.compress: if not isinstance(self.compress, str): self.compress = 'deflate' self.headers[hdrs.CONTENT_ENCODING] = self.compress self.chunked = True # enable chunked, no need to deal with length def update_transfer_encoding(self): """Analyze transfer-encoding header.""" te = self.headers.get(hdrs.TRANSFER_ENCODING, '').lower() if 'chunked' in te: if self.chunked: raise ValueError( 'chunked can not be set ' 'if "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header is set') elif self.chunked: if hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH in self.headers: raise ValueError( 'chunked can not be set ' 'if Content-Length header is set') self.headers[hdrs.TRANSFER_ENCODING] = 'chunked' else: if hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH not in self.headers: self.headers[hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH] = str(len(self.body)) def update_auth(self, auth): """Set basic auth.""" if auth is None: auth = self.auth if auth is None: return if not isinstance(auth, helpers.BasicAuth): raise TypeError('BasicAuth() tuple is required instead') self.headers[hdrs.AUTHORIZATION] = auth.encode() def update_body_from_data(self, body): if not body: return # FormData if isinstance(body, FormData): body = body() try: body = payload.PAYLOAD_REGISTRY.get(body, disposition=None) except payload.LookupError: body = FormData(body)() self.body = body # enable chunked encoding if needed if not self.chunked: if hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH not in self.headers: size = body.size if size is None: self.chunked = True else: if hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH not in self.headers: self.headers[hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH] = str(size) # set content-type if (hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE not in self.headers and hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE not in self.skip_auto_headers): self.headers[hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE] = body.content_type # copy payload headers if body.headers: for (key, value) in body.headers.items(): if key not in self.headers: self.headers[key] = value def update_expect_continue(self, expect=False): if expect: self.headers[hdrs.EXPECT] = '100-continue' elif self.headers.get(hdrs.EXPECT, '').lower() == '100-continue': expect = True if expect: self._continue = self.loop.create_future() def update_proxy(self, proxy, proxy_auth, proxy_headers): if proxy and not proxy.scheme == 'http': raise ValueError("Only http proxies are supported") if proxy_auth and not isinstance(proxy_auth, helpers.BasicAuth): raise ValueError("proxy_auth must be None or BasicAuth() tuple") self.proxy = proxy self.proxy_auth = proxy_auth self.proxy_headers = proxy_headers def keep_alive(self): if self.version < HttpVersion10: # keep alive not supported at all return False if self.version == HttpVersion10: if self.headers.get(hdrs.CONNECTION) == 'keep-alive': return True else: # no headers means we close for Http 1.0 return False elif self.headers.get(hdrs.CONNECTION) == 'close': return False return True async def write_bytes(self, writer, conn): """Support coroutines that yields bytes objects.""" # 100 response if self._continue is not None: await writer.drain() await self._continue try: if isinstance(self.body, payload.Payload): await self.body.write(writer) else: if isinstance(self.body, (bytes, bytearray)): self.body = (self.body,) for chunk in self.body: writer.write(chunk) await writer.write_eof() except OSError as exc: new_exc = ClientOSError( exc.errno, 'Can not write request body for %s' % self.url) new_exc.__context__ = exc new_exc.__cause__ = exc conn.protocol.set_exception(new_exc) except asyncio.CancelledError as exc: if not conn.closed: conn.protocol.set_exception(exc) except Exception as exc: conn.protocol.set_exception(exc) finally: self._writer = None def send(self, conn): # Specify request target: # - CONNECT request must send authority form URI # - not CONNECT proxy must send absolute form URI # - most common is origin form URI if self.method == hdrs.METH_CONNECT: path = '{}:{}'.format(self.url.raw_host, self.url.port) elif self.proxy and not self.is_ssl(): path = str(self.url) else: path = self.url.raw_path if self.url.raw_query_string: path += '?' + self.url.raw_query_string writer = StreamWriter(conn.protocol, conn.transport, self.loop) if self.compress: writer.enable_compression(self.compress) if self.chunked is not None: writer.enable_chunking() # set default content-type if (self.method in self.POST_METHODS and hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE not in self.skip_auto_headers and hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE not in self.headers): self.headers[hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/octet-stream' # set the connection header connection = self.headers.get(hdrs.CONNECTION) if not connection: if self.keep_alive(): if self.version == HttpVersion10: connection = 'keep-alive' else: if self.version == HttpVersion11: connection = 'close' if connection is not None: self.headers[hdrs.CONNECTION] = connection # status + headers status_line = '{0} {1} HTTP/{2[0]}.{2[1]}\r\n'.format( self.method, path, self.version) writer.write_headers(status_line, self.headers) self._writer = self.loop.create_task(self.write_bytes(writer, conn)) self.response = self.response_class( self.method, self.original_url, writer=self._writer, continue100=self._continue, timer=self._timer, request_info=self.request_info, auto_decompress=self._auto_decompress) self.response._post_init(self.loop, self._session) return self.response async def close(self): if self._writer is not None: try: await self._writer finally: self._writer = None def terminate(self): if self._writer is not None: if not self.loop.is_closed(): self._writer.cancel() self._writer = None class ClientResponse(HeadersMixin): # from the Status-Line of the response version = None # HTTP-Version status = None # Status-Code reason = None # Reason-Phrase content = None # Payload stream headers = None # Response headers, CIMultiDictProxy raw_headers = None # Response raw headers, a sequence of pairs _connection = None # current connection flow_control_class = StreamReader # reader flow control _reader = None # input stream _source_traceback = None # setted up by ClientRequest after ClientResponse object creation # post-init stage allows to not change ctor signature _loop = None _closed = True # to allow __del__ for non-initialized properly response _session = None def __init__(self, method, url, *, writer=None, continue100=None, timer=None, request_info=None, auto_decompress=True): assert isinstance(url, URL) self.method = method self.headers = None self.cookies = SimpleCookie() self._url = url self._content = None self._writer = writer self._continue = continue100 self._closed = True self._history = () self._request_info = request_info self._timer = timer if timer is not None else TimerNoop() self._auto_decompress = auto_decompress self._cache = {} # reqired for @reify method decorator @property def url(self): return self._url @property def url_obj(self): warnings.warn( "Deprecated, use .url #1654", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self._url @property def host(self): return @property def _headers(self): return self.headers @property def request_info(self): return self._request_info @reify def content_disposition(self): raw = self._headers.get(hdrs.CONTENT_DISPOSITION) if raw is None: return None disposition_type, params = multipart.parse_content_disposition(raw) params = MappingProxyType(params) filename = multipart.content_disposition_filename(params) return ContentDisposition(disposition_type, params, filename) def _post_init(self, loop, session): self._loop = loop self._session = session # store a reference to session #1985 if loop.get_debug(): self._source_traceback = traceback.extract_stack(sys._getframe(1)) def __del__(self, _warnings=warnings): if self._loop is None: return # not started if self._closed: return if self._connection is not None: self._connection.release() self._cleanup_writer() if self._loop.get_debug(): if PY_36: kwargs = {'source': self} else: kwargs = {} _warnings.warn("Unclosed response {!r}".format(self), ResourceWarning, **kwargs) context = {'client_response': self, 'message': 'Unclosed response'} if self._source_traceback: context['source_traceback'] = self._source_traceback self._loop.call_exception_handler(context) def __repr__(self): out = io.StringIO() ascii_encodable_url = str(self.url) if self.reason: ascii_encodable_reason = self.reason.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace') \ .decode('ascii') else: ascii_encodable_reason = self.reason print(''.format( ascii_encodable_url, self.status, ascii_encodable_reason), file=out) print(self.headers, file=out) return out.getvalue() @property def connection(self): return self._connection @property def history(self): """A sequence of of responses, if redirects occurred.""" return self._history async def start(self, connection, read_until_eof=False): """Start response processing.""" self._closed = False self._protocol = connection.protocol self._connection = connection connection.protocol.set_response_params( timer=self._timer, skip_payload=self.method.lower() == 'head', read_until_eof=read_until_eof, auto_decompress=self._auto_decompress) with self._timer: while True: # read response try: (message, payload) = await except http.HttpProcessingError as exc: raise ClientResponseError( self.request_info, self.history, code=exc.code, message=exc.message, headers=exc.headers) from exc if (message.code < 100 or message.code > 199 or message.code == 101): break if self._continue is not None: set_result(self._continue, True) self._continue = None # payload eof handler payload.on_eof(self._response_eof) # response status self.version = message.version self.status = message.code self.reason = message.reason # headers self.headers = CIMultiDictProxy(message.headers) self.raw_headers = tuple(message.raw_headers) # payload self.content = payload # cookies for hdr in self.headers.getall(hdrs.SET_COOKIE, ()): try: self.cookies.load(hdr) except CookieError as exc: client_logger.warning( 'Can not load response cookies: %s', exc) return self def _response_eof(self): if self._closed: return if self._connection is not None: # websocket, protocol could be None because # connection could be detached if (self._connection.protocol is not None and self._connection.protocol.upgraded): return self._connection.release() self._connection = None self._closed = True self._cleanup_writer() @property def closed(self): return self._closed def close(self): if self._closed: return self._closed = True if self._loop is None or self._loop.is_closed(): return if self._connection is not None: self._connection.close() self._connection = None self._cleanup_writer() self._notify_content() def release(self): if self._closed: return noop() self._closed = True if self._connection is not None: self._connection.release() self._connection = None self._cleanup_writer() self._notify_content() return noop() def raise_for_status(self): if 400 <= self.status: raise ClientResponseError( self.request_info, self.history, code=self.status, message=self.reason, headers=self.headers) def _cleanup_writer(self): if self._writer is not None: self._writer.cancel() self._writer = None self._session = None def _notify_content(self): content = self.content if content and content.exception() is None and not content.is_eof(): content.set_exception( ClientConnectionError('Connection closed')) async def wait_for_close(self): if self._writer is not None: try: await self._writer finally: self._writer = None self.release() async def read(self): """Read response payload.""" if self._content is None: try: self._content = await except BaseException: self.close() raise return self._content def get_encoding(self): ctype = self.headers.get(hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE, '').lower() mimetype = helpers.parse_mimetype(ctype) encoding = mimetype.parameters.get('charset') if encoding: try: codecs.lookup(encoding) except LookupError: encoding = None if not encoding: if mimetype.type == 'application' and mimetype.subtype == 'json': # RFC 7159 states that the default encoding is UTF-8. encoding = 'utf-8' else: encoding = chardet.detect(self._content)['encoding'] if not encoding: encoding = 'utf-8' return encoding async def text(self, encoding=None, errors='strict'): """Read response payload and decode.""" if self._content is None: await if encoding is None: encoding = self.get_encoding() return self._content.decode(encoding, errors=errors) async def json(self, *, encoding=None, loads=json.loads, content_type='application/json'): """Read and decodes JSON response.""" if self._content is None: await if content_type: ctype = self.headers.get(hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE, '').lower() if content_type not in ctype: raise ContentTypeError( self.request_info, self.history, message=('Attempt to decode JSON with ' 'unexpected mimetype: %s' % ctype), headers=self.headers) stripped = self._content.strip() if not stripped: return None if encoding is None: encoding = self.get_encoding() return loads(stripped.decode(encoding)) async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): # similar to _RequestContextManager, we do not need to check # for exceptions, response object can closes connection # is state is broken self.release()